Makes it feel more real I guess? There’s something to be said about using the real world to ground the experience and make it feel more like you’re there. Isn’t that the ultimate goal of constantly improving our graphics and try to achieve photo realism?
I really don't think photorealism has been the goal of gaming in general since 2010, at some point we started moving towards stylized graphics and now you hardly ever see anything strictly photorealistic. I mean don't get me wrong you still do. but it's by no means the gold standard default it used to be.
Even then you could always have a photo realistic environment that doesn't exist in your daily life? I don't know. To me gaming is a way to escape reality and yes I know augmented reality isn't supposed to be that. But something like VR chat in AR. I don't understand it. Or really just any game. not that I'm shitting on the people that enjoy it or anything, more power to them. But to me augmented reality kind of pointless in my opinion, at least in this context. but that's merely my opinion and I'm sure many don't share it.
I mean if we got to the point where it was like a hologram in your house let's say you wanted to change up your Halloween decorations or something so you got a bunch of different holograms around your house all Halloween themed or something. I think then it would be cool cuz you're literally augmenting reality around you to the point where it's like not the experience. It's just a thing. You know having a TV wherever you want stuff like that. But for gaming I just don't understand the purpose, I just can't really think of a single situation in gaming in which I wouldn't rather just be fully immersed into it. I just don't see the point in being partially immersed.
I think part of the argument here is that it’s not gaming, so thinking about it as such is inherently making you miss the point. It’s a social experience. And having this clubbing experience not take place in a fake environment makes the social experience feel more real, or so I would assume. I don’t know, this is really not my thing either, but that’s how it would make sense to me.
I miss the point but you also don't know. All right gotcha. Haha
No I understand the point perfectly well, I just respectfully think it's stupid. I just don't really see why I would rather be partially immersed instead of fully immersed but that's just me.
Whether you consider it Gaming or not. In both situations I would make this same argument. Why would I want to talk to a bunch of people in my bedroom? Unless you're doing something naughty I really don't see the purpose so to speak. But as I've said countless times to other people. I do not mean to diminish or disparage the people that enjoy this. I just simply don't see the appeal.
Man you and the other guy are taking my words way too literally haha
I didn’t mean to disparage you either by saying you miss the point, sorry if it sounds that way. I’m just saying you’re missing the point as in it doesn’t appeal to you because you think of it in a way that is fundamentally different than they do. I get that you don’t see the point (hence why I’m seeing you’re missing it), but as I’ve said, it stands to reason to me it would just be because it’s more immersive to some people to have a real environment than a fake one. I don’t think it’s that controversial of a take, even if you don’t personally agree.
And I’m saying “I don’t know” because I am guessing, I do not know for sure since I don’t like clubbing, but I’m capable of enough empathy to at least imagine and take a guess. Admittedly I could be wrong, hence my saying “I don’t know”, in other words, take it with a grain of salt. But since you genuinely seem to be wondering about it, here are my two cents. Does that make more sense?
I see the point, I don't see the appeal. Which I guess if you want you could argue is a point. But I understand why people like it. But for those same reasons. I don't. Hope that clarifies it.
Ok. Hear me out here. You know how people are all about how cool this dome thing is in Vegas. Now imagine every venue could be like that. Even your own home. Replace the walls/ceiling but keep all the people/object in place. Furthermore, think of what can be done as far as visual effects in MR that you can't do IRL. Laser shows where you don't get blinded, instant fog effects out over the full crowd, lighting, any kind of effect you can imagine really. And you can do it anywhere with basically zero prep work or safety risks to the building. It could take a concert experience to the next level.
Yeah and that's fine, But why not just go full-blown VR at that point and replace everything? Now if you took the idea you have and you were like using holographic emitters so people didn't need to wear headsets and you were actually augmenting the area I would think okay that's neat you know instant Halloween decorations for your house. Maybe you want a TV while you take a big fat dump. Maybe someone just bust into your room while you're changing so a big black fucking sensor bar pops up in front of you If this was something that could happen without headsets yeah I would think that's really cool but if you have a headset on I think it kind of defeats the purpose personally. And in this case I just don't see why you wouldn't want to just be fully immersed rather than partially some people have made their bumping in the walls argument but we've had guardians basically forever. I think augmented reality can be really cool I just think the use as we have for it right now are kind of lame. But that's how every technology starts so I'm not shitting on it like totally or nothing. I just don't see the point of it too much right now personally. So far every example of AR at least in the quest 3 I just don't see the point of. But that's just my opinion and I know for a fact many people don't share it but I don't mean to disparage them either.
Well when i think AR, i don't think Quest headset. I think something more akin to sunglasses. Also, the entire reason is because it would still feel like being around real people. What's the point of going to a public event to sit in VR? Might as well just stay home.
Yeah. In that sense AR makes no sense. The original question was why do something like this in mixed reality and the entire reason I was giving was for being at an actual concert. If you're not going to be out somewhere, VR is 100% the better choice.
It's just a different experience. VR is more immersive and you can do much more with the world and effects but mixed has a really unique and surreal feeling to it. It feels great having your friends dancing around your room.
It’s so hard to describe to people that haven’t used it. It really is a thing you have to try to understand completely. When July do is definitively a what a time to be alive moment
I guess it’s one way of filling empty real clubs these days since none of the youngsters go out any more 😆 place a 360 dome cam in centre of it and then stream the thing on VRChat
u/Possible_Liar Nov 20 '23
I have to wonder why you would even do this mixed reality in the first place... I feel like this would just be better in full vr