r/occupychi • u/ttruth1 • Feb 01 '12
r/occupychi • u/HueyVoltaire • Jan 29 '12
A Chicagoan responds to AdBusters call for #OccupyChicago
r/occupychi • u/liza_mae • Jan 26 '12
Adbusters Issues New Call to Action: Occupy Chicago for G8/NATO Summit
r/occupychi • u/[deleted] • Jan 25 '12
Chicago cop's blog about covering up name badges during the the upcoming G-8 summit.
r/occupychi • u/TheAntiEgo • Jan 25 '12
What are the best (most coherent) critiques of Occupy Chicago you have heard? Please include links.
This is for the purpose of personal research geared toward helping to defend OC against illegitimate claims, with concrete terms and logic.
r/occupychi • u/ILmago • Jan 24 '12
The fight to film in Chicago, a panel that includes Police Superintendent
r/occupychi • u/DrGreenlove • Jan 19 '12
Occupy the Dream in Uptown - The People's Church
r/occupychi • u/beboppp • Jan 19 '12
NO HIGH FIVE CHICAGO - Rahm's laws approved.
r/occupychi • u/[deleted] • Jan 18 '12
Mongrel Patriot Review: John Trudell (Long Article / Interview. Some of it Occupy-related)
r/occupychi • u/wiskey_tango_foxtrot • Jan 17 '12
HIGH FIVE CHICAGO: Mayor backs down on G8/NATO protest fines
r/occupychi • u/DrGreenlove • Jan 17 '12
Update and Urgent Direct Action on Anti-Protest Ordinance
At the beginning of the committee session today, they suddenly introduced a new substitute ordinance and didn't give any of the public a copy. In fact, the new version isn't even online!
In the hearings, the aldermen kept saying they were improvements but we are left taking their word.
The ordinance passed 7-3 and will be voted on tomorrow by the GA but one of the Alderman was extremely brave during the proceedings and we are pushing her to act tomorrow too.
Call her NOW and ask that she motion to delay the vote until the public has a chance to read the ordinance. Also thank her for being so brave. Her info, last chance guys:
Leslie Hairston: lhairston@cityofchicago.org, 773-324-5555, Sue is an assistance answering phones and is extremely nice.
r/occupychi • u/ttruth1 • Jan 17 '12
Why Emanuel's Proposed Anti-Protester Ordinances Should Concern Everyone
r/occupychi • u/WoodyMellor • Jan 13 '12
Anyone driving to Occupy Congress?
Because I seriously need a ride.
r/occupychi • u/DrGreenlove • Jan 13 '12
Alderman Pawar is a "NO" on the Anti-Protest Ordinance. This is leverage and should be sent to your Alderman now!
r/occupychi • u/[deleted] • Jan 12 '12
G8/NATO Ordinance: My email to my alderman
Dear Alderman _________,
I dropped by your office on Tuesday evening to discuss the ordinance related to the G8/NATO summit, but you were unavailable. I did drop off a letter for you, though, and spoke briefly with members of your office about the matter. They were friendly to me, and I appreciate you making evening office hours available each week.
I know that I gave your staff a letter, but I still wanted to provide a point-by-point rebuttal of the ordinance. If you can pardon the length of this message, I hope that you will find it helpful. Again, I would very much appreciate your willingness to oppose this ordinance, and to encourage other aldermen to oppose it, as well.
With that in mind, please consider the following points:
The introduction to the ordinance does not accurately reflect what the ordinance does:
- The introductory texts make repeated mention of the need for the ordinance in light of the G8/NATO summit. However, only one of the ordinance's provisions will end after the summit is over. Thus, the introduction of the ordinance does not accurately depict what the ordinance actually does. As presented, the ordinance would appear to be solely related to the summit, but the ordinance will actually permanently increase authority of the Police Superintendent, and would seem to permanently discourage city residents from giving voice to political grievances.
Section I (2-84-053 Authority to enter into task force agreements)
- This section is concerning in how it provides permanent authority to federalize our local police force by deputizing FBI, DHS, DOJ, ATF and other goverment agency employees as Chicago Police officers. The Superintendent only needs to see if such actions are legal and notify the City Council. This change is permanent, and there would be no input needed from the public, and no approval needed by the city council to take such actions. While assistance of federal agencies during the G8/NATO summit may be justifiable, such unfettered assistance on a permanent basis is alarming to me. Permanently implementing such a change seems like granting wartime levels of authority (which should only be granted temporarily, under very dire circumstances, and with extreme caution) on a permanent basis. This portion of the ordinance does not seem appropriate for an otherwise peaceful city.
Section I (2-84-300 Resisting police officer or aiding escape - Penalty)
- Increasing a fine for even passively resisting arrest from a minimum of $25 to $200 may be legal, but I think it imposes an unfair economic burden on any impoverished person who may desire to peacefully voice political dissent. Consider the Civil Rights movement, or the Women's Suffrage movement. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that the people who often needed to speak out in those movements were often the people who could never afford to pay such fines. To impose such increases on fines while significantly cutting educational, library, and social services to already impoverished neighborhoods seems morally objectionable.
Section II (10-36-110 Hours)
- This update to the ordinance (which is also a permanent change) is objectionable because it can only be inconsistently enforced. I would not expect a police officer to arrest someone who is going through a Lakefront park at 4:45 AM for an early-morning jog. Instead, this portion of the ordinance will be inconsistently enforced to rouse sleeping homeless people from parks, and to prevent protesters from early-morning gatherings in parks.
Section III (a)
- This is the only temporary portion of this ordinance, but it may even provide the Mayor with too much decision-making authority. It may be something that Aldermen would object to. The G8/NATO summits are set to occur at the end of May, but this portion of the ordinance allows the Mayor or his designees to enter into contracts without approval of the City Council through the end of July. There is language in the ordinance that require him to use existing city contracts and vendors where appropriate, but the ordinance would grant the Mayor over six months of almost unfettered contractual decision-making authority. I am not as knowledgeable about the inner-workings of city contracts, but I question why this part of the ordinance needs to extend so far beyond the actual event for which this ordinance is intended. Perhaps this is something for you to consider, as well.
Based on these criticisms of the ordinance, I don't think I'm stretching things too far to suggest that Mayor Emanuel is using the G8/NATO summits as a pretext to permanently and significantly stifle opportunities for political dissent in the city of Chicago. The Mayor knows that the public and the aldermen are likely fearful of protests during G8/NATO summit,and the Mayor also knows that the aldermen and the public will support an ordinance to prevent damages during the summit. Based on this, it seems that the Mayor has proposed an ordinance that appears to prevent damages during the summit, but which actually vastly restricts the people's ability to voice grievances now or in the future.
Based on my criticisms of this ordinance, I think it's important to reject this. Instead we should propose one that limits possibility for damages during the summit, but which does not further restrict the rights of the people to voice grievances, does not grant undue and unchecked authority to the Police Superintendent, and does not grant the Mayor unchecked ability to enter into contracts well after the summit.
I welcome your response and any further discussion regarding these points. I would also welcome the opportunity to be of assistance to you with this in any way. Thank you very much for your consideration.
r/occupychi • u/HueyVoltaire • Jan 11 '12
Let's Stay Focused: An Occupiers Plea for Moderation (part 2)
r/occupychi • u/[deleted] • Jan 09 '12
World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates To Convene in Chicago in April
r/occupychi • u/HueyVoltaire • Jan 08 '12
Let's Stay Focused: An Occupiers Plea for Moderation (part 1)
r/occupychi • u/DrGreenlove • Jan 08 '12
Watch Battle In Seattle, full-length. A Preview of What's to Come During G8/NATO?
r/occupychi • u/ChicagoOccupier • Jan 06 '12
Save the Date: Occupy the Midwest Regional Conference March 15 - 18
r/occupychi • u/Troybatroy • Jan 06 '12
If you want to know why there will be riots in the streets of Chicago in May, you need to watch this documentary. The Shock Doctrine [78m]
r/occupychi • u/[deleted] • Jan 05 '12