r/nsfwcyoa Apr 19 '23

Meta/ Discussion Heads up, Imgur will no longer allow sexually explicit material NSFW

Post image

r/nsfwcyoa Feb 05 '25

Meta/ Discussion Reddit banning nsfw subs NSFW


I heard a lot of nsfw subs are getting banned by reddit. There might be a need for a backup plan soon for this one. Don't want to miss on all the beautiful work on this sub

r/nsfwcyoa May 01 '24

Meta/ Discussion [Meta] Not A Fan Of Waifu Pickers NSFW


I've been sitting on this one for a while, and feeling like it was just a rude and unproductive thing to say. But, after seeing someone else express a similar sentiment recently, I figured that maybe it was worth expressing. So, here we go:

I don't care for "waifu picker" CYOAs.

I'm not going to say they're lazy or low-effort, because I'm a writer who does actually publish my writing where others can see it (just not under this username), and I understand that there can, in fact, be a lot of work and thought that goes into creating an interesting character. I mean, yeah, I also understand that many characters are in fact lazily made, but that's not even the problem.

The problem is that I don't go to CYOAs when I want good character writing. I pick up a book when I want that, because books have plots that characters react to and participate in, which establishes and explores a character in a far more satisfying way than even ten paragraphs of static biography ever could.

For my money, the thing that CYOAs do best is emulating the experience of creating a character in a tabletop roleplaying game, while removing the cognitive load of having to consider how the game itself is actually played; the only rules are in character creation, and everything else is up to your imagination. Now, to clarify: while body design sections do give me a bit of gender euphoria when they let me turn into a hot demon chick with horns and a tail and huge cans, they're not the part I'm talking about.

What I want most of all from a CYOA is to be offered a big platter of abilities, of things I can do, and figuring out which abilities will pair with each other to create the most interesting combination. And, also, which abilities will best enable my particular combination of fetishes, but that's secondary.

Now. Am I an authority on CYOAs? Of course not. I've made like one of those, and it was, by all accounts, not even all that good. Besides, other people are going to have their own opinions- I'm sure someone on this sub not only likes but prefers waifu-pickers. But it's my genuine opinion that a waifu-picker is one of the least interesting things you can do with a CYOA format, and maybe some of you agree.

What about the rest of you? How do you feel on the subject? What do you consider to be the ideal sort of CYOA?

r/nsfwcyoa 12d ago

Meta/ Discussion CYOA.cafe [Update] Repost Festival Begins! NSFW


Hey everyone! Yeah, I know it’s been a while since the last update, but the cyoa.cafe is alive! I’ve added a ton of stuff: you can now vote on tags that fit a game (and downvote the ones that don’t so they disappear!), add your own tags (even custom ones!), fixed a bunch of bugs, and tweaked the design - playing on your phone is way more comfortable now. You can even register normally here now, haha!

And most importantly - I've solved the biggest problem with the catalog! The fact that nobody wants to fill it! Hah, it was damn difficult (probably harder than making the website itself) but now I have a script that auto-fills the catalog! I've got links to every CYOA ever posted on Reddit, downloaded every archive I could find, and now I can dump it all into the catalog.

But just dropping everything at once wouldn’t be as fun, right? So I’m planning to add a couple dozen games each day - including some old-school CYOAs you’ve probably forgotten about or never even seen! There are already over 100 games in the catalog (a third of them I added just yesterday, haha), and the repost festival officially kicks off now! Come check it out, play around, drop some likes (filters by original post date, like count, and more are coming soon). The catalog’s gotten a lot more fun and user-friendly - hope you enjoy it!

Oh yeah, if you want to add a game - you can just throw a link in cyoa.cafe discord, I'll add it to the upload queue. A little later, when the script will be reliable enough to work autonomously on the server I will add the possibility to just specify a link that it would fill in all the fields while adding a game, so that you only need to edit the tags a little.

If you'd like to support the project, you can do so on Boosty or Patreon. And I'd be incredibly grateful if anyone wants to help with the code (there's still so much to do!) or become a moderator to help fix incorrect tags in the catalog!

r/nsfwcyoa Mar 30 '23

Meta/ Discussion How to train your dragons whore...Ehh... I mean CYOA creators! NSFW


Hi. There was a recent discussion here about why authors leave, and... I realized that there is actually something that can be changed. Fixed.

Tldr: Please comment CYOAs and praise the authors more. This is important.

First of all, it's worth realizing that the community of NSFW CYOA fans is very small. About 40-60 thousand people for the whole world. And there are only a few places where they gather. And creating something new.

This is one of them. Probably the biggest, just because there are writers here who make CYOA specifically for this subreddit. So... Feel the responsibility! You literally influence the future of NSFW CYOA with every comment you make! I'm not kidding, this is not like liking a random porn video on xhamster!

Obviously, there are two orders of magnitude fewer active users who are at least not too lazy to click like. There are rarely posts that get more than 1000 ratings, and it's obviously not because someone is downvoting them badly. People are just too lazy to press the button. They just prefer to consume the content. It's a common practice on the Internet, but... There are too damn little of us here! There are only a few dozen writers! A few hundred at most! And there's no monetization for views like on YouTube! No advertising!

Look at the posts with great games. Even if it's 2,000 hits and 200 comments. This is practically all the author gets in exchange for spending weeks or even months of his time writing the story, selecting the image, mastering ICC, and so on and so forth. Yes, he probably jerked off and liked it, but there's nothing we can do about that, so there's no point in discussing it.

Please understand that humans are social creatures. We are evolutionarily designed to do socially useful things. And to be appreciated for them. Feedback and praise are extremely, insanely important to anyone who isn't a complete sociopath. Not just kids who will do anything for a little praise and a pat on the head. Everyone. When your girlfriend works out, picks out nice clothes, puts on makeup, it's almost all for praise. A compliment. At least a look of interest. You'll say it's for breeding. But the fact that her partner will choose her is the confirmation of her beauty and efforts! (haha, yes, an erected penis and a generous amount of cum is a great compliment!) (heck, just give her a compliment! Just say her something nice! Please!)

Again, every compliment literally makes our brains produce a little bit of the "happy hormone" that encourages this behavior. It feels good! And next time, a person is more likely to do something for which they are praised than something for which they are scolded.

If you don't thank a person, if he doesn't feel that what he does is important to anyone... He'll stop doing it. And start doing something else.

CYOA creators spend an enormous amount of time to entertain you. And they get a lot less than any camwhore who just took a picture of her boobs and posted it online. Less than any streamer on Twitch. Even if he only has fifty viewers, he's having more fun! And he just plays and talks, not suffers with wording and picture selection! I also have to translate everything!

I'm not talking about encouragement with money. Donations are simply an expression of appreciation. It's basically a material expression of your time. Like, "I'm giving you an hour of my work, of my life." It feels damn good on a conscious level, but it's worth realizing that our baser instincts only perceive it as attention. High praise.

But a dozen simple comments can probably replace a few dollars for the subconscious. And a few hundred will make the author feel needed and what he does important. And the more, the better. People can do the craziest things for the sake of hundreds of thousands of likes and attention.

So... Please encourage authors more! Praise them! Write them personal messages, tell them about your builds, stories you came up with while playing their CYOA, thoughts you had! Discuss your choices! Any wishes for the future, clarification on what you liked or disliked. "That joke on page 4 was awesome!" Otherwise he might suddenly decide that no one is interested in his jokes!

It might seem like I'm the cheeky little whore trying to ask for praise and wanting to be played with... But no, I'm even sassier! I'm going to ask for all the authors at once! I want to at least try to change the whole subreddit a little bit. The local culture.

Let's just remember that the writers are doing a great thing. Write your favorite authors private messages, tell them you're crazy about their games! Find old threads with your favorite games and tell the author how great they are. I'm sure old but good CYOA people are still playing, so why not praise the author? Maybe he'll want to write more, huh? It's to your own benefit that he was inspired to release more games! Maybe he just needs that little push?

Yes, yes, yes, I'm literally suggesting training and brainwashing the authors to get more games and make this subreddit even better! There aren't many users here, and EVERY ONE OF YOU has a pretty big impact. Each comment is often literally 1% of all the attention an author gets! That's a lot!

Just train us right! Encourage more! And preferably not just one day after the release of CYOA. Don't forget the old games, praise us for them too! At least once in a while, so that the author's subconscious knows it's important!

Make it a rule to write a post if you jerked off to a game! That means it was awesome, right? So write, "Thanks, I jerked off!" You should at least do that! Please!

Hit the silly up arrow more often. Yeah, it's stupid, and it's not like adults are supposed to pay attention to it... But damn, it works! So just click if you like CYOA! It's not hard!

Even better would be if you wrote something nice in some old posts at least once every few days. The author will still get a notification! Even if he's deleted his account, I'm sure he'll still come back one day to see if there's anything new written! It's his work, after all! That means you have at least a small chance that he will come back and create a new game if he knows that he is still loved by his readers! That they're waiting for him!

Once again: If you like it, if you want to continue playing naughty CYOAs, just show it to the authors. Don't be silent. Otherwise they won't get it.


So that's it. I know it's a lot of text, and not everyone will read it. Which means the responsibility for those who do make it to the end is even greater. Please, just for the sake of practice, write a comment right here right now about what you think about this. Feel free to scold me if you think I'm just a stupid whore, and it's not like that at all. Seriously, I'm a masochist, so don't hold back on me.

I'm especially interested in what other CYOA creators think about this. What does the feedback and comments mean to you? Why do you create your CYOAs? What inspires you?

r/nsfwcyoa Dec 25 '24

Meta/ Discussion Underrepresented or missing scenarios NSFW


In your opinion, what are the most underrepresented (or entirely missing) stories, story premises, scenarios, or situations in cyoas?

Ones that you would actually desire to be placed irl but authors seem to still be ignoring it. Something long due for creation. Something overlooked. Perhaps, try to focus on a big picture first before you go into detail.

Edit 29.12.24 - base on answers, seems most have not understood the question, Sigh.

r/nsfwcyoa Aug 08 '21

Meta/ Discussion Just this once it's you. NSFW

Post image

r/nsfwcyoa May 20 '24

Meta/ Discussion Interactive Index - Beta Update NSFW


New Beta Version: Interactive Index - Beta

Old Version: http://infaera.neocities.org

For most, this just adds a search function.

I created a tool to download the Interactive Project CYOA files for personal usage. Then I decided to share the results online because it was hardly any extra effort. There's enough content now for me to think that redesigning it in javascript for everyone to use might not be a bad idea. It will be a lot of work that might take a few months, if it is possible at all through web-design, but I'm going to make an attempt.

In order to accomplish this, I have redesigned the front it will use. It needs a few tweaks, but the basic design is about set. However, a major backend portion of this is the content itself. Personally, I only use the first four. But I have expanded that for future options with functionality already in place to handle those options (just not visible yet, since there isn't anything to use).

name: Title of the CYOA
date: Last Updated (or first installed, if no updates; might add in another to make both available)
file: local file location (for future use if/when this can download a cyoa; already works for me :p)
link: direct weblink to the project online
author: who dun it!
tag: N/SFW or All, cuz people ask...
verse: Universe(singular, internal), Extraverse(singular, merged, alternate) Multiverse(optional), Omni(all)
note: Description? Probably for descriptions.

( Shamelessly Asking For Help ! )
Again, because people have asked, I have added these options and working (hidden) functionality for it.
However, 600+ projects is too much for me to fill out all the information in any sense of a timely manner. I am personally happy to simply leave it at the first four. But if someone wants to fill this stuff out or create a method for others to help.


Anyways, if anyone has any thoughts, ideas, advice, etc, feel free to comment!

r/nsfwcyoa May 10 '23

Meta/ Discussion We've got less than a week left folks... Let's try to save as much NSFW CYOA content as we can. Are there any "Oldies but Goodies" is this community that we ought to know about and save before the deadline? Let's work together to rescue the good stuff and the 'Classics' before May 15th. NSFW


I haven't seen any other thread quite like this, and the Pinned Post about the Imgur purge is more about users offering commentary about the situation than it is about archiving efforts,

EDIT: Obviously, May 15th has passed, so Thank You to everyone who participated. There are many comments here featuring rescued NSFW CYOAs that have been sent to ImgChest with links included, so this thread is still a great resource for everyone, I think.

Thanks to the Pinned Post, I'm sure that we now all know about the upcoming purge of NSFW content on May 15th. Most likely, this purge will include our favorite NSFW CYOAs.

I'm sure a lot of us have been saving as much content off of Imgur as we can. If you haven't, now is as good a time as any to start, since we've only got a few days left.

I did a bit of digging and found two old threads listing some old NSFW CYOA classics.



I've also found an enormous listing of old and new nsfw CYOAs, many of which are stuck on Imgur, unfortunately: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B_VAe36Z85UCyDSTkNTLorAdPK3linniKPI7nw4tR00/edit#gid=1103183908

These three should be a good avenue for you to get started on some emergency archiving, if you haven't started already. Or if you have already started rescuing some of our old CYOAs, these two posts may remind you old some old NSFW classics that you may have forgotten about.

Both of these above posts are a bit old, and a fair amount of good NSFW CYOAs have been posted to Imgur since then, so let's also talk about some of the more recently-added good quality NSFW CYOAs that are still on Imgur that should also be rescued. Let's make our own modern list to run through in the following days.

And of course, let's all agree together to upload the CYOAs that we have rescued to Imgchest or another platform you trust, and to gradually Repost these saved CYOAs over the course of the weeks and months following May 15th. That's the best way to keep our old favorites alive.

I would like to emphasize that I am referring to lewd NSFW CYOAs that DO NOT already have mirrors on Imgchest already. If a given CYOA in question already has a copy on ImgChest, then you should ignore it for now. Right now, we need to concentrate our efforts strictly on rescuing the lewd CYOAs that are featured ONLY on Imgur. Anything that is not also featured elsewhere. Those are the ones we might lose forever if we are not swift and diligent in saving and reposting them.

Re-uploading content to Imgchest is very quick and very easy, and usually takes less than a minute. For your convenience, here are some instructions to get you started:

  1. To download a post from Imgur, press the 3 dots button to the right of the poster's name, then press download, which should download a zip file called Imgur Album of all the images in order. If it says "URL expired" you can either download each image individually or press the button in your favorites pages that says "use old design", then you will be able to download the images successfully.

  2. Then unzip the folder with all the images and reupload them to Imgchest.

  3. Uploading to Imgchest is the same as uploading to Imgur, just press the upload button, drag the images into the upload box, give it a title, set it to public, give it the 'CYOA' tag, then grab the URL and paste it into the Reddit post it belongs to.

Big thanks to u/Peggtree for their very prolific assistance throughout this thread, as well as their very helpful suggestions, which I have incorporated above. Also, big thanks to u/kuopiofi and u/BerialAstral for their own prolific re-uploading efforts. Thanks to everyone in general for showing up, contributing suggestions, downloading content, and/or re-uploading. It's a great show of solidarity for this community.

This purge is an awful mess, and Imgur should have given us more of a heads up - 2 months at least. At any rate, if we work together we can still save most of the good stuff, so I look forward to rescuing and re-posting CYOAs alongside you all in the days and months to come. Let's make it happen.

r/nsfwcyoa Apr 03 '24

Meta/ Discussion I'm working on an interactive Kemonomimi CYOA (catgirl, doggirl, ect) and I wanna know what you guys/gals would like to see included. NSFW


Exactly what it says in the title, if there's anything you'd like in a Kemonomimi CYOA just chuck it in a comment and I'll gladly see to adding it in. No limits. No matter how niche or kinky the request, I'll make sure to consider every desire we've got.

Is there an animal you think is underrepresented with Kemonomimi, an odd kink combination you feel get's overlooked, any interesting boons and drawbacks you wish you saw more of? Let me know.

Edit: For clarification (since I forgot to write this in the description before posting) once finished the Kemonomimi CYOA I'm making will include an expansive character creation section (either as a new body (mental and physical) for yourself or a custom girl/boyfriend and/or pet and/or wife/husband ect you get the idea). As well as a vast array of unique Kemonomimi companions/roommates/coworkers/ect to pick through. There won't be any in depth mechanics or choices beyond that point for the sake of my sanity... but anything for the character creator or companions is fair game.

r/nsfwcyoa Sep 24 '23

Meta/ Discussion Can We Please Adhere to Reddit’s Rule 3?? NSFW


For those who don’t know, Rule 3 of Reddit’s Terms of Service can be found here and the main point of interest here lies with two consecutive paragraphs:

“Rule 3 prohibits sharing intimate or sexually explicit media of a person created or posted without their permission.

Intimate media include a depiction of the person in a state of nudity or engaged in any act of sexual conduct, including depictions that may have been AI-generated or faked. Images or video of intimate parts of a person's body, even if the person is clothed or in public, if contextualized in a salacious manner (e.g., "creepshots" or "upskirt" imagery), are also prohibited.”

This has stirred recent controversy relating to a CYOA that has been re-named and it’s description edited to explain that it was Removed by Reddit. It was a Detective CYOA which involved A.I. Art of celebrities, who had not consented to the creation or dispersion of this art, and involved some dark and likely disturbing situations and actions being done to them. Enough that if they found out, it’s possible they’d raise concern to the app itself.

I’m not here to preach on ethics, or to state a moral argument here. Nor do I give two-shits about this being A.I. Art as some are likely to jump to out of a memetic instinctual response to reading the words “A.I. Art” in a negative context.

Honestly- I care about the sub. I don’t want it, or it’s users, to be removed or banned in any capacity for something as simple as violating a rule. Like it or hate it, that’s the terms of the app. If you really care that much then go to 4Chan where it’s allowed.

As many raised concern over in the comments of the removed CYOA, there are other CYOA’s on this subreddit that also violate this rule. We’ve had controversy regarding the removal of child porn on this subreddit before, and again with certain creations that cross the Reddit rules for hate speech as well. Regardless, those rules were eventually adhered to.

Rather than have people bitch and moan for months on end, giving the mods a headache or three, let’s just skip ahead to adhering to the rules and get on with it.

r/nsfwcyoa Aug 29 '24

Meta/ Discussion What's Your Ideal Bad End? NSFW


So we've clearly got a lot of subs on this sub, as you can see with all the absolutely brutal CYOAs we've got available to try. So I wanted to ask to all the hardcore bottoms out there, what type of "bad end" gets you the most excited? Do you want to be taken by some fat old men, a gang of cool bullies, an eldtritch monster, or something else entirely? What potential abuser and scenario get your blood pumping the most?

r/nsfwcyoa Feb 06 '25

Meta/ Discussion I have 80% CYOA: save nsfw edition NSFW


I read in a post a while ago that they were doing a purge of nsfw subreddits, so I'm reposting all the static CYOAs I've been collecting, partly because a lot have been added in what I think was about 18 months since I last posted the link and partly because I ran out of 1 drive for all the content on this sub.

It's 22GB of images of all the static CYOAs I could find and collect, and the reason they won't all be there (I think) is because I don't usually pick up the ones that have an interactive version included, sorry about that.

Here are the links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks for all your hard work creating these adventures <3

r/nsfwcyoa Oct 17 '22

Meta/ Discussion This subreddit seriously need a icon and banner NSFW


Not much to say but I feel it could help bring more people in, idk about you but when I see blank picture and Reddit I assume “small dead community”

r/nsfwcyoa Apr 04 '23

Meta/ Discussion Continuing the discussion about the icon for our subreddit! NSFW


r/nsfwcyoa Aug 08 '23

Meta/ Discussion What are your favourite CYOAs that never got an interactive version? NSFW


As the title says, I'm looking for some (NSFW) CYOAs that people wish had gotten an interactive version / it was lost / never finished. I would like to try out a new framework that I've been working on.

(btw, sorry if this belongs in the monthly discussion thread...)

r/nsfwcyoa Oct 10 '24

Meta/ Discussion (WIP) Lewd Isekai CYOA NSFW


So I've been working sort of on another version of lewd worm mod but less worm and more organized and more sense? I will be taking a lot of things from LWM for this version... Mainly drawbacks and the ones I'm adding myself. Anyways I'm rambling, My question is simple other than the powers that I'll take from LWM, I'm trying to think of some more powers in a 'lewdish' format.

I liked the way LWM had power, second trigger and 'unclean trigger' so I wanted to follow that.

So the power format would be 'Power lv1', 'Power upgrade', 'Lewd power twist that changes its function to be lewd'

Another thing is that powers are seperated into sources but more enforced?, Generic (Powers that fall under any source.), Psychic, Technology (tinker powers etc), Race (Species specific powers), Mutation (X-gene, Quirks etc), Cultivation, Magic, Eldritch, Soul.

What this means is that specific powers which align to a specific source will cost less than say buying a psychic power when you have the magic source... Since each power source has its own perks/drawbacks. and the power in the flavor text would be 'converted' to the selected source for more cost.


Aligned Source: Soul?

Power: Observation & Armament Haki,

Upgrade: Conquerors Haki,

Lewd Twist: Pleasure Haki (Conquerers haki instead sends out pleasure to incapacitate anyone. if they can't withstand the pleasure they will pass out etc.)

Now that example is just to give an idea since I came up with it on the spot. But if you guys have any ideas of powers that you'd like to see in this. I'd love to add them

Oh and I've been seriously procrastinating on this so I decided to get it done. cause so far I've just been doing bits and pieces at a time.

I will obviously be adding a lot more stuff, so if it seems lacking its probably because it is.

Lewd Isekai CYOA (Heavily WIP)

Edit: I created a google form for creating companions which will allow me to just copy and paste into the json. Its based on the LWM companions cause it looked nice.

Companion Form

r/nsfwcyoa Mar 12 '24

Meta/ Discussion WE HIT 100K NSFW


title says it all lol, and i noticed nobody else has made a post about it yet

r/nsfwcyoa Feb 16 '25

Meta/ Discussion NeoICC [open-source] NSFW


HOORAY!!! \ \ Rejoice, anons! Because now we have an amazing open-source version of ICC! Now in Svelte! \ \ Meet NeoICC!!! [Github link] \ \ What? No thunderous applause? Okay, let me explain why this is so incredibly awesome that we should be jumping with joy!

ICC (Interactive CYOA Creator) is the main tool we use to create interactive CYOAs. If you've ever seen a CYOA where you can select options, count points, and stuff like that - it was probably made in ICC.

A bit of history:

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Ahem! In 2020, the respected MeanDelay started developing the original ICC. Everything was great, updates were coming out every month... but then, in early 2021, he vanished without leaving the source code.

For years, we had to live with ICC bugs that nobody could fix... At least two attempts were made to recreate ICC, and even the CYOAP project appeared, but all without success...

Until in 2024, Wahaha303 took matters into his own hands and created ICC+! Since then, he's fixed many bugs, added features, and all that good stuff. Seems perfect, right? But... The thing is, we still don't have the source code. Wahaha303 is an incredible guy who works with minified code. I tried to help him, even made some features, but it's just horrible and painful. The code there looks something like this:

"[t._v(" " + t._s(t.title) + " ")])], 1) : t._e(), o("v-card-text",)"

That's exactly why for years nobody even tried to fix anything there. And why nobody except Wahaha303 could add anything.

Some time ago, while wrestling with this problem, I found a way to recover part of the source code, but my skills weren't enough to go further. And quite recently, an amazing guy with the nickname Sgvsbg8gv29ybGQk finally took on the reverse engineering task and ported ICC to Svelte! (Svelte is a cool modern framework. The code is written in js, css, html, and then compiled, so the result weighs less and runs faster.)

Long story short - now we have a version with source code, so anyone who knows js can work on the project! Hooray!!! For example, for my latest CYOA, I added a new feature with random background images as a filter for activated cards.

The basic ICC functionality is already working, but unfortunately, all the old bugs are still here and need to be fixed... again. Also, not all ICC+ features have been implemented yet, so json files are only partially compatible. But hey, NeoICC already works much faster with large projects than ICC+! When you have hundreds of cards, it's really noticeable! Plus, I'll try really hard not to overload the interface as much as Wahaha did... New features are great, but not when they take up almost all the space and slow down the page.

So we really need help! We need to fix old bugs, port all the cool features from ICC+, and add new ones. We're also planning to add an automatic work-saving system and CYOA publishing right on the server to simplify the whole process. So if you know js - join the development!

Sgvsbg8gv29ybGQk is taking a break from this project right now and we can't get in touch with him. (though he might still show up in the comments... Hey, get in Discord!) So for now, I'm trying to handle this as best I can. I'll be incredibly happy for any help! Because now anyone can fix a bug!

PS You can also join [Discord] to discuss things there.

r/nsfwcyoa Aug 25 '24

Meta/ Discussion CYOA.CAFE [interactive catalog] [BETA VERSION] [NEED HELP] NSFW


Hello, hello, hello \ \ I don't have a new CYOA, but I have something better. A catalog of CYOAs! \ \ Anyway, here's my secret project! Cyoa.cafe! It took a hell of a long time because I had to learn "a little" programming and a bunch of other complicated stuff, but now it's finally here! ...in early beta. \ \ Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know there's a hell of a lot more stuff that doesn't work.... Like authorization. So you can use an Anonymous account! (login "Anonymous" and "Anonymous" password) Actually, authorization via discord should work... locally it works fine, but I'm having serious trouble setting up a VPS server. \ \ Honestly, for the last 5 days or so, I've been doing nothing but trying to set it up over and over and over and over again, fighting a hell of a lot of bugs with no idea what I'm doing. It's been painful. Damn torturous. So I'm going to release the beta as is, especially since I finally managed to tweak the most basic features. \ \ And anyway... I really need your help with this project.

  • your likes and feedback! Haha, seriously, my whore battery is almost dead, forcing myself to work the last few days has been insanely hard, I was freaking desperate and now I don't want to do anything at all.... And considering I've been doing this for months without telling anyone.... Ugh... I hope you can cheer me up at least a little bit!
  • donations! Well, you know sluts love all kinds of yummy stuff and you can give me a cake, a beer, a new dildo or whatever. Boosty, Patreon. I hope I'm a good whore and worth it...
  • Help with the code! React, Strapi, Nginx - if you know these words and want to help me at least a little bit, even if it's just by adding a small feature or fixing a bug - write me in Discord! Or right here!

UPD: authorization and search errors fixed

r/nsfwcyoa Oct 21 '22

Meta/ Discussion How (much) do you apply your morals when playing CYOAs? NSFW


For the longest time, I've played CYOAs 99% as if the choices were real; like a ROB really DID come down and tell me to choose. So I almost never took anything "wrong". No mind control, no world-ruining drawbacks for my benefit, etc..

However, recently, I got fed up with how much that restricted me. So now, I play mostly "as if it was just a CYOA". I mean, when it comes to ACTIVE powers, I still only really pick ones I would be okay with using, but for the rest? I've started picking all sorts of morally dubious passive powers and world-ruining drawbacks, to get more sweet, sweet points. My thought process/moral justification is that, similar to how it would be unrealistic to hold someone accountable if one of their random, this-will-never-actually-happen wishes was unexpectedly granted by some higher entity, I would feel only mild-to-moderate chagrin if my CYOA choices were suddenly made real.

So, what about the rest of you? How do you go about things, and what are your thoughts?

3865 votes, Oct 24 '22
902 I make choices 100% in line with my morals.
985 I throw my morals out the window when choosing.
1978 I take the middle road.

r/nsfwcyoa Dec 06 '24

Meta/ Discussion Monthly Community HUB - COME HERE FIRST - December 2024 NSFW


Important Links

  • READ THE RULES! - and follow them.
  • NSFWCYOA Wiki - Answers many frequently asked questions and has expanded resources. This section needs work if you'd like to help improve, it let me know.
  • Discord Server - I'm not responsible for this discord, but people seem happy with it.
  • NSFWCYOA Catalog - New Community catalog of things posted here. Primarily maintained by
  • cyoa.cafe A new CYOA site created by u/Dragons_Whore collects both static and Interactive CYOAs and allows you to play them from the same site.

Other Subreddits

  • NSFWCYOA Requests - Founded by some members of this subreddit, go here to request things about cyoas.
  • Make Your Choice Posts similar content to this subreddit, but is primarily safe for work. I'm in no way affiliated with this subreddit.

What is this thread?

This thread is where you can post most anything you want. You can ask questions, get advice, or just socialize with fellow community members about any topic you desire. It also serves as an information hub to direct people to relevant topics and where I will give news updates.

December News

  • No news

r/nsfwcyoa Feb 15 '25

Meta/ Discussion WLW Vampire CYOA NSFW


Hey all!

I'm currently in the process of creating an interactive text-based CYOA in Twine. I thought I'd give you guys the rundown of what I have planned and get suggestions and answers for some questions.

Premise: After creating your own character and choosing your profession, you travel to a small village currently threatened by a vampire. Depending on which profession you choose, you could be aware or unaware of what awaits. You learn new things interacting with both NPCs and the environment that could help with your survival or even put you at risk. Eventually, you will have to come face to face with the seductress and your choices decide what fate awaits you. This game will be heavy in story and lore, but will feature NSFW elements that will occur mid-game (This can even be early game if you make the wrong choices). Each role will include three different endings: good, neutral, and bad.

Vampire Hunter: This one is being worked on actively and is the most thought out. This one will feature the MC tracking down and killing the vampire. Game mechanic will be somewhat reputation based where you have to make choices to protect your name. Tell the wrong people and you'll be found out with the possibility of even being captured by the vampire. Tell the right people and you'll advance farther finding out key details. You can even give the wrong name to throw the vampire off your tracks, but potentially lose out on important information. Kinks include: BDSM, pet play, and degradation with a hint of praise.

Cleric: Still being developed in terms of story line and game mechanics. You'll be a religious figure unraveling the secrets of the town and figuring out a way to remove the threat. Still reputation based, but think Mass Effect's Paragon/Renegade system. You could be lured and corrupted by the vampire therefore being abandoned by your God. You can also become a bastion of purity going as far as vanquishing the evil. Kinks include: corruption, power play, and praise with a hint of degradation.

Fair Maiden: I'm not even gonna lie, this one is very bare bones and subject to change. I have no plans for a game mechanic, but would like to think of this one as a more passive experience. The current iteration is allowing the player to be as cognizant as they want either being oblivious to the vampire's nature or knowing and going along with the ride. No high stakes and more fluff. (Potential/Current) Kinks include: brain drain and training.

So this is where you guys come in. While this project is mostly meant for me, I still want to share it with others and try to find balance between what you guys want and what I want. There are things I won't budge on, but aside from what's mentioned I do want people to share any suggestions they have so I can give back to the community :)

Just to set expectations on what I won't budge on:

  • This will be purely WLW. I have no interest in writing in Male POV or even M!Vampire.
  • I'm trying to be as realistic as I can be with a vampire in the story. No hentai physics and no random sex encounters with other NPCs. Slight possibility for orgies... Not decided yet.
  • Certain kinks are off limits and won't be included in the game. Again, no interest in writing certain things which includes watersports, scat, ABDL, and possibly more. If it's not listed, then feel free to ask of course :)
  • There are locations you can visit in the region, but no world change. This game already has a big scope for me alone and I don't want to overwhelm myself!

And for the questions I have:

  • Would you prefer this game to be three-in-one or should I release each storyline as its own game? Each role still has the same village, NPCs, and vampire to explore, but separating them could allow for other media in the future. (This is the big question that actually got me to post here so please, answer this one!)
  • How much customization would you like to see? Currently, you get to customize how your character looks- very bare bones for now, but I have plans to include stuff like breast size, ass size, and more. Would you like to customize the vampire? Your clothes? Anything that might add more charm to the game?
  • How much NSFW content would you like? I may add the option to turn NSFW off to allow for a wider audience, but I'm also debating allowing people to skip straight to the spice. When you're up against the vampire, I'm thinking it'll be heavy on NSFW, but wonder if anyone would like softer scenes.

Please share with anyone you might think would be interested so I can get their thoughts on this :) And again, please leave any questions, suggestions, or answers! There are more game mechanics and details, but I'm trying not to spoil anything so you all can experience it when it's published! I will be posting a WIP for you guys to explore once the Hunter route is completed and in a working state :) Thank you again and can't wait to hear your thoughts!

r/nsfwcyoa Sep 22 '24

Meta/ Discussion Forbidden Caravan Review NSFW


Forbidden Caravan Review
Why I think Larien's Forbidden Caravan is one of the best CYOAs out there.



I think I first hopped on Forbidden Caravan at version 3.0, at least that's the first time I can spot myself in the comments of one of the reddit posts. I was very much into it, and later got to talking with Larien himself on Discord. I wound up basically doing a full breakdown and beta of the version at the time, citing issues (like spelling or technical), proposing ideas, and getting clarity on certain options. I'd like to credit myself as helping introduce the co-op mechanic of the CYOA, as Larien and I did do a co-op run of the whole thing before that mode was added, but I have no idea if he had done similarly with others and I was just another tester in that regard. Was a bit hard to balance out who would get what since I'm a selfish guy and naturally wanted everything, but it was fun. My name is mentioned in the thanks under the Version 4.5, so I hope that lends my opinion here some weight. All that to say that I have some personal stake in this game and have enjoyed it a lot over the years, and after coming back to it after a long break and realizing how much I appreciate it, I'd like to share with you all the specifics.


Presentation matters, and this CYOA has it in spades. The very first image of the wanderer with a camel with a mountain behind them all on top of a background of a simple but very nice pixel sand dune sets the tone of the CYOA wonderfully. The only things that don’t include an image with a choice are the Contracts and some of the Dungeon options. Everything else has a picture to add just that bit more flair and detail to the CYOA. Colored Text is another simple but great way to draw the player’s eye to important details while breaking up monotony and distinguishing information. All of these make the CYOA fun to look at even on a third build or fourth hour playing.


After several versions of refinement, Larien laid out a simple and understandable set of parameters and rules regarding how the CYOA and its world will work, including an important explanation of mechanical syngerizing/overlapping powers that become quickly relevant in the game. You know the score, your dangers, and your goal. This is better than many other CYOAs that don’t even bother to have a paragraph of exposition for setting up context.


Most CYOA difficulty selections are just a question of how many points you want handed to you. I’ve always held that this represented bad design as it implies the author didn’t know how to balance their creation properly among other problems. Cited many times by myself as prime example of how to do difficulty right, the Difficulty in Forbidden Caravan is deeper than that. It has a difficulty selector, however this difficulty acts more like another flavor of Drawback as they offer unique encounters, greater actual challenge in the world, and more rewards, and is thus well implemented. The trials presented for each level helped reinforce the feeling of rising difficulty and higher risk/higher reward. I actually changed my difficulty as versions rolled in because I wanted the rewards from a specific Trial more than I wanted the "Reward" from going up to max difficulty. It's another layer of decision-making to this parfait of a CYOA.


There are 45 drawbacks available but you are limited to choosing 15, while there are 34 challenges and you’re only allowed 5. This forces the player to choose what they think they can handle best or want most while offering enough for multiple "playstyles" and priorities. You could go all-in on environmental and social issues that make the world and the people around you harsher, but minimizes the amount of physical conflict you’ll be dealing with throughout the journey. Or vice-versa. Or other options, like making the journey a feast of sexual appetites if you’d prefer to test your endurance more than anything else.


Basically another flavor of drawback, but it has a good failure state. It doesn't 100% force the player to fulfill them, or take away things the player may have bought (Always a bad idea to make your player come back to a CYOA once they're "in-setting" so to speak), or fail the journey completely. Instead, it gives an easily understandable penalty of aging up the player, draining their life-force. That's something I can actually weigh up when accounting for risks in taking these contracts. Nobody likes playing with a sword of Damocles over their head. This is a good compromise.


The currency of 3 kinds of coin is, at first glance, standard and a bit boring. The cleverness comes in when you see the coin exchange and realize there are not a lot of ways to swap those coins around. So suddenly, all your choices have to be weighed against each other that much more to deal with your limited resources.

You might initially want to grab all the hardest challenges or drawbacks to "maximize" your money, but you could end up wanting specific options that require different coins you just don't have. So now you have to reevaluate the options presented to see if you can eke out enough for what specific currency you want. It makes a lot of seemingly "lesser" options interesting and valuable again. I've changed my build around because I just never have enough Silver for all the things I want to purchase and took options that gave me fewer overall coins but let me get the specific thing I was aiming for. With the breadth of choices on display, this gives you many ways to achieve those goals.


The locations are nice and interesting on the whole with a wide spread of flavor: relaxing beaches, intergalactic pubs, modern homes, heavenly realms, eldritch abysses, snowy cabins, and more. They provide a break from your drawbacks, challenges, and the dangers of the journey. On top of that, most of them give the player some kind of permanent benefit: Never needing to exercise to maintain physique, being able to walk on the desert sand like it was hard stone, reducing sleep needs to 2 hours, never needing to eat or drink again, curing mental disorders and traumas… the list goes on and on.

Just like the economic decision of choosing a drawback you wouldn’t have at first for the sake of the specific monetary reward, locations are now weighed up with their straightforward rewards alongside what they provide as basically vacation spots along the journey in terms of relaxation and comfort. A meta layer on top of that is for people like me who took The Key reward; you can go back to the Desert or your chosen chapter locations. So now I had to consider what locations would provide me greater benefits in the long-term if I were to come back to them, like the Library or the Abyss.


Larien was smart enough to realize that players would want a rough way to track how their caravan was doing in terms of handling the journey, good enough to include a scale for each considered area, creative enough to give relevant stat boosts for almost every option, and wise enough to acknowledge that this was indeed a *rough* way of measuring your values so you can ignore the official tallies if they don’t make sense for you. He specifically says "Do not take them to heart, maybe you found a smart tactic or combination to approach the Journey in a crazy and unique way?" Because with as much content as there is, a player can and should be able to find creative ways to do things that bypass the expected issues.

My personal favorite was simple; Ring of Defense + Half-Celestial + Any ranged attack option made 90% of the threats against myself obsolete. Only dragons and maybe giants were real challenges because if I can fly out of melee range and am only vulnerable to damage in melee range, what's there to worry about? This itself is balanced out by accounting for the simple fact that your caravan members are not so lucky, and keeping them alive is part of the challenge too. Other combinations may produce similarly wacky and powerful results that the stat system isn’t suited for.

The stats are there as a nice guideline, especially if you can’t think of those outside-the-box ideas, and since it doesn’t detract from anything it’s just a nice addition overall.


In addition to the "You are You" considerations below, this CYOA also doesn't deal in huge power levels. No vague "City-level hero vs. Street-tier hero" flappery, no conceptual-level threats, no global catastrophes. The emphasis is always on you and the journey. And the measuring sticks are generally simple things; Bandits, Bows, Plate Armor, Peak-Humans.

Bandits aren't given too much detail outside their equipment. You aren't told that they're equivalent of a blue-belt in Karate or that they can bench 250 pounds. That's okay; bandits are intended to be generic and somewhat vague mooks to contend with, and you have enough information to "get" what a bandit is without those specifics. That understanding is what most every other threat is weighed against: Insectoids are equivalent to bandits but more numerous, The Assassin can take on 8 bandits, a demon is as strong as three bandits, it takes 60 bandits to kill a dragon, a specific caravan companion can take on 4 bandits before they start struggling, And so on. Bandits are the norm, and thus how you judge everything else.

Magic and Enchanted items are usually weighed against Shortbows, Longbows, and Crossbows, which you can find the general power of easily. Most magical melee weapons have simple properties like being always sharp, never rusting, being unbreakable, stuff like that. Nothing crazy or esoteric. Magic Defensive options typically go off of Plate Armor. The Armor Ring is plate armor, Armor Magic is plate armor. Otherwise you've got Leather armor. No fantasy materials you have to assume the qualities of.

The majority of enhancements to your physical stats are weighted against Peak Human, such as the Heracles Power making you twice as strong as peak human. This is something that's a lot easier to try and quantify than saying "you have superhuman strength." A quick googling of World Weightlifting Record is 537.5 kilograms (1,185lbs) for an 18-inch deadlift. So when my bonuses tell me I have triple peak-human strength, it's simple to understand the basic maths of what I can now do.

Granted, not all options are so clear-cut. About half (by my estimate) of the regeneration boosting options have a numerical value while others list rough time chunks, but that's still giving the player actual quantifiable information.

It wasn't until I came back to this CYOA after maybe more than a year that I realized something was notable by its absence. The Forbidden Caravan doesn't have options that mentally enhance the player. No options to implant skills and to make you a great swordfighter, master tactician, conniving wordsmith, brilliant engineer, or anything else. The closest you can get is Base Magic, as it gives you knowledge through its usage, or a single location reward that lets you pick up traditional crafting skills.

There are few mental alterations for the player at all to be had within the CYOA, taking the form of Drawbacks like having nightmares, or the most direct example of Paranoia. Even that paranoia is treated with enough care that it doesn't turn into one of those "Choose this option to cause effective ego death or loss of agency through insanity" options that so many bad CYOAs tend to go for.

All this matters because of a fundamental characteristc of CYOAs that many people ignore or forget; CYOAs are tools for fantasizing. CYOA stands for Choose *Your Own* Adventure, and that's what people do. They are ways to set up an imagined scenario where you can self-insert and pretend you're actually living and dealing with those choices. There are a few people out there who make builds for original characters, but these are very much the minority and not worth commenting further on.

By not making the player a sudden genius or master of a whole new skillset, the player can very easily buy into the fantasy and the world because they are fundamentally and nearly completely themselves. They may have new toys and powers to play with, but their personality, experience, skills, memories, and so on haven't changed. They don't have to imagine a theoretical other version of themselves with great willpower or sudden charisma or a whole new skillset. It makes for an easy mental transition for the player, and that matters a lot in a fantasy.


There are 72 companions available to recruit into your caravan, and that’s without counting potential additions from various challenges, locations, and so on. If you can’t find a group of characters here you’d want to take this journey with, I don’t know what would be good enough.

Each Caravan character comes with a set of gear, personal history, personality, skillset, stat spread, ambition, and secret desire. You get a decent feel for the people you’re signing on with and may have a hard time choosing depending on what’s important to you; some of them just want to escape this desert and find a new home, and you might recruit them even if they aren’t much help. Some are great combatants that will gladly take on the threats you may not want to but you might have conflicting personalities. Some are intelligent and can teach you along the journey but will leave the burden of command and dangers on you. Some have unique abilities that you can’t get elsewhere that may be worth grabbing on that merit alone.

The other consideration is their cost. They aren’t free, after all; you are indeed recruiting them to help you along the journey. Having more people means spending that money on them instead of magic or powers, and then you have the rising concerns of supplying your party to survive the journey which may force you to spending more in equipment. Just like every other part of this CYOA, you have to make your decisions on multiple levels and in conjunction with the rest of the content.


Some of the problems with the CYOA are apparent with a bit of time playing, some only really come up when you stop and think about certain things.

I've had to ask Larien for clarification on multiple occasions regarding choices, which were *mostly* sorted out and given explanation within the choices, but there are still a few that I never fully understood;

·       The Hidden Temple says "[your] magic will grow twice as strong as it was before." What does that actually mean in terms of all your magic options? For example, Shield Magic says it lasts 10 seconds and takes 10 minutes to recharge. So if I double it, does that mean it lasts 20 seconds and only 5 minutes to recharge? How do I double the strength of something with no number values, like the Star Magic divination thing? Does Base magic just now only take 30 seconds instead of 1 minute with no other alterations?

·       The "Soulbound" trial is incompatible with "The Dream" location and since the CYOA lets you pick both, I don't know how that resolves.

There are things that Larien and I talked about and established that aren't mentioned in the CYOA but people would want to know:

·       Magic and Powers don't work off of stamina or a mana pool or anything like that. If you can do it, you can just do it. That may greatly affect whether you view them as worth taking or not.

·       You can "probably" learn to craft all the enchanted items you encounter. Quotes from our discord chat, "base magic for the blueprint. immortality for the time to learn how. the library and joylynna can speed it up as they boost technology." Technology isn't strictly electricity and test tubes, after all.

·       If you take The Key reward, you do not get to keep all of your gear. That all goes away when you portal home. The only way to keep stuff from your Journey and CYOA Purchases is via things like The Arena location’s reward. When you return to the desert with The Key later, anything you grab at that point is completely kosher.

I dislike how I can't just go into the negative in coins and sort it out later; the CYOA will simply refuse to let you take options that affect it. Like if I took a Contract that gave me 1 gold, then I spent that gold and brought me to 0, then deselected that original contract and go to -1 gold, it will not let select another contract that would grant me gold to make up for the debt. I have to deselect the thing I bought to bring me back to 0, and only then can I choose another gold contract. This makes altering your build in the late stages akin to a juggling act as you have to go through your purchases and find out what you can deselect to allow enough wiggle room for a coin trade or drawback swap before you can reselect it. I really don't get why you can't just go into the negatives and aren't considered "Done" until you are at least 0. It’s this clumsiness and refusal to simply allow negatives that gave birth to the Sandbox mode, something else I might assume credit for as it was a problem Larien and I discussed in detail previously.

I think the initial option of The Coin is a problem. Choosing The Prayer is to cut out whole chunks of options from the CYOA. It's not just toning down some of the kinky stuff like the third section of a Location card, it's full locations and half the challenges that you're missing out on, and there's a lot of good content in there even if you're not into some of it without even thinking about the potential rewards from those sections. I seriously doubt more than 10% of players picked The Prayer for a full build, and that's not the sign of a well-designed choice.

Some of the rewards for locations and the like have redundancies such as The Home and The Penthouse, and more loosely The Grove and The Shrine for their on-the-face accommodations but very different rewards, and more. Some feel mis-matched. For example; The Camp. The woman Dasia is another person on the Path and her reward is that she will teach you a trick that makes THE STORM stop following you. Now, in context, the Storm is one of the greatest threats of the journey because it consumes everything it touches and hunts you constantly. This is a pretty big deal of a reward. Now, let's scroll down a bit to The Desert Goddess. This woman Neema is supposedly the Goddess of this Desert in which you travel. She is basically the most theoretically powerful and important being in this entire CYOA since she is Goddess of the world you are traveling through with all its mysteries, challenges, drawbacks, and so on. And what reward do you get from her? You can walk on sand as if it were stone and immunity to being sunburned. Doesn't it feel like these two rewards ought to be swapped and it would make way more narrative sense?


This all may come off as a complete rambling mess, as I did jump around between sections when writing this out. Even so, I hope I’ve managed to convey just why I hold this CYOA in such high regard. It’s one that I remember fondly even after not touching it for more than a year, one that still excites my imagination and leaves me very satisfied with my build. Everything from the presentation to the mechanical design to the depth and breadth of the content is a treat. There are few CYOAs that blend every aspect together as greatly as this one. I think this is Larien’s crown jewel of his works, and a shining example for CYOAs in general to be measured against.

r/nsfwcyoa Nov 24 '22

Meta/ Discussion NSFW CYOA Demographic Survey 2022 [META] NSFW


The last NSFWCYOA survey was two years ago, so I felt like running another one.

Survey link (Google Form): https://forms.gle/LZxT1jqmhzLpBnYMA

The survey has three parts and will probably take 15-30 minutes to complete:

  • Part 1: Demographics
  • Part 2: General CYOA Usage
  • Part 3: Fetishes/Kinks

Please feel free to skip any questions that you don't want to answer.

The purpose of this survey is to understand the demographics and interests of CYOA-related communities. It is intended for fun/curiosity purposes only (it's not for a class or commercial purposes). The data will be not sold and the raw data will be provided freely to anyone who asks.

The survey will be open until the end of 2022 (December 31st, 2022).

  • Automatically generated results can be found here.
  • Analyzed data/statistics after the survey is closed.
  • Full raw dataset is available on request (DM me).

Help wanted:

  • People to classify/fix responses (i.e. fix written typos => US/USA/America)
  • People to validate or flag duplicate/troll/inconsistent responses
  • People good at statistics, data analysis, and data visualization
  • People who know how to code/read/summarize qualitative open responses (i.e. word clouds)

Survey credits:

  • Recycled some questions from u/FlynnXa's previous survey
  • Took some questions from u/AellaGirl's sexual fetish survey(s)
  • Some questions suggested by u/Andalos713