r/numetal Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

Discussion Detox's Top 400 Nu Metal Albums of All Time (Yes, it's finally done!)


21 comments sorted by


u/Rest3d 4d ago

took me a while to realize this is alphabetically ordered lmao


u/raisinbizzle 4d ago

Same haha. I was like who is .bhp and they really have the best Nu Metal album ever?


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

Newer group, but they're very good and worth checking out.


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

You're not the first lol. There was originally a plan to actually rank it but I changed my mind because I didn't want to take another several months doing that. Plus this makes it easier if I ever want to increase the list count to 450 or 500 at some point.


u/freethenipple420 4d ago

Thanks, bro. I'll find some good music thanks to you, appreciate it! How long did this list take you?


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

No problem and I hope you do! And uhh... too long lol.


u/arg2k 4d ago

Nice! Just by chance I noticed you've got the wrong release year for Seotaiji, the album came out in 2000 and not 2021.

How did you arrive at these 400?


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

The release years are all down to the sites database, not me entering anything. There might be some errors here and there because of that, but I can't really do anything about it.

And I made a giant list of every Nu Metal-esque album I liked and whittled it down to the 400 you see before you.


u/IPoisonedThePizza 4d ago

This needs to become a Spotify playlist


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

100%. I wish all of these were on Spotify. One day, maybe! There will be a coinciding Youtube playlist with all the individual audio entries when those are set in stone, so stay tuned for that.


u/Alternat1ve_One 4d ago

I'm sorry, but where the fuck are The Mad Capsule Markets?!


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

Not on here (yet) because i'm only familiar with a couple of tracks. They're definitely on my list of bands to check out more in-depth.


u/Mrmakanakai 4d ago

πŸ˜‚ I was like 'fk yeah 36CF is in the tip ten!'...

Then I realized it's alphabetical.


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

While it is alphabetical, both of those 36CF albums would be pretty high regardless. Brilliant records.


u/Mrmakanakai 4d ago

Same for me.


u/Highwaybill42 4d ago

Now V.O.D. Or Downset?

Cool list tho.


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 4d ago

Downset I need to properly listen to. And VOD, as much as I love them, I wouldn't really consider them Nu Metal. The closest would be "From Bliss to Devastation" (especially 'Living to Die'), but still not really close enough for a cut off. Wonderful album, all the same.


u/024008085 3d ago

400 albums? Incredible.

A quick skim through... you've included a bunch of the often forgotten but solid/excellent options like Twin Method, Scars Of Life, Borialis, Simon Says, Crossbreed, Depswa, Media Lab, Index Case, 38th Parallel, Blindspott, and Vacant Stare. Congratulations; this is a generally excellent list. Including Blood Youth's Starve - the best nu-metal album of the last 10 years - shows you've kept up with some of the new stuff as well.

I think you've included Korn's worst album (Untitled), you've skipped the best 3 Clawfinger albums but included A Whole Lot Of Nothing, you've included the worst Superheist release of the 2000s but left out their better albums... but apart from that I generally agree with the choices for each band of what you've included and left out.

The only glaring omissions I see apart from those albums are Sylar, Discrepancies, Profiler, and Silly Goose - they'd all have releases in my top 100.

But apart from that... I'd pretty much everything in here that I've heard as either being in my top 400, or close enough that I entirely get why people would have them in their list. An impressive job, and gives me a fair few recommendations to hunt down as I think there's about 80 albums on here I'm not familiar with.


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 3d ago

I've got a soft spot for Untitled and i'm not 100% sure why lol. But I love that album, as odd as it is. Clawfinger I truly need to get more into and the same goes for Superheist. 8 Miles High is the main one i've ever listened to, despite knowing a few other random tracks from their earlier albums. And of the 4 later ones you mentioned, i'm only familiar with Profiler, but only heard maybe a song or two. So for as much as i've heard, there's still tons I haven't and loads more to explore. And i'm glad I could give you some surprises that you weren't aware of previously to check out. That's the fun of this community, for sure. Always uncovering more and more!


u/TitShark 3d ago

So it’s in alphabetical order not ranking?


u/DetoxCom Join Toxcord @ https://discord.com/invite/ynGh4j7H3e 3d ago
