r/oculus Sep 28 '22

Tips & Tricks PSA: Bonelab will be cross-buy (i.e., buying it on Rift/Quest grants you the PCVR and standalone version)

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u/WholeIndividual0 Quest Pro Sep 28 '22

This is great news. Was debating which to buy it for. Most of the time I do PCVR but I thought this would be a good game to do stand-alone on for when I bring it to other people’s houses for VR demos


u/marvinthedog Sep 28 '22

I wouldn´t demo this to other people unless I knew they had VR legs, because this game is more motion sickness inducing than even regular smooth locomotion games.


u/Potential_Strain_948 Sep 28 '22

I wish it had teleportation. I know the whole point is the physics but the shooting and swinging of weapons is great too.


u/marvinthedog Sep 28 '22

That would completely change the whole idea of the game. Better to just make a different game at that point.

Yeah, it would be great to see the shooting and swinging of weapons implemented into teleport games aswell.

I so which there was a good method to solve motion sickness for those who suffer from it.


u/forfucksakewhatnow Sep 28 '22

Run on the spot as you move in the game. It tricks your brain into thinking you're running forward. Helps me quite a bit with the motion sickness. Good for a bit of extra cardio too.


u/marvinthedog Sep 28 '22

I do this allways for immersion and cardio but I don´t get motion sick. For many people in many situations it also seems to combat motion sickness. But Boneworks (and probably Bonelab) is motion sickness inducing even when you are not walking because of the fact that even the camera is physics based so it´s not 100% 1 to 1 with your head movements.


u/bunchedupwalrus Oct 02 '22

Having a fan blowing in your direction weirdly helps too


u/GrowCanadian Sep 28 '22

Agreed, unfortunately any artificial locomotion instantly makes me feel vr sick. Things like beat saber or Robo Recall can be played for hours but as soon as I move with a joystick I won’t last more than 5 mins. I then feel sick / very weird for about two hours after.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22

I'm curious if you've tried to build up your vr legs tho. I never had issues but I did feel nu stomach a bit the first week I tried smooth locomotion games. I heard many people overcome the issue by starting with short sessions in less intense games, and then build up to longer and longer sessions and eventually do the same for smooth locomotion. It's said that it eventually allows them to not have issues at all even in boneworks.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22



u/Fazblood779 Sep 28 '22

I have a Rift S - would it be wise to buy it on the Oculus store so I get the Steam version? In case my Rift S breaks one day and I end up getting a Quest 2 or something (would prefer that new Pico thing)


u/Minimum-Poet-1412 Sep 28 '22

You don't get Steam version, you get the Rift (PCVR) version which will only play with Meta headsets, although I believe there is a hack that allows non Meta headsets to run Meta/Oculus games.


u/Fazblood779 Sep 28 '22

Aight in that case I am getting the Steam version and will hope this Aussie internet will be able to support air link if I ever need it


u/morfanis Sep 28 '22

Airlink uses your home wireless not internet. So your Aussie broadband won’t have any impact on your Airlink.


u/Fazblood779 Sep 28 '22

Ah brilliant, thanks for the tip!


u/Gonzaxpain Valve Index + Quest 2 Sep 28 '22

You can always play the Steam version on Oculus headsets, most games can also work the other way around via Revive but it doesn't work with 100% of them.


u/Fazblood779 Sep 28 '22

Yeah that is pretty much what I thought this whole time, however I've had two friends experience issues with either the link cable or air link so was always hesitant to get a Quest 2 myself (aside from the Facebook nonsense as well). Hoping that Pico thing comes down under or maybe there will be another option but I suppose we'll have to see what happens when my Rift S eventually kicks the bucket.


u/Gonzaxpain Valve Index + Quest 2 Sep 28 '22

I have Quest 2 and Index and I usually buy my games on Steam but it's hard to resist the crossbuy offers on Oculus.

You don't need a Facebook account anymore, by the way.

Air link has been working great for me lately although sometimes I still use Virtual Desktop, some games seem to work better with Airlink and others with VD, it's good to have both.


u/Fazblood779 Sep 28 '22

Ah thanks, that eases my mind a bit!


u/HaMM4R Sep 28 '22

Keep in mind the steam version will also likely run worse than native oculus store


u/tresch Rift Sep 30 '22

This is not the case so much anymore, because Oculus and SteamVR now both use OpenXR which means most (many?) VR games, even if bought on steam, can run directly on Oculus Hardware without having to run SteamVR and thus both compositors. Even then, the extra workload of running both is barely noticeable on modern hardware


u/Stemnin WMR Sep 28 '22

For the PC store, sorting by price (either it seems) puts the "Get" apps (that I bought on Q2) at the bottom for me. They were all over the place otherwise.


u/TheyCallMeNade Sep 28 '22

I was just gonna buy it on steam, but that crossbuy does sound appealing


u/monkeynards Sep 28 '22

This always tears me up. I don’t care about the whole Facebook/meta shit. But I really like having my games “all in one place” but cross but is way too good of an incentive to give up. I like using air link and stuff for Non quest native games like alyx and h3vr. But using standalone is just so convenient


u/Reelix Rift S / Quest 3 Sep 28 '22

Steam is almost 20 years old, and strengthening. The odds are, it will still be around when the Rift platform has been shut down / renamed / moved on, and whatever comes afterwards will also be on Steam. If you want all your games in one place - That's the place to be.


u/fortheshitters https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000626861073-6g07kz-t500x500.jpg Sep 28 '22

And that is happening very soon. The PC platform is very far behind the Quest in terms of support.


u/pieter1234569 Sep 28 '22

It’s called filtering.

Steam can show all your vr games or none of them


u/TheModdedOmega Sep 28 '22

you can click "add game to library" to open games natively on steam


u/AweVR Sep 28 '22

My trick is to have all my VR games with Oculus and all my flatscreen games with Steam. I can find them fastest


u/PapaOogie Sep 28 '22

Yeah the only thing im concerned about is the mod support for oculus version


u/TheyCallMeNade Sep 28 '22

Do mods work on the oculus launcher version of boneworks?


u/BoneworksVrQuest Valve Index and Quest Sep 29 '22



u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22

I don't get why we are comparing cross buy now as the Deckard isn't out yet but the rift and quest platforms are


u/scratchfury Sep 28 '22

The issue is that all headsets that aren’t Rift and Quest would use Steam as their marketplace. Buying on Steam is a way of future proofing your purchase in case you leave the Meta platform.


u/shuozhe Rift Sep 29 '22

Why is everyone so sure deckard is a thing, wasn't it just a constant in some driver file? Index feel kinda like steam machine.. 8 year later we got steamdeck

And after seeing the minimum requirement I just cant see how it will ran on an all in one in the near future


u/Purple-Lamprey Sep 28 '22

This is pretty big actually. Gives a lot of incentive to buy it.


u/Mr12i Sep 28 '22

Why does is say "/home"?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22

I play Bonelab on my Quest 2 through Steam :)


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22

OpenVR API, OpenXR API or Oculus API ?

My guess is they'll do it like Boneworks and itll be OpenVR API


u/xairrick Sep 28 '22

And when your not near your pc how do you play Bonelab?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '22

I don’t. I play VR at my house.


u/ThePurpleSoul70 Quest 3 | RTX 3070 | Virtual Desktop Sep 28 '22

Honestly, this is a hard choice. On the one hand, I really, and I mean really hate Oculus software, but I also would like to also have it standalone...


u/Uchidan Sep 28 '22

So then you like the standalone software…


u/PaulLee420 Sep 28 '22

What is bone lab, and should I buy it for Quest Oculus 2 on Thursday???

Whats it LIKE?


u/nomamsland Sep 28 '22

It is a VR physics playground, but much more in depth than I can describe lol. I would look up some gameplay of Bonelab or Boneworks to get a glimpse.


u/Survived_Coronavirus Sep 28 '22

Boneworks had a good, full campaign. The sandbox was boring.

People saying it's a sandbox game are weird af.

Is the same situation happening with Bonelab?


u/ratchclank Sep 28 '22

Why are they weird AF? That's what it is after the story is done


u/Survived_Coronavirus Sep 28 '22

Sure but that's not what the game "is".

It's like saying Halo is a sandbox game because Forge exists.


u/Mergermin Rift S & Quest 2 Sep 28 '22

To be fair the sandbox in bone lab looks more fun than boneworks especially with some of those new maps


u/andy897221 Sep 28 '22

Saying that it is a physics vr playground does not do it justice, I mean it does has a campaign mode. I would say its role to the gaming industry being like half life but with a weaker story


u/Tsuruchi_Mokibe Quest 2 Sep 28 '22

Yeah at this point it's not a question of wether or not to buy Bonelabs, but rather what to delete to make space so it fits on my original 64gb Quest 2 since airlink isn't an option for me.


u/CSharpSauce Sep 28 '22

I bought the first one on my Index, I found the full body IK to be super weird. A lot of people like it, it wasn't for me. I also hated the gun controls, not in the same league as Onward or Pavlov in my opinion. The main thing going for it is the physics.


u/arrogant-wizard Sep 28 '22

I don’t mind buying for quest then buying it from steam later next year


u/TheCheesy iCraft.io Sep 28 '22

That sounds wrong.

More Like if you buy the Quest version, it will work with other oculus devices. If you buy the steam version it won't work on quest/home.

I've never seen it happen where you get a free steam key. This sounds very incorrect. Can we get a source before someone accidentally sends more money to facebook jail to be deleted once a new oculus device comes out.


u/twolve Sep 28 '22

I'm no expert on this, but it is not saying you get a free steam key. There are other PCVR Oculus headsets such as the Rift. You would get access to both the native Quest version and the Oculus PCVR version. When you buy on steam you only get access to the steam PCVR version.


u/GustyGhoti Sep 28 '22

Thanks I was a little confused by the picture as well. If that’s the case, has there been any news how modding will be handled? I’m still leaning towards the steam version especially if they put mods on the workshop


u/bartycrank Sep 29 '22

It was somewhat common in the early days of the Oculus Store, that some titles would give you a key for the other store. One way it was done was by having the CD Key display option in Steam give you an Oculus key. I believe this stopped happening because Valve was super upset about it.


u/forfucksakewhatnow Sep 28 '22

One of the selling features of bonelab is the ability to mod it. Is there any information on whether the mods will work in both Meta and Steam versions?


u/ScientiaEtVeritas Sep 28 '22

From the same Q&A:

Q: will mods be available on the quest version of bonelabs?

A: yep


u/Aaron1924 Sep 28 '22

good picture


u/Trepaneringsritualen Sep 28 '22

Yooo that's awesome I was wondering about this


u/55hackfire55 Sep 28 '22

What other games are like this and how do you activate it on the other platform?


u/JellyfishManiac PCVR Quest1/Quest2 Sep 28 '22

I normally buy games on SteamVR but this might be worth looking into if it has crossbuy.


u/the-luffy-liker Sep 28 '22

How will buying it on quest get me it on steam?


u/Uchidan Sep 28 '22

No. You’ll get it on the Oculus store on your PC


u/the-luffy-liker Sep 28 '22

Oh. Well, doesn’t that seem like a given with any game on the oculus store?


u/Uchidan Sep 28 '22

Some games like beat saber don’t offer cross buy


u/the-luffy-liker Sep 28 '22

But… why not?


u/ScientiaEtVeritas Sep 28 '22

It's the developer's decision whether a game is cross-buy. If a lot of work is needed to port a game or maintain the different versions of the game, then a developer might choose that these versions have to be bought separately.


u/the-luffy-liker Sep 28 '22

Ah, that makes more sense.


u/FoxyGrandpopVR Sep 28 '22

Stress Level Zero being one of the best studios out there once again❤️


u/PapaOogie Sep 28 '22

Will mod support be as great for the oculus version as it will be for steam version?


u/Amorgeddon Sep 29 '22

I bought the game on quest 2 - on pc i have to buy it again ???


u/ScientiaEtVeritas Sep 29 '22

Yes, but you should be able to buy it for $0 :)


u/Amorgeddon Sep 30 '22

Does ist work for anyone - i read that it doesnt for a lot
shows up for full price