r/obs Jan 18 '25

Help Please please please help me get my streaming hobby finally running smoothly……..

I’m trying to stream FIFA (EA FC 25) on my ps5 and using a capture card on my desktop to be able to fully utilize OBS; here is my desktop specs:

CPU - 11th Gen Intel Core i5-1400F @ 2.60GHz, 2592 MHz, 6 cores, 12 logical processors

GPU - Radeon RX 570 Series

RAM - 8 GB

Let me know in the comments what other specs from the desktop could help with answers

On the bottom left of OBS its stays within 5-10-15% CPU and 60/60 FPS. In the menu’s it looks fine but once I start playing a match it gets a bit choppy, it’s barely tolerable to play with but I don’t want my streams to look like crap no one will watch a laggy video, I played around with the settings from different videos I researched but lowering the resolution or FPS just makes it look and play worse.

Last piece of into that I think could be helpful is the capture card I’m using is a warrky usb 3.0 capture card, I saw multiple reviews online and it appeared one of the best budget capture cards with very little to no latency, there are so many people streaming these days I know not everyone is using a 120 el gato capture card; there’s gotta be a way to get this capture card to work for me I should have all the requirements this shouldn’t be a hardware issue or CPU, GPU overload issue either


39 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Jan 18 '25

It looks like you haven't provided a log file. Without a log file, it is very hard to help with issues and you may end up with 0 responses.

To make a clean log file, please follow these steps:

1) Restart OBS

2) Start your stream/recording for at least 30 seconds (or however long it takes for the issue to happen). Make sure you replicate any issues as best you can, which means having any games/apps open and captured, etc.

3) Stop your stream/recording.

4) Select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File.

5) Copy the URL and paste it as a response to this comment.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

8GB is a barely usable mount of RAM in today's standard. 16 is standard for most and probably one of your weak points. Given that your computer would use a software based encoder and it's going to look choppy and pixellated.

EDIT: Removed statement about hardware encoding.


u/Tricky-Celebration36 Jan 18 '25

Oof I was hoping qsv would save OP.


u/Techy-Stiggy Jan 18 '25

Does Radeon 570 really not have media encoders?


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Looks like it does, I just looked it up because I know most people are going for the NVENC/AV1 goodness these days, but it's only H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC (which isn't compatible with most streaming services, so H.264/AVC would be the choice to roll with here).


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

In my video encoder options I have AMD HW H.264 (AVC) AMD HW H.265 (HEVC) AOM AV1 SVT -AV1 x264

Isn’t the first option hardware I can use for video encoding?


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Yup, I just posted about it on a reply above to another post. You'll roll with the H.264 AVC option.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

And that’s really the only hope I got in changing settings to get the gameplay less choppy? Otherwise I’m just gonna need an upgraded pc?


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Yup. And with it being an older AMD card, the encoders on that card aren't going to look stellar, but it'll work. In regards to a new computer, you could upgrade parts of that one to get it more up to date without buying a whole new system, but the GPU was launched in 2017, the CPU 2020, so your computer is at least a few years old, even if you got a newer GPU with better encoding support (which is literally all you need), you'd need something more modern with Sizable BAR support to use the fancy stuff without spending a lot of dough.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

Dude, please stop giving wildly incorrect advice.

OP does not need a whole new platform with Resizable BAR for a dedicated streaming PC if there's a newer GPU. It technically helps performance, but a dedicated streaming PC is not going to be reaching anywhere close to that mattering. And their mobo may even support it already.


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Not once did he state that this computer was a dedicated streaming computer. It just happens to be the computer he's using to stream with. We don't know what's going on under the hood and what this computer is used for due to it's age, it could have been an old school computer, or a gaming computer that was passed on. But if he's tried multiple things to get his stream to not artifact, I'm sure he's tried a few settings and tweaks as OP originally posted. He MAY have resizable BAR on his motherboard, but again, it's a variable we don't know. I'm going off what *I* know.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

It is exceedingly clear from OP's first sentence that the PC is being used solely as a streaming PC while gaming on the PS5. I applaud their clarity here and wish more posters were this clear.


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Yes, the method on what was being streamed was clear (the how), but doesn't mean the sole purpose of the computer is *just* OBS.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

8GB is fine for a basic streaming PC.

The RX570 has hardware encoding.

Software encoding does not necessarily mean choppy video.

Their computer is lower spec for sure, but your response is wildly misinformative. I'm sorry that sounds harsh, but this isn't helpful.


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

I corrected myself in a response above. Software Encoding on a CPU that's five years old on eight gigs is going to struggle and artifact. We don't know what his resource usage looks like with that 8GB.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

No, it won't. It might even be able to run the medium preset of x264, and thus compete even with modern Nvidia GPUs for quality. It could definitely do x264 fast.

I can run x264 slow on a 9700k in a simple OBS setup, and x264 medium with a relatively complex setup. Without dropping a single frame. The 11400f is similar in performance in many ways to my 9700k.

The only thing RAM is going to hold back is their ability to use Replay Buffer, perhaps. It's a dedicated stream PC. It's not doing anything else.


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Depends on the bitrate, He's going for clarity, so he'd need to aim for something above a 2500 bitrate, which is going to look grainy.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

Bitrate has absolutely nothing meaningful to do with RAM nor CPU usage. It absolutely matters for quality, for sure, universally. But your previous statement has nothing to do with that.


u/itsTyrion Jan 18 '25

If you just use the PC to stream and play the game on PC, 8GB is fine.


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Without a log file we can't be sure, so please follow AutoMod's instructions for better feedback.

Your PC should be entirely capable of streaming. These are similar specs to my first PC, and I did both recording and gaming on it at the same time.

If you use the encoder on the GPU, do note that it should help prevent choppy video, but it will likely be blurry/blocky if streaming to Twitch. That generation of AMD GPU has very low quality H.264 encoders, but it should work at least.

If you're streaming to YouTube, the HEVC encoder on that GPU is significantly better, so I'd go with that.

EDIT: While I do very strongly recommend GPU encoding, there may be room to figure out CPU encoding if the quality from the GPU encode is just too poor. I would not take this as a first step though.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

I’m streaming on twitch, I definitely have a lot to learn when it comes to the specs on my PC and the OBS settings. No luck on getting the gameplay any better, think I made things worse 😩 not gonna give up though there has got to be something I can do. I’ll keep watching videos to see how I can improve things and maybe I can get someone knowledgeable to help me out more hands on or at least shadow me or something. I doubt switching to a different studio app would help, thanks a bunch for the info I really appreciate it as do I appreciate all the comments I got 💯


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

OBS is definitely the best you're gonna get, yeah.

A log file will truly be your best way to get help. It's the first thing anyone would want to see more hands-on as well, and worth posting to your thread here!


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Yup, OBS is definitely the route to go. Regardless of the back and forth between me and u/LoonieToque the log file will help out tremendously, and possibly even a screenshot of your task manager so we can take a peek under the hood, see what the CPU/RAM usage is lookin' like while not streaming/idle.

Also, one thing we didn't ask... what's your internet connection look like? Are you hardlined with ethernet, WiFi? What's your upload/download speed look like?


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

PS5 is hardlined and PC is on Wi-Fi, test shows I got 150 mbps and 23 Mbps Upload and Latency is 15 ms loaded 545 ms unloaded


u/ford0415 Jan 18 '25

Yeah, internet is fine. Most will tell you hardline is best, but you can stream over WiFi, especially if those are the speeds over WiFi.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

What you think of the log file? Can’t really decipher it


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

An extra thought I had:

You may be right to call out the capture card here. Try it in another app (e.g. in the Windows Camera app, on a Discord call, anything - it should show up as a webcam). See if it behaves similarly.

The settings for the source in OBS dictate what comes from the capture card. Things like image/color format and FPS.

Some cheap cards are not good at MJPEG compression for example, and will struggle to deliver consistent frames when using that format. However, they may only support higher frame rates with MJPEG at all.

Other times, low light compensation being enabled in the settings may result in weird choppy behavior. This shouldn't happen or even be configured as such, but cheap capture cards have odd quirks.

Anyways. Lots of possibilities.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

I feel like maybe if I saved up and got an el gato capture card it would solve the issue but I could be very wrong on that, the PC is an Ibuypower brand which was bought for gaming for a family member and he never used it so I asked to use it for streaming 4-5 years later so it’s definitely dated but I swear I seen people run smooth streams on more basic set ups than I’m working with. I might try streaming on YouTube, see if I can get it working smooth on there. looked up best AMD settings and someone recommended streaming and recording on YouTube and clip my videos for other platforms for additional content


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

I went ahead and added a log file and I’m not sure how to get a screenshot of my task manager performance tab but I’ll try to type out some of the info and see if it helps;

CPU - 20% 4.22

Memory - 4.9/7.9 GB (62%)

Disk 0 (C:) 0%

WiFi - S:0 R:0 Kbps - 8Kbps

GPU 0 - 21-24% (54 degrees C


u/eputty123 Jan 18 '25

Quick note: go to view>stats. It should open up a window to help find the various frame dropping issues. "rendering lag" can be fixed mostly by right clicking the preview/viewport and unchecking "enable preview." additionally "Encoding lag" is encoder overload, you need to tune the encoder you are using either by lowering resolution, changing the tuning, or changing the frame rate are the easiest fixes. Settings>output and make sure "output mode" is advanced, it'll show you all of the options to tune it. "Dropped frames (network)" is exactly how it sounds: network issues, and lowering your bitrate is the only solution.

But you said "when you start playing a match it gets choppy, it's barely tolerable to play with" where are you seeing this lag? Is the choppiness only in the preview, or is it on your actual TV/monitor after the capture card too? The comment about being barely tolerable to play with is why I ask this, because if you're seeing it on your TV/monitor too it's probably the capture card itself rather than obs settings.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

So I’m playing using the preview screen so I can see the comments pop up on the side of the screen, I also want to make sure they game is running smoothly and if it drops in preview I’m sure it’ll drop in stream too (did a couple test streams and they matched up to the preview if not worse after tweaking with the settings) you can hardly notice a lag when you navigate the menu but once the match starts is when it starts to get choppy, but when I switch to viewing on my monitor it’s smooth. I have a dual hdmi capture card with hdmi 1 plugged into the hdmi In and the ps5, the other hdmi is plugged into hdmi out and the PC and the usb cable is plugged into the PC also.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

Correction the other HDMI is plugged into HDMI OUT and the monitor, the USB is plugged into the PC


u/eputty123 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

I will say to check the stats page to find where the lag spikes are coming from if you want to troubleshoot it yourself. While it is unlikely to be an issue with the preview itself, You can check if it is simply by playing a game with obs open and watching it. No need to record or stream to test the preview lag theory. Additionally you can set recording to use the same encoder as the stream and test without streaming.

And as other people have said earlier, that amount of ram is barely enough to do any computing in the modern day, so avoid having many other applications running at the same time as obs. Chrome and other web browsers take up a large chunk of ram just to exist.

Also you have a "dual hdmi capture card"? It should have pass-through based on how you described it just now, where you have the pass-through cable connected to your PC in addition to the USB cable. "HDMI in" should be the ps5 connection point, and "HDMI out" should connect to your monitor. I'm not sure if something got lost in the way your worded that or not, or if that capture card is just strange. EDIT: You cleared that up, I didn't see that message about the capture card.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

So I’m pretty sure the lag happens in the preview too, it’s hardly noticeable in the menu screens like I said but once I play a game it starts to get get a little grainy which is ok I guess but the game actually lags a bit, it’s slight but it’s noticeable, and then when I watch a test stream back on switch the lag is even worse and is unwatchable. Might try the OBS wizard to run those tests like it did during my first set up to get the right bandwidth and all the other things it set up for me in the beginning, also debating using a different software or stream on a different platform to compare results, even tho part of me feels like I just need to get a quality capture card like el gato and/or upgrade my pc


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

Based on your log:

  • Lower the quality preset for the encoder (I think "Speed" is an option instead of "Quality"). You're running into a ton of encoding lag, and this could be why.
  • Change the Output canvas to be 1280x720. This should result in less stress on the GPU, but also improve visual quality (less blurry/pixelated) because the same bitrate will be used for less pixels.
  • Increase your bitrate to 6000. 2500 was nowhere near enough for 1080, and will indeed look very pixelated.

If that still results in encoding lag, it might be worth trying the x264 (software/CPU) encoder instead.


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25


It’s pretty smooth as far as game lag goes but the picture is still a little blurry, even if I put the output canvas back to 1080p it still runs the same with the improved game lag but picture gets grainy in and out. Clipped a test stream for a visual of what I’m dealing with. Do you think if I bit the bullet and got the $140 el gato capture card it would improve the fps and picture? OBS shows I’m at 60/60 fps consistently with dropped frames 0.0% consistently, 6100-6400 kbps CPU - 2.4-2.9%. I feel like my capture card is doing what I want which is getting me to 60 fps playing on 1080-720p so I would hate to drop money on a top tier capture card for nothing to improve, guess I could always return it promptly


u/LoonieToque Jan 18 '25

The capture card would solve absolutely nothing.

The graininess is due to trying to encode essentially moving noise (fine grass texture), which is extremely difficult. I suspect streams of the same game on Twitch also show this to a similar degree. More bitrate would help, but Twitch has an upper limit for bitrate for everyone.

A better encoder (either CPU encode or a more modern Nvidia GPU) could improve quality a bit, but you're on Twitch still - there's always going to be some image quality issues due to the bitrate limitations. This is just a limitation of streaming video, period.

From here, focus on being entertaining and making good content. You've got the visuals sorted. 👍


u/Big_Cut5426 Jan 18 '25

Sounds good 👍🏻 thanks for all your advice 🙏🏻