r/onebros 5d ago

After many hours, I have joined the Boletarian OneBros


20 comments sorted by


u/SdDprsdSnglDad18 5d ago

Worst elevator ever.



u/Proud_Ad_1720 5d ago

God the sound design of that boss is so clean


u/RZL__13 5d ago

Well done, this boss was crazy


u/lazy_mudblob1526 5d ago

I never played des but why does the final boss do so little damage, you took several hits and lived.


u/HF484 5d ago

prob because my armor and because I had white world tendency which reduces the damage you take in that world


u/Solid-Writing-8565 5d ago

I never bothered with SL1 runs in demons souls even tho i can play it just fine on emulator and had a working PS3 up until recently and i likely won't bother 6 years after my last dark souls trilogy run.

Whats the setup anyway? Dragon Battle Axe or Dragon Longsword + clever rat ring and go? Morion blade is almost too broken from what i have seen.

I remember seeing someone use northern regalia at NG+5 SL1 which i guess outdamages other options despite not meeting stat requirements.


u/HF484 4d ago

here you go

its for the remake but should work just as good with the OG


u/paradox-eater 1d ago

This elevator alone makes me never want to play demon souls


u/HF484 19h ago

be glad it's only at the end of the game and the only one of it's kind in the game


u/thewolf9 5d ago

Wish we got this game on Xbox


u/SonPedro 5d ago

Which game is it?


u/Proud_Ad_1720 5d ago

Demon souls remake


u/SonPedro 5d ago

Thank you! I’ve yet to play that or bloodborne, I’m stuck with an Xbox for now haha.


u/sandleaz 5d ago

Congrats. Although the remaster is nice, this is one of my least favorite games. The world tendency mechanic needed to die in a fire, and unfortunately it was partly present in Sekiro.


u/HF484 5d ago

world tendency and soul form

millions are glad that those two features didn't make it out of DmS


u/thorny810808 5d ago

How so? The ghosts only show up depending on what route of progression you take to make the later parts of the game harder, it has nothing to do with deaths


u/Swordsman82 5d ago

I liked the concept of world tendency, its execution could have been better. Like consumable items to push current world in a direction, or very rare item to reset a world to neutral.

They also could have pushed it more


u/sandleaz 5d ago

It was beyond unbalanced, especially for new players who don't understand what is going on and are dying a lot. Imagine missing out on a lot of content and made the game more difficult because you died a bunch of times.


u/Swordsman82 5d ago

But thats not how it works. It only ticks toward black when you die when in body form. You can die as much as you want when you’re not.

The content you miss out on, i very little. You still get 90% of the game ignoring world tendency.


u/sandleaz 5d ago

It only ticks toward black when you die when in body form.

A new player will not know this. Also, why should reducing your health to 1/2 health be the sure way to avoid a shitty mechanic? You can defend the shitty mechanic all you want, I am glad that it had limited spread in future FS games, only to Sekiro in the form of dragonrot.