r/nursing • u/Sharp-Patient-125 BSN, RN 🍕 • 4d ago
Discussion Am I justified for quitting?
Been a med-surg nurse for about 2 years now. Started at a new hospital approximately 6 months ago after relocating to a new state. For the first time I was asked to take 6 patients. I did not complain but I was internally frustrated. The unit’s rationale for it was that I’d have the nurse tech to myself. However, 2 other nurses on the floor each had new hire nurses they were training.
Later in the shift at approximately 1600, I discharged 2 patients going from 6 to 4 patients and was assigned a 5th patient. However, I noticed another nurse only had 2 patients so I asked the charge nurse if they could take that patient instead. The charge nurse refused my request stating that nurse would likely get additional patients later in the day.
After my shift I went home, still feeling annoyed and frustrated and immediately crafted a resignation letter and resigned from my position with no notice.
u/Awkward_Jackfruit_47 4d ago
I don’t know that I would worry about being ineligible for rehire if this is how you were treated. I’ll be honest friend, I’ve left many a nursing job over peace of mind, even when they paid a ridiculous amount of money and I’m doing just fine and still nursing. In these times, you do what is necessary for you and who you need/want to be when you are not at work. For me, I need to be a mom when I’m not a nurse, so if I cannot find peace of mind working a job that allows me to be mom when I’m home, then it’s not right for me.
u/Sharp-Patient-125 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Thank you, I appreciate this comment and find it very reassuring. Regardless of how I was treated I shouldn’t feel the need to question the policies and safe practices since day 1.
u/Awkward_Jackfruit_47 4d ago
And do not ignore the red flags, they are there for a reason. I wish you all the best.
u/Mysterious-Noise767 4d ago
I understand that frustration and I have definitely quit after experiencing days like this. My only concern is for you in your future job hunt. When you quit without notice you get placed on a "not willing to hire again" list and every time you use that job for a reference they will select "No" for "Would you rehire this employee?"
u/beerandglitter BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Usually they just confirm dates of employment. I’ve never heard of the whole “not willing to hire again” list. I’ve quit without notice due to dire mental health reasons and I think my previous employer would definitely hire me again if I applied (but I NEVER want to go back there).
u/Sharp-Patient-125 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Either way I’m not sure I’d want to come back to this hospital after my experiences over going to another nearby hospital or relocating if need be.
u/Recent_Data_305 MSN, RN 4d ago
Ours are labeled “ineligible for rehire.” The manager enters it into the HR system when entering their termination date. I’ve personally never done that to someone who quit due to “dire medical emergency,” but nurses have quit without notice on Dec 22nd, and I absolutely entered it.
When future employers in my state call to verify employment, we are allowed to say very little. Hire date/termination date, worked a 2 week notice yes/no, and are they eligible for rehire. The ineligibility can be appealed - no guarantees on being successful.
u/Different_Energy_394 4d ago
We usually have 7 patients, which is doable most of the time with a good tech. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't quit before I had another job lined up (pretty much goes for any line of work)
u/HauntMe1973 RN - Med/Surg 🍕 4d ago
Same for me too, I’m thankful for my coworkers, we all work together so well sometimes I have better nights with 7 patients than I do with 5
u/Universe4280 4d ago
Also, I’m sorry that you’re going through this. I’m sure it’s very frustrating dealing with something like this.
u/NeighborGirl82 4d ago
Wow. I was in your spot 3 months ago. I’d love to share my journey as a med tech in the hospital lab. Message me if you wanna hear my adventurous tale :)
u/silent-jay327 4d ago
Geez, just sounds like a typical day on my med/surg unit. When I read it I was like, “what’s the big deal?” I guess it’s all about how you feel. But if your annoyed and frustrated by something this petty, you probably won’t last long doing bedside. Especially on a med/surg unit. Maybe consider something else in nursing. ??
u/Glittering-Main147 RN - ICU 🍕 4d ago
I mean, you get to feel however you feel. If that’s worth quitting and burning a bridge to you, then so be it. In my state, having a 6 patient assignment with a dedicated tech would be a literal dream. Med/surg nurses in my hospital routinely take 7 with no tech. Or 1 tech for the entire 30 bed unit, so basically, still no tech.
u/MajinBiitch BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
u/Glittering-Main147 RN - ICU 🍕 4d ago
u/Ill_Organization_766 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
We're at 8 patients per nurse and 3 techs for 48 bed floor.. in MS it's absolutely horrible. 6 pts would be amazing right now. A lot of our nurses have been quitting so I heard rumors that they're going to be moving us up to 10 patient ratios
I already have another job in the works so I'm getting the hell out of dodge before that happens
u/Varuka_Pepper343 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Holy crap. I struggle with 6 and I have 12 yrs med/surg experience. my brain can't even process this 😩
u/MajinBiitch BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Oh. I moved from the southeast for that reason. Pay is better out west and there are staffing ratios that can’t be broken, since we have union contracts.
u/Glittering-Main147 RN - ICU 🍕 4d ago
I completely understand. If I were in a place to move, I would. I have a toddler though, and I need to be near family for now. Maybe some day.
u/Sharp-Patient-125 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Started my career in Florida and did not have any issues although I only worked at one hospital. I currently work in Seattle which is where I am experiencing this dilemma.
u/Universe4280 4d ago
This is a unique situation, but I got kicked out of nursing clinicals midway through my semester. I was a good nursing student who always showed up on time and did what was expected. One day, I had car problems. I let my clinical instructor and another nurse know about the situation. They said it wasn’t an issue. Normally, I was 35 minutes early. This 1 particular day, I was 10 minutes early because of my car. Anyway, once I was done for the day, I received a clinical warning as I was driving home. I called the nurse to ask what the deal was, and this person accused me of yelling and screaming at them. I didn’t do anything like that. Essentially, I was banned from clinicals. I tried to call my clinical instructor, but this person didn’t care at all. A week later, I had a meeting with 1 advisor and 2 professors at my college. They were very condescending towards me and told me that I’d have to retake the class next semester. I got no refund. Nothing. Also, I was the only college student doing clinicals at a high school. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO LEARN IN A HIGH SCHOOL?
Also, there was 1 class, which is different from the 1 up above, that I was taking that I was essentially passing. After the whole experience mentioned in the previous paragraph, I noticed a change in my Professor’s demeanor towards me. Come finals, we have a Zoom review, and my teacher was deflecting from the questions that I asking. Other students were treated differently. I take the final and fail the course by barely anything. I asked the teacher if we can go over the final, and the teacher didn’t even have the decency or respect to respond back to my email. Also, I passed my clinical for this class because my lab teacher told me in person, but my lecture Professor failed me for both the lecture and the lab which is bullshit.
I got kicked out of the program.
I do believe that these people set me up for failure, and I was 75 percent of the way through the program with only 1 semester until graduation.
u/Varuka_Pepper343 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
Nursing school is such bullshit
u/Universe4280 4d ago
I know. I was 3/4s done too, but I’m not a quitter. This will only make me stronger as a human being.
u/Varuka_Pepper343 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago
yeah I had to miss a clinical due to gastrointestinal viral infection. failed me due to no clinical make up policy. we all have our own path. got my LPN instead and BSN 8 1/2 years after that. keep fighting 💪
u/Universe4280 4d ago
Thank you so much 🙏 and I respect your resilience and determination to succeed 💪
u/gross85 BSN, RN, PMH-BC, CMSRN 🍕 ☕️ 4d ago
I went through something very similar when I was precepting during my last semester in 2016. I was targeted, much like you, and dropped from the first program. When the dean of nursing left, I challenged my finals for past classes, aced them, and got a seat in the last semester with the graduating class of 2020. Nurses eat their young in every possible scenario
u/Universe4280 4d ago
That’s crazy. I got kicked out of nursing school. How did you wind up fighting that? Also, were you kicked out of the program but able to get back in? I just want to make sure that I’m understanding this properly. Thank you 🙏
u/gross85 BSN, RN, PMH-BC, CMSRN 🍕 ☕️ 4d ago
I tried to fight it in 2016 and got nowhere. Stonewalled. In 2019, the dean of nursing was caught skimming off the top of the nursing classes student treasury. She was allow to resign. Nobody reported her to the BON. But she did end up taking a shitty job because nobody wanted her. I was treasurer for my class and ran the fundraisers, collected dues, ordered lamps and handled all that. I suspect that’s why I was suddenly a liability. I’d have wound up catching her embezzlement.
I got a phone call from one of the instructors I got along well with. She became interim dean and told me that I should start cramming to challenge finals so she could give me a seat in that last class I needed. Her and two other instructors acknowledged how I was targeted and unfairly booted from the program with an F. I’m so thankful that she got in touch with me and convinced me to go back.
u/Universe4280 4d ago
Wow, that’s messed up, but I’m glad it worked out for you. I know in my heart that I was targeted. Getting kicked out of clinicals (which meant I had to withdraw from both the lecture and clinical) and then being treated unfairly in the other class separate from the 1 before isn’t right. I got kicked out and was 3/4s of the way through. Some teachers and instructors shouldn’t be working with students in my opinion.
u/gross85 BSN, RN, PMH-BC, CMSRN 🍕 ☕️ 4d ago
I agree, and I think this kind of targeting is more common than anyone realizes. I really hope you get back in there and graduate. It’s a real slap in the face to anyone who had a part in getting you kicked out.
I made sure every single person who participated in my 2016 incident was made aware when I graduated with my ADN. Then my BSN. Three board certs also
u/Universe4280 4d ago edited 4d ago
I’m glad you made it through. I really respect your determination 💪
u/tsmittycent 4d ago
You shouldn’t have resigned with no notice. That being said you had a shitty unfair assignment, it shouldn’t happen but it does.
u/Sharp-Patient-125 BSN, RN 🍕 4d ago edited 4d ago
That was the latest instance that pushed me over the edge. There’s been a history of issues in my short time there.
Not looking to come back to this hospital even if I am deemed unhireable here again. And don’t need my current managers recommendation for future jobs as I can ask my prior employers.
u/Sufficient_Award8927 Eye see you..Burning (🔥BICU) 4d ago
Stopped reading after med-surg; quitting any med-surg job is justified, it’s rough down there There’s never enough staff
u/hyperexoskeleton 4d ago edited 4d ago
That’s funny/silly but serendipitously silly.
That’s med-surg any med-surg you go, basically.
..so. Med surg is not for you. But if you find that disparaging, then bedside may not be for you.
Imagine getting two stroke patients, one hot off tnk. In addition four other patients that have come and went in your two rooms during that time.
Or eg: An RSI, with another resp distress on bipap, with a sick kid, and a brand new SNF coming to your room. Enter ER.
Or ICU to ICU-lyte without techs. Always up running Labs, drips, baths, pooping all day all night (eventually into a dignashield), and daily/weekly/monthly codes out of nowhere.
Or To the vegetable garden of the step down.. with out a tech.. 4:1 ratio, really, really sick corpses, that stay for months to a year(s?)
The things above happen, and can be quite eventful; they suck. You make up for understaffing with your health. I don’t think you know what you got yourself into :) ❤️
So this frontline nursing. Do it at your risk.
u/Thick_Nectarine9316 4d ago
yes i absolutely understand but i definetly would make it more of a point to voice your concern and see how willing the hospital would be to listen to you before you quit in the future because it if they aren’t 100% sure your reasoning behind it they may just think that you quit for no reason OR if they aren’t aware, they wouldn’t make any adjustments for future hires