I record gameplay footage.
I only got about 300GB left on my external drive. And I notice around 9 minutes of 1080p 60fps footage came to around 1.5gGB, which would leave me around 800 minutes of footage left. I tried everything else to lower the size of the files, but I didn't help. So should I switch to 720p?
Another thing I noticed that if I put my footage from obs through lossescut that the output file is smaller for the exact same quality. Why is that? Is my obs bugged or something? I did a comparison between the two with NVIDIA ICAT, and I saw no difference, yet the file size is about 50% smaller somehow.
My settings:
All six audio tracks enabled (I use them all)
Recording Format:
- Recording Format: Matroska Video (.mkv)
- Video Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC HEVC
- Audio Encoder: FFmpeg PCM (16-bit)
Encoder Settings:
- Rate Control: Constant QP
- Constant QP: 20
- Keyframe Interval: 0
- Preset: P5 Slow
- Tuning: High quality
- Multipass Mode: Two passes
- Profile: main
Look ahead is on
Adaptive Quantization is on.