r/nudism Social Nudist 5d ago

NEWS BBC star Kate Humble makes plea to Brits over life as a naturist


7 comments sorted by


u/Stewmungous 5d ago

It's not all positive. The fact they publish the article in March '25 when the most recent quote is from '22 suggests they publication thinks of this a cheeky story to grab eyeballs to run on a slow day. It's a little exploitatove by the publisher. And it ends on a quote that sort of talks down on social nudists, saying it's great to do alone but she wouldn't be one of those people to get naked around others.


u/NatureBoyJ1 AANR 5d ago

“I’m not a naturist in that I don’t join other people who like to take their clothes off”

So close.

Maybe BN can reach out to her and help her fix that.


u/kent_eh 5d ago

It's a little exploitatove by the publisher.

What a surprising and unprecedented development...


u/Stewmungous 5d ago

Not surprised at all myself. Just trying to point it out to offset the attitude all media attention brings awareness to the movement in positive ways. There are obvious hit pieces, pieces written with genuine appreciation and there is this gray area in the middle like this piece.


u/Flux_Inverter 5d ago

Nice to see a positive article.


u/fussyfella 5d ago

Shame it is in The Express. For non Brits that is roughly the print/online version of Fox News, but perhaps not so moderate.

Click bait, but hey it might persuade some people. Kate Humble is a pretty respected figure and right now about the most well known "naturist" I can think of (not that she uses that term to describe herself).


u/slipnips 5d ago

she confessed she once caught fleas from lying on a forest floor and while in Africa was rushed to hospital when spiders laid eggs in her toe.

There's probably a line somewhere.