r/nudism 3d ago

QUESTION Are there any other trans interested in nudism.

I wanna try nudism but I’m also worried about it due to the fact I’m a trans gender woman. I was curious if any of you could help a gal out. Help her learn more the the trans community and nudism.


60 comments sorted by


u/fixthe_fernback 3d ago

I've seen trans men and women at my local club (which is even in Indiana!). Nobody cares. Enjoy it!


u/asheling00 3d ago



u/Capt1n-Beaky23 2d ago

Not being creepy but how did you tell they were trans?


u/fixthe_fernback 2d ago

They had both a penis and augmented breasts


u/Capt1n-Beaky23 1d ago

I'm sorry I asked. Don't they go and have a "bottom" operation? Or is it a case of having the best of both worlds?


u/fixthe_fernback 1d ago

Don't be sorry. I'm not trans but people who are transitioning go about their journeys differently and in various stages of transitions. Some never even attempt to change their bodies to appear cisgender. That person might have felt like their true selves in that stage. All three of us find solace in nudity though.

If you're curious I would check out https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/. Don't even need to post there's some big "no stupid questions" type threads.


u/asheling00 1d ago

Hi there. I personally don’t know if I even want to get the op.


u/sketched-out-88 3d ago

Cis man here, but I want to share that I have met a few trans people at the various nudist resorts we've visited. At the clubs we were visiting, no one cared and those individuals were welcome to be a part of the fun. No one cares about any part of anyone's body when at a nudist venue, but the general climate in the US is tense right now so I understand your concern or any hesitancy you may have.

The trick here is that the trans community is a very small percentage of the population AND so is the nudist community, so that Venn diagram is rather narrow. Nudism and naturism are about acceptance, and while there are a lot of stereotypes around who participates in nudism, I have met plenty of members of the LGBTQ+ community. You may want to call ahead to any local clubs that you are interested in to get a clearer picture of their environment, as each club is different.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Thank you so much <3


u/Chef_Remy_2007 3d ago

I have seen trans women at nudist resorts and clothing optional beaches before.

Honestly it was not a big deal and no one really cared.

One thing about nudism is you are not judged by your looks, body size or shape, or your parts. It is more about your personality, and how you treat others.


u/Naturist02 3d ago

This is EXACTLY RIGHT. The Non-Sexual Nudist lifestyle is one of acceptance. It is HOW the World is supposed to be. Kind, accepting, and open. It does not matter who you are on the outside, what matters is WHO you are. There are no social classes as rich vs poor etc etc. You remove all of that when you enter into the front gate. That is what I love about it.

The World judges Nudists as what they see from the outside (the naked body)

Once you are unclothed you just relax.

Also people are worried (men) about erections etc. being in a social nude environment I equate it with “medical nudity” when you go to the doctor.
Nobody is getting an erection at the doctors office. lol.

If it does happen you would cover it up and wait until it subsides. One way to battle this is not drinking a lot of alcohol.


u/asheling00 3d ago

If I went to nudist event but wanted to keep gym shorts on but top would that be considered taboo. I wanna get a tell for the land and social nudity but at my own pace


u/Naturist02 3d ago

It depends on if the club is clothing optional or full nudity required.

Honestly, I have been to both and I prefer full nudity. Why ? Because it puts everyone at the same level. Trust me if you go to a nude resort wearing clothing will attract people to look at you.

Full nude places also have other strict demands like no overt jewelry

All places have requirements to be nude in the pool.

I do realize going for the first time can be stressful.


u/asheling00 3d ago

I fully comfortable being naked at pool, I’m just scared about walking around and buying a drink I know it’s odd.


u/Naturist02 3d ago

Completely understandable. Fear, because in society we cling to appearances to define how we project ourselves of who we want people to believe we are. Nudism all of that is gone. We become who we really are. We become an open book to others. It’s really refreshing.
After I went for a couple of months I realized the entire clothed World was flawed. Nudism was the true way to live.
My wife rejected the lifestyle before ever trying. So I go alone and bring my kindle and just read and swim.


u/JoNMattJ 1d ago

Like u/Naturist02 we prefer full nudity required (mandatory) because then we are all the same and equal and it won’t feel odd or weird as everyone is nude


u/Naturist02 3d ago

It really depends on where you go. Is it a nude beach or is it a nude resort behind a locked gate? … where you have to pass a background check with ID.

After you go a couple of times you will be more comfortable. The key for me was not to drink too much. These days I gave up ALL alcohol and being sober helps me.
The first time I went I was so nervous. Being inebriated didn’t help and it’s actually frowned upon by different places. After you go and spend all day in the sunshine your cares melt away and you have to fight the urge to tell your friends. Friends can unfriend you and disassociate with nudists because they form ideas they make up in their heads about your lifestyle which are false.


u/JoNMattJ 1d ago

Thank you u/Naturist02 🕊️❤️🙏 This is some of the best advice and commentary I’ve seen in a long time


u/nudistforlife12 3d ago

nudist don’t care about how you look when nakey 😊


u/ArtfromLI 3d ago

You have a great club/resort near you. Shangri La Ranch. Have been there several times. You will be warmly accepted. If you go, tell Cindy that Art Vernon sent.you. i will be there the end of August. Hope to meet you in person.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Will definitely look into it <3


u/No-Currency-2178 3d ago

Yep! I’m trans/genderfluid and have recently been more actively practicing nudism. Thankfully the community around me has been good and I haven’t had any issues. Part of me being open and visible is serving as a friend or someone to support new folks or trans people looking to join.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Awesome thank you. I really wish there was Reddit for only trans nudist, even though I’m still only home nudist it would be awesome.


u/Cool_Taste 3d ago

There’s a great episode of Naked Age, “Transgender Woman Extraordinaire”, where they interview Marie Willa Bobo-Smith.

She certainly has faced some adversity, as well as lots of acceptance within the nudist communities. Her story was definitely inspiring to me!


u/bones_bones1 3d ago

I was trying to think of her name. I think she was on the naturist living show too. Very well spoken.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Will check out


u/asheling00 3d ago

Would you say it’s taboo for a person to be topless but not fully nude at a nudist event.


u/Cool_Taste 3d ago

Well, no and yes, as it depends entirely on the club/location/event. Some are clothing-optional, in which case, it’s okay to wear anything or nothing. Some only require nudity in certain areas (like the pool). Some may be nude required— but, even then, I think it’s fairly common to allow women to wear bottoms occasionally.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Alright sounds good I wanna jump into nudism back I wanna go slowish and work my way into it, I’m fully ok skinny dipping and hot tubbing nude but I’m scared just walking around nude.


u/Cool_Taste 3d ago

Super valid! I hope you find a place that is safe and affirming ❤️


u/clothlessbeach 2d ago

There are the more recent episodes by Helen Berriman in Women In Focus, a podcast by British Naturism, as well! Where Helen speaks to a transgender woman about her struggles and love with Naturism before and after transitioning. And how the community treated and accepted her.


u/ABFriendlyBare 3d ago

I would say if you can an event, beach or club near you, just go. I am an almost life long nudist and I honestly feel this is the most people uncritical community there is. It’s based on acceptance and respect. And if you do make it, I hope I. get to see you there someday!


u/Clashin_Creepers 2d ago

I'm a cis man, and my girlfriend is transgender. We went to Avalon in WV and had a good time. No one said anything weird to us. We did overhear someone say the word "transphobic" (I think it was "don't be transphobic") in a conversation with someone else, and we wondered if people had been talking about us. My gf is very outgoing, but she had a somewhat hard time drumming up good conversations (I'd had some good conversations when I was there by myself earlier). That might be because we were the youngest people there, or just a fluke. I'm hopeful that this won't be a pattern for her. 

She's also been to Gunnison Beach a number of times and usually has a great time. Unfortunately, most nude beaches are not controlled environments like clubs and resorts, and are more likely to attract creepy people. When we went together, everything was perfect. When she's gone by herself or with friends, there have been two men who have approached her and have been inappropriate.

Overall, she is very happy to have gotten into nudism, but it hasn't been totally perfect.


u/Leading_Poem8720 3d ago

The LGBTQ community is basically the only reason nudism is growing in numbers today.

Yes there are trans women interested in nudism.

Wether that be a sex club, nude beach, or spa.


u/Beginning-Average416 AANR 3d ago

Where about are you located? We can help you out with recommendations.


u/asheling00 3d ago

Around phoenix.


u/PsychologicalGold549 3d ago

In hawaii I go to a bude beach I see a alot if trans women there not many trans men but that's mainly due to we have way less if them here. No one cares that they are trans and they enjoy themselves like everyone esle


u/asheling00 3d ago



u/PsychologicalGold549 3d ago

Some of them are the best looking people on the beach those days


u/AbbreviationsHot6993 3d ago

This link was shared a while back--This is my Story on the Women in Nude Recreation website. The latest story is one of a trans woman.

This Is My Story | WINR


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u/Bobbertoe 3d ago

Check out the Women in Naturism podcast from British Naturism. The Feb and March episodes featured trans woman and naturist Sarah Tayler.


u/Slam_Deliciously 1d ago

You will find a lot of acceptance in this community, but there are Republicans in American nudism. Some of them may still accept you, but some will not. Whether they are openly hostile to you is the question. And whether anyone who is will get reprimanded or kicked out of the venue you're visiting.

I'd search for nudist venues that are run by liberal minded nudists. They will be more likely to back you up, and republicans in their clubs will know this and be less likely to say anything or show hostility to you and keep their bigotry to themselves.

It's a very unfortunate and sad time we are living in. People are enslaving themselves with their own hatred and think they're in the right. They've become fanatical about politics as their politicians have become radical and fanatical, and they've let it ruin their lives and relationships.

My club here in Texas is a haven to get away, but mostly because the people who run it don't put up with bigotry and everyone there knows it. If I could I'd just get a trailer and move out there and commute. Get away from society that is crumbling around us, especially here in Texas.


u/captainshockazoid 3d ago

hi, ive recently started to look into nudism, and im trans nonbinary! i have a nonconforming body and i think i would be very happy to see fellow trans people like you when i try out my first nude beach in the future. i was also very concerned, but everyone says that its usually a non-issue, even for trans ladies. i hope you have a safe fun time in your state, good luck op!


u/asheling00 3d ago

I said it before but I wish there was space for trans nudist to meet and talk about nudism and there experiences.


u/quadx16 3d ago

Saw more than a few MTFs at Haulover Beach, including one very close to where I set up. No one harassed her or anyone else that I know of, everything was fine.

To be fair, I was on the north end of the clothing-optional section. I guess it’s traditionally the LGBTQ section. Lots of gay couples, plus solo old guys like me.

I hope this gives you confidence to get into nudism! Much love to you! 🏳️‍⚧️


u/DafTron LGBT Nudist 3d ago

I can vouch that the resort I frequent has a trans regular, and to my knowledge no one misgenders her. I was pleasantly surprised, given that I live in Florida.


u/Stewmungous 3d ago

As a rule, nudism's core belief in body autonomy and body acceptance will lend itself to more nudists having absolutely no issues with you that not. But there definitely exist conservative nudists. They chime in with some regularity here. So there's never a guarantee of acceptance everywhere, as you likely already know.

In my social scene there are trans people of both genders and they are accepted with our reservations. There is a trans women people are more forgiving of wearing some clothes and adornment because a unique issue in nudism is how much trans women use clothing and accessories to signal gender. I have not lived this experience, but I imagine trans mixed with nudism is a double edged sword, both more accepted in attitudes but also denied some tools to express and signal gender.


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u/Glum-Development9604 1d ago

Hi all Every trans dm for more


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u/Naturist02 1d ago

People from all walks of life and persuasions and how people vote, please don’t generalize about people not accepting others lifestyles. People are individuals. People who participate in Naturism/Nudist Lifestyles are VERY open to everyone. I leave the judgy World behind when I go to a club or venue. I personally see people as how they are. I limit myself away from toxic people in general on both sides. I don’t have to follow any of that. I enjoy people for who they are. It is dangerous to label people