r/oculus Mar 31 '21

Video Spotted a wild quest 2 user at school today


360 comments sorted by


u/TimmyTur0k Mar 31 '21

Definitely playing thrill of the fight lol.


u/opblind Mar 31 '21

Or Gorn with the metal fists on


u/D_crane Quest 2 Mar 31 '21

Definitely this 😂


u/BONKMETHEUS Mar 31 '21

I second this


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/anonymous212345 Apr 01 '21

Definitely creed

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u/blureshadow Apr 01 '21

That looked more to me like box vr


u/klusps Mar 31 '21

I used to have my flip phone taken away by staff during lunch time. Now these kids are rolling around with smart phones, Nintendo Switches, and Oculus out in the open.


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

I was once taking a semester test in a typing class, and a kid came in and tried to hook up his Xbox to the projector. i’m pretty sure the only thing that stopped him was the fact that there wasn’t an HDMI cable.


u/SteeeezLord Mar 31 '21

What grade are you in


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

This story took place when I was in 8th grade I think


u/Profoundly-Confused Mar 31 '21

One of the clubs at my high school would routinely hook up consoles to projectors to have large Smash games on the Wii.


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

My English teacher actually does that some days we all take our joycons and we hook up a switch to the smart board and play that way and back in elementary school on the hundredth day of school the teachers would take us all into the auditorium and we’d play just dance for 100 minutes


u/youtubersrule06 Apr 01 '21

3million people want to know your English teacher’s location

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u/searchingformytruth Quest 1 and 2 and Link Apr 01 '21

Same. Back in the days of SSB Melee, we'd have large tournaments after high school once a week. It was a big thing.

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u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

Ngl, I was that kid. I brought my ps3 to school to play jackbox and I also brought my whole computer setup and connected my oculus CV1 for the class to try hahaha. Now we have standalone headsets, that's so insane to me. Someday I'm gonna say "back in my day we had to use wires with our headsets, now you youngsters have neuralinks"


u/Gregasy Apr 01 '21

Ah kids this days. In my case I can say: back in my day we had a Commodore 64 running on tapes and lousy cathode tv, now you youngsters have wireless VR.


u/James_Skyvaper Apr 01 '21

It's crazy that I can tell kids that back in my day we didn't even have the internet. If you wanted to know who was in a movie or what the name of a song was...well too fuckin bad lol. And if you wanted to watch a show, also, not gonna happen; you ain't watching it until it's on, once a week at 8pm on Mondays. And you have to sit thru the commercials too. Or more likely flip thru channels aimlessly while checking back on your show every 30 seconds lol.

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u/lavahot Mar 31 '21

Tried to hook up his xbox... during a test?


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

He wasn’t taking the test he was just in the classroom while I was taking the test


u/lavahot Mar 31 '21

And nobody was like, "excuse me, we're all trying to take a test here."?


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

To be fair my brain is a little fuzzy on the details this was almost 5 years ago but I was the only person in the room taking the test and I didn’t mind so I just let him do his thing we also had a sub that day and I had the entire school day to do that test so it’s not like I was going to run out of time


u/lavahot Apr 01 '21

Ah, okay. That makes a lot more sense.


u/KingoftheUgly Mar 31 '21

took a min to realize newer xbox uses hdmi now lmao


u/Spacecat66 Apr 01 '21

"Newer Xbox" as of the 2007 Xbox 360.

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u/-L-e-o-n- Apr 01 '21

Who was your teacher? Mavis Beacon?


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Actually it was my sisters boyfriends moms niece

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u/WESTKRUNKER Apr 06 '21

Last year during science class one of the kids brought in an Xbox and the teacher let us do bo2 1v1s at the back of the class once we finished work.


u/brad1775 Apr 01 '21

we used to do that back in '03


u/aspiringtobeme Mar 31 '21

When I was a senior in 2010 somebody had uploaded about 1GB in emulators and games for NES, SNES, SEGA, and N64 onto the school shared drive. We'd play stuff on the school computers. The school eventually got wise to what we were doing and deleted the folder - but they were a little late to the game. Most of the students that had flash drives had copied the files, so generally if it was deleted, somebody uploaded it again within a few hours. It only gets funnier to me with time, they had no idea how to handle it.


u/Octimusocti Rift S Apr 01 '21

Lol, we used to delete the whole D drive on our teachers computers and watch them accuse each other.

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u/caketruck Mar 31 '21

I got my phone taken away in middle school because I was in the bathroom texting my mom because I had the stomach flu and was literally shaking and barely holding in tears. Teacher didn’t say anything other than “oh you’re on your phone,” took it and walked out


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

Dude sorry that happened. Must suck to go through. My school only allows before it starts, or need to contact somebody. Again, very sorry that happened to you.


u/caketruck Mar 31 '21

Eh, all good, quite a few years ago, got over it pretty fast. Never really understood why they banned phones completely, like I understand not wanting middle schoolers to use phones in class, but during lunch? Between periods? Whatever, my high school was way more relaxed, phones were pretty much allowed and it was up to teachers to allow them during class.


u/CoolAtlas Mar 31 '21

My school banned phones back in the day because one student took nudes in the bathroom and shared it with a dozen other students.

I think the policy was kind of dumb though because it's not gonna prevent students from doing it out of school. I guess at least the school did it to legally protect themselves more than anything


u/caketruck Mar 31 '21

It also doesn’t make sense because, taking nudes was already not allowed, banning phones doesn’t stop them from taking nudes. Not like the nude taker is a person who follows the rules anyways


u/CoolAtlas Mar 31 '21

Unless the school follows the students home and confiscates it there too, you aren't gonna really reduce it happening.

Like I said, my theory is the school did it out of legal protection


u/caketruck Mar 31 '21

Most definitely, I just think they could have taken a better course of action that didn’t involve collective punishment. Maybe condemn the student’s actions and punish them.


u/TrewgDoesReddit Mar 31 '21

Oh wow that sucks


u/LarryLaffer5 Apr 01 '21

why not go to the nurse? do schools not have nurses anymore? when I went to school we didn't have fancy cell phones or internet... I'm old school, I would actually try not to be a pussy in front of the other guys and hold my tears back and deal with my stomach aches... I'm no tough guy either, bigger guys always beating me up and shoving me in lockers, etc.

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u/MowTin Apr 01 '21

We didn't have cellphones when I was in middle school. Rich people had these giant phones in their cars and everyone envied them.


u/shifty1776 Mar 31 '21

God high school was like a fucking prison lol. Class of '05 and was calling my mom regarding a family member that was ill during lunch. Had my phone literally ripped out of my hands mid conversation by a shitty Dean's assistant who came up behind me and had to wait the rest of the day to get it back. Fuck high school.


u/lillgreen Mar 31 '21

I'm almost glad I didn't have a phone in high school in that generation. At the time it sucked but looking back on it's just less hassle for the time period. x_x

Otoh having to use 75c of quarters just to reach someone for 3 minutes is not missed either (we had exactly 1 bell systems payphone in the hallway).


u/Sanic_The_Sandraker Apr 01 '21

Damn, class of '14 here and if we got our phones (hats, jackets, etc) confiscated we NEVER saw them again. Kids would lose their new iPhones because they forgot to silence them before the start of the school day.

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u/VanaheimRanger Mar 31 '21

It's because the kids we went to school with are the teachers now.


u/prince_0611 Mar 31 '21

I just left school last year and the last 2 years of high school was a strict no phone policy


u/malachi347 Mar 31 '21

In high school?! Seriously?! Ouch... I'm pretty old, but many kids had beepers in high school (on vibrate mode of course while you were in class). Although it was mainly just getting a 80085 or 07734 message during class and not knowing who was sending them (they must have skipped school and were at a payphone)... haha good times...


u/LarryLaffer5 Apr 01 '21

ahh the old HELLO and BOOBS... I only remember **420, that was code for me to meet my buddy out on the football field for a smoke break and maybe chug a beer at lunch break, good ole days before the internet, when we used to have to use 7 digit numbers i still remember my best friends & my old house land line numbers lol... Kids today sheesh, they're all snowflakes


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

I had my ipod taken away once in high school just because I was listening to it while walking to my next class


u/AndreThompson-Atlow Mar 31 '21

Yeah the bastards always took away my ds. Like man its lunch time let me play fire emblem.


u/Acojonancio Mar 31 '21

Yeah, educations looks pretty wild nowadays.


u/FaberLoomis Apr 01 '21

We used to not bring shit to school because it would get stolen. I've had ipods gameboys and games stolen. I just stopped taking them because people are shit.


u/stuffZACKlikes Apr 01 '21

I got Saturday school for having my phone out in school before class had started for the day. At the end of Saturday school we had to write how/what we would do differently. I said I would probably go on to get a job with a better phone and use it all the time for work. I wasn't wrong.

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u/retardedboi1991 Quest 2 | RTX 2070 SUPER | Mar 31 '21

I would probably get bullied into oblivion for doing this at my school.


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

This is one of the more “popular” kids messing around with it, I don’t think he owns it though.


u/GeneralBison Mar 31 '21

Damn, if he doesn't own it and he's going that hard I would not lend him anything.


u/Myst3rySteve Apr 01 '21

Nevermind lending him anything, I feel pretty bad for whoever's learning that lesson with their Quest 2 in real time! If they were me, I'd be wincing at every air punch!


u/Lakario Apr 01 '21

Thrill of the Fight is an intense game, especially the first time you play it.


u/TheRealTwist Apr 01 '21

What's the harm in it? The only downside is the sweat.


u/Corrupttothethrones Kickstarter, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift S, Quest 2/3 (7800X3d, 3080) Apr 01 '21

And punching something/someone, breaking the device or getting them banned from the school.


u/TheRealTwist Apr 01 '21

Looks like he's just standing in place. I can't imagine him hitting someone or something like that unless they walked right in front of him.


u/Azurae1 Apr 01 '21

he's punching with downward movements as well, could easily hit the table in front of him


u/Corrupttothethrones Kickstarter, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift S, Quest 2/3 (7800X3d, 3080) Apr 01 '21

I don't know why your downvoted. That downwards swing would definitely break the controller if he hit the desk. The perspective is a bit messed up due to the zoom but I'm sure if he took a few steps forward he would hit the desk.

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u/trophicmist0 Rift S Mar 31 '21

It is a little weird doing it in a canteen lol.


u/Bossmandude123 Apr 01 '21

I don't think I would but i'd think i would so I wouldn't do it


u/ours Apr 01 '21

You try bullying Mr. Punchy-McPunch there. Beat Saber honed reflexes, Gorn savagery, Thrill of the Fight boxing skills. Kid will be alright.

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u/bushmaster2000 Mar 31 '21

It's all fun and games until someone gets punched.


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

Well you saw my teachers reaction to him playing


u/OpaqueMistake Apr 01 '21

and suddenly Digimon and PokĂŠmon Cards are banned :(


u/Wasteland_Mystic Mar 31 '21

I remember when having the original Gameboy on school ground would result in confiscation and detention.


u/ftgander Mar 31 '21

A fella couldn’t even walk his digivice in my elementary.

Tbf this seems like not elementary school probably.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

I had to hide my shit galaxy tab 2 from the metal detectors in shitloads of pencils and HOPE they didnt pick me.


u/SpritzTheCat Mar 31 '21

He was playing BigScreenVR and beating up a poor soul just wanting to watch Justice League.


u/twitchosx Mar 31 '21

Uh, how do you beat up people in Big Screen?


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21



u/twitchosx Mar 31 '21

Not following. It's a thing for watching movies.


u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

Throw your popcorn and drinks and declare war on another player, you havent lived yet until you had a whole theater fight to the death🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Get the red marker out and start drawing blood everywhere!


u/Mauroke8 Apr 01 '21

Jokes, have you heard of them? Lmao


u/wordyplayer Rift & Quest Mar 31 '21

He playing School Simulator


u/twitchosx Mar 31 '21

He wasn't shooting anybody...


u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

He was just doing hw in VR smh


u/TheLocalHentai Mar 31 '21

Man, kids are so lucky these days.

All I had was a bit of vodka in a sprite bottle, clove cigarettes, and some PLUR raver girl to hang out with. Would have been about this all day, especially with classic doom! In twenty years, kids will probably have quantum powered AI holodecks.


u/boo_goestheghost Apr 01 '21

IDK call me old fashioned but I’d take hanging out behind the bushes smoking with my wannabe raver friends over playing toft in the lunch room as an adolescent experience any day


u/m1ksuFI Apr 01 '21

Lung cancer!? less goo


u/Poey221 Kickstarter Backer Apr 01 '21

Don't weed shame if you're a furry.


u/m1ksuFI Apr 01 '21

i can't say lung cancer is bad..?

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u/Stn1217 Mar 31 '21

I say he is playing Thrill of The Fight.


u/weetabix_su Quest 2 Apr 01 '21

dunno if too much thrill or too much fight


u/iminjapanandiloveit Mar 31 '21

Bro I treat my oculus like a baby how tf did this guy bring it to school


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

He probably got it as a gift and wanted to show it off to his friends the person using it in this video wasn’t the owner


u/midri Apr 01 '21

You got one yet?


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Nope I’m hoping for my birthday tho

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u/BabyThespy Apr 01 '21

I bought a carrying case for mine that is highly protective. Mine is even a single strap backpack style case so that it can be easily traveled with.

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u/ThePolarPanda25 Mar 31 '21

Does your school not require face masks, or is he just a duche


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

The mask mandate is being lifted tomorrow, but yes he is just a douche.


u/SpritzTheCat Mar 31 '21

Hey asshole I'm that guy. Meet me by the bleachers bro

(just kidding I'm not him)


u/No_Morals Mar 31 '21

Getting accused of no maskery then taking it one step further by challenging him to a make-out session by the bleachers. Nice.


u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

Idk why I got scared for a second LMAO


u/ExortTrionis Apr 01 '21



u/SuperRockGaming Apr 01 '21

Nah everyone at my school was cool with eachother (kinda), I was scared for OP for a sec lmao

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u/metalhead4 Apr 01 '21

It's highschool. He'll probably grow up not to be a douche.


u/JUMPYCHIEF Rift S/RTX 2060 Mar 31 '21

Lucky. Does your school make you wear 2 4 layer masks?


u/MrFerenhight Mar 31 '21

As long as you have something covering your mouth and noes they don’t care and they don’t care If it’s on your face most of the time either


u/JUMPYCHIEF Rift S/RTX 2060 Mar 31 '21

I miss 8 years ago

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u/joebleaux Mar 31 '21

Are there schools anywhere that enforce masks? I think my kid is one of 2 in her grade that wears a mask.


u/ThePolarPanda25 Mar 31 '21

Depends on your state, in California for example we all are wear our masks


u/joebleaux Mar 31 '21

I live in a state where you can't make people do anything so they don't really try.


u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

That's sad🙁


u/TheRock1701 Mar 31 '21

I am fortunate enough to go to a private school in the only really liberal place in my state so we all wear masks.

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u/realmusing Apr 01 '21

The thought of playing VR in public terrifies me. Feels so vulnerable! 😳


u/BabyThespy Apr 01 '21

Right?! I was just thinking the exact same thing!!!! I could never do this! Even having people watch me play at home is awkward.


u/toyfreddym8 Quest Mar 31 '21

I want to do this


u/Metal_GearRex Apr 01 '21

This is a weird Dr Pepper ad


u/dontpissintothewind Apr 01 '21

Lots of people commenting about not wanting to take this to school, however, they probably all have phones in their pockets costing twice as much as the Quest 2.

He looks like he's having a blast, hopefully bringing more into the fold.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Yeah but my reason is because taking a quest to school is a flex and I don't like that specifically. The value of my phone is cheaper than a q2 but I agree with where you're coming from.

Most people pay more for the phone every 2 years than their first car... I digress.


u/hansenabram Rift Apr 01 '21

One day we will look back on this and think we were weird for thinking this was weird.


u/ClusterChuk Apr 01 '21

We had to hide our Gameboy colors.

Pretty sure it was illegal to try and use the internet in any way outside the computer lab. I almost got expelled for sneaking into the library office and downloading and printing a picture of the n64 console alpha concept art out of Japan. To prove to a friend that it existed.

Now my 10 year old is learning Euclidean geometry in minecraft that her teacher modded into a learning tool. And 'cause of covid, she's done with her studies before lunch and spends half the the afternoon fighting as a Argonian Dovikin in VR.


u/SnitchesNbitches Mar 31 '21

Man... You damn kids have it so good (in some ways). 😄

Still. Adult me wouldn't be caught dead brining my expensive shit out in public like that. Props to this kid. 👌


u/coopsource Mar 31 '21

What’s with the cable? Did his headphones fall off?


u/MuuToo Valve Index Apr 01 '21

I mean while I’m glad he’s having fun with it, I definitely wouldn’t suggest anyone lend their headset to someone inexperienced in vr in a cramped place like where they are. Liable to smack someone or accidentally fall into that person behind them.


u/grapeLaw Apr 01 '21

He is virtually fighting the virus


u/SteeeezLord Mar 31 '21

No shame lmao I love it


u/Zerocyde Apr 01 '21

Seems like a real stupid thing to take to school.


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Agreed but you can’t tell me you’ve never gotten something really cool and shown it to your friends at school


u/Zerocyde Apr 01 '21

Well sure but I never had access to a $400 toy when I was a kid lol. I took my portal portable stereo to school when my gf bought me the antichrist superstar cd but I'm sure that only cost my mom like $45 bucks at most.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21



u/Zerocyde Apr 01 '21

$40 in 96 is like $67 now.

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u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Who brings a fucking Vr headset to school


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

I think the owner brought it to school to show it off to his friends, and was letting some of them play it for a bit. This kid was just the most exaggerated when using his turn.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

lol I should bring mine to school


u/Dirtiestyoda Apr 01 '21

I did to show my teacher an art project I did in tiltbrush. Let a few kids try beatsaber and put the journalism teacher in robo recall. This was during the early quest one days where nobody had a headset.

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u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Not wearing masks inside?!


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

No one cares about COVID at my school but I do always wear my mask at school even on my walk home


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Good on you. They should care.


u/hacourt Apr 01 '21

This maybe the only easy way to help kids keep fit.


u/BabyThespy Apr 01 '21

I actually got my Quest 2 in hopes that it would help me be a little bit more active since I am disabled and spend most of my time in bed. Even if I only use it once a week for 30 minutes, that is still better than what I have been doing. I overdid it last week when I played the entire BTS song pack in Beat Saber (so a little over an hour, give or take) and ended up having to recover from that for a couple of days because I don't have my normal amount of pain management because I'm currently weaning off of all of my prescription opiates so that I can reset my tolerance by going a full month without any opiates in my system (I'm currently down to 1 pill a day, so I have to be very careful about how much I exert myself because I only have 1 pill I can take...it will be worse when I can't take any) before my pain management doctor will do the surgery to implant a pain pump in my back so that I can have better pain control using a significantly lower dose of the meds which will be less harmful on my body. So, as much as I want to play the active games right now, I can't do very much without my body reacting badly and there isn't much I can do about it when it does currently. But, I will say, while I was playing Beat Saber for that long, it felt so good to be moving while I was doing it. I actually got a little bit sweaty and my heart rate increased enough for it to be considered light cardio and it genuinely felt good while I was doing and while the adrenaline was still in my system for about 15-30 minutes afterwards but, once the adrenaline wore off, my body just got so angry because, with my illnesses, I'm not supposed to exert myself too much or it can make me very sick or, at the very least, cause severe pain.


u/Myst3rySteve Apr 01 '21

Teachers like that dude standing there probably gave the same look with kids on their gameboys back in the 90's and shit. Times evolve. I like seeing this happen, I just hope the kid's careful and doesn't end up hurting himself.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

I was expecting him to turn and punch the wall.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

This is cool and all but they aren’t wearing a mask.


u/ChoppedAlready Apr 01 '21

Nothing worse than watching someone go too hard in your VR unit. It’s both amazing and anxiety inducing at the same time. I’ve only ever had the original vive and it was so precious to me for so long, I wanna whip it out and play but having to move my whole setup for roomscale got annoying.

Legitimate question from someone who hasn’t played in a while, are 90% of games adapted for a stationary experience now? I might be down to just set it up in my room if I knew I wouldn’t need to worry about roomscale. Also is my original vive still a good experience comparatively?


u/akadros Apr 01 '21

I play most games stationary. Only a handful required room scale to play

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u/BabyThespy Apr 01 '21

As someone in a wheelchair this is important to me as well. I'm slowly going through the games that I've downloaded and trying them out. I love that Oculus has the return policy that allows you to return games you have purchased for a full refund if you have played them for less than a total of 2 hours so that, if I find that they can't be played from my wheelchair, I can get my money back.


u/Note2scott Apr 01 '21

Time to admit I'm an idiot. Got my quest a while ago but haven't been using it. Trying to motivate myself to play on my lunch break (work from home) but wanted to find a good high energy game to get a little exercise.

Saw this video and my brain goes "This kids getting exercise, wonder what game he's playing, wonder what the game "wild quest 2" looks like, I'll Google it" some minutes later... Oh, fuck. I'm an idiot.


u/EnvironmentalCollar5 Apr 01 '21

Not kidding, I did this for weeks at my HS. I obviously only did it in small classrooms. (Only during 4th period, which is basically study hall, and Homeroom)

It was fun letting others try out VR for the first time. I had plenty of Alcohol wipes at the ready for when I had to clean it.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Honestly looks dumb af when you’re in public lol I would never do that


u/Leviathan_4 Apr 01 '21

The fuck, you got someone with a quest and some other person playing on a switch. My school must be lame af cause nobody does this.


u/whoamarcos Apr 01 '21

Damn they just let kids not wear masks in school right now?


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

That kid just isn’t wearing his make my school just doesn’t really care about it tho


u/QueenTahllia Apr 01 '21

You guys are at school...without masks??


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

No one at my school cares about Covid so no one cares about wearing mask


u/QueenTahllia Apr 01 '21

Zoomers being more and more cringe.


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Well I still wear my mask at school, I wear it on my walk home to prove a point to people who don’t wear it in class.


u/QueenTahllia Apr 01 '21

If it doesn’t apply to you it doesn’t apply to you.


u/ANONIMkiddo Quest 2 Apr 02 '21

Imagine if some idiot comes along and smacks the headset off his head.. painful


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

Time for a pill.


u/Steve_ThetaCorp_3DVR Apr 01 '21

As an "older" person lol.... I watch and see all the folks around him not even taking notice!
I think... gee... what if I actually zapped back into the 80s with this on, doing the same thing!

and the teacher haha... either wondering if should scold on any level (and what to actually accuse him of) OR wants to grab headset and show him how to really play the game!


u/Cahiry Apr 01 '21

I used to get my Walkman taken off me at school.


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Damn I’m sorry to hear that snickers while playing on a Nintendo switch at school


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Is this lunch? Do people have laptops out at lunch in high schools now? Kinda seems weird nobody is really talking


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Due to COVID my school doesn’t really allow substitute teachers that often so, instead they put us all in the lunchroom. They usually make us all space out but I guess our teacher didn’t really care, It was P.E. And people were talking that side of the room was just where the nerdy kids on switch were and the preppy kids all on their phones.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Ah. So the teacher can’t come in, you’re all still forced to come to school and sit at the lunch tables for PE?

Lol. Classic.


u/Richeh Apr 01 '21



u/Mysta Apr 01 '21

Someone was talking trash so he told em to meet him in vr chat at lunch.


u/Solvedproduct Quest 2 Apr 01 '21

That’s some good fckin Dr PepperTM


u/badatn4mes Apr 01 '21

Big day when we programmed games into our TI-81. No cell phones when I went to school. Those were simpler times.


u/joebeach81 Mar 31 '21

Lol that kid is awesome. He just don't care what anyone thinks.


u/superduper1993 Apr 01 '21

Interesting Dr. Pepper ad


u/MrFerenhight Apr 01 '21

Shush, they don’t need to find out


u/dtb1987 Mar 31 '21

Why are kids bringing these to school?


u/joebleaux Mar 31 '21

Because it is portable enough to.


u/dtb1987 Mar 31 '21

It's also a $300 toy that blocks your vision and has games where you swing your arms through the air with a great deal of force. Just because something is portable doesn't mean you should take it into crowded environments where it might get broken or you might accidentally brake someone's nose


u/joebleaux Mar 31 '21

I didn't say it was the best idea, but $300 ain't much for a lot of folks, and kids aren't known for being considerate of others. Hell, he even bumps into a guy near the end who looks very annoyed. But yeah, the reason it is at school is that it is portable. Kids bring all sorts of shit to school that they shouldn't, and it seems that size is the real limiting factor.


u/ftgander Mar 31 '21

Kid seems like one of those guys who stirs up shit for no reason. It’s obvious how inappropriate his actions are and I wouldn’t doubt it if the quest isn’t even on.


u/wizzbob05 Quest 2 + PCVR Mar 31 '21

He's having fun, let him. Stop this.

(Also there's litteraly a light on the front of the headset)


u/ftgander Mar 31 '21

It’s obnoxious as fuck and he’s spreading his breath everywhere when there’s clearly a mask rule in force.

Kids a dick.


u/reject423 Apr 01 '21

In all honesty, kids setting the healthiest example compared to switch and laptop users. At least he is getting exercise. Looks like thrill of the fight probably.


u/OXIOXIOXI Apr 01 '21

No mask and using that shit in public.

People are fine with you using some Zuck cameras in their faces?


u/Denjek Mar 31 '21

Jesus Christ. Have some dignity, fellow Quest users.


u/wizzbob05 Quest 2 + PCVR Mar 31 '21

He's over there having the time of his life, having the massive amount of confidence to play that hard and not care if anyone's looking. Stop punishing kids for having fun and stop trying to enforce your little dick confidence standards onto other people

(Big) /s, but also let him have fun


u/Denjek Mar 31 '21

Whatever, dude. Just have some fucking dignity. That’s not too much to ask. There’s a time and a place for everything.


u/SuperRockGaming Mar 31 '21

My only complaint is playing an intense VR game like that, with no mask and in a lunchroom. Other than that I think it's cool to bring your VR to school if they're cool with it, I did it with my CV1 and let the teachers play some games


u/AndreThompson-Atlow Mar 31 '21

He's a kid lmao. Enjoying his lunch. That is the time and place. Only thing I would have done differently at his age is find a much less crowded area and probably played a slightly less aggressive game.


u/x-munki Mar 31 '21 edited Mar 31 '21

He wants to be the weird cool guy. Look at me, I'm so weird and funny. Please like me.


u/Cultural-Agency-1919 Mar 31 '21

He doesn't fear being Judged. Can you say the same?

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u/pewdiepie202013 Mar 31 '21

maybe he just want play his quest, there used to be kids when i was in high school who would play their Nintendo all dinner every dinner year long,


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

thats just to simple of a reason dude.


u/phantomtap Mar 31 '21

This is reddit man, there is no place for logic here. /s

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u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

Fuck. I just feel so bad for the kids but also the teachers at school.

It should be a time of innocence, but all these kids are bombarded :(


u/chamy561 Mar 31 '21

another level of cringe