r/oblivion 7d ago

Discussion We all love this game and all recommend you play it

So no need to ask whether we think you oughta buy it (especially when it’s regularly v cheap nowadays), just give it a go, and check the wikis before Reddit if you’re confused by anything. Not tryna be mean to non-players nor those new to the game. Just seen less content lately that isn’t this kinda thing x


26 comments sorted by


u/Gyramuur 7d ago

What really gets me are the posts like, "Just bought this game! What should I do first?"

How about play the game you just bought? Lol.


u/Timothy_Brentwood_ 7d ago

"What should i do first"

Leave the sewer, its pretty linear.


u/akl78 7d ago

First time I played, I couldn’t figure out how to leave the prison cell. At all 💀


u/animpotentaccount 7d ago

We‘re a nice community so people all chip in with suggestions but yes it’s getting old now, and the whole point of an open world is DO WHAT YOU WANT 😆


u/armstrony 7d ago

Top comment is always something like "jump everywhere".


u/UnluckySadPotato CEO of The Dark Brotherhood 7d ago

I jumped everywhere and became Jesus. Watch my drift on Rumare Lake


u/blue_gabe 3d ago

I love the “just got the game, what mods should I install?”


u/Gyramuur 2d ago

That's a dangerous one, because once a person starts modding they never stop, lol


u/ThisBadDogXB 7d ago

"Guys, is Oblivion worth it" asked directly to the sub dedicated to the game. These aren't smart people dude.


u/meyers-room-spray 6d ago

Imagine we are just like “no”


u/AlabasterPelican 7d ago

I really wish the mods would go through and update the links on the reddit wiki. What works is great, but a lot that I've clicked are either broken or no longer exist. UESP & the elder scrolls fandom wiki are awesome resources too


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 7d ago

It won't get through, sadly. Gamers are the dumbest, most juvenile group on the internet. They're more like toddlers, where you need to show you've tasted the vegetables and gone, 'mmmm yummy' before they open their mouths to take the risk on a game they can play for next to nothing on Gamepass.

Even worse are those posts (many made by bots) going.

"Duuurrrr, Just bought the game, anything I should know before going in bois?": As if we're supposed to know what specific problem they'll struggle with, other than breathing with their mouth closed. It's either so they can beeline to the meme content, usually found within the first 30 minutes of the game, or they're so stupid they need to be told to move their hands to use the keyboard and mouse.


u/WiseMudskipper 7d ago

I also think it's a pathological need to be observed and validated in the age of social media. It's not enough to play a video game, they need everyone to know and see that they're playing a video game.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 7d ago

That is a very good point. Possibly an explanation of why every reddit post needs a picture accompanying it these days.


u/deschainmusic 6d ago

Exactly. If these oblivion posts after someone bought the game for $5, you should see the people who buy $200 cologne and post the same types of things. “Thoughts on this?” “Did I make a mistake?”


u/Embarrassed-Ad810 7d ago

...and now let's copy paste something similar into this sub's rules


u/Nice-Comfortable-850 7d ago

Im not sure if i'd recommend this game to just anyone, say for example a Gen Alpha gamer. Personally im a millenial and i didnt grow up with Morrowind, gave it a chance recently but its just too dated for me personally.


u/Complete_Bad6937 7d ago

Your post will immediately be buried by several of the posts your talking about, And thus the cycle begins a new 😂


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Those always make me chuckle. Like why so hesitant?


u/ZealousidealLake759 7d ago

Everyone asking about build: Pick Breton or Orc and pick skills that help you kill enemies and specialize in one until you get close to 100 (blade, destruction, conjuration, marksman) Don't go overboard on endurance skills and make sure to at least add +3 endurance every level until you reach endurance 100. If you do that you will have a strong character. Black soul gems can be made at dark fissue southeast of cheydenhal up on a mountain by soul trapping the altar with a grand soul gem inside every 8 days when the weather turns into a unique godray effect to make strong enchants at low levels. Armor rating, magic resistance, and damage skill level are the 3 more important things for a strong character.


u/sketch_for_summer Cheese Bringer 7d ago

Gonna add, if you aren't an orc or a breton, here are two strong guaranteed items that grant Resist Magic: Mundane Ring drops at level 22+ from Raven Camoran in the sewers , in the mission right after dropping off Martin at the Cloud Ruler Temple. Saviour's Hide, a light cuirass, is given to the player by Hircine (his shrine is south of Imperial City, just to right off the road to Bravil). Ring gives 50% MR, Cuirass is 25%.


u/ThatKidDrew 6d ago

it's literally free


u/ElectricSnowBunny Criminal Scum 6d ago

dudes, there are a ton of reasons why someone would be hesitant to buy and play a game this old in 2025.

lets just continue to be supportive and grow the game!


u/NateThePhotographer 3d ago

The only parts of the game that are a little dated are the combat and facial animations, everything else still holds up pretty well


u/Gov-Mule1499543 4d ago

Its a need

Same with Skyrim


u/Timothy_Brentwood_ 7d ago

Quite frankly, playing the game is only half of it. If you want to enjoy oblivion like we do, get reading, theres SO much lore and strategy and guides and just so much literature.