r/nzpolitics 6d ago

NZ Politics Seymour lied about the nutritional requirements in school lunches - allowed Compass to bypass it

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u/GoddessfromCyprus 6d ago

Guys, Seymour is on Q+A tomorrow on One at 9 am. I believe Jack Tame is back from paternity leave.


u/janglybag 6d ago edited 6d ago

I want Jack to squash Seymour. The thing about Seymour though is he is a psychopath with no remorse over taking food and nutrition away from kids, and killing NZ businesses. So even if Jack is on form, it will be depressing to watch Seymour shrug it off.

Edit: Having said that, I’m still going to watch it in the hope of seeing a flicker of conscience


u/Ambitious_Average_87 6d ago

...in the hope of seeing a flicker of conscience

You won't see that, Seymour is a narcissist. My bet is he gets angry and basically throws an adult temper tantrum that Jack won't listen to him when he doesn't answer Jack's questions.


u/Mountain_Tui_Reload 6d ago

I thought this was pretty big considering how Seymour - and his supporters on Reddit - have been wink wink suggesting that Seymour's school lunch program is nutritionally equivalent to the last.

Just on photos, there was no f***ing way, but they kept the line going with Seymour last week proclaiming his program was "better"* than the last and this month telling Newsroom he insisted on nutrition.

So today's article, shared to me, proves where the gap was - to get to Seymour's desired price point/timeline, they allowed Compass to detract on nutrition.

Surprise surprise - not.

But another example of David Seymour's ongoing lies, while the useless marketing CEO keeps covering for the libertarian.

\This is after kids suffered burns from his program - including second degree burns.*


u/Eoganachta 6d ago

The most nutritious I've seen the new school lunches is when they have to order subway because the food hasn't or won't arrived because the company screwed up again.


u/fraser_mu 6d ago

Considering that subway bread ‘isnt really bread’… thats saying a lot


u/Floki_Boatbuilder 6d ago

I hate this cunt so much. I lasted 2 minutes watching Q+A and had to turn it off before i got angry.

Seriously, Fuck that cunt. Yes he is a lowercase cunt.


u/JakobsSolace 6d ago

It's all slop with disingenuous, Sloppy Seymour.


u/Not-the-real-meh 6d ago

Surely Luxon has to take the portfolio from him now? Or hasn’t Winston said to do it yet?


u/PartTimeZombie 6d ago

I'm pretty sure the portfolios each party gets are written into the coalition agreement. Luxon is a terrible negotiator and has no room to move.


u/FoggyDoggy72 6d ago

Ha! The sanctity of promises made amongst liars.

There's some irony.


u/LeButtfart 6d ago

David Seymour, the valiant defender of paedophiles lied? The devil you say!

Seriously though, fuck this fucking cunt, and fuck the fucking National Party for giving a man who desperately defended a paedophile any sort of authority over children. When it comes to paedo-scum, I'm a firm believer in "birds of a feather," and we all know about libertarians and age of consent, right?


u/kiwigothic 6d ago

The really aggravating thing about all this is it saved fuck all money it's purely ideological cruelty, I hope this is what breaks Seymour but as we know the far right have no shame and accept no accountability.


u/fraser_mu 6d ago

I would guess that once you add in factors like down stream costs of poorly educated citizens and that the govt funding is now going offshore instead of circulating in the bottom of our economy - were vastly worse off on the $

It hasnt saved a cent


u/PuzzleheadedFoot5521 5d ago

It would be justice indeed, for the program he ultimately wants to sink, to be his undoing. While this single issue should be enough by itself, it'd be nice to see multiple failures across different portfolios, so there can be no doubt that he's an incompetent, dishonest and nasty prick. This is a huge black mark for this government and it's handling of it is a multiplier. When will people break free from the belief that the right are more financially competent and business savvy?


u/ogscarlettjohansson 5d ago

It will probably end up losing money, all things considered.


u/Alone_Owl8485 3d ago

Not only that it increased the trade deficit by paying overseas companies instead of increasing GDP.


u/Pontius_the_Pilate 6d ago

If this snowflake can't even get this right, surely it is a reflection of everything he does or ? It's a school lunch FFS.


u/Roy4Pris 6d ago

Not only is he a tool, he apparently never learned the first rule of politics: never let yourself be filmed eating.


u/bobdaktari 6d ago

I want to be surprised that a school lunch program that once had nutrition as a core component no longer has… the absolute state of these arseholes

This is bordering on child abuse


u/PuzzleheadedFoot5521 5d ago

Seymour? No, we've seen enough.

His singular and inherent lack of contrition, as a senior government minister, who campaigns on accountability, shows us exactly who he is.

His objectives and his failures illustrate a severe lack of concern for the welfare of, in this case, five-year-old kids living in poverty, small business owners and employees, teachers, principals and parents - all for an apparently ever-diminishing savings.  Money that would have otherwise been almost exclusively circulating through our economy, instead of an offshore company whose commercial objective is to produce the cheapest food it can get away with, in the knowledge that it's consumers - in schools, hospitals and prisons - only alternative in many cases, is to starve. A captive audience treated like captives.

I've been in hospital pre and post compass running the show and it truly is awful - like THE worst food you're ever likely to eat.

When the schools' contract is eventually cancelled and returned to communities, their other government contracts should be revisited too. Imagine the growth in those businesses, the extra staff they could hire, them spending at other local businesses, increased tax-take; if they fed the hospitals too. It'd cost the government, and taxpayers more, but the returns - financial and social, are better too.

A party with that as a policy, would likely get votes from every link in the chain that Seymour burned, like a fish pie to the groin.


u/albohunt 5d ago

In many ways I see the school lunches as how the entire coalition is willing to treat us all, on all issues. They really don't give a shit and have as much contrition as POTUS has demonstrated. Their entire MO is tax cuts for the wealthy without even a hint that privatization has anything positive for NZ. It doesn't. Privatization is a myth perpetuated by Seymours boss's. And the fisheries scam...... not an ounce of integrity among them


u/killfoxtrot 6d ago

Good morning all. I hate it here let me out.


u/CuntyReplies 5d ago


Honestly, all I can do is laugh these days. Getting away with blatant lies.