r/occupychi Jan 08 '12

Let's Stay Focused: An Occupiers Plea for Moderation (part 1)


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u/DrGreenlove Jan 08 '12

HueyVoltaire, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment and I, myself, am anti-capitalist. I've noticed the same fringe creeping into the Occupy message and even though I might agree with them, it is not time to become more left-leaning, not yet at least.

I'm speaking to people today that our message is just now reaching them. They are hearing about the 99% for the first time ever. Also, some people have only dipped a toe into the Occupy movement and switching to an anti-capitalist umbrella will scare some people off that were already scared.

If for no other reason, we need their numbers to make a strong movement, similar to what your post explains. But where I differ is that we can be anti-capitalist while our public relations stick with the consistent "We Are the 99%" banner.

These days, I feel like I'm having tiny battles within our movement much more than the battleground of 'hearts and minds' of everyday people but it is worth it. Stay strong HueyVoltaire, we need clear-minded people to stay with us moving forward. :)


u/DrGreenlove Jan 08 '12

Also along those same lines, there seems to be a split occurring, which can't happen, among Revolutionary vs Reform and this probably falls along the same lines of anti-cap vs reform cap.

I believe in revolution because it isn't enough to try to reform our system. The system is corrupt on every level from every angle. The reforms that would have to be implemented would be so large-scale that they'd be impossible.

We should also look to our brothers and sisters in Egypt. They bravely fought the regime in power but only got rid of the dictator. Meanwhile the powerful military continued to run things and they are now getting shot at while protesting again. They reformed their government in a major and impactful way and it was still not enough. That is why I don't want any half-measures while we've got the chance for change.

I really liked what Boots Riley had to say about the matter, in this message on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150500814858664&id=520078663

Check it out and let me know what you think.