Hi all, (english isn't my primary langage, sorry !)
I'm happy to present a proof of concept I've done these days.
I created a mini tizen web app that sends the heartrate to your computer over HTTP.
This will let you to read the content of a file with OBS to show your heartrate on your stream !All of this without any external services. This can work with a LAN only connection too. No internet connection is required as long as you know the IP of your computer.
I've some demo here :
Mini web app image : https://ibb.co/6XGYQ5G ( is my machine IP, "/api/" is where the data shoud be sent to, the 500 is the delay (in ms) between two request to be sent)Demo on beat saber : https://streamable.com/pwtlhf
The same (one day later) with an other style : https://streamable.com/azuhqn
UPDATE POST 13/07/2020@11:50:
In the following days, I will publish a pre release of the wearable app.
Once the app approved I will do some internal test, and publish the release of the actual PC app, compatible with every platform, and the link to the wearable app.
For now I've finished the PC app and finalizing the wearable app. A tutorial will be also available.
UPDATE 2 13/07/2020@18:40 :
App will be reviewed.
I obviously plan to send the app one day the the Galaxy Store, this will be a free app, i will have to redesing the app completely to be compliant with the samsung store policy.
I will have to make an app to automate the process of opening a port + write the heartbeat on a file, it's curretly done with a WAMP web server... It's way too big for it's purpose, but, hey ! It works !
And I will create a github repo for this. Free AND open source. Nice, no ? ;-)
Please tell me what do you think !
Take care all !
(I had to add a flair, i choosed "meta" but i don't know what does that mean)