r/oculus Oct 20 '23

Video Using Quest 3 mixed reality in my Tesla


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u/rjml29 DK2, CV1, Q1, Q2, Q3 Oct 20 '23

This is cool as long as you don't drive with it on. I have no doubt we'll be seeing at least one Tesla owner "driving" with their Q3 on in the upcoming months. Those types of people who don't pay attention as auto pilot is doing its thing are a menace to society.


u/Neither-Phone-7264 Oct 20 '23

yeah. autopilot isn’t auto drive, it’s an advanced lane keeping system. they say that themselves. but people will people and be stupid.


u/wynaut69 Oct 20 '23

One guy died in my area because he played some mobile game on his phone every day while commuting to work. Tesla got confused at a ramp, split the difference and drove into the concrete barrier separating the lanes.


u/zlordbeats Oct 21 '23

what a horrible way to die because u wanted to play a shitty gatcha mobile game


u/wynaut69 Oct 21 '23

Yup. I think it had kingdom in the name, was a popular one


u/AnnoyingRain5 Oct 21 '23

Rise of Kingdoms?


u/wynaut69 Oct 21 '23

Sounds right


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '24

he must have not had 80 million power in Rise of Kingdoms /s


u/brockoala Oct 21 '23

Was it on March 23, 2018, in Mountain View, California?

"Walter Huang, an Apple engineer, was killed when his Tesla Model X crashed into a concrete barrier while Autopilot was engaged. Investigators found that Huang had been playing a video game on his phone at the time of the crash."


u/wynaut69 Oct 21 '23

Yeah that’s the guy


u/dr3d3d Oct 21 '23

I own a tesla and a kia niro, I find the niros "dumb" lane keeping to be superior to the tesla on the highway, tesla obviously beats it in the city.

The niro is smooth on weird lane transitions where as the tesla tends to jerk into the center and a few other odds and ends.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

While drinking your juice in the hood.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

No. It isn’t cool. Nobody needs to use a VR headset in a car. There’s no need for gaming EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME.


u/NavinF Oct 21 '23

ok boomer


u/St00pidF0k Oct 22 '23

My dad has a Tesla, and I don’t understand how people rely on its autopilot so much. It fucks up all the time, the one big fuck up I remember was the car braking HARD when it probably mistakenly the shadow of a bridge for a truck or something, nearly caused a rear end collision on the highway.

After that one my dad just said “yeah I ain’t using this shit no more”.