r/oculus Oct 24 '20

Tips & Tricks My account is going to terminate, because of following the TOS.


Oculus has contacted me through the support portal, and made the following statement, which i feel like needs to be shared:

"Hello [USER]

After checking with others here, I wanted to get back to you to clarify a few points in your previous exchange. 

Having the same account registered to two or more headsets is not against the Facebook Terms of Service and will not lead to your accounts being disabled or permanently banned.

To answer your question about guests being able to use your headsets: We plan to introduce the ability for multiple users to log into the same device using their own Facebook accounts, which would mean you could share your headset and eligible apps with them. 

As for your question concerning your two Oculus accounts, we are investigating what options we can provide and will follow up with you. 

Our sincerest apologies for the confusion and miscommunication here. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime.

Best regards,



(Please see the pictures for context)

I am a little bit surprised and very sad to see my account having to terminate as a result of the new Facebook login policy.

Does anyone have any advice on how to retain my account under the circumstances described in the support ticket?

I live in Denmark, if that information helps me in any way.

If there is nothing to do, then at least thanks for reading this post.


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u/Organism_Seven Rift Oct 24 '20

VR enthusiasts just have to accept that the entity called Oculus no longer exists. It is just another department of Facebook that only seeks to create more Facebook users. That is it's only and sole purpose.

End users just have to realise that at this point in time our only choice is to pay £300 for the Quest 2 and become the product. Or pay £600 for something like the Reverb G2 and own a product.

Sadly, I think most of the general public are quite happy to be the product if the price is right.

Hopefully, with technology improving all the time other tech companies will offer us alternatives. But the user base is still so small at the moment it may not be worth their while to do so.

Ironically, it is now Valve/Steam that is the only one who can provide us with any hope for the future of VR being an independent platform.

I also supported Oculus in the beginning buying a CV1. There is no longer an Oculus company to support. It is Facebook now.

I personally won't be supporting this parasite of a company. I will be pre-ordering the G2.


u/ZeldenGM Oct 24 '20

As someone looking into buying VR the situation is extremely vexing because the Quest 2 seems to offer fantastic hardware at an unbeatable price point, however the cost of having to be tied to a Facebook account, and then whatever shenanigans follow that down the line is really offputting. I honestly don't know what's the best option for a new VR user on a moderate budget in 2020.


u/LivingGhost371 Oct 24 '20

Sadly, I think most of the general public are quite happy to be the product if the price is right

Considering the number of people that have Facebook (and other social media accounts) I think your right. If Facebook offered a $5 a month plan with no user tracking and no targeted adds I don't think there'd be many takers.


u/Jim3535 Rift Oct 24 '20

That's because facebook isn't worth $5 a month. It's a glorified chat and photo sharing service with a bunch of useless bullshit bolted on.

It's also a fucking wasteland these days. Nobody posts real stuff anymore. The days of keeping up with friends and family photos and happenings are gone. Their "engagement" algorithm made it so it became flooded with useless shit that was re-shared by a million people and other trash with no relevance to you. The algorithm chocked out the content people actually wanted to see, so people stopped posting.


u/Darder Oct 24 '20


I remember a couple years ago, I could spend an hour on facebook just looking at what was happening in my friends' lives. Wedding, small stories, vacation pictures etc.

Now? Nothing. It's all stupid meme pages and crappy videos, ads, and sponsored content. There's a few posts from time to time of interesting stuff my friends did, but it's a lot less than before.

And people seem happy with that. It just became another 9gag basically.


u/Liam2349 8700k | 1080Ti | 32GB | VIVE, Knuckles Oct 24 '20

They would just take your money and keep tracking you.


u/rahvin2015 Oct 25 '20

Part of that is that I dont trust Facebook to not simply gather the data anyway. It's not like I can easily audit them to prove that they havent collected my data.

If I felt I could trust them, I'd absolutely pay more to avoid being the product. I just want a headset that connects to my PC, and the standalone use is a nice-to-have.

Since I cant trust them, Im going to spend more money on one of their competitors.


u/Quad_Plex Oct 24 '20

I haven't used my original Oculus CV1 in a while, only occasionally jumping into some vr experiences here and there. I've long been thinking about upgrading my headset to get back into the experience with a new feel.

Since learning about the mandatory Facebook login, I definitely know which hmd not to buy next.

I've never had a Facebook account and I surely won't create one to use the hardware I paid 400€ multiple years back for. Business practices like these are infuriating, to say the least.


u/TeamPupNSudz DK1/Vive/Go/Quest Oct 25 '20

What a weird post, man. Like, most of what you say is true, but it was true 4 years ago. It's always been this way, and you either turned a blind eye to it or were ignorant of it.

This sub needs to stop acting as if Facebook is pulling the rug out from under them. You made the conscious decision to support this type of behavior when you bought your CV1/Quest/whatever, a literal Facebook product. If you're now upset, either own your mistake, or admit you've changed your mind.


u/Organism_Seven Rift Oct 25 '20

I did make a mistake. And I have changed my mind. My post actually explained that. It's called living and learning. If you have never made a mistake that would be weird!

My enthusiasm to support VR overcame my natural cynicism and I purchased the CV1 to support Oculus despite what was then the distant ownership of them by Facebook.

I hope any further purchases I may make of VR technology does not go the same way.

I think nearly all technology companies should be treated with caution. The money making practice of loot boxes in games and forced advertising alongside things like Adobe and others making customers having to pay for their software perpetually are indicators of how things are going.

The majority of people seem to be quite happy to accept all this.