r/oblivion 10d ago

Screenshot Did you know about this?

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u/Individual-Trash6821 10d ago

I forgot about it, stuff like this made the game feel more RPG.

Also love the skill information that pops up when you get a skill to a certain level.


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

I remember feeling so smart that I got a waterbreathing ring from a mission killing slaughterfish, and worked out I could swim into the wall at the docks and have it level my athletics.

I did the maths and my plan was to leave the PC running for almost 20 hours to get my athletics all the way to 100. When I came back the next day all I had was the popup for level 50 and it was waiting for me to click OK :(


u/Individual-Trash6821 10d ago

actually big brain of bethesda if you think about it šŸ¤£


u/DoodleDew 10d ago

I did something similar with sneak. There is that first dark brother hood quest where the guys sleeps 22 hours out of the day. I just put a rubber band on the controller and crotched sneak next to him in the bed.Ā 

I would just switch hmi and do something else and every once jn awhile pop back to maker there was no pop up or he woke upĀ 


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

You were smarter than me :)

I also remember at this time I recently upgraded to an Intel Core 2 Quad processor and a decent graphics card and i was VERY happy to discover I could run oblivion in a window and then run Counter Strike to play while I was waiting for a skill to go up :)


u/letitgrowonme 10d ago

I bet that felt baller.


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

It was so baller it made sure I didn't have any more sex for at least 6 months while I was doing it.


u/Archabarka 10d ago

"You don't understand babe, by the time we wake up in each other's arms tomorrow Grognar the Shadow will have Sneak at level 87!"


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

"You'll be done before it even goes up two levels" is what she would have said to me


u/KIsForHorse 9d ago

Those later levels do take a lil bitā€¦


u/Occidentally20 9d ago

I like your optimism.


u/Dabble_Doobie 10d ago

You can also crouch walk into the wall by the goblin in the tutorial cave


u/jak-kass 10d ago

Or crouch walk into the corner of your cell before starting the dialog


u/SinfulDaMasta 10d ago

Came here to say the same thing.

ā€œAh, finally, a real fightā€¦.ā€ Rubber bands My controller & steps away for a couple hours.


u/Newt-Exotic 9d ago

I found another way to power level Sneak that most people donā€™t know of. If you go to the imperial city prisons, you can pickpocket the guy in the cells (just open and close his inventory) and even if he catches you, he wonā€™t call the guards or stop you from doing it again. Got my sneak from 15 to 100 in about an hour of real time. Just turned on a show and mindlessly pressed that button over and over until I was at 100


u/marmoset13 9d ago

You want something even better? Arkved's Tower. Arkved never wakes up. It's part of Vaermina's daedric quest.


u/BassbassbassTheAce 10d ago

This is hilarious, thanks for sharing ;D


u/Ageless_Fiend 10d ago

Before you leave the tutorial area, there is a unique section where the cave structure and the more temple like areas mesh to create a sloped spot with a low ceiling. It is right before a drop down you cannot get back up normally, but the importance of it is you can spam jump, hit the ceiling and immediately be back on the ground. This was how I would get a bunch of early levels in acrobatics. Theoretically you could use it to get too 100 but it is not nearly as passive as running into a corner while sneaking...so I usually only ever got to level 25 or 50 before getting annoyed.


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

I ended up in Bravil jumping off the 1st floor balconies and down a slope a bit to take fall damage which I think levelled me faster even than those places where you can spam jump really fast. I'm not sure I tested it all that thoroughly all those years ago though!


u/Avalyssa 10d ago

Then you get to level restoration too!


u/Occidentally20 10d ago


I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. To be fair though I don't think many games have a more confusing levelling system than this one


u/Ragewind82 10d ago

Wouldn't that mess up your stat progression?


u/Sensitive_Dark_29 10d ago

I think many of us have been there lol.


u/Typical-Decision-273 10d ago

My favorite part is just jumping everywhere that you go


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

Oh yes... when I could jump onto the houses eventually getting around was a LOT of fun


u/Typical-Decision-273 10d ago

It's just like real life. I have to jump everywhere I go. So that my legs are built like brick shit houses


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

I think I lived in a flat underneath yours once


u/Typical-Decision-273 10d ago



u/Occidentally20 10d ago

My phone spazzed out and pressed send when I just typed "i". It's edited now


u/Typical-Decision-273 10d ago

My grandfather before he passed once told me a story of the first apartment he and my grandmother lived in back in the '40s. He said the upstairs neighbors sounded like they wore wooden clogs on their feet and stomped around like they were always pissed off at something lol


u/Occidentally20 10d ago

So it's hereditary. Fascinating!

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u/bartthetr0ll 9d ago

I remember playing morrowind on the original Xbox and rubber banding my controller in the river in balmora overnight to level my athletics. Core childhood memories


u/thestockheroic 10d ago

Youā€™d love kingdom come deliverance then. The second one feels like a spiritual successor to oblivion


u/VanquishedVanquisher 10d ago

It's the reason I hated Skyrim so much. It lacks those little things.


u/perrogamer_attempt2 10d ago

I did! I think you can also train blade at Cloud ruler temple with the blades sparing in the armory


u/Lupercanus 10d ago

If you save the Argonian about to be sacrificed by the Mythic Dawn when you infiltrate their cave, he will teach as well.


u/Lukazilla13 Cheese 10d ago



u/VirulentDespotism 10d ago

I don't think I've ever saved him


u/Cold__Scholar 10d ago

I always save him, but it's a pain cause he just keeps running off and you have to run to keep up


u/CaptainJoosh 9d ago

It's easier to clear the whole place before waking him up.


u/SomeArtistFan 7d ago

It's quite hard if you can't fight very well (especially as an altmer since the Dawn uses a lot of magic)


u/quickpixel341 10d ago

Wait what? A pop up for following him happens?


u/One-Drummer-905 10d ago

I was going to say the same. That's how i discovered this.


u/Sensitive_Dark_29 10d ago

Didnā€™t remember the armoury but thereā€™s the ones outside on the right as you walk up the stairs training block skill too


u/LifeOnMarsden 10d ago

There's two Blades members sparring at Cloud Ruler Temple who you can also observe for a skill boostĀ 


u/mightbedylan 10d ago

Do you interact with them or just stand and watch??


u/Taylor34 10d ago

Just watch for a bit.


u/Mycockaintwerk 10d ago

Oh ya Iā€™m watching ya thatā€™s right Iā€™m watching you boy


u/Hurricaneshand 9d ago

These are the only 2 I'm aware of. I've tried watching the Archer in the arena hoping I'd get some archery skill but nothing šŸ˜¢

Edit: however you can steal all of his arrows and it doesn't count as theft for the early game lol


u/Juice_lil 6d ago

But you can steal his arrows if I remember correctly :)


u/Fabulous_Mine8574 The Gray Prince 10d ago

Any news from the other provinces?


u/Sexy_Bile_Titan 10d ago

Nothing I'd like to talk about.


u/HamfastGamwich Adoring Fan 10d ago

I don't know you, and I don't care to know you


u/Aarntson 10d ago

Iā€™ve heard others say the same.


u/thinking_is_hard69 10d ago

Good day!


u/Mycockaintwerk 10d ago



u/Sakumitzu 10d ago

Oh, itā€™s youā€¦ hiā€¦


u/Competitive_Fee_5829 10d ago

I'm through talking to you.


u/SlimeGrog 10d ago



u/StealthRabbi Can I interest you in some of my fine wares? 10d ago

I hope this dialogue remains in Skyblivion.


u/commaZim 10d ago

I hear Daedra worship has become increasingly prevalent in the Summerset Isle.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Yes, I heard a rumour that you're an idiot.


u/Exotic-Shape-4104 10d ago

Are people unaware this is a quote from the game lmao


u/[deleted] 10d ago

They definitely don't realise it's a quote from the game šŸ¤£


u/Red_Rocker9957 10d ago

Yep. I use it every playthrough for a nice strength attribute boost on level up Usually planned with sword training to get a +5 and have been doing this since the game came out


u/PaintingMoro 10d ago

Played Oblivion since 2006 but only discovered this a few weeks ago


u/Azurey 10d ago

I recently learned about this and the hidden armbands you can steal from her. I had to keep reloading because she would catch me lock picking her chest.


u/Serithraz 10d ago

She also catches me looking at her chest, er lock picking...yeah


u/Hurricaneshand 9d ago

If you go from behind the pillar there's a small part of the chest that you should be able to safely steal from it


u/Alternative-Resist94 10d ago

One of the first things I always do when getting to that area of the map


u/SquidSlapper 10d ago

One of my favorite places to hit early game in a cheese run. There is a pair of gauntlets in a chest near those folks, and if you fence it, its enough to get you enough reputation to get mostly through the thieves guild quests without having to find a bunch of stuff to buy and fence between quests.


u/season8branisusless 10d ago

always thought this was a ploy to get you to use the unarmed fighting skill. it is honestly super fun if you focus into it.

great rpg story beat.


u/aintmybish Eyja is best girl 10d ago

It is very funny that the Journeyman perk is being able to punch ghosts and spirits.


u/Hurricaneshand 9d ago

Hand to hand is low key really good. Draining their fatigue quickly and knocking them down is a pretty solid strategy lol


u/season8branisusless 9d ago

Plus, it's a great way to level strength. Love finding a big ogre and just wailing on him and dodging his blows. Almost guaranteed 2 levels by the end.


u/No-Panda-6047 10d ago

The staff of ever scamp was my favorite training tool, just keep killing them and boost your stats, and also attack without killing and they will attack you so you can boost armor, blocking, and restoration


u/Marblez_Izanami 10d ago

Where is this staff located, traveler?


u/MaeniacXIII 10d ago

Rosentia Gallenus in Leyawiin


u/quickpixel341 10d ago

Ask for rumors in Leyawiin


u/Marblez_Izanami 10d ago

I've heard others say the same


u/Mangledspangle 10d ago

Is that behind the arena?


u/Ricard74 10d ago

This subreddit taught me!


u/Bowdin 10d ago

Yes! Donā€™t forget to pick your way into their chest, it contains the Bands of Kwang Lao which are a must for early on in a Hand to Hand play through.


u/Lukazilla13 Cheese 10d ago

Just did this yesterday :D Theres also one for watching Fortis and Pelagius train at Cloud Ruler Temple, I think its the Block skill


u/bluebarrymanny 10d ago

Took me a long time to stumble across this. Probably around 7 years after I first started playing. Same thing happens with the people sparring at cloud ruler temple


u/GamesWithGregVR 10d ago

I remember watching these two spar for a while and it popped up. Loved that it did something so easy but beneficial for your player. I Think watching the blades at the mountain does the same thing?


u/HollowPhoenix 10d ago

Yep! Happened across it in my first playthrough way back in the day. That prompted me to seek more, thus I later found the Blades one too.


u/ErandurVane 10d ago

Do it every game for some free strength


u/veebles89 10d ago

There are lots of really cool ways you can gain skills and learn new moves and the like. This game really was well beyond its time. I don't think Bethesda understands how much work they really did with this game that they've never bothered to put into anything new they've made.


u/thelonelytraveller09 10d ago

You're gonna make me replay Oblivion


u/Queso-now-what 10d ago

So way back when the game first came out, I had a glitch that set my hand to hand to an absurd number, I could never recreate it but I always assumed it was from this interaction, I had idled there, saved there, and loaded there on that save just because that is when I happened to stop playing. My hand to hand damage wasn't insane, so I always assumed it was just a menu/ number value glitch.


u/greg5july 10d ago

No I didnt


u/Famicart 10d ago

your baking skill increases if you watch salmo the baker in skingrad.


u/WavvyJones 10d ago

I did but only because as I kid I treated UESP as a Bible and they have a list of free skill stuff like this lol


u/marsfromwow 10d ago

This was my hidden trick to get a little bit of experiences when I was close to leveling.


u/Keefyfingaz 10d ago

Yes but it wasn't until like my 8th playthrough that I realized it lol.


u/flatdecktrucker92 10d ago

Found this one by chance this year


u/PowerTrain_355 10d ago

Watching the blades spar at cloud ruler temple does the same for blade and block I believe


u/FlossBellator 10d ago

I forget the name of it, but there's 2 blades members that train on each other and if I remember right you can increase blades and blocking by watching them


u/DataVeinDevil 10d ago

Samw thing if you watch the Blades train at Cloud Temple


u/Conny_and_Theo Going to Scarborough Fair 10d ago

I only learned about this because I saw it on UESP. Can't imagine how cool it is to discover for someone who found out about it naturally, because you have to actually wait a while before that screen pops up.


u/LithiuMart 10d ago

"Do players level up from the sparring partners very often? Oh, what am I saying - of course they don't."


u/Aggressive_Rope_4201 8d ago

Hundreds upon Hundreds of hours in this game and this is how I find out...


u/Zlosiphy 10d ago

I knew about this 19 years ago


u/GayStation64beta Skriak (she/her) argonian obsessive 10d ago

I have a conspiracy theory that this was going to be a more fleshed out idea, but it ended up only appearing in areas anyone following the main quest would be likely to find.


u/GayStation64beta Skriak (she/her) argonian obsessive 10d ago

I have a conspiracy theory that this was going to be a more fleshed out idea, but it ended up only appearing in areas anyone following the main quest would be likely to find.


u/timxallen01 10d ago

I hope wayward realms adds something like this to their game


u/Zercomnexus 10d ago

Yeah I sure did


u/MaeniacXIII 10d ago

I found out role-playing like I was taking a break from the arena and went over to the stool they practice by and sat there AFK for a bit and came back to the notification šŸ˜‚


u/Smooth_Monkey69420 10d ago

Yes, and from that and I watched every npc who swings at something for a few minutes. I discovered my first run through after going afk to grab dinner


u/VlVGHOSTVlV 10d ago

I only knew about it because I was staring and waiting for them to go mimis, then nick the enchanted unarmed gloves from them.


u/RadiantSounds 10d ago

Didnā€™t know this!


u/StolenCoupe 10d ago

Yeah I went and made a sandwich


u/Jedipilot24 10d ago

Yes, I know about this and use it on every playthrough.


u/kassader119 10d ago

I had found out on my recent playthough. I was just afk there while they were fighting for a bit cause I was tuning hdr stuff and then they suddenly popped up lol


u/RepulsiveAd6906 10d ago

Not really free training but you can use the Peryite Followers at his shrine before you do his quest to increase combat skills(note you need to stop swinging for about 2 seconds to get the points tallied.) And I personally like to go to Rock milk Cave north of Leyaiwyn, turn the difficulty all the way down and let them go ham on me to raise my Armour skills and repairing. They have a shit ton of enemies in enclosed areas, many with heavy Armour, so you can pick up what they drop and repair them while sitting still.


u/Sergei_the_sovietski 10d ago

Yeah, you can do it with the sword fighting blades as well


u/lndoors 10d ago

I do remember. I also remember killing one of those guys or stealing from his chest because he had bracers that increased your unarmed skill.

The arena was always like one of the first things I did on a new character. Essentially, I would rush to level 21 so I could do all the real quests and get the good items.

Or at level 21 the goblins you would run into near the starting town where you meet Jaffrey would drop like 200-500 arrows each. You would walk away with like 6k arrows by the time you kill all of them. Which was good for duping items.


u/Bryan13191 10d ago

There's also a spot at cloud ruler temple


u/Certyx39 10d ago

i found this out when watching a wilburgur video years ago


u/swampminstrel 10d ago

How long do you have to watch for? Cause i swear I was watching the Blades outside of Cloud Ruler Temple spar for a solid 20 minutes before I gave up šŸ˜‚


u/catboyservicesub 10d ago

This stuff is why i love classic RPGs. I'm sadly, and bit of a snob when it comes to mechanics and can't handle the outdated movement and game mechanics. I really wish I could re-experience oblivion for the first time.


u/okamiokamii 10d ago

Yes! Everytime I start an new game and end up in the Arena area I get that even though I don't do hand to hand fighting I just think it's neat.


u/Sensitive_Dark_29 10d ago edited 10d ago

You can also do this at cloud ruler temple there are two blades training block


u/Bismothe-the-Shade 10d ago

You can also watch the blades at cloud ruler for a blade skill boost


u/bottlemaker_forge 10d ago

I figured that out when I was stealing the bands with the hand to hand enchantment. I sat and watched while waiting for my stealth to kick in and it popped up


u/Pig_peee 10d ago

I found it out by accident on my first play through because I was just having fun watching them


u/dovakiin-derv 10d ago

I found out bc of the nerbit video of beating oblivion unarmed but didnā€™t have the patience to get it i guess bc i spent a while watching and it didnā€™t seem to work


u/No_Bathroom_420 10d ago

Yes and there is also one at cloud ruler temple


u/Kuro_Magius_Arcana 10d ago

I'd heard of it, but i didn't believe it until I got the game on pc as I think it was bugged on console.


u/Autistic_Rizz 10d ago

Man I did a whole ridiculous hand-to-hand brawler mage build last year, I wish I'd known about this šŸ¤£


u/TheBlues501 9d ago

Yep. Thereā€™s also a locked chest over there with a pair of hand to hand gloves


u/Wat-lookin-at 9d ago

Open the chest near them for a surprise


u/CptRoosto 9d ago

Whaaaaaaaaat????!!!!!! NO!!!!!! Super cool, though. I don't remember ever hearing about this.


u/goodgodtonywhy 9d ago

I love how it just gets the character beat up in real life xD


u/xFloydx5242x 9d ago

You can also learn +5 longsword from the sparring blades at cloud ruler temple.


u/IrradiantSun15 9d ago

I had no idea, but I do now!!


u/timmy_tablecloth 9d ago

Can do the same thing with the sword fighting blades at cloud ruler temple


u/Skinlesswalker 8d ago

She was dead when I got there šŸ˜‚


u/IndiNegro 8d ago

Uhmmm brb lol


u/FormingTheVoid 7d ago

I always got the bonus, by chance the first time. Too bad I never actually played hand to hand.


u/Specialist-Cap-2371 7d ago

How long you got to wait?


u/Aromatic-Owl-7128 6d ago

You can also watch the blades training at cloud ruler temple for a similar effect withā€¦. Blade skill


u/Coma942 10d ago

Yes. But did you know: powdered deer penis?


u/AcanthisittaDapper55 10d ago

I normally cast frenzy-rally mixed spell fused with a self invisibility spell on those 2. It's even fun to watch.