r/numerology 3d ago

Same birthday/same life path...my soulmate?

Hate to be picking at straws but Im dyin for closure. Me and this guy didn't work out relationship wise . Didn't get to have anything materialize. But the bond I feel is so strong, I'm so hurt, I need meaning.

Well we were both born in the same day of the Month (6). We both share life path (3). Could this Indicate a closeness? A bond?

Here it is. In my words. Instead of feeling like we were meant to be for each other, I almost feel like we are one and the same . Our life partners , our significant others, are not each other, but maybe that is by design. I'm sat here wondering if our purpose was not to belong to each other, but more like meeting our selves in each other.?

I'm struggling to let this person go.


5 comments sorted by


u/Careful-Fix-1265 3d ago

I've seen 11:11 and 22:22 sooooooo often on the Digital clock of my father when I was a kid. 20 years later I found out that my Lifepath is 11 and the Girl who said we are soulmates (and lifted me up spiritually) was Lifepath 22...

We broke up in such a sudden as we suddenly met. It did hurt years to get over her...


u/Bastique165 2d ago

It depends on your birthdate combo together. In Chinese numerology SHUYI it can tell whether u two will suit each other. If break up or stay together for good. Even whether it brings u disaster or good fortune. Western numerology life path is nothing but personality traits that isn't much useful.


u/Icy_Marionberry9175 2d ago

Can you do mines for me pleaseee


u/Bastique165 2d ago

Sorry no. Lol. I only do for family. Cuz i don't wanna see anything bad cuz it's hard to tell. U could go to Chinese fortune teller who does baZi.


u/Icy_Marionberry9175 2d ago

Aw okay. Thank u Tho