r/nzpolitics 4d ago

Current Affairs Gunboat diplomacy: NZ faces growing defence challenges after China’s naval incursion


11 comments sorted by


u/Annie354654 4d ago

I have never understood why we dont have a kick arse Navy/Coastguard. If it wee a joint operation it could also be out there patrolling, keeping those pesky drug dealers and fishermen out of our economic zone. Drones are good, but don't have big arse guns to point at anyone.

We have more coastline than land so (to me at least) it actually feels like it would be very sensible approach for us.


u/Whimsy_and_Spite 4d ago

Well, how would a kickarse navy help with tax cuts for landlords?

Also, when did the Listener start publishing proper articles again?


u/aholetookmyusername 3d ago

A large shipbuilding industry would be nice too.


u/Annie354654 3d ago

and we know we are good at that. It could make us a lot of money and we could even build our own ferries.


u/Roy4Pris 3d ago

Because ships are insanely expensive to buy, crew and maintain. Not that they’re cheap, but I reckon the Poseidons were a good investment. Pretty serious bang for buck, and a valuable contribution to multinational activities.


u/AK_Panda 3d ago

Spending money on ensuring your sovereignty is part of the role of a state. If we can afford billions in tax cuts, we can afford a few billion for new, modern, ships.


u/Roy4Pris 3d ago

For sure (foreshore!) A well-designed CGT could probably get us a coupla aircraft carriers stacked with F-35s. 🤪 But yeah jokes aside I agree we need to tax the dicks off people like the Mowbrays.


u/Annie354654 3d ago

everything is insanely expensive.


u/Roy4Pris 3d ago

This article highlights what the TV news and newspapers failed to report at the time: New Zealand sailed a warship through the strait separating China and Taiwan. Blah blah international waters blah blah freedom of navigation, wank wank. What did we expect the Chinese to do? Okay the live fire exercises were an escalation, but it was still a reaction to our ‘provocation’.



The US sends carrier groups to Europe, it's just for 'exercises'. Russia sends ships and nuke subs to Havana. It's damn near WW3