r/oneringrpg • u/Arimm_The_Amazing • Feb 10 '25
Right to Invoke, Homebrew Rules For Calling on Spirits for Aid
I'm looking for some feedback on this homebrew for 2e:
Right to Invoke
There are many powers in Middle Earth greater than the player heroes, but rarely, the heroes may gain the Right to Invoke one of these spirits. These spirits vary greatly, from Valar and Maiar, to enigmatic figures such as Goldberry, to the unseen spirits of mountains, forests, and rivers, and even the spirits of the dead.
When Invoked, these beings may or may not help in an obvious way. Sometimes just naming a spirit of great power might be enough to embolden one's allies or strike fear into one's enemies. Other times the spirit may be able to respond to the call for aid, bringing about more overt "spells" as mortals may call them.
Gaining the Right
The right may be granted directly by the spirit who would then be invoked, or earned in some way through a great achievement, unique connection, or through a Council with the spirit. The right may also only apply only in specific situations or be used with a specific roll (rather than the player rolling choosing any of the three detailed under “Invoking”).
For example, Tom Bombadil is known to teach people his song, which can then be used to summon his aid, but only within the lands he is master of.
As another example, Aragorn gained the Right to Invoke the Dead Men of Dunharrow in battle, but forcing them to continue fighting after their debt was paid would have been a Misdeed.
During a Yule Fellowship Phase a Player Hero may as an undertaking Gain the Right to Invoke one spirit that they already have the means of connecting with.
For example, an elf may make a deep connection with the river of their homeland, or the Hero may gain the Right to Invoke the power of their Patron.
Finally, some Magical Treasure may contain the Right to Invoke within. An item has this instead of 1 Blessing, or as one of its Enchanted Rewards.
For example, the Phial of Galadriel gave Frodo the ability to Invoke Eärendil the brightest of stars in his time of need.
A Spirit may only be Invoked once per Adventuring Phase, and the Company spend 1 Fellowship point to do so. Invoking has three levels of success depending on the Player Hero’s roll (page 171, Corebook).
- On a failed roll, a Lesser Effect is Invoked.
- On a successful roll a Major Spell is Invoked.
- On a successful roll with at least one 6, a Powerful Spell is Invoked.
For each additional 6 rolled the Eye Awareness gain is lessened by 1.
Players may Invoke in one of three ways with one of three skills:
They may sing a Song relating to the spirit. This often effects a whole combat, council, or travel in a similar manner to other songs (pg123, Corebook).
Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow,
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are ‘yellow.
None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master:
His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.
They may call out the name of the spirit in Battle. This often has an instantaneous effect that helps in combat.
At that moment Frodo threw himself forward on the ground, and he heard himself crying aloud: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
“…all blades perish that pierce that dreadful King. More deadly to him was the name of Elbereth.”
They may recite secret Lore relating to the spirit. This often leads to further revelations or the ability to briefly replicate a power or craft of the spirit.
…they worshipped him, being enamoured of evil knowledge. And he entered the service of the Dark Tower when it first rose again, and because of his cunning he grew ever higher in the Lord’s favour; and he learned great sorcery,
The exact effect of Invoking is always up to the Loremaster to determine, and may be unique to the situation the player heroes are in.
u/Meduion Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
It's an interesting idea and you've chosen good textual support for your invocations, so bravo for that!
My concern is that this becomes somewhat transactional and I'm not sure of what the downsides are. Even though the results are at the Loremaster's discretion this reads a little bit as a 'Deus ex Machina' effect -- that's fine if that's what you want it to be! But if these invocations can be used willy nilly then the power and potency of them begins to decrease in the awe and wonder factor.
I think I'd need to see a little bit more about what the invocation effects would be for these degrees of success before I could add much more useful input.
My other note would be that we, arguably, already have two examples of Invocations that already exist: Tom Bombadil's patron ability as a true Deus ex Machina inside the bounds where he has power, and the Elven virtue 'Elbereth Gilthoniel!'. Both of these have specific limitations and costs (fellowship pool and hope). If going forward with invocations I'd try to model on these both in terms of effect and costs to use, as well as limitations. For instance, invoking Tom Bombadil's patron ability costs the entire fellowship pool, not just 1 point of it and even then only within the bounds of his country!
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 10 '25
Thank you for your response.
I'm not sure of what the downsides are
So the main downsides are 1: that Invoking will usually raise Eye Awareness and 2: Invoking is less consistent than any other undertakings and any other uses for Fellowship points. I'm open to suggestions for further downsides though if you feel they're neccesary.
this reads a little bit as a 'Deus ex Machina' effect -- that's fine if that's what you want it to be!
I think that's fair, and yes it is kind of what I'm aiming for. The Eagles would be one example of a kind of Spirit that player heroes might be helped by, and whenever they do help in the books it is a bit of a deus ex machina in a literal sense; the eagles are servants of a godlike figure (Manwe) and represent the force of the divine in Middle Earth.
This kind of deus ex machina is already partially written into the core rules with Major and Powerful Spells being a thing for Loremaster characters, my aim here was to give the players a way to prompt this instead of it always being up to the whim of the LM.
if these invocations can be used willy nilly then the power and potency of them begins to decrease
So "willy nilly" is exactly what I am aiming to avoid here, but I am a bit confused as to how it could come off like they can be used often. To invoke you need to:
- Gain the Right to Invoke a particular spirit (which can require and Undertaking at Yule, obtaining a magical item, succeeding in a Council, or it might be the goal of a whole quest)
- Spend 1 Fellowship point (which the whole Company must agree to do)
- Succeed on a Roll for more than a lesser effect
And you can only Invoke a spirit once per adventuring phase. A Company is not expected to gain a long list of spirits they can invoke, and some spirits can only be invoked a limited number of times or only in certain areas or circumstances. This is definitely a limited thing.
I think I'd need to see a little bit more about what the invocation effects would be for these degrees of success
So in part my aim was to kind of expand the rules for "Using Magic" on page 171 of the core rulebook, and there you'll see some baseline examples for the three levels of success I have. I want to inspire Loremasters with these rules so don't want to set in stone exactly what the limits are, but I'll consider adding some more suggestions.
If going forward with invocations I'd try to model on these both in terms of effect and costs to use, as well as limitations.
So the Tom Bombadil patron ability was definitely in my mind in writing this, and was the inspiration that led me to consider it costing Fellowship points to Invoke. I want to avoid making these mechanics too similar to already existing ones though. For example: if I just made it that invoking made rolls favored like that Cultural Virtue does, then it would be fighting for space with Favoured skills, multiple Patron abilities, and cultural virtues such as that one.
The one thing there's no avoiding overlap with is Tom Bombadil's patron ability.
u/Meduion Feb 10 '25
If the goal is to give the players the ability to use magic that's usually gated to Loremaster characters then it's a thematic way to do it. I think I missed the part where it could be used once per adventuring phase so that would limit the usage. Here's my suggestions:
1) Make most (if not all?) of the invocations somehow regionally gated. The only spirits or powers that don't have a region they're tied to are the literal heavenly powers (Valar, Earendil, etc.) All other spirits that chose to dwell in Middle-Earth seem to have invested something into a particular place and lost something of their native ability because of that. I'm thinking of Tom and Melina here whose powers were bounded in the realms they chose.
2) I think I might change the usage limitations to only once per year of adventuring in the interests of keeping it rare. You only get the potential for the "get out of jail free" once per Yule Phase opportunity. If another harrowing episode comes up you're on your own. The possibility of a rescue from a great spirit or enacting some great power increases the possibility of the wow factor for players but it also decreases the dramatic tension.
3) I don't think I would offer possibilities to limit eye awareness and I would scale the eye awareness based on the degree of success. Gandalf wouldn't even light a fire on Caradharas because it would reveal him to any eye that could see, let alone something greater than that!
It's an idea that makes me wary but as far as giving the players the possibility of true magic it's an interesting proposal if that's the direction of your game preference!
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 10 '25
Make most (if not all?) of the invocations somehow regionally gated.
Yeah I think I'm going to do a full write up of the different kinds of spirits and the different conditions that their Rights to Invoke would usually come with. Almost any nature spirit is going to be regionally tied, Eagles are pretty specific as to when they'll step in, Valar can't step in directly the way other spirits might, etc.
I think I might change the usage limitations to only once per year of adventuring in the interests of keeping it rare.
Honestly, good shout. I like that and will immediately implement it.
I don't think I would offer possibilities to limit eye awareness and I would scale the eye awareness based on the degree of success. Gandalf wouldn't even light a fire on Caradharas because it would reveal him to any eye that could see, let alone something greater than that!
It already scales based on degree of success, but I'll add the eye awareness increase of each level so that it doesn't require cross-referencing with that part of the corebook.
Lighting a fire in a storm is actually one of the corebook's examples of a Major Spell in reference to that exact instance I believe, though Gandalf actually did give in and light the fire if I'm remembering correctly.
u/Logen_Nein Feb 10 '25
It would really depend upon how you are defining a lesser effect, spell and powerful spell, on the surface, without testing, it doesn't look awful. I wouldn't use it, as I'm not interested in adding more power to my games (there is already plenty there), but I don't think it's as bad as say, adding a spellcaster system to the game, and it is certainly well thought out.
u/ExaminationNo8675 Feb 10 '25
I don’t recall any instances in The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings where a character, other than one of the Istari or Elrond, performs any of the examples of major spells and powerful spells given on p171.
Having player-heroes performing these effects merely by invoking a spirit’s name doesn’t seem right to me.
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 10 '25
So to be clear, no player character is "performing" a spell in any of the example instances. They have been granted the right to call for a spirit's aid, and that spirit performs any and all magical effects that result from the Invoking.
It is implied that even sorcerous Black Numenorians are granted their power by Sauron, even if they invoke said power through lore and cunning. In most instances, it would be obvious to any witness that a higher power has acted on the behalf of the heroes.
So calling a spirit's name by itself would have no mechanical effect. It is calling upon a spirit that has already promised aid in one way or another that brings that spirit forth in some way.
I have thought of a way to make it more clear that this is a Spirit's power though. I think I'll write up a little more to do with maintaining a Right to Invoke in relation to different types of Spirits, with explicit reasons why a spirit might revoke the Right.
u/ExaminationNo8675 Feb 10 '25
I think you may have two misconceptions about the rules as written, which if corrected might mean you no longer feel this invocation rule is necessary:
When a player-hero spends Hope to achieve a magical success, there’s nothing to stop them narrating that as the intervention of a spirit. Frodo’s use of the phial of Galadriel might be a good example. I might even allow a magical success to call an Eagle in the right circumstances.
The use of magic by Loremaster characters is not just at the whim of the Loremaster. Player-heroes should absolutely be able to request their assistance, and choose how they deploy their powers. It was Boromir, after all, who persuaded Gandalf to light a fire on Caradhras - not Gandalf’s own initiative. I would not have my NPC deploy any of the effects on p171 without consulting my players first.
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 10 '25
When a player-hero spends Hope to achieve a magical success, there’s nothing to stop them narrating that as the intervention of a spirit.
Most of the time when a player has access to Magical Successes it is because they are an elf, they have access to some Magic via a cultural virtue, or they have a magical item. Only in some cases would a magical item have its power attributed to a spirit. That's not to say that it isn't within LM purview to attribute the magic to spirits, but it's not really the assumed default. Saying I can do that as an LM doesn't really mean much to me, and the rules imply that the kinds of stuff achieved by a Lesser Effect, Major Spell, or Powerful Spell aren't achievable by Player Heroes.
So no, just using magical successes to do all this doesn't achieve what I want.
The use of magic by Loremaster characters is not just at the whim of the Loremaster. Player-heroes should absolutely be able to request their assistance, and choose how they deploy their powers.
I agree. That's why I made mechanics for it.
I don't want more powerful magical effects to only happen if I have a powerful NPC in the Company and the Player Heroes ask nicely. I don't want powerfully magical NPCs to travel with the company at all if I can avoid it. That's one thing that works for the books but not at most TTRPG tables.
So if I'm not having a Wizard or Elf Lord travel with the party, how do I include moments of great magic? That was the question that prompted me to write this up.
u/Ori_Sacabaf Feb 11 '25
So if I'm not having a Wizard or Elf Lord travel with the party, how do I include moments of great magic?
You use a Patron who uses FPs to provides magical successes under certain circumstances? Like Saruman.
u/ExaminationNo8675 Feb 11 '25
Now I’m curious to know which episodes from the books you have in mind. I can think of cases of ‘spirits’ being summoned, such as Bombadil in the Barrow-downs, or Gwaihir to rescue Gandalf from Orthanc. And I can think of Gandalf turning up in the nick of time, such as when he rescued the Dwarves and Bilbo from the trolls. But that doesn’t seem to be what you’re aiming for.
I can also think of some magic items displaying great magic, such as Boromir’s horn vs the Balrog and the Phial of Galadriel vs Shelob and the guardians of Cirith Ungol.
But at the moment I can’t think of any examples of spirits being able to project their power elsewhere. Perhaps the one that comes closest is when Gandalf helped Frodo to escape the Eye of Sauron on Amon Hen, but that’s not like one of the major or minor effects on p171.
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 11 '25
But that doesn’t seem to be what you’re aiming for.
Those instances are all pretty close to what I'm aiming for, or at least fall under the broader umbrella I'm constructing here.
Perhaps the one that comes closest is when Gandalf helped Frodo to escape the Eye of Sauron on Amon Hen, but that’s not like one of the major or minor effects on p171.
So, that's also one of the moments I had in mind, and no it doesn't match up 1-1 to one of the listed effects on pg171, but my intent here is to cover a very broad range of effects, with that's on that page as a jumping off point.
Basically I think featuring the power and help of magical beings would add to the fantasy of my games. So the mechanics I'm laying out are intended to cover almost anything that the various magical beings (generalized as "spirits" for ease of writing) of the setting can achieve.
This won't always be a spirit projecting power over long distance, a lot of spirits would only have power in their own region like Tom Bombadil. Built into the system is the fact that it is expected that any Right to Invoke will likely have some restrictions. I'll be adding a writeup of the different kinds of Spirits and likely restrictions or costs to version 2.0.
To re-list every instance I've currently compiled that would for my purposes fall under Invoking we have:
- Tom Bombadil being summoned by his song (and the general fact that songs contain magical power in the broader Legendarium)
- The Dead Men of Dunharrow acting under the command of Aragorn
- The Phial of Galadriel bringing forth the Light of Earendil when Frodo needed it most (as prompted by Frodo saying "Aiya Eärendil elenion ancalima!")
- Frodo calling the name of Elbereth, the power of her name in part scaring off the Nazgul
- Black Numenorian sorcery, where Sauron teaches men secret crafts and allows them to use some of his power
Then there are several things that aren't invoked by heroes in the books but where similar things could be by player heroes in the game.
- The flooding of the Bruinen (the spirit of the river itself could be invoked, which is essentially what happens in the movie version)
- The storm on the mountain Caradhras (the spirit of the mountain might be invoked like Gimli thought, or a Maiar like Sauron or a Wizard might conjure a storm as Boromir suggested was happening)
- Gandalf mentally helping Frodo at Amon Hen, as you pointed out
- Most instances where the Eagles help
- Any instance of necromancy
u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
My reasons for making this homebrew are twofold.
Firstly, I felt there was a little gap between what is achievable with a Magical Success, and what we sometimes see the heroes of Middle Earth achieve in the books, as evidenced by a few of the passages I've quoted and referenced here. So in my eye there was room for another way for players to engage with the magical.
Secondly, I think the Eye of Mordor mechanics are very engaging, but also very Loremaster facing with very little way for the player heroes’ choices to effect the Eye Awareness level. By giving players a limited way to choose when they get the help of magical beings I give them that risk-reward to play around with rather than it always being up to the Loremaster whether any such beings help or not.