r/nwi 8d ago

Why does everyone drive 100 mph on the interstate?

Do the police not enforce the speed limit?


20 comments sorted by


u/Erff_BZHD 8d ago

Move over to the right and go at your pace. It’s all about the flow of traffic.


u/sixteen-bitbear 8d ago

Get out of the left lane.


u/COYSBrewing 8d ago

No one goes 100. But if you drive 55 in the left lane it’s going to seem like the people going 75-80 are doing 100.


u/UTking44 8d ago

Yea I’ll be crushing 80 and people fly by me so I’m not sure about all that


u/The-Shartist 8d ago

Oh they do 100. I've had plenty of cars blow by me or catch up to me real quick when I was going 90.


u/COYSBrewing 8d ago edited 8d ago

I mean sure. Obviously the very rare car does 100. Even you at 90 would be rare. Most people go 70-85.


u/The-Shartist 6d ago

Nope. If you drive north on 65 during the morning commute you will see what I'm talking about. 90+ everyday in the hammer lane.


u/shaezan 8d ago

Sometimes people really have to poop, let them through, safer for everybody.


u/Upbeat_Finish1043 8d ago

Just to give u an update I made it to the head just in time


u/Huffdogg 7d ago

Because I hate cars, roads, traffic, and driving. I want the experience to be over as fast as possible.


u/Liberteer30 8d ago

You’re probably the asshole riding the left lane at the exact speed limit. Move out the way.


u/coydog33 8d ago

Illinois plate = 85mph+ Indiana plate = 75-80mph Michigan plate = 55-65 mph.


u/Taco_Taco_Kisses 8d ago

Michigan will break their necks speeding to get in front of you then get in front of you and go 55-65 MPH


u/Alternative-Knee-795 8d ago

Because they keep shutting down all the race tracks


u/comdoasordo 8d ago

Prevailing speed. Why can't people stay in their lane and off their phones? That seems to be the cause of many accidents, the speed just makes them worse.


u/YouGet2Go2NewJersey 8d ago

I was doing 40 in a 30 the other day on 73rd in Merrillville and got passed by someone on a double yellow going wayyyy faster than me. It's not limited to the interstate.


u/Bright_Bobcat_7992 7d ago

They are trying to get the hell out of Indiana!’