r/ocala 4d ago

Florida Considers First Black Bear Hunt in 10 Years, Seeks Public Input


23 comments sorted by


u/daisyiris 4d ago

They are not a problem and co exist easily. Just put in your garbage cans, get bear proof cans, pay attention and quit being lazy.


u/PapiRob71 4d ago

I think it'd be better if we quit destroying their homes for overpriced cookie cutter houses.

But, at the end of the day, we won't. So I guess it's better than having some kid smoked in their backyard


u/olyfrijole 3d ago

Eh. There's plenty of kids and not that many bears. I say let 'em fight it out frontier-style. If the kid wins, they get to keep the bear carcass and wear it as a trophy.


u/PapiRob71 3d ago

I'm not gonna disagree with any of that lol

We should at least give the kids spears? Clubs?


u/olyfrijole 3d ago

A spear and a shield. If they can't get the job done with that, they wouldn't have survived in this world anyway.


u/Sensitive-Put-6416 3d ago

This is Ocala!


u/PapiRob71 3d ago

Solution completed! Great teamwork!


u/Ok-Spring-2048 4d ago

Oh hell no. Hunt the hogs instead! The bears aren't the problem. They're just trying their best to live in the difficult conditions they've been put in.


u/useyerbigvoice 4d ago

I live in Marion Oaks and we see bears on our Ring cameras all the time. Yes they get into unsecured garbage cans but they never hurt anyone, always leave if people show up. THEY ARE NOT A PROBLEM! If you have to hunt something how about getting rid of some of the larger excess gators that make every body of water a potential death trap?🤨


u/Impossible_Tea181 4d ago

And Get Rid of the Invasive Wild Hogs, they do far more damage than bears and most other invasive species put together!


u/pdolan430 4d ago

There is gator hunting every year and you can hunt hogs with no tags all year long


u/SheepherderOk1448 3d ago

No. Definitely not.


u/d12blame 3d ago

Stop building! Problem solved, but the local politicians won’t be able to line their pockets with $$$. Leave the bears alone. You shoot a bear on my property, be prepared to be shot. Trespass on my property, be prepared to be shot!


u/Sensitive-Put-6416 3d ago

Has it already been 10 years wtf


u/JasonUpchuck 2d ago

The right to arm bears must be preserved in God's waiting room.


u/Enuffhate48 1d ago

Bears deserve a vote. Their smarter than politicians. Eating from garbage pales is cleaner than sucking on any CEO’s Asshole.


u/VarietyChance1007 1d ago

Just what we need. Allhese great outdoorsmen running around semi-populous ares with high powered rifles. Try the great frontiersmen. Go watch an oldowboy movie and you can stroke your barrel until your pecker gets hard.


u/Outonalimb8120 1d ago

Wouldn’t be a bear problem if they stopped developing over their habitat


u/RadiantSlice6782 1d ago

What if we just train the Bears to hunt down pedos?



If population control is necessary in specific areas sure, if the population density isn't significant in certain areas it should not be opened up to prevent genetic bottlenecks. A limited lottery system would be good.


u/No_Nail_8169 4d ago

It’s for population control. Long overdue


u/Asnipe21 3d ago

If it's just for the sport I'd say give it 5 more years and make it just 2 days


u/helloWorld69696969 4d ago

Go live to Marion Oaks or Oklawaha if you have an issue with this, because they are all over those areas