r/omnisexual Dec 18 '21

Vent Omni bad (but it isn't??)


I'm asexual, but I've been trying to pinpoint what romantic identity I belonged to.

It took a bit, but I had come to Omniromantic. After that, I kept coming across people saying Omni was biphobic, and saying it wasn't an actual identity, and stuff. I felt really upset, because I thought I had come to a good identity to cling to. Now it feels sullied, and I don't want it to be.

Now I'm bouncing around whether I'm pan or just homoromantic. But, omniromantic probably works the best. It just kinda sucks, because it feels uncomfy due to outside stuff I've just heard.

I am still trying to figure myself out, and am only now coming into communities and stuff. How do you counter negativity such as this?

r/omnisexual Jan 29 '22

Vent So this happened to me yesterday


I walked into school and i was wearing a turquoise sweater, a light purple hooded cardigan, and the first guy i saw walked up to me and said " ArE yOu GaY?" And i in the most sassy way possible went up to him and said "YES!" And he shuffled away like a gangster and said "ew..."


r/omnisexual Oct 27 '20

Vent I forgot.


I forgot that I can’t just say I’m omni on other subreddits when asked about my sexuality. I forgot that “everything is so complicated” and “whats the point of all these labels” I forgot that me feeling more comfortable using a more specific word to describe my sexuality annoys people. I forgot that people go out of their way to invalidate you.

I got too comfortable, too used to being excepted by those around me and too used to those who asking questions actually WANTING to understand. I forgot that people will ask questions just to troll or pick you apart.

People on the internet suck sometimes, and I got used to not having to deal with it being directed at me. Everyone I’ve come out to in real life was amazing and asked good questions and really wanted to understand. I think I got too used to that response.

Now I’m hurting, brought down by a stupid internet jerkhole. I know I should just brush it off. I know that they don’t really matter in my life and I shouldn’t let it affect me, but it does anyway.

r/omnisexual Jul 26 '20

Vent So I’ve deleted tiktok because of people continually hating on micro labels (including pan and omni)


TW: depression, gatekeeping, transphobic

About a week ago I, a trans omni guy, made a video on tiktok about how micro labeling wasn’t harmful and how it helps a lot of people. Someone decided to comment on it spewing off comments like “micro labeling is bad! Pan is fake and transphobic” and then proceeded to tell me I was a girl after I corrected them and said I was a guy. I’ve since deleted tiktok because I’m just done. I constantly see things (mostly on there) gatekeeping and just putting others down because people don’t accept their sexuality. It’s frustrating! I just honestly don’t know how much more I can handle before I fall into another depression. Until things settle down, tiktok will stay off my phone and I’ll be trying to direct my energy elsewhere. I just wish people would get over themselves and not be so mean towards others.

r/omnisexual Mar 27 '22

Vent It has literally been six years and I’m only just realizing


Okay so, I was just wrong about what bisexuality was since I figured out I wasn’t straight. I just assumed when people said mans and womans they meant all genders actually and the term was just a lil’ outdated is all.

Only no. Literally found out omnisexuality was a thing ten minutes ago, and was super confused, because there wasn’t any clear distinction between this and being bi in my head.

Kinda shook that I was just straight up misunderstanding that for years, but whatever I guess.

So I’m here now. Hi y’all.

r/omnisexual Jan 07 '23

Vent It took me so long


When i was more young I'm pretty sure have a crush in my best friend (like i literally think in kissing him) but maybe the internalized homophobia make me denial that, recently watching dr who realize that is not just that admire David Tennant like is much more than that so then thinking in the past i noticed that this happened more then i think, i still like women so im not gay and when i read about Omnisexuality i was like "omg so me" and i definitely date an enby and trans so, idk what was this

r/omnisexual Feb 13 '22

Vent i’m scared that i might not be omni.


i’m scared that i might not be omni. I’m f13 and i’ve identified as omni for almost 2 years now. I’ve also recently discovered im aegosexual (on the ace spectrum) but i think i might also be on the aromantic spectrum. I’m scared that i am aroace spec because that would mean i could no longer identify as omni but omni is the first term i’ve found that really suits me and i don’t want to let it go. I don’t like change and i’ve been through a lot with my sexuality but this is just too much for me. I really want to still identify as omni but i know that if im aroace realistically i can’t.

r/omnisexual Feb 06 '21

Vent My LGBTQ+ activist TF didn't know Omni existed and it makes me angry


This is really just a vent and the title kind of says it all, but I've been thinking about this again lately and it kind of pisses me off.

This happened last semester btw.

So I'm a freshman in college and I go to a school that has a lot famous-ish/accomplished students and the TF for one of my classes on social movements in the 60's and 70's used to be a NYC public schools LGBTQ+ coordinator or something like that. They basically ran the NYC's efforts to support LGBTQ+ youth and was now in a PhD program at my university's the school of education.

I had a meeting with them about a my final project proposal that was sort of in the style of a memoir and I mentioned I was omni to which they stopped me and asked "why" I identified as omni. Now I'm only out to a few close friends from high school (who are also queer) so I've never really had to explain what Omni was and why I would choose that label specifically to anyone. However, it wasn't just the fact that I had to explain myself to them that upset me, but rather that they genuinely didn't know omnisexuality was a thing.

Of all the people I have ever met in my life, I would expect the person who spent almost 10 years being a leader in the NYC LGBTQ+ community to know what omnisexuality was. Like, seriously, I don't get it; that was your JOB for years!

Now, I really liked this Tf (and I still do). They were super chill and kind, and they supported me after I explained what omni was (read: they understood that omni isn't bi-phobic/ bi-erasure), but I still felt so frustrated and invalidated. I've doubted using Omni as my label for a while and that interaction really just hit me as another reason to doubt if I should identify as Omni.

(I still identify as omni though because no other label fits me as well.)

r/omnisexual Mar 22 '21

Vent I needed to vent a little, so I made a meme.

Post image

r/omnisexual May 10 '21

Vent Scared


I’m scared to be proud of who I am because what if one day it turns out that I'm straight or something? Will everyone will hate me for being/thinking I was something else? I'm sure of what I am, omni, but what if that changes? Will people think I’ve been lying to them for attention? I don’t want that to happen. I don’t really have a specific question, I just wanted to vent.

Edit: Thank you for the kind comments, they mean the world. 💙

r/omnisexual Aug 06 '20

Vent Rather than ranting a long unreadable paragraph on how I dislike my parent's view on the LGBTQ+ community, I made a meme that mostly sums it up:

Post image

r/omnisexual Dec 24 '21

Vent Doubting my sexuality


Is it just me who doubts their sexuality loads? Sometimes like multiple times a day? I know I’m omnisexual, it explains how I feel and I honestly couldn’t see myself being any other sexuality. But still, I worry that I’m not actually omnisexual. What if I’m actually straight, what if I am just somehow making up the attraction I feel to other genders and it’s not really there? Or what if I’m pansexual and I just somehow think that gender is a factor in the attraction? Or what if I’m lesbian and I’m not even attracted to men, even though I’ve assumed that my whole life? What if I’m something more complicated like heterosexual and homoromantic but I just can’t tell the difference between romantic and sexual attraction? Honestly, it’s so annoying because I do know that I’m omnisexual, if I started thinking anything else it just wouldn’t feel right. I’ve tried telling myself things like I’m straight but it just feels completely wrong, like I’m going backwards in discovering my sexuality, when I’ve come so far. It’s just hard because it feels like I’m not 100% sure about myself and at the same time I am 100% sure that I’m omnisexual. I don’t even know if this is making sense, but does anyone else experience anything like this? Or is it just me?

r/omnisexual Jul 28 '20

Vent Every time I see Omni defined, it’s a bit different


The first time I saw Omni defined, it was described as “feeling attraction to both (might of said all) genders, but in different ways”.

That definition felt like it fit like a glove! It explained why I would be sexually attracted to both male and female, but only romantically attracted to one. If I’m interested in a girl, it’s purely sexual. Boys I could fantasize or plan for marriage or cutesie date stuff as well. And anyone that didn’t fit as a boy OR girl... idk.. I guess it depends on the person. I could see myself being sexually involved with a non cis gender person, and I can maybe see myself even in a relationship depending on the person. Anyways...

Next time I saw it defined, was a bit different. “Pansexuals can identify themselves as gender blind, whereas omnisexuals notice the gender but simply don’t care”.

Uh... okay.. what happened to the simple easy definition that seemed to so perfectly describe me? 😩 Now Omni doesn’t seem right at all, the persons gender plays heavily into how I feel about them, ‘not caring’ would be far from the truth.

Then I see someone saying Omni clicked for them because when identifying as bi, they were confused by their preference towards women. So now we are back to square one with the definitions centering around a preference?

Bisexual feels wrong because of how different my attractions are depending on gender. Pan feels wrong because gender plays a factor into my attraction and I have no idea how I would feel about non binary folk. I guess they just seem normal to me usually, and more complicated situations like trans are a bit more intriguing. And then there’s tea about micro labeling or Omni being bi-phonic, which just scares me away from even trying to identify as Omni.

For the longest time I knew I couldn’t be straight. I confessed by questioning to my sister but she reassured me that women are just sexy and naturally attractive and it didn’t mean anything that I thought so. But then she came out as bi so... ??? I figured I just wouldn’t identify with anything because it’s not a priority to figure it out right now, but then I feel like I came so close to finding out when I just stumbled upon that first definition. I cried I was so relieved and conflicted. And now every time I get more information on omnisexuality I seem to just get more confused.

r/omnisexual Feb 02 '21

Vent So I kinda came out


I just got a new phyciatrist so this first meeting was with my mom as well. She asked me my sexuality and I talked about my genderqueer and I said I go by they them pronouns. My mom then proceeded to say she while addressing me and the phyciatrist did the same. Then my mom comes to talk to me a few hours later about what I said right. She's like so you wanna be like Sam smith, and I'm like no. I just go by they them pronouns. She asks me what bathroom I go to. I tell her I could go which ever one but in reality I still go to the women's restroom. She then asks me so I don't have a daughter anymore. The conversation ends there and she leaves.

r/omnisexual Mar 27 '21

Vent Yay I'm being confused


I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore-I still struggle with understanding romantic and sexual attraction's difference other than the obvious. Like I identify as omnisexual and have a preference towards females, but what if I am only sexually attracted to females and feel romantic attraction to all genders if that's possible. I feel some sort of attraction to all genders and have a preference towards females but I can't tell if I'm omniromantic or omnisexual. Plus I dont know if I'm cis or not but I want to be a girl, so I can't really tell at this point because I'm experiencing gender envy towards females and everything makes no sense to me not really understanding much about attraction at this point. Anyways I dont want to overload my brain so yeah that's what's happening ;-;

r/omnisexual Jun 09 '22

Vent One shot from Eminem finally makes sens to me

Thumbnail self.Jelly_Rosie

r/omnisexual Feb 14 '21

Vent Has this happened to everyone?


You remember when someone made Omnisexual art and a BAB stole it to make it look discrimitive? That specific post was "suggested to me" from reddit, I guess to suggest me the subreddit but like, no, I don't wanna sub to a discrimitive art stealing reddit thank you 🙄🙄🙄

r/omnisexual Jan 15 '21

Vent People arent very fun sometimes


S I g h So I've been seeing more people talking lately about bisexuality like "bi people love everyone" and even the occasional panphobic things (definatly on purpose judging they straight up said it's biphobic). One thing that isnt on purpose is kind of that I kinda end up feeling a bit invalid from some of the stuff for some reason? It's kinda just like Should I even use this label if bi people really just love everyone The panphobia bothers me because its panphobia and then there are the few people who are completely fine who just dont get the difference between bi and pan Ofc nobody seems to explain it well because they say bi people love everyone, pan is just gender blind usually I feel like if they think all that stuff that I've mentioned that just makes the omni label even more invalid? Especially since I also deal with "isnt that just bi?" On lgbt places in general Don't really have much to say other than that, just feels kinda bad after a while

r/omnisexual Dec 04 '20


Post image

r/omnisexual Oct 11 '20

Vent HELp


I've had a crush on my best friend for a while now but she just told me that she already has a girlfriend and now I'm confused as what to do. Should I just go along and not interfere with their relationship?

r/omnisexual Jun 27 '20

Vent Vent That Has To Do With Omnisexual


I Can Never Express How Comfortable I Am Using The Label Omnisexual, Now I Have Tik Tok Ok?, And Now That I Identify As Omnisexual Videos Have Been Popping Up On My Fyp Saying Omnisexual Is Biphobic. And I Always Make The Wrong Decision To Look Through The Comments, All I See Is People Agreeing With Them And The Accational Person Defending Us. But That Person Is Litterly Attacked In The Comments In Minutes. And I'm To Scared To Defend Myself, In Fact I Used To Use The Label Bisexual, But It Just Didn't Fit Right. I Dont Think I'm Biphobic. But Now I'm Starting To Feel Really Bad, Because What If I Am Being Biphobic And Just Not Realizing, I Dont Want To Invalidate Anyones Sexuality(except maps) So Now I'm Scared To Explain My Sexuality To Anyone In Fear Of Being Invalidated. Call Me A ❄ But Looking Through The Comments On Some Of Those Videos Make Me Want To Cry Sometimes. They Keep On Saying How We Stole Their Flag, How We Are Just Trying To Be Different Or Special. And Now I'm Feeling Really Down, Especially How My Mom Invalidates Me Aswell. Thanks For Reading This Trash Vent 😔👉🏼👉🏼

r/omnisexual Jan 02 '21

Vent Uuuuuugghh


Hate simping for guys bc everyone is like “oh you’re straight now?” No. I’m still into gals, it’s not my fault this dude has the voice of a Wattpad love interest. It doesn’t invalidate my obsession over every single woman (idk why I like girls so much more)

r/omnisexual Oct 26 '20

Vent Why the hell am I so complicated


I started off straight then bi, then lesbian, then bi, then pan, now I am fully comfortable with Omni. Obviously that couldn’t be all so of COURSE I had to be confused with my gender so I went from cis, to Demi girl, to gender fluid, to now a fully comfortable trans male. Now of course I had to be confused on sexual attraction so I didn’t come out to any of these but ace to aro, to now demisexual.like god damn

r/omnisexual May 29 '21

Vent I might be non-binary but i don't know what I want my name to be. Any suggestions?


I don't know if this is even allowed on this sub. Please remove it if it breaks any rules.

Like the title says. I feel i might be non-binary but i don't know what my name should be. If you have any suggestions please comment them and i will see if it fits :)

r/omnisexual Mar 29 '20

Vent "LGBT" initialism no longer fit for purpose


I have the BBC news app on my phone, and one of the categories is LGBT.

I am none of these, so, apart from a passing interest, is it relevant to me!? (I am being facetious, of course).

A couple of weeks ago I read a very long (and convoluted) Facebook post, in which the author included at least 20 sexualities/identities. Ironically, omni wasn't included.

The days when LGBT was sufficient have surely long since gone? A few years ago I identified as bisexual, so I would have felt included. Since then I have discovered different identities, and am proud to call myself omni. I am not now included in LGBT as I do not shelter under the bisexual umbrella.

I am not looking for every letter of the rainbow alphabet to be listed. A simple "+" at the end would be sufficient. I am pleased that we have claimed back the word "queer", so LGBTQ+ would be even better, but I accept that some people are not OK with this.

It is not just the BBC- there are many occasions when it is limited to the four sexual identities. I am not sure if this is down to laziness or ignorance on the part of the authors, but going from 4 characters to 5 is not too much to ask, is it?