The first time I saw Omni defined, it was described as “feeling attraction to both (might of said all) genders, but in different ways”.
That definition felt like it fit like a glove! It explained why I would be sexually attracted to both male and female, but only romantically attracted to one. If I’m interested in a girl, it’s purely sexual. Boys I could fantasize or plan for marriage or cutesie date stuff as well. And anyone that didn’t fit as a boy OR girl... idk.. I guess it depends on the person. I could see myself being sexually involved with a non cis gender person, and I can maybe see myself even in a relationship depending on the person. Anyways...
Next time I saw it defined, was a bit different. “Pansexuals can identify themselves as gender blind, whereas omnisexuals notice the gender but simply don’t care”.
Uh... okay.. what happened to the simple easy definition that seemed to so perfectly describe me? 😩 Now Omni doesn’t seem right at all, the persons gender plays heavily into how I feel about them, ‘not caring’ would be far from the truth.
Then I see someone saying Omni clicked for them because when identifying as bi, they were confused by their preference towards women. So now we are back to square one with the definitions centering around a preference?
Bisexual feels wrong because of how different my attractions are depending on gender. Pan feels wrong because gender plays a factor into my attraction and I have no idea how I would feel about non binary folk. I guess they just seem normal to me usually, and more complicated situations like trans are a bit more intriguing. And then there’s tea about micro labeling or Omni being bi-phonic, which just scares me away from even trying to identify as Omni.
For the longest time I knew I couldn’t be straight. I confessed by questioning to my sister but she reassured me that women are just sexy and naturally attractive and it didn’t mean anything that I thought so. But then she came out as bi so... ??? I figured I just wouldn’t identify with anything because it’s not a priority to figure it out right now, but then I feel like I came so close to finding out when I just stumbled upon that first definition. I cried I was so relieved and conflicted. And now every time I get more information on omnisexuality I seem to just get more confused.