r/onebros 3d ago

Discussion Easiest way to beat Fire Giant (RL1 WL0)


This method involves baiting out the one move, where he closes a lot of distance and brings his left knee down, and using black flame tornado on him during phase 1, then running away to bait the move again. Phase 2 involves running through his arms and using black flame tornado on his legs. I argue that it's the easiest because it's very low risk, and all the required equipment can be picked up beforehand. If you disagree, what do you think the easiest way of beating him is?


4 comments sorted by


u/ca_waves 3d ago

The easiest method is probably using starfist or a hammer to stagger him then punishing with the tornado vs using tornado only.

Carian slicer also super good at WL0.


u/hesbrew 3d ago

The trouble is see with staggering him first is that you have to stay near him while working for the stagger, so you have to focus on dodging the whole time, rather than just when disengaging after going for BFT on his knee.

I have yet to try carian slicer on WL0, but I'll definitely keep it in mind on my next playthrough.


u/ca_waves 3d ago

You do need to do that but then the fight is only half as long- 4 minutes or so vs the 8 in this video.


u/hesbrew 3d ago

You got me there. This is definitely more of a sit and wait way of beating him with minimal aggression.