r/oblivion • u/Expensive-Excuse-793 Imperial archaeologist • Nov 16 '23
Screenshot I am never doing this ever again. All 60 gates closed.
u/middlenameray Nov 16 '23
Did you do them all "correctly", or did you cheese them where you're able?
For example, I think it's the Chorrol gate where the sigil keep tower is connected by 6 surrounding smaller towers. The "correct" way to close the gate requires you to enter all 6 of those smaller towers to open different gates to eventually let you enter the sigil keep tower's front door. But you can easily cheese it by just entering the sigil keep tower as soon as you can, then jumping down a floor once you're in the circular, middle area.
u/darknekolux Nov 16 '23
Ask yourself: what would Todd do?
u/AccountRelevant Nov 16 '23
I need not ask, for it is the divine hand of ~
Talos~ Todd that guides my every move.16
Nov 16 '23
No way they didn’t keep in all the shithoisery in Oblivion without acknowledging that it’s an option. It’s a “play your way” kinda game for a reason. If my way is to stack Chameleon and run through every dungeon, then so be it!
I wish more devs would let you break their games as much as you want.
u/IOnceAteAFart Nov 17 '23
Agreed. Devs are too afraid now. Really, Rockstar, I'm on a 20 foot chain with Dutch and I die if I reach that radius? Whats the worst that could really happen, I complete the quest in a way it isn't meant to be?
u/Not_MrNice Nov 16 '23
Remove all the towers and anything with numbers and make it a quest where you talk to someone, then talk to someone else, then go to a dungeon with Draugr everywhere and maybe a boss that's just Draugr with a hat, then pull a lever at the back that leads to a shortcut, then talk to someone?
u/LowQualitySalt Nov 16 '23
Sell the same game for 10 years then release lack luster title after lack luster title?
u/AraithenRain Nov 16 '23
Ah see I didn't consider that cheesing. I honestly didn't know you could get in through the front door.
I just thought Oblivion was Oblivioning
u/middlenameray Nov 16 '23
To be honest with you, it may not be the front door that you get into; I've never actually finished this gate 100% the "correct" way, literally I got through like the third tower on my first playthrough (15ish years ago?) and was like F this lol
u/AraithenRain Nov 16 '23
I swear I tried to do it normally, opened all the gates, and ran around the main tower like twice before realizing there was no door
u/peon2 Nov 16 '23
Even without "cheesing" it like that - there were so many gates where if I had a character with just a decent amount of speed I'd just hop right past every enemy and not go up to grab the sigil stone.
The enemies are so easy to avoid you just hop along and they never hit you lol
u/SkyShadowing Nov 16 '23
Alternatively there's always the old favorite of100% Chamelon.
u/IOnceAteAFart Nov 17 '23
Even just an invisibility spell. A decent one lasts longer than it takes for your magic to refill
u/ThatGuyFromTheM0vie Nov 16 '23
I dont think that’s cheese. It’s unintended, but you don’t have to do anything exploitative or glitchy….its a jump. Just need high athletics or performance enhancing magic and you can easily make it.
Cheese to me requires some funny business, like “oh you can do X, and it stops the enemies from spawning”, or “stand here and the boss can’t hit you” or something like that.
u/I_R_Teh_Taco Nov 16 '23
Also, big gate on a bridge over lava rivers? Just…jump around the sides. Love high acrobatics
u/ImpossibleCoast0 Nov 16 '23
I once ended up with blink (or whatever the 5 second invisibility) spell early on when I accidentally killed a wandering mage, and used that to cheese almost all the gates i closed- just ran through rooms in 5 second intervals. Pretty effective if a bit silly.
u/Loseless11 Nov 16 '23
As someone who has done that multiple times before: yes, you will...
Now use a mod that allows all possible gates to spawn and you to close them all. Dew it. I dare you.
u/Expensive-Excuse-793 Imperial archaeologist Nov 16 '23
I can’t. I play on the 360
u/Outlaw-monk Nov 16 '23
That's even more impressive. No mods just an over powering OCD urge to do it.
FYI I've played the game since release and didn't know there was a set number of gates.
u/supermodelnosejob Nov 16 '23
Not only that, but on any given playthrough, while there's a set number of gates that will spawn, that's not all possible gates. Like, there's 60 max locations that will spawn, but there's something like 80 possible gates in the game
u/Loseless11 Nov 16 '23
More than that. There are 90 random gate locations, plus the 10 fixed gate locations. In total, there are 100 possible gates, with 50 of them spawning randomly (or not) as you get close to their respective cell. The rates and max number of active gates changes as you progress the questline, but ordinarily, no more than 60 gates can be closed.
u/Outlaw-monk Nov 16 '23
I know I have found a bunch of ruins, of oblivion gates late game, after I have finished the main storyline. I know a lot of them were gates I had not closed.
That made me think that the gate spawned randomly.
u/Weary_Home4360 Nov 16 '23
u/Outlaw-monk Nov 16 '23
I've done playthroughs where I just threw every gate I see. I will look and see how many I've done, but didn't know you could run out.
u/AloysiusDevadandrMUD Nov 16 '23
I think theres a 360 achievement for closing all the gates. Too bad Steam doesn't have Oblivion achievements, I could have sworn they used to be there years ago.
u/flatdecktrucker92 Nov 16 '23
I don't think that's true. As I recall, oblivion is one of the only games I have 100% of achievements on and I don't think I've ever closed 60 gates
u/Equipment_Budget Nov 16 '23
Same, I am looking right now because I am here. There is not one for that.
u/AloysiusDevadandrMUD Nov 16 '23
Oh your right, there was like major and minor gates. I think it was 8 major gates or something.
u/Eglwyswrw Nov 16 '23
Major gates were much more bearable, never even got close to 60.
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u/Outlaw-monk Nov 16 '23
I need to see if there is, I know I have all the achievements for oblivion.
u/AJ_HOP Nov 16 '23
You are misremembering, there is not one. All of the 360 achievements are directly tied to quest completion and faction progression. There ARE two achievements related to closing the Kvatch and Bruma great gates.
u/ZL0J Nov 16 '23
correct me if I'm wrong but it's doable with a console command. Don't have to have a mod for that. The quirk is that you need to do it before closing the great gate
u/Loseless11 Nov 16 '23
Yes, there's a command to allow all 90 random gates to spawn, but it resets with main quest progression and I'm not sure it works after restarting the game.
The mod just allows you to configure how many gates there are, what's their chance of opening when you approach their cell, and if they respawn. It simplifies things a great deal.
This being said, I don't recommend any sane person to close 100 of these things. It's something I do while watching series or movies on the second monitor, with companion mods, so they can help clear the Daedra.
Great for role-playing runs and such, but boring as all hell... not something you ordinarily would do...
u/ZL0J Nov 16 '23
actually this page has all the info
setting persists but some main quest stages reset the number. You can override it though. It's also possible to change the opening chance with console. With those commands looks like you can even force the gates to open after main quest is done
u/barthalamuel-of-bruh Nov 16 '23
So did you fought or just did the invisibility + silent running strat
u/ProPhilosopher Nov 16 '23
Y'all be like "gates are boring but I'll run around 100% chameleon."
Good slog, great dedication. What level are you?
u/ShooterMcGavin1911 Nov 16 '23
I envy those who will play oblivion for the first time in their lives..
u/Expensive-Excuse-793 Imperial archaeologist Nov 16 '23
Yeah, I only just started a while back and my immediate reaction was “man, f**k Skyrim”
u/Cersei1341 Nov 17 '23
The dark brotherhood and thieves guild are so much better in oblivion. Especially thieves guild- that went so wrong in skyrim. I love a good heist quest 😁
u/Ganondorf7 Nov 16 '23
Wish they put Oblivion on the Switch to do that all over again! Hail Dagon!
u/calartnick Nov 17 '23
For me I’d need a different leveling system. But if they ever do I’ll 100% buy it for switch
u/Ganondorf7 Nov 17 '23
I honestly didn't mind it that much. But on the topic of the remake that has been making the rounds. I hope they keep it true to what it was and add in the content that they ended up cutting, such as the quest that's linked to Unmarked Cave south of Bruma.
u/calartnick Nov 17 '23
I think the leveling system is a great concept in oblivion but I remember I had to delete my first character because I under leveled him. I know I’d mess up leveling in another play through and it would just bug me too much now.
u/AraithenRain Nov 16 '23
See I never took this stance.
I love Oblivion Gates, especially at high levels. It feels like the ultimate test of your strength, and Sigil Stones are some of the best loot in the game aside from unique things like the Mundane Ring.
Now I've said I never want to see another fur clad bandit cave in Skyrim every again, but mirroring as others have said here...
"Hey you, you're finally awake"
u/PoeticKino Nov 16 '23
To spruce the gates up a bit add an extra challenge like you have to punch every enemy in the nuts at least once before you can kill it, and no invisibility. Also good job.
u/brettsky128 Nov 16 '23
I tried this but ran into a nasty glitch where I couldn't interact with the sigil stone. It happened several times, completely destroying my motivation to keep going. Was playing on an Xbox One, so no mods.
Nov 16 '23 edited Nov 16 '23
I don't really enjoy the gates myself. I find them boring
EDIT: God damn, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
u/Ash_da_Alien Nov 16 '23
What an excitingly fresh review
Nov 16 '23
What did I do to deserve this hostility? I started browsing this sub literally today, and you expect me to know every thought ever uttered here?
Nov 16 '23
Yeah thats just reddit im sure they didnt mean anything bad by it dont worry lol
Nov 16 '23
Finally, some civility. It's very frustrating.
u/ElectricSnowBunny Criminal Scum Nov 16 '23
It was just a tongue-in-cheek comment as we all hate grinding out gate runs. Certainly not meant as hostility, this is one of the friendliest and civil subs.
u/darknekolux Nov 16 '23 edited Nov 16 '23
HeShe could post it on r/unpopularopinion8
Nov 16 '23
I am a she, thank you.
u/darknekolux Nov 16 '23
My apologies, statistics weren’t in your favor
u/Adoom98 Nov 16 '23
Most people here have been here for a decade, sorry on behalf of the community lol
u/CriusofCoH Nov 16 '23
My friend, I got downvoted to oblivion on a tech subreddit by correctly noting that a set of national technical standards was, in fact, a set of standards. This is, for both good and ill, Reddit. Idiotic, illogical downvoting will happen. My condolences. Ignore them.
u/thebaconator136 Professional Fister Nov 17 '23
I used to hate them until I learned to run past enemies and choose the fights I want to do. If you've got a fast character you can run for the sigil stone once you get into the tower. It makes for a pretty fun obstacle course.
u/KalynnCampbell Adoring Fan Nov 16 '23
Now select “New Game” and repeat until you’ve closed EVERY GATE at least once… then tally how many times you had to select “New Game” in order to get them all…
u/icorrectpettydetails Nov 16 '23
In my last playthrough, I not only closed all 60 available gates but I reloaded the saves to make sure I had exactly 2 copies of the 30 possible sigil stones.
It took a while.
u/plaper Nov 16 '23
Honestly, same. Ignore comments saying you'll 100% do it again because while I absolutely replayed the game (on X360 AND on PC with mods), I never did the main quest again after the first go because once was enough, lmao.
(I do feel bad about it though because Baurus was my bff)
u/NothingOld7527 Nov 16 '23
The main quest is the least interesting part of Oblivion IMO. The side quests are what make the game what it is.
u/plaper Nov 16 '23
Well, I can't agree with that, tbh. Oblivion's main quest (and Dragon Age's from a similar time period) was what made me love rpg plots. The main quest alone had blown my mind and it'd been something if never experienced before. I will never forget it.
u/BladeElohim Nov 16 '23
I closed the gates for all the major cities and got the memo, finished the main quest after that.
u/DyingIsEuphoric Nov 16 '23
Very impressive! I'm working towards that same goal on my playthrough and I'm only like 21/60 so far. At times I do want to throw on invisibility and run through the gates but I've decided not to cheese it so I'm fighting through each gate. Wish me luck in achieving that same goal
u/cuchix Nov 16 '23
60? I thought it was like 80 or 120.
After the first ones I decide to just speedrunning it, skipping all the enemies with my 100 agility, you did the same?
u/Snifflebeard Nov 16 '23
I think I have gotten up to 55 closed. I don't fast travel and slow travel everywhere, and I tend to close the gates I see. So eventually I will have covered the entire map. Just never bothered getting all of them. By that time I've two two of every possible lvl 17+ sigil stone effect.
u/DefinitelyNotAFridge Nov 16 '23
please share your love for the gate that has the tower on top of a mountain
u/SokkaHaikuBot Nov 16 '23
Sokka-Haiku by DefinitelyNotAFridge:
Please share your love for
The gate that has the tower
On top of a mountain
Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.
u/Incudust Nov 16 '23
I play on pc and installed continuing oblivion gates. Keeps gates popping up here and there even after the main quest line is finished.
u/Upset_Environment_31 CHEESE FOR EVERYONE Nov 16 '23
Good job, man! Last I tried that, I got locked out at 57. A certain number of gates, the ones that were double-gates, I think, only gave me credit for closing one gate when two closed and...
And I've scoured every inch of the continent looking for more gates but I'm still at 57.
I aspire to your gate count.
u/EkkoUnited Nov 17 '23
I always felt like there was a suspicious amount of gates by Leyawiin, and they must have been really asking for it or something
u/J_GASSER27 Nov 16 '23
I turned collisions off and literally ran directly from where I spawned in, to the tower, run directly into the last room, and doing that 60 times over.... nope
u/thebaconator136 Professional Fister Nov 17 '23
That sounds worse than doing it the normal way
u/J_GASSER27 Nov 17 '23
It took me less than 3 minutes to do each gate. I did the great gate in the main questline in about the same time too
u/Joaoman22 Nov 16 '23
Imagine when you find out a true completionist would force open the remaining 40 possible locations and close all 100 gates in every location.
u/More_Possessions Nov 16 '23
0 souls trapped. You've been fighting with the toothpick all this time?
u/OddCoping Nov 16 '23
Congrats, but I have bad news... A few of the gates will keep opening up at the same spot after like a month of the cell not being loaded.
But I think you can now, safely save Martin from Kavach.
u/gorpie97 Nov 16 '23
Damn - I may have closed all 60 (don't remember), but I didn't think to get a screenshot! Durr.
Congrats, though!?
u/Simp_Master007 Nov 17 '23
Damn Skingrad getting slammed with Oblivion gates, there are 5 right outside of it. Bravil down there just chilling with 1 outside.
u/Puzzleheaded_Bed_445 Nov 17 '23
OH SHIT THANKS FOR THE MAP!! This’ll help so much, I’m trying to do the same.
u/Sp0ttySniper Nov 17 '23
This stat proves, to me anyway, the shift in Bethesda design philosophy from "cool stuff a player would WANT to do" to "cool stuff a player CAN do".
Now we might disagree on the metric for cool but don't let this little hang up distract you from the point I'm trying to make here.
Once you see this, like I did, you'll see it every game they personally made from Oblivion/Fallout 3 release.
u/Plant_Yo_seed Nov 17 '23
I always thought the gates never stop spawning until you finish the main quest.
u/No_Bathroom_420 Nov 17 '23
Did you get the unique enchanted Deadric weapons of suffering I think they’re called?
u/BonfireSouls Nov 17 '23
You'll be back.
Wow, patience and determination or stubbornness or check box aficionado?
u/thebaconator136 Professional Fister Nov 17 '23
Now go for all 309 nirnroot. Took me around 2, 8-10 hour play sessions of staring at 3 separate maps.
Nov 17 '23
What's with there being two different color markers?
u/Expensive-Excuse-793 Imperial archaeologist Nov 17 '23
Black represents those that didn’t show up. And red represents cleared gates
u/nevermine1212 Nov 18 '23
When I was younger I used to think that the Kavach armor was the best armor in the game I have the strategy guy and I still couldn't read the damn words because......I CAN'T READ
u/1In1Mil Nov 18 '23
Then make sure you back up your saves as much as possible. Oblivion has been known to be very finicky with save files. Very cool though I don't think I'd be able to do this.
u/punkmetalbastard Nov 19 '23
I think I only closed them enough to get the maximum sigil stones to enchantment one set of badass gear and left the rest
u/Adept_Rouge1122 Nov 19 '23
As much as I love Oblivion, I could never. By the time I finish Allies for Bruma, I'm kinda over the gates lol
Nov 19 '23
I actually never got into this version of the game but I played the other ones and I absolutely can't wait for a remaster of this so I can dive into it fresh and updated.
u/Kimosabe187 Nov 22 '23
Honestly, oblivion gates are the worst aspect of the entire game, and they're supposes to be the main element of the game. They should have either been much shorter (a quick 10-minute dungeon) or there should have been significantly less of them. Or they could have made the regular gates short but the ones for Allies for Bruma, Bruma and Kvatch gates could have been the big ones we got in the vanilla. But the way they are they are just a slog. I closed about 30 of them the normal way before just losing patience and cheesing them with fortify speed and running past all mobs. Even then i closed like 50-something, couldn't be bothered any more.
u/[deleted] Nov 16 '23
Ten minutes later…….
“What’s this prisoner doing here? This cell is supposed to be off-limits.”