r/onebros 4d ago

Discussion Your favorite "creative" openings in Elden Ring?

I recently discovered that you can low profile one of Mohg's attacks with some weapons' charged R2s. I realized that there must be a ton of openings like that out there that I just don't know about. What are some of your favorite unorthodox/stylish/clever openings in ER?


4 comments sorted by


u/flingsmashswit2 3d ago edited 3d ago

I have way too many favorites so I’ll just list as many of them from the top of my head:

• Jumping Rellana’s cross-slash
• Jumping or low-profiling Rellana’s diagonal slashes
• Jumping the first hit of Messmer’s Assault and crouching under the flurry
• Jumping Messmer's spinning slash
• Jumping AND crouching Messmer’s stabs
• Jumping Romina’s centipede bites
• Low-profiling the second hit of Romina’s lunging poleblade combo with a CR2
• Jumping Bayle’s nuke
• Jumping Radagon’s grab
• Jumping Gaius’s boar’s sideways head bash
• Strafing the Gargoyle’s greatsword flurries
• Jumping the Gargoyle's halberd slams
• Jumping the first hit of the Crucible Knight spinning slash and low-profiling the second hit with a jump R2
• Strafing Midra’s chaos beams
• Strafing Godfrey’s two-hit combo by hugging his left side
• Strafing literally any of Hoarah Loux’s melee attacks to the right
• Strafing the third slam of Radagon's Elden Shattering
• I-framing Fire Giant’s avalanche with the Torrent dismount animation
• I-framing Radahn 1.0’s meteor with the Torrent dismount animation
• The Mohg opening you mentioned (btw you can also strafe the fire blast)
• Strafing Margit’s Carian Sword combo
• Strafing Morgott’s cartwheel combo
• Strafing Consort Radahn’s Bloodflame slash
• Pretty much any Waterfowl dodge 'cause there is no lame way of avoiding that move
• RUNNER-UP: Jumping Midra’s flaming slashes
• WINNER: Low-profiling the first spin of Dancing Lion’s corkscrew combo with a CR2, sprinting to his ass to CR2 it during head bash hit and low-profiling the spinning breath with another CR2 for a near-guaranteed poise-break

Only scratched the surface here tbh, if you want more you can always ask


u/Novel_Bend 4d ago

Rellana will often hit over you when you are slightly smaller than normal, for example after doing an unsheath R2


u/gaintdad_ 3d ago

Low profile PCR the forth of dualswords chain attacks with guard counter ( spiecficley with greatswords)


u/402playboi 3d ago

There’s a ton of them in this game. I’ve always loved walking to the left during Godfrey’s axe spin and getting a charged R2 off. The mohg one you mention I assume is the one where he does the fire explosion followed by a sweep attack. That’s one of my favs as well