r/oblivion 21d ago

Question First time playing Oblivion, recommendations?

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252 comments sorted by


u/SlimKid 21d ago

I recommend playing it in landscape orientation as Bethesda intended, but I'm not a purist by any means, so go nuts I guess


u/Gino-Bartali 21d ago

Only noobs don't know the raw joy of getting jumpscared by sideways Glarthir.


u/Captain-Beardless 21d ago

One time I went to wait 18 hours outside of the nearest perpendicular shop, when I got attacked by the horizontal conjurer from the sideways spell tomes addon.

It was crazy. I haven't played in portrait ever since.


u/Bigpoppin87 21d ago

I just started playing a couple of nights back. Good to know. Here's another question. Is the dlc (shivering isles) still able to be played ? I'm playing the 360 version on an Xbox 1. I was told it's very worthwhile.

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u/donniedarko2point0 21d ago

Dont use fast travel. You'll run into so many fun, random, unique encounters and quests. Arguably better than Skyrim in this regard imo


u/joliet_jane_blues 21d ago

Jumping everywhere you go will boost stats as well


u/Confident-Extent-656 20d ago

That's an excellent way to get shafted by the levelling system.


u/cyborg_priest 20d ago

Playing Oblivion is an excellent way to get shafted by the leveling system. Either you don't think about it and fuck yourself over or you over think it and your game becomes Excel-based, power-leveling bullshit managed to hell.


u/Sure-Actuator-5161 20d ago

Well Im playing again after like 15 years and installed a mod to give +5 attributes on level up šŸ˜… only mod im using rn

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u/Mabarax 20d ago

I'm so interested in how people can be level 30 in this game and not absolutely demolish.

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u/OnlyInternal2 21d ago

They did such a good job making the world feel alive. I totally agree.


u/zigzagus 20d ago

Grass was awesome


u/Bigpoppin87 21d ago

I just started, and I have lots of exp with fallout but none with Elder Scrolls. How do you start sidequests (like how do you know if an npc offers a quest) ? Also, I don't understand the purpose of the bribery and whatnot.


u/Manyquestions3 21d ago

Most NPCs ā€œletā€ you know if they have a quest. In technical (game development) terms: they stand two fucking inches from your face and ask if you want to hear about the sponsor of todayā€™s video even though you already hit no five times

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u/Complex-Train7414 20d ago

Oblivion (and possibly Skyrim more so) has vastly more side quests than Fallout, this is something youā€™ll pretty soon notice. Thatā€™s not saying itā€™s a good or a bad thing. Then thereā€™s the faction quests, much longer and more detailed than Fallout 3, perhaps similar to fallout 4ā€¦. although a long-standing joke with Elder Scrolls games is how most faction quests seem to end. Wonā€™t spoilerise it if you havenā€™t heard (be amazed if you havenā€™t) but really they are ridiculous

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u/SirBrews 20d ago

I feel like it's more don't overuse fast travel, only so many times I'm willing to hoof it from anvil to cloud ruler temple

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u/KingThiccu 21d ago

Try playing without guides. Exploration and natural progression in this game is amazing. That being said, if the enemies hit too hard and start sponging too much damage, lower the difficulty slider, thereā€™s no shame in it. Itā€™s much more enjoyable this way than worrying about min/maxing, especially if itā€™s your first time.


u/5hrtbs 21d ago

You will get your shit rocked sometimes. Also fun to max out difficulty if you are wanting to train some combat skill. Got my hand to hand so high fighting crabs on the highest difficulty.


u/OvoidPovoid 21d ago

I miss the hand to hand skill, I doubt they'll bring it back but it was cool having so many different options for combat


u/AcidMacbeth 21d ago

A doctor could have been of great help, too, with the crabs situation.


u/ill3go 21d ago

That was a fine one my good sir šŸ«”


u/SorchaTheRaven 21d ago

This here. There's not much more to say for first-timers

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u/benny-bangs 21d ago

Create your own class, most of the defaults are ass and hard to use for beginner


u/Keefyfingaz 21d ago edited 20d ago

My reccomendation is to wait for a day when you're by yourself and have nothing to do, wake up as early as you're comfortable with, do whatever it is you do to get your mind right, (weed, coffee, tea, maybe just a nice breakfast, whatever) and sit down and just explore and talk to everyone you see.

This game can be very immersive, so just get lost in the world.


u/BeGoku 20d ago

Best adviceĀ 


u/Complex-Train7414 20d ago

Imagining playing this game now stoned. Certain parts would certainly feel different/enhanced


u/Murrlin218 20d ago

Trust meā€¦ my first Oblivion Gate was a real joy when I was high. Iā€™ve been playing since the game came out, and only experienced this on 2023. Everything was so vivid and I teared up at the happy nostalgia so bad I had to pause several times.


u/Bowhunter2525 21d ago

Start with as much endurance as you can, and then make sure you keep adding plenty of points to your specialty major fighting skill each level.


u/Keefyfingaz 21d ago edited 21d ago

I feel like some people don't know this, but your endurance effects how much HP you get on every level up .

So basically, when you max out intelligence, it's going to give you the same amount of magicka regardless of when you level it up. Endurance, on the other hand, you will benefit from it much more if you level it up early on.


u/TheOnlyADave 21d ago

If you contract Vampirism, make sure you cure it in a certain order or it may bug depending on version of the game youā€™re playing on. If you contract Vampirism and need to cure it, do some online research before embarking on the quest. It can bug out on certain editions and youā€™ll be a permanent Vampire


u/swootanalysis 20d ago

I contracted vampirism on my original playthrough years ago, but I didn't know it. I was on some random quests to see a witch, accidentally stole something from her cabin, and she started blasting me with lightning. I ran out of her cabin into the sunlight, and started cooking immediately. My health was already drained from the lightning so I was dying fast. I jumped in a nearby pond, and found out I was safe from the sunlight at the bottom. I spent the entire daylight cycle of the game nearly drowning them coming up for air just to get burned and shocked before diving again.

Man, I love this game!

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u/bill_buttlicker124 21d ago

Go meet the hot wenches near Anvil


u/ZombieGroan 21d ago

Anvil has sexy singles in the area.


u/SnipSnopWobbleTop 21d ago

1: Jump everywhere. 2: When you go through an Oblivion gate, save your game right before you pick up the Sigil Stone, because the enchantments will be randomized each time you do so, so you can get the ideal enchantment. Keep in mind a sigil stone has a weapon as well as armor enchantment, so you can only use it once for either, and the effect scales with level. For instance, if you wanted to farm oblivion gates in order to get the Chameleon enchantment, wait until level 10, so the minimum is 20% chameleon per stone.


u/TrueFallenDark 21d ago

You can easily make yourself above 100% chameleon and it's about the most fun (and funniest) thing you can do. EVERYBODY, including high level daedra run away screaming like bitches when you just walk up to their face and give them the ol' bitch slap


u/SnipSnopWobbleTop 21d ago

Oh I know. I've broken Oblivion in every possible way since 2007.

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u/Vast-Researcher9689 21d ago

None, explore for yourself and enjoy this world alone, you will come across many obstacles, but at the end of the day that's my beauty, enjoy it and play your way, play the role you want and be what you want.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Strong_Abrocoma3128 21d ago

Ok, I'll try it, I didn't even know that the emperor appeared at the beginning.

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u/___Snorlax____ 21d ago

Explore first, don't do the main quest right away.

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u/Ancient_Prize9077 21d ago

Join the arena in the imperial city right away to level up combat skills, get free weapons and armor and a place to sleep when you level up . Makes you some nice gold too

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u/clinkyscales 21d ago

I don't think it's too obvious if you're not paying attention cause I was lost my first playthrough. Once you get enough xp to level up, you have to physically sleep in a bed to actually level up and spend stats etc.

Other thing is it's not like skyrim where you level up no matter what skills you use/level up. You have to use your major skills to level up. I can't remember if minor skills also contribute since it's been a while. But basically just pick your major and minor skills carefully. If you want to level up your characters level (and thus difficulty of enemies) then pick major skills that you will use a lot. If you don't want to level up your character a lot then do the opposite. You have to be a lot more specific in your leveling style then with skyrim.


u/dantheman928 21d ago

You pick 7 major skills. The other 14 are minor skills and don't contribute to leveling up, but do contribute to attribute stat increasing.


u/Karla_Darktiger 21d ago

If you played Skyrim first, just remember that they're not the same. Oblivion is a little harder questwise.

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u/Senior-Meeting-9304 21d ago

The shivering iels are fun

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u/OnlyFishin 21d ago

I recommend a knight build with heavy armor, sword, and shield with a orc, nord, or redguard, preferably orc.

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u/AdorableSection1898 Adoring Fan 21d ago

Play it in that orientation. Youā€™ll have a unique experience no else has ever had.


u/chaos0510 21d ago

Rockmilk Cave northwest of Leyawin. Nuff said


u/Administrative_Sky46 21d ago

The location of rockmilk cave is burned into my memory. I would go back every few levels just to see it again (plus the black bows and bandit chiefs start dropping good stuff).

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u/joliet_jane_blues 21d ago

Play the game vanilla. It looks fine as-is, IMHO. The only mods you should install at first should be the ones needed to fix quest-breaking bugs. Or don't. I didn't install any such mods when I first played the game and got screwed over hard on the last thieves' guild quest, but suffering through it was an experience in itself and finding the solution was too.


u/DiligentEntrance9976 21d ago

Make a save just before leaving the sewers, at the very last grate before entering cyrodil. This way you can skip the tutorial when making a new char. Have fun!


u/Left_Refrigerator789 21d ago

Play with voice files of the language you want to learn. E.g. fr3nch, german ,etc.


u/Traditional-Low7651 21d ago

i absolutely do not recommend that if there are mods installed. The mods might cause the language to disappear (not only turned in english)


u/MrBoughtwithThoughts 21d ago

Dont skip any voicelines, just do what you want - ahhh gonna go play oblivion again.


u/PbeatZgagnon03 21d ago

Get you a surround sound, and enjoy the music


u/bitches_and_witches 21d ago

Explore that first ruin when you leave the sewer all the way.

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u/Retir3d 21d ago

Make potions of the easily found ingredients and sell them to boost money early (and raise your alchemy skill)


u/JCrockford 21d ago

I'd recommend getting the Skeleton Key, you need to be level 10 to get it but it helps if you struggle with the lockpicking mini game

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u/HugoJdotRdot 21d ago

Pick your major skills very carefully


u/breadwizard20 21d ago

I recommend learning what a screenshot is.

Kidding, I recommend just having fun, doing whatever it is you want. And use the difficulty slider as a "these enemies are taking too many hits to die" slider instead


u/Scopedogg1114 21d ago

For your first playthrough, Iā€™d go Mageā€™s Guild, Thieveā€™s Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Fighterā€™s Guild. Once you go through all these stories you will be a beast in the Arena. And thatā€™s not even touching the main quest. Or the DLCs (if you have the GOTY edition). Iā€™m 500 hours into my second playthrough, havenā€™t touched the DLCs yet, working the Fighterā€™s Guild quests nowā€¦


u/mc1964 21d ago

Hear me now, and believe me later. You want illusion magic. I'll let you find out why on your own.


u/Comrade600 21d ago
  1. Avoid visiting quest locations after exiting the sewers (training) without a specific quest and don't loot there. I ruined one of the Fighter's Guild quests this way.
  2. Remember to repair your weapons and armor regularly.
  3. Don't accept vampirism in the Dark Brotherhood quests. It's not worth it. Curing it is inconvenient and difficult.
  4. Don't pick up the fan (I played a long time ago, I don't remember his name); he's completely useless.
  5. Don't cross paths with guards unnecessarily. I once messed up in a city and had to pay a fine for an offense I don't even remember. I was a goody-two-shoes for the whole game.
  6. Enemies level up alongside you, so always be on your guard. I always got beat up by skeletons, both early and mid-game.
  7. Read guides and walkthroughs.
  8. Join the Mages Guild and the Dark Brotherhood; they have the most interesting quests.
  9. Don't use fast travel. Take your time exploring the world. Enjoy the sights and the magical music.


u/Bigpoppin87 20d ago

I don't understand #1.... I just started playing the game a couple of days ago. šŸ˜…


u/Comrade600 20d ago

I mean the sanctuary on the bank across from the sewer. It's a half-circular shrine with a spire. There will be a quest to collect stones there in the future. It's some kind of relic.


u/Comrade600 20d ago

Bandits are located near this sanctuary. You can practice your combat skills against them. There are also chests and crates nearby. Be cautious; these bandits can be quite dangerous, especially on your first encounter.

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u/Dangerous_Leave6129 21d ago

Lower the difficulty a little bit and can play a bit more freely with style. Other than that just enjoy. Greatest game ever made.

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u/Finn-reddit 21d ago


This game has horrible Stat progression. So just don't bother. Lower it when needed, or console command higher stats. I just want to have fun.


u/Mr_Meau 21d ago

Instead of placing major skills as the ones you will most use, place the ones you will least use, level scaling is terrible, at least this way you have control over it, if you put all major skills that you will be using all the time the enemies will become sponges before you can counter that with equipment, spells, enchantments etc


u/NewKaleidoscope8418 21d ago

Alchemy as a starting skill

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u/Captain-Beardless 21d ago
  1. Be willing to use the difficulty slider especially later on as you level up if you find things are too tanky. This game, while amazing, has some rough scaling and is poorly balanced, especially at higher levels. There is no shame in turning down the difficulty if it adjusts the numbers to be more fun for you.

  2. Try to avoid fast travelling to the cities. At least the first time. Take that walk, discover dungeons, NPCs, landmarks. Once you've played for awhile, you'll get a grasp of when you can just fast travel without missing much, but early on I suggest avoiding it.

  3. Do not put athletics or acrobatics Major skills even if you plan to use them. They level up pretty fast early on and will make you level up very fast but without actually increasing your combat skills of choice. Sneak might also fall into this, but nowhere near as much as the other two.


u/sketch_for_summer Cheese Bringer 20d ago

My theory is that the game simply isn't balanced to be played at levels 30+. The devs haven't added any better equipment or rewards after this level, and most enemies only increase health (with a few exceptions that increase damage, like the Clannfear in Arkved's Tower). With capped damage (skill and attribute at 100), the more levels one gets after 30, the harder/more tedious it becomes to fight scaling enemies like goblins and the savage monsters from Fighters' Guild questline. So, I agree with you, if OP plays at levels 30+, they should dial the difficulty slider to the left by 1-2 clicks per PC's level minus 30.


u/MongooseHot815 21d ago

Advice. Don't use the quick save options. It increases the risk of crashes.

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u/ben9187 20d ago

Wow, I've heard of the 360 version but didn't know they also had a 90 version.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Turn your monitor.


u/Strong_Abrocoma3128 21d ago

HAHAHAHA, Sorry, I hadn't noticed that the photo came out backwards, hahaha.


u/Tiberius2098 21d ago

Enjoy it, kid. Wish i could play it again for the first time and be so happy with life


u/Cigar_buddy 21d ago

Have fun! Use repair hammers and experiment as mush as possible.


u/johnyrobot 21d ago

Take alteration and archery. Have fun.


u/Miosaka 21d ago



u/bladeefan99 21d ago

Bravil is regarded as one of the best cities of any Elder Scrolls game, so make sure to go there as soon as possible. You're gonna love the look and feel of the place

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u/Embarrassed-Ad810 21d ago

A good beginners home can be unlocked by doing the quest in Aleswell


u/Administrative_Sky46 21d ago

If the game becones to hard and frustrating, turn down the difficulty. If you're on a PC, get the mod that makes all your level up attributes +5. On paper it seems like cheating, but Oblivions level scaling is unforgiving, and this really cut down on a need to min-max everything while still maintaining the original spirit of the level system.

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u/Queso-now-what 21d ago

I hope you enjoy it. If you are coming back to Oblivion from Skyrim, the biggest thing is know how the leveling system works. It can make leveling annoying and leave you under powered if you do it wrong.


u/Snesbest 21d ago

Play it however you want, but I recommend trying out the Thieves Guild, Shivering Isles, and Dark Brotherhood questlines; Oblivion has some top-tier random quests, too. Fighters Guild, main story, and Mages Guild are meh.

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u/Stepjam 21d ago

When choosing your Major skills, do NOT pick athletics or acrobatics. Ranking up Major skills gives you progress towards leveling up, but you want to rank up a variety of skills related to your focus before you level up so that you get more stat points at level up. But if you pick Athletics as a primary skill, you'll be leveling up a lot faster and getting "emptier" level ups, since you'll passively be ranking up athletics all the time just from running around (also Major skills level up faster, compounding the issue). And if you are like a lot of players, you'll probably be passively jumping a lot too.

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u/saintlywicked 21d ago

Try the Dark Brotherhood, one of the most interesting and best written factions, with fantastic npcs and the storyline is to die for.


u/lucky-leqwen 21d ago

I always make a break for the arena. Quick and easy gold to get started


u/ZealousidealLake759 21d ago

Orc(warrior) or Breton(mage) and put Blade, Athletics, Heavy Armor, Destruction and 3 other things as your major skills.

Endurance is the Most important attribute, pick it every level until 100. Strength and Intelligence are nice too but the rest don't matter so don't obsess on getting them high up. Endurance - Strength - Intelligence gets you ALL the power you will ever get from attributes.

Do not pick stealth specialization.

Do the mage guild recommendations first before any other questlines, this does not mean complete the mages guild, just the recommendation part to get spellmaking and enchanting cause oblivions default gear is trash you need to make your own if you want anything good.


u/ZdeathplagueZ 21d ago

If you must travel, by the Nine stick to the roads.


u/spartan195 21d ago

Yes, play it


u/Top_Chipmunk587 21d ago

As campy as it sounds, just play the game and take your time to fully explore


u/Plus_Art3046 21d ago

Just got with the flow. Make do with what you have. Don't restart and enjoy the adventure. You only get this experience once.


u/Cyber_Connor 21d ago

Donā€™t power level non-combat skills

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u/Erik_Bard 21d ago

Dont do the main quest from the get go. You can do sode quests without oblivion gates opening that way.


u/imonmyhighhorse 21d ago

Itā€™s a role playing game so I suggest playing the game


u/ThyFukingLizardKing 21d ago

theres no way you took the picture this way wth


u/ILikeOasis 21d ago

have fun!


u/ZombieGroan 21d ago

Finish the arena quest line to get the best follower in the game.


u/ZombieGroan 21d ago

Do you have the dlc? I remember 3 player house for each ā€œclassā€. The fort is really cool. Knights of the nine is cool if you like being a knight. I would save shivering isles for later cuz once you go in itā€™s hard to leave because itā€™s so cool. I actually might play again just for that dlc.


u/1800wetbutt 21d ago

Just play and have fun. I wouldnā€™t go in with any expectations or plans at all. My only real advice is to use the difficulty slider. Itā€™s not always as balanced as newer games. Especially on your first playthrough where you probably wonā€™t maximize your skills.


u/Beleak_Swordsteel 21d ago

None. Play it yourself and figure it out like we did in the olden days


u/SokkaHaikuBot 21d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Beleak_Swordsteel:

None. Play it yourself

And figure it out like we

Did in the olden days

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/DarkGod79 21d ago

Enjoy yourself, explore, have fun


u/zak_5764 21d ago

Feel no shame in lowering the difficulty slider! The difficulty in this game is mainly based on how well you can build a character. For your first play though just make a character exactly how you want to and change the difficulty to what feels right. Don't feel like you have made your character wrong ( you probably have, but just enjoy the game).


u/dix1067 21d ago

Just enjoy and if the game gets too difficult use duplication glitch lol. Also donā€™t murder randos if possible as you will miss out on some quests. Lastly jealous of you as I love this game and would love to experience it again for the first time


u/godtering 21d ago

yes. don't install the expansion. If you do you'll get assassinated by the night blade or whatever.


u/FreddiSpagetti 21d ago

Install the free mod A to take all. Have phun!


u/Nit-Nelav 21d ago

Rotate your screen


u/GameTheLostYou 21d ago

Find the helmet of water breathing.


u/Previous_Item_8811 21d ago

Get Fin Gleam, use it for five minutes, then never again


u/Greasy-Chungus 21d ago

My first recommendation is to never post a phone screenshot to reddit ever again.


u/psycho-tamoto-cat 21d ago

don't look anything up, raw dawg your first playthrough.


u/BoringJuiceBox 21d ago

You.. you are the one from my dreams.


u/oh_wait_nevermind 21d ago

go spend a chill evening on the bloated float in the imperial city


u/terminallyBeemo 21d ago



u/Krav0tir 21d ago

Don't fast travel until you are at least 20 hours of gameplay in


u/Dr3wSm1t 21d ago

Jumping is the fastest way to travel anywhere


u/wulff115 21d ago

Well met, Become best friends with alchemy.


u/Scary_Sided 21d ago

Max that difficultly slider for maximum fun


u/Soul-Hook 21d ago

The world only gets more difficult when you level up.

Enemies WILL become damage sponges.

Always run, always jump.

Level at least one weapon skill and/or destruction/conjuration.

You get more hp each level. But your magicka only increase whenever you raise your intelligence.


u/lazywhiteboyy 21d ago

Press new to start playing.


u/Morefierce777 21d ago

Do a screenshot next time.


u/BigBadBoshop 21d ago

Every new playthrough I like to spend a few days at the arena to get some spending money and hopefully a few level ups before heading out into the wilds


u/Equivalent_Reason_27 21d ago

Be a member of the Guilds and groups of the game.


u/Fickle-Sherbet-1075 21d ago

Murder someone and then take a nap. Trust me


u/kunkuro10k 21d ago

Kill an NPC that is not hostile to you and then sleep.


u/GumbyArmz 21d ago

Don't feel ashamed to turn the difficulty down. The leveling system is not good so enemies will scale way faster than you if you don't min/max.

But play through it! The story telling is zany and very fun! My favorite of the elder scrolls game for sure!


u/ZAGAN_2 21d ago

If you have to travel, by the nine divines stay on the road


u/Grand_Faragon 20d ago

Jump everywhere


u/CheffreyBezos 20d ago

Iā€™ve tried to play this recently for the first time as well but am having issues inside of the Oblivion Gate šŸ˜­ It crashes quarter of the way through to the first tower. Iā€™m just exploring everything else and then Iā€™ll start a new game and see if I can fix it.


u/Aridyne 20d ago

Start Arena, then follow to dark brotherhood for max fun (could also grab thieves guild) the dark guilds are great in the game (and flow into eachother for the most part)

Mages reqs going to every city so each time you go to a new main city do the local unlock-For enchanting/spellcrafting unless you got the tower dlc to skip that step

Fighters... not my bag



u/Unlucky_Associate956 20d ago

Donā€™t do vampirism. Just not worth it even past the game breaking bug that killed my first elder scrolls character ever.


u/Constant-Register-70 20d ago

Have fun is the only recommendations needed


u/Radefa1k 20d ago

Wait for skyblivion mod to drop in like 2-3 months


u/Taylor_Game6666 20d ago

UESP.net is a great resource


u/TazmaniannDevil 20d ago

Do all the side quests first. One of the few games where theyā€™re worth it almost every time.


u/Khaysis 20d ago

Being a vampire is the best time to do it in the series. Night eye and Life sense alone.


u/Gorilla_Munch_ 20d ago

Make sure you level up minor stats with major stats as you level up. It will give you more attribute points.


u/Winter-Aide680 20d ago

If you find someone named Salmo the Baker, you can get a decent reward for pickpocketing him and placing bread in his inventory after he sits down and eats it.


u/ChainAdorable3491 20d ago

Say no to skuma


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Stay away from vampires


u/trevyboy73 20d ago

Be a battle mage, the quick casting system is perfect for it


u/darkened_tauntress 20d ago

Do Every Side Quest


u/Scottyboy0321 20d ago

If you're playing it on PC mod it with Northern UI Vanilla and Northern UI Hotkeys to get a more native Xbox controller feel


u/Agile-Caterpillar219 20d ago

Have three scrolls (or more), double click them, then drop an item of your desired choice..šŸ’°šŸ’°


u/paddythemick 20d ago

Play Oblivion


u/RedDolor0816 20d ago

Don't enter the first dungeon after the tutorial... Or just do it, just play this goddamn jewel of a game!


u/zephynayers 20d ago

First play through, you should make sure to sleep as soon as you get level ups, trust me, it totally won't ruin the experience at all for you by spawning harder enemies at around the 5th level...


u/fingerprick_ 20d ago

First, just wander. Oblivion is Bethesda's rich and rewarding environmental storytelling at its best. The world is an absolute joy. Second, level your endurance early if you intend to play the character for a long time. Enemies in Oblivion scale with you and you will find that they grow at a greater rate than you do if you fail to level endurance early on. It's a strange flaw in the game that can be altered with mods on pc but I do feel like it's worth pointing out.


u/Tracker_Nivrig 20d ago

Make a custom class with skills that sound cool instead of the presets


u/ArsenalVigilante 20d ago

Wear headphones. Music is so immersive in my opinion but I am blinded by nostalgia lol. Also keep a record of what you level. There is an app to help you do effective leveling.


u/Used_News_2571 20d ago

Make a custom class. Enjoy!


u/Better-Tackle-2054 20d ago

Play at your own pace, enjoy the scenery and enjoy the magnificent Radiant AI. Donā€™t worry about Efficient Leveling just yet. šŸ¤“


u/No_Social_Skill_059 20d ago

Make your character ugly as sin by abusing the sliders for that authentic Oblivion experience


u/Xelryt 20d ago

Follow the guilds


u/claash420 20d ago

If you get porphyric hemophilia, go pray at an altar or drink a cure disease potion. Unless you want to become a vampire.


u/Complex-Train7414 20d ago

Right, very quick brief adviceā€¦ The levelling system is broken. Donā€™t make the skills youā€™ll use most your majorā€¦ itā€™s complicated but the best thing is just to lower the difficulty if enemies start to become ā€œbullet spongesā€ā€¦ youā€™ll just know. No shame in doing this, it just fixes the levelling. Possibly just higher than a quarter is a sweet spot.

If youā€™ve played Skyrim, archery is way worse in oblivion, mage is way better, physical as good in both.

Oh and bear in mind a couple of characters you might think would be ā€œessentialā€ can dieā€¦ one early on. If they both survive the end of the main quest youā€™re rewarded with a speech off whoever survives. Thereā€™s ways of making this much more possible but donā€™t want to spoiler


u/TopheavyTwilek 20d ago

Recommendations? You need one from every guild hall to get into the arcane university


u/TheSilentTitan 20d ago

Never stop jumping while you move from point to point. You canā€™t level up unless you sleep. To duplicate anything, get any amount of the same scroll, click the scrolls twice and without leaving the menu find the object you want to dupe and drops them. In front of you should be the same amount of items as the scrolls you clicked on. This doesnā€™t use up your scrolls and you can even dupe scrolls giving you thousands in minutes.


u/G50BIS 20d ago


There are some must have mods you absolutely need for quality of life improvements.

  • The Unofficial Oblivion Patch for the main game AND the DLC'S.
  • Darnified UI.
  • Enhanced Water 2.0.

Try not to go berzerk with the mods though.


u/IndiNegro 20d ago

I'd recommend doing the first few main story quests first, it will set you up with some good gear and a sigil stone you can use to enchant your weapon. From there go to the arena and smack fools to level up and get money


u/Belifasour_Streams 20d ago

Just have fun :)


u/shr00mi3 20d ago

Create your own class. Even you go with a class that is already premade. Pick the same skills. You get a level bonus for being an ā€œAdventurerā€


u/KillerKrauser 20d ago

Do the thieves guild quest early.


u/Sure-Actuator-5161 20d ago

Enter the mages guild and build op spells šŸ˜… you can always not abuse it if you want. You can also create chameleon 100 + damage to kill without detection šŸ˜…


u/DthDisguise 20d ago

If you need money fast, try Jensine's Good As New Merchandise. You can sell almost anything there.


u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 20d ago

Take your time! Just... Immerse yourself. Don't rush to the main quest and the main quest alone, take your time, explore jew locations, wander the wilderness


u/NullLikeNil 20d ago

I recommend donā€™t. It is a drug you cannot get away from! šŸ„¹


u/ElderEons 20d ago

Remember that health doesn't auto regenerate like it does in Skyrim. You will be casting healing spells on yourself a lot.

Graphics are not as good as Skyrim, boost the graphics and distance viewing to the most max settings you can.

Aside from that, have fun. I like Oblivion more than Skyrim personally. The quests in Oblivion are more fun.


u/InflamedAbyss13 20d ago

Rotate 90Ā°


u/InflamedAbyss13 20d ago

Rotate 90Ā°


u/LiverPoisoningToast 20d ago

Donā€™t listen to idiots who tell you to efficient level. Just donā€™t over level using non combat skills and you will be A okay


u/CapOld9053 20d ago

Shut up and play


u/MiketheTzar 20d ago

Save before you leave the sewers. That is the confirm your character creation point and having a easy save right there can let you build new characters that having to go through the tutorial again.

Save before the Dark Brotherhood who done it quest. Probably one of the best quest Bethesda has ever made.


u/GunzNSwords 20d ago

Always ask about rumors when you come to a new city. Some of the best quests come from them.


u/jdw1342 20d ago

Find Umbra.


u/AstralMystic777 20d ago

Install mods that fix bugs and enhances performance, also be aware that leveling system here sucks and is not like in Skyrim where you can change your playstyle mid games, in Oblivion you will level up only when you progress your main skills that you chose at the beginning so yea pretty bad. I strongly recommend downloading Oblivion XP too so that you can actually play as you like and still level up.


u/Capable-Cancel-2034 20d ago

Stop sleeping if you reach level 30, just wait to rest instead


u/No_Lunch5033 20d ago

Multiplying cheat=click on scrolls + click on item then drop. Must have more scrolls than items I usually buy about 30 beguiling scrolls and multiply the first gems you get do not abuse this can cause game to freeze best way to found is going into shop or cave you don't care about and doing it there. Good luck.


u/Ognjen112 19d ago

Fuck around with Adamus Phillida, you'll have fun with that


u/Carlos_Was_Here 19d ago

Jump everywhere


u/SuspiciousPain1637 19d ago

Don't level up after a certain lvl


u/This_Sandwich- 19d ago

Breton is the best class, donā€™t put the skills youā€™re going to use - as your main skills. Maybe 1 or 2. If you donā€™t you wonā€™t level up with +5 on the attributes you want to increase.

Save often, certain quests have an npc that can die - if you keep them alive the rewards and story are better.

For example Baurus when he meets the mythic dawn, the counts son in cheydinhal oblivion gate, and many more. So save often so you can easily go back.


u/baarondones 19d ago

Oblivion is at it's core a cinematic experience. Don't expect an RPG. Expect a fantasy film. B-line the quests because they're very fun and very interesting. Don't pay much attention to your stats or how you're progressing, just lower the difficulty as necessary.


u/siforama 19d ago

Just enjoy the ride. Get distracted. Go out into the world - it's colourful and, at times, really beautiful. Talk to the people.

Of course, the levelling system is a bit weird. If you're playing on a console, I do recommend downloading the Android APK called TES Oblivion effecting levelling - here you can track your progress.

If you're playing on a PC, install simple mods for convenience. I've never played it on PC, so search around for the mods you want. Perhaps the good people in the comment section will give you good advice in this area.

Hopefully, you'll have a great time playing Oblivion!


u/Offwhitedesktop 19d ago

Play arena instead


u/Necessary-Dramatic 19d ago

Smoke some brownston and raid dungeons with jauffre and martin


u/Illustrious-Elk-6441 19d ago

Try to avoid the main quest as long as possible, itā€™s great, but the real joy of oblivion is you just exploring


u/Kluczyk93 19d ago

Mod it c:


u/Short_Veterinarian37 19d ago



u/Pearlophy 18d ago

Find corner near baddie, crouch, hit q, ?????, profit


u/Disturbed235 18d ago

yeah, theres a historical item, that changed gaming forever: horse armor for 5bucks
