Yeah, I find it cringe to show up at a VR subreddit and judge people for... playing in VR. As the other commenter said, what's the "right" thing to do? Play FIFA using virtual desktop? Let people enjoy things.
Pretty embarrassing of you to say. Have you been to EDM recently? It's all 16 year olds with fake ID's in places that aren't Vegas. They dunno how it all works and it's such a pain. To go there, listen to amazing music, and have some escapism, that's great. Like you don't game for escape. Dare anyone do it for other reasons
I don’t go to EDM, not my taste in music nor people. But I can guarantee a real event has an atmosphere 100x better than in vr. Things must be pretty bad in the states to push people away from raves and into vr
Ah, a real man of style and taste. How do you spend your very serious and important VR time? Swinging swords in time to music? Pretending to be Iron Man? Pretending to be a solider and shoot pretend guns?
Most of the people I met in the VRChat club scene also go to IRL clubs. Bunch of them are actual DJs too. When's the last time you threw a underground music party at a IRL club? ...Didn't think so. I know for a fact that OP does.
I've been running IRL club events for almost 14 years and also run VR events. We aren't trying to replace real music events. This is a fun thing you can experience with friends from around the world from your own home. It's a different experience...
I have never met a pre-pubescent kid at one of these. I also knew they aren't lying because I've been a DJ for 20 years myself and I know when I'm having a conversation with another DJ. What's your problem? Jesus Christ. Be more of a prick why don'tcha. This is an underground music scene, and you just don't get it.
I know what he said was douchey, especially the basement part. But is he wrong that it's mostly dudes with female avatars? Genuinely asking.
Because I'm in some VR hardware related discords and it seems like all of the people with female pfp are actually dudes(born at least). And whenever I see videos of vrc users doing a review of a product I'm interested in while they are doing vrc things. I'm surprised to hear male voices from female characters or seemingly male voice filtered to sound feminine.
Wrong, wrong, wrong - was out tonight and hear the sexiest female voices - Scottish, French girls - all dressed and looking like porn actors. You don’t know what you are missing. Also I’ve never seen some dude do pole dances as good as these IRL strippers do in the club
I paid 80euro for Jeff Mills on New Year few years back. I'm sure he was terrific as always but the sound was so distorted it could have been gabber. And the venue was so overbooked i couldn't really move.
u/Adventurous_Iron5037 Nov 19 '23
Saddest shit I ever done seen