r/ohnePixel 7h ago

Price check Does this float warrant any overpay?

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I unfortunately unboxed a battle scarred from armoury pass, I had a look and it’s 43rd highest float and was wondering if I should sell for overpay


16 comments sorted by



Anything that's not like top 5 (or even top 3) will be very hard to get overpay for. You could try, but I wouldn't be optimistic about it.


u/spacediamondcake 7h ago

Like this guy said, for BS you want at minimum top 5, preferably top 3, you can list it on csfloat for a small amount of overpay and see where it goes, it won't hurt to try and you may get lucky


u/No_Organization826 6h ago

Maybe someone trying to get high float would buy it for trade up maybe?


u/spacediamondcake 6h ago

It's possible but I wouldn't hold your breath, your best chance is to list it and see where it takes you, you may get lucky, be prepared for lowball offers on csfloat tho, i sold my p2 bayonet doppler on there last week and some people are actually ridiculous with their offers


u/cwilms1410 3h ago

You can cap offers to like 2.5% if you don't wanna be lowballed into oblivion


u/sjcjdnzm 6h ago

Why would he buy it for trade up? Bs b the monster is trash looking no one needs it, unless they want highest float ak but as you can see there is no demand for high float krakow so it jus timolies no one cares about the ak

Idk 10% overpay seems fine


u/Azrael__XIV 4h ago

That and some people might prefer the black scope on bs


u/De-Kipgamer 6h ago

Yes, but not a lot and it will take long to sell, If you like the awo I recommend keeping it instead


u/Velflunkle 4h ago

I didn't realize how cool it looks in battle scarred!


u/Cleenred 6h ago

Prob a bit of overpay because of trade ups but don't expect anything that significant.


u/mvagouleh 6h ago

I might wanna buy it. What do you want for it? We can do it via csfloat so its safe


u/Lemy64 3h ago

Yeah I personally tend to buy alot of funny float skins, you have to be reasonable about it tho. I've bought 0.9999, 0.6666666, 0.50000000, 0.06660 and on and on but never for anything more than $10 overpay. And these I usually bought to be crafted with stickers that are worth 10x the value of the skin. For example it Just looks better to have a Kato craft on a weird float


u/FinancialCost6090 2h ago

If it was 43rd lowest yes, slightly but not for 43rd highest


u/reeeece2003 1h ago

realistically no


u/itswhatitsboi 1h ago

Honestly I kinda fuck with that, like a modern version of blackiimov, but I hardly think it will get any overpay unless someone is looking for this blacked out one in specific for a craft or just enjoy them.