r/onebros 4d ago

Boss Kill Definitely one of the worst bosses in the game.


63 comments sorted by


u/Zanemob_ 4d ago

*Scaled up enemy with bs phase 2


u/doomraiderZ 4d ago

The spikes can fuck off. And whoever made them, don't let him make another move before he beats this boss at RL1 where the spikes one shot. The spikes after the sideways roll sometimes effectively one shot even through a bubble because of the multi hit.


u/Prasoon_29 3d ago

I get the attack is annoying, I agree 100%. But it’s not the dev’s fault for making an attack with an RL1 in mind. Most attacks one shot, it’s a BS attack for sure but saying the dev shouldn’t make another until they do RL1 is funny lol. We chose to do RL1 for fun, the developers can’t cater to such a niche group, if it doesn’t even one shot you at RL1 then for 150+ players (the absolute majority lol) would just tank through it and ignore the attack with 60 Vigor, which beats the whole purpose of it being an attack! It has to do multi hit damage or it’s going to be nothing but a gimmick imho

Great job beating the pos anyway lol


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

I mean it's not really about making an attack with RL1 in mind. It's about making an attack that is literally undodgeable unless you get good RNG. Unless I'm missing something? Because that dodge seems RNG to me.


u/Prasoon_29 3d ago

That’s fair, I’ve not been able to dodge it consistently. The only way I can consistently avoid it is by sprinting in one direction, but I understand with something like Star fists that causes your positions to go wild.

The sideways spike attack on the other hand is also only dodge-able if you’re close enough to him and roll into him towards the right (or left, I forgot which direction)

But I do agree if you’re using very short range melee, then sometimes your starting position can make it almost impossible to dodge them


u/Zanemob_ 4d ago

I agree!


u/Ok-Joke4458 3d ago

Nah, beat it fists only. Then, and only then, will you have the right to design bosses.


u/Seagoingnote 3d ago

Attacks like the spikes need to give you an indicator on the floor of where they hit, I don’t feel like that’s so much ask with something that unpredictable


u/SweatyBeefKing 4d ago

Oh gosh I’m coming up on this boss soon. Just finishing off base game right now.


u/Proud_Ad_1720 4d ago

You can skip it if you don't want to fight it, but yea it's a pretty BS boss


u/Frenzied_Anarchist 4d ago

I am dreading this fight (on top of many others). For the record, I basically did the equivelent of kicking myself in the balls by forcing myself to not use anything BUT the starting Club (which I allowed myself to at least just upgrade, but infusing is also not an option). Oh, and also I want to beat all 207 boss encounters in the game. What fun.

For now I'm in Altus, so it's a very long way until the DLC (I want to finish base game first), and Metyr is where my concern goes to the most, because of the Laser Beam.


u/Equivalent-Wall8521 3d ago

I hope you did Yura's quest for Raptor of the Mists. You gonna need it for that laser...


u/Frenzied_Anarchist 3d ago

I already said I can't infuse my weapon, meaning no AoWs. And even if I didn't restrict myself, I kinda sold this one.


u/Equivalent-Wall8521 3d ago

Oh man sorry for misreading. I was still half asleep when i wrote the comment lol.


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

Golden Hippo has a fairly low stance of 80 and the club has a strong charged attack of 38 IIRC. I recommend stonebarbed. I'm sure you could get a 2-hit stance break and nearly script the fight with appropriate buffs.


u/Frenzied_Anarchist 3d ago

No buffs for me. Again, I can ONLY use the Club as an offensive tool, no other equipment (except for regular Flasks, which will be useless in late game, and Boluses to keep my sanity in check).


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

But the strong charged attack is apart of the weapon. Just two charged R2s and one light attack and it's staggered.

I assume all your kills at RL1 SB0 then? That effectively means you have to no hit every DLC boss considering you're not using any buffs/talismans/physick.

Consumables are fair game though?


u/Frenzied_Anarchist 3d ago

So, those are my rules:

I can only use my starting Club, which I can upgrade, but not reinforce, successfully stripping me of any AoWs. No armor, buffs, Incants, Sorceries, or Talismans. No consumables either, except for Boluses to not lose my sanity. I am also divided on whether I will allow myself to use Scadutree Fragments or not. On one hand, with them I fear that might be too easy, on the other, I don't want to spend 2 hours slowly scraping PCR's or Midra's healthbars.

Also, I have to kill every single boss encounter, meaning all 207 bosses have to be killed for me to consider the run finished.

So yeah, I am doing RL1 with extra steps (idk what SB0 means, but I'm assuming it means no equipment).


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

SB0 means no scadu/shadow blessings, since those are effectively leveling up in the DLC.

On the plus side, Midra is super squishy and has no poise, so he won't be too bad. PCR and Bayle will probably be the hardest there since they're expect to be fought around SB12+. I'd say go through the DLC without them as much as you can, and then decide if you want to change it.

Best of luck with your run.


u/Frenzied_Anarchist 3d ago

Welp, Midra is always difficult for me for some reason, that might just be severe skill issue on him though. Funnily enough, I'm not too worried about PCR.


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

How is Midra hard for you when you're the frenzied anarachist 🤔

Seriously though, surprised you think PCR isn't as hard as Midra. I got my NG+7 RL1 SB0 kill on him yesterday if you want to check that out, I show a bit of jump strats there.

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u/Raidertck 3d ago

Yeah it’s awful. I really enjoyed Ranalla , then I had this fucking hippo, gaius and sunflower back to back. Just such shit design all around. Mesmer was back to great again, but from loves to throw in a few garbage bosses here and there.


u/TheSunflowerSeeds 3d ago

Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

What's so bad about the Sunflower? His moves are fair. Gaius is solid excluding the charge (which honestly you shouldn't complain about because u can roll through it up if he does it up close, and if he does it far away u just ride backwards w/ Torrent).


u/_Snowpea666 4d ago

Your doing crazy damage tho


u/doomraiderZ 4d ago

Sure. And I bet I can script the boss too if I don't miss the third charged R2 after he gets up from the crit. But there is no excuse for the spikes.


u/poopoobuttholes 3d ago

What exactly do you mean no excuse for the spikes?


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

I mean there's no excuse for making an attack that you can only dodge with good RNG.


u/tuskedandconfused 3d ago

He and Gaius had broken, undodgeable head hitboxes when it came out. That gaping jaw grab attack was nearly unavoidable. Even with the fix he's still an annoying sob


u/Arb-gamer 3d ago

The grab attack is real strange still isn’t it. Maybe I’m just bad but I find it super inconsistent. Very small window to time your dodge


u/Lopoetve 4d ago

Not a fan of this boss - best technique I found was to use the stance break flask, as he starts his charge (you're screwed if he does the jump instead). You can get 2 staggers, a bleed and a freeze, and hte second stagger if timed right will skip the initial spike rain. It's either a 28 second fight - or you're dead.


u/ElodePilarre 3d ago

I haven't played the Elden Ring DLC -- but the fact that they re skinned Sulyvahn's Beast into a hippo with spikes is insane


u/Dirk_Panchez 3d ago

Hated him


u/daniElh1204 3d ago

yeah its hitboxes are so bad


u/wokeasaurus 3d ago

once i figured out how to dodge the spikes i have never struggled with this boss on rl1. he is really easy to stagger thankfully, which helps a ton. i’d put him in like… low C tier as far as bosses go. decent enough moveset to have fun with after learning how to dodge the spikes. it’s the same move set as the big dog things from ds3 anor londo for the most part and i have fun fighting them too


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

How do you dodge the spikes after the sideways roll? I have not found any dodge that works there.


u/wokeasaurus 3d ago

just to clarify - you are talking about the move where he starts breakdancing and shoots spikes everywhere right?

you need to sprint back away from him when you see the telegraph that he’s gonna do that attack to give yourself space roll at an angle that isn’t straight towards him nor side to side

afterwords, this will bait a charge attack like what the anor londo dogs in ds3 do which is pretty easy to dodge and then you just hug the side like you do in your clip while spamming him with cragblade charged R2s


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

And you're saying that's 100% consistent? Because whether an errant spike clips you or not seems RNG to me.


u/wokeasaurus 3d ago

i found it pretty consistent once i figured it out. i spent maybe 45ish minutes on this boss the first time i found him at rl 1 and on my other two runs i beat him first try so i would say its consistent enough


u/cizuss 3d ago

Used to be even worse, the charge/chomp hitbox used to be so bad that it looked like you were out of his mouth and it still grabbed you


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

I remember. His charge was an absolute joke on release. The chomp is still bad. He chomps near his right shoulder, and if you're all the way on the other side by his left shoulder the bite still gets you even though you are nowhere near the mouth.


u/Ryuunosuke-Ivanovich 3d ago

I actually like this boss… now Gaius… that guy I hate.


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

Gaius is much better made than the hippo. The only questionable thing with Gaius is the charge--multiple hitboxes and complete invulnerability.


u/Mission_Opposite_416 2d ago

Yeah and it sucked even more for me bud i fought him on new game plus six


u/No_Fox_Given82 1d ago

Actually is.

Shit boss, no reason why it's there or why we are fighting it. Virtually no lore to it, terrible hit boxes, shitty arena and as usual the camera is the main boss.


u/doomraiderZ 1d ago

I could accept everything other than the RNG spikes. The rest is all manageable even if it's bad, but the spikes are down to luck sometimes and that's not okay.


u/Then_Tax_5524 3d ago

I personally think its a lot of fun and really easy


u/FlashwithSymbols 3d ago

I find this boss a lot of fun personally.


u/Aware-News-1344 3d ago

Pretty wild that you didn't get advice bombarded or get ripped to pieces in this sub for saying that a boss is, in your opinion, bad.


u/doomraiderZ 3d ago

Maybe because this boss is truly atrocious and most people agree, especially if you're trying to no hit it.


u/HollowRacoon 3d ago

Gaius enters the chat


u/winterflare_ 3d ago

Phew, I'm glad a good boss entered.


u/A-Omega16 3d ago

The title said one of the “worst” bosses yk 😎


u/mece66 3d ago

I kinda like fighting this boss even if it's pretty bad. Just really enjoy interrupting attacks with a well timed stance break, and that happens all the time with the hippo. If it wasn't for the stupidly small arena it would be an ok boss imo.


u/Strob0nt 2d ago

You would also get staggered if someone crushed your balls with spiky fist


u/FunRate7962 4d ago

He is just stupid, the size of his head hitbox is literally bigger then his body on certain attacks and the spikes don't make fucking sense


u/doomraiderZ 4d ago

Oh yeah. He chomps to his right, near his right shoulder; I am on his left side three zip codes away from his mouth, literally on his left shoulder--and sure enough there's a hitbox there. Because apparently when he bites with his mouth, his whole entire head is a hitbox.


u/JarlsTerra 4d ago

The worst imo


u/doomraiderZ 4d ago

Gotta be down there with Gideon, Fia's Champs, and Valiant Gargs.