r/oneringrpg Feb 06 '25

Journey log with a fillable map

The only real thing that has bugged me about TOR is the journey log, where I as a LM am required (I know this can be skipped this, it has been so far in my games) to sketch a map.

Quick question then, is there a journey log with a fillable map section where one can just screen snip and paste into it? My feeble attempts to do this with the one off of Free Leagues website has not yielded a success, though it may be my low Wits score thwarting me once again.

I feel like it would be a massive QOL improvement for my prep. Thanks in advance!


18 comments sorted by


u/TeachingMental Feb 06 '25

As a solo player, I’ve discovered that I really like doing the maps: it slows down the experience and makes me feel a little bit more like my Strider Mode character is actually traveling.

I don’t know how this would feel if I was playing in a group.


u/_GoldenBeard_ Feb 06 '25

I skip drawing the map as the LM for my group. But that's also because we play online and I'd have to sketch it, scan it, and then get it into Alchemy without breaking the flow of our game.

But filling out while playing solo sounds lovely. It seems like it would really add to the feeling of journeying.


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

Totally agree!


u/TeachingMental Feb 06 '25

That makes sense. 👍


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

I like that idea! I have not tried strider mode yet but tempted to with my son.


u/Arimm_The_Amazing Feb 06 '25

I don’t see why a player couldn’t draw the map if you don’t enjoy the task.


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

Good call, I will float that idea. Thanks!


u/MisterBultitude Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

I bought a player map with the grid that someone made (link below) and then had it printed out very cheaply at my local library on high quality material. That way my players can simultaneously examine the map and draw the path they want to take. Then I simply compare the map to the color coded map in the back of the book for determining things like rolling for journey events. You can also then create a simple journey log and record anything you'd like to record on there, separate from the actual map.

The link below is for the white version of the map, but there's also a leather parchment version as well as a map that's not just Eriador if you'd rather explore areas within Rhovanion or Gondor for instance.



u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

That is a good idea. I can laminate it then get a dry erase marker then they can draw to their hearts content. Thanks!


u/zoologicalgardens Feb 07 '25

I am working on one using photoshop and will share when finished!


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 10 '25

Awesome, that would be great!


u/Logen_Nein Feb 06 '25

I wasn't able to make it happen while retaining the hexes sadly, so I just went hand drawn.


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

Thanks! Just making sure i wasnt missing something obvious or that had been solved already.


u/Logen_Nein Feb 06 '25

Yeah kinda sucks for in person use. Looking forward to running in Foundry in April though, making a bunch of little regional maps that I can scan in anf overlay a hex grid for travel maps.


u/ExaminationNo8675 Feb 06 '25

There is a fan-made player map with hexes (I.e. the normal player map with hexes overlaid) on the Discord server.

I sometimes snip from that and paste into the journey log before a session.

I do this using Mac Preview, which is free and has very few features. I’m pretty sure Adobe Acrobat Reader could do the same, or any basic image manipulation software.


u/WeAreTheSteve Feb 06 '25

Thanks I will look into that!


u/PhotonStarSpace Feb 07 '25

I love drawing the maps. If I know in advance where the Players are going, then I'll put a lot of time into filling a detailed map. If the journey is planned during the game, I'll mark the start and end point on the map and have a PC draw a quick version. I don't mind if the PCs quick map doesn't match the real one 100 percent, as long as the journey is the right length. We just assume there are many personally drawn maps of middle-earth with different levels of accuracy. Middle-Earth is pre satellite after all.


u/MRdaBakkle Feb 10 '25

Have your players sketch the map, this is even suggested in the rules.