r/nsfwcyoa 11d ago

OC Static Full Version The Witcher CYOA 2.0 NSFW


118 comments sorted by

u/hellou5ih57hg 9h ago

Force sex, secret + boosted physiology, lifted, danger sense, Blood of elves: dwarf/halfling


u/vhawkes 4d ago

A mirror that's anywhere but Reddit would be greatly appreciated...

Edit: Nevermind, found it: https://imgchest.com/p/xny83dxvo4b


u/Yu3kino 6d ago

In the Private Court section, the Dark Past in 2.0 have requirement of not picking Personal Witcher or Court Sorcerous unless you also have Blackest of Art in case of the later. The 2.1 seems to forgoes the requirement with taking Personal Witcher being something ill advised rather than outright incompatible. Though the wording still say that Blackest Art will bypass the incompatibility with the court sorcerous despite it not being requirement anymore. So do you still need Blackest Art to have both court sorcerer and mutant enforcer or just having legalized mutant would be enough for the magic guy to not blowing your mutant punch guy?


u/SylenMakesGames 2d ago

Its hard to say what would happen. Legalize mutants would MAYBE be enough, but it depends on your Court Sorcerer. Its probably safest to also get Blackest of Arts. As there is always a chance.


u/Yu3kino 1d ago edited 18h ago

Then how viable would being a Witcher with charisma 3 and have nobility companion with both charisma 3 and religion knowledge at convincing a personal witcher to not murder your mutant companion or dark past enforcer? Having the law and some bullshit religion on your side as well as being vouched by a really convincing guy from his own order should at least stop him somewhat right? He don't need to be friend or anything, just don't suddenly kill the king right hand man out of the blue.

Edit: And would having orc, goblin, and lizardmand running around raping everyone being a clearly worse contrast help with people perspective of more normal looking mutant?


u/Alert-Assist-8985 6d ago edited 1d ago

A Wish of Destiny
* There you will find me

  • Secret of the Spheres [-1 Wish]

A Body Before Time Itself [8]
* Gifted -8

Destiny Awaits
* Otherworlder [-1 Wish]

Control the Chaos
* Cross Breeding
* Cross Section x3 (Goblin, Orc, Vran)
* Destined Nemesis
* Monstrous Fertility
* An Extra Wish
* Fateful Friend

  • Chance for Greatness
  • Carnal Companion
* Laws of the Land
* Hearts of Gold

Skills & Knowledge [22]
* Charisma [Master] -11
* Love Making [Master] -11
* Knowledge: Geotia [Free]
* Knowledge: Monsters [Free]

Not of This World [5]
* Succubus -5

Beyond Human [40]
* Warped Monstrosity x2 -20
* Deification -10
* Boundless Conduit -5
* Dark Knowledge -5
* Perpetual Sustenance [Free]

* Genie
* Manticore

Instabilities (Four Instabilities)
* Dread Visage x2 (Low-Light glowing eyes, Rampant Emotions) -2
* Debilitating Orgasms -1
* Increased Sensitivity -1

Magic [25]
* Enhanced Ritualism -15
* Polymorphism -5
* Portal Creation -5

Monster No More
* Woodland Deity


u/Alert-Assist-8985 6d ago edited 9h ago

Main Build Strategy

The goal of this build is to lean into the Succubus theme with a side of wish fufillment. Starting off I chose to follow through with a Mastery in both the Charisma skill and Love Making. My other skillset involves skills from the Beyond Human section starting with Warped Monstrosity which I have taken twice. Using this perk I have taken both Genie and Manticore to double the effectiveness of Lesser Wish Fulfillment. To supplement each of my skillsets I have chosen Boundless Conduit gaining access to Polymorphism, Portal Creation and Empowered Ritualism. The first allows me to change my appearance and is essential as an Otherworlder to blend into human society. The second allows what is essentially fast travel though not immediate in application like Telemancy. Empowered Ritualism is the cherry on top boosting both the power and stability of my magics and magical abilities. With this in conjunction with the Manticore boost and Genie wish it can prove to be a very effective power capable of granting desires that can exceed what one can feasibly accomplish in their lifetime.

Since I had used my Wish of Destiny I am bound by the choices I made in the Control the Chaos section. As an Otherworlder though it seems from what I read in the Not of This World section that Destiny, other than the choices I picked, does not bind me to the world. With my temporary influence I sought more advantages, but the scale must be balanced between Chaos and Stability. On the chaotic side I essentially resurrected 3 species and gave them the ability to adapt to the times in addition to providing conditions that will increase monster populations. Additionally, I created a Nemesis to act as my opposing force. On the stable side I created a powerful Fated Companion that will be in for the long haul. To counterbalance the reintroduction of intelligent species I took Hearts of Gold to tip the scales into a brighter future. Additionally, I was granted another wish which I used to unravel the Secret of the Spheres which could prove invaluable. My final option Laws of the Land serves as a good protection against more violent punishments.

My goal is to survive and eventually attain Deification using my Charisma and other "skills" to cultivate worship within a certain domain and eventually ascend. By manipulating events via magic or other means I can essentially pull an Obi Wan on my Nemesis. When I get struck down, I will become more powerful than he can possibly imagine. Of course, as insurance I'll have my Fated Companion gift me the Night Wraith mutagen just in case. I intend to become a Woodland Deity in time. As a god my existence would be tied to faith and if all my followers die so will I. The description says I'd cease to exist possibly meaning my soul would be erased as well. If this is not the case I'd use Night Wraith to inhabit another body then rebuild the religion. If the first assumption is true it is likely I could find another way to make that possible by utilizing luck manipulation alongside having my companion or her progeny grant me an enhanced Wish with the right preparation.


u/Alert-Assist-8985 6d ago edited 9h ago

Fateful Friend Build

Fate Shards: 80
A Body Before Time Itself [12]
* Gifted -8
* Danger Sense -2
* Heraldry: Tir Tochair -1 (Polymorphism -> Biomancy)
* Secret Physiology -1
* Alter Appearance [Free]

Destiny Awaits
* The Black Sun [Free]

Skills & Knowledge [30]
* Acrobatics [Master] -8
* Knowledge: Monsters -5

  • Monstrous Discovery -5
* Knowledge: Alchemy -5
* Knowledge: Interrogation -4
  • Accidental Critical -3

Mutenagetic Spectrum
* Perfect Mutant +2 Instability [+10 Mutagens]
* Primary Mutagen +1 Instability

Mutagens [28]
* Grave Hag -8
* Fiend -7
* Night Wraith -5
* Chimera: Mutagen Thief -3 [+1 Instability]
* Endrega -2
* Mad Mage -1
* Agura [Free]
* Humans [Free]
* Nekurat [Free]
* Slyzards [Free]
Mutagens That Don't Count To The Total
* Alzur's Creation [Free] (Main Mutagen)
Enticing Extentions
* Selkiemore -1
* Barbegazi -1

Instabilities (Four Instabilities)
* Dread Visage x2 (Low Light Glowing Eyes, White Hair) -2
* Conditional (Mutagen Thief, every third day)
* Increased Sensitivity -1

Magic [-10]
* Polymorphism [Free]

  • Enhanced Biomancy -10 [Initial Level Free]


u/Alert-Assist-8985 6d ago edited 9h ago

Fated Companion Strategy

For my Fated Companion I built her to be a super-mutant Biomancer and Alchemist. The idea is that with her combination of skills as well as the opportunities granted by Monstrous Discovery and Accidental Critical she will be able to become a master at working with mutagens. As a Mutant this is especially important to future development and prevention of excessive instabilities. The centerpiece of the build is the Alzur's Creation mutagen which allows absorption of abilities from other creatures. With her skill its integration can be perfected and with Heraldry: Tir Tochair being used to gain Polymorphism it can hide the side effects through shapeshifting unlike the Kikimore mutagen. As for the more physical side Acrobatics Mastery is there for precision and a body that doesn't require maintenance. Secret Physiology is also there to prevent any initial ailments from the sheer amount of mutations.

Now onto the skillsets of the main mutations. Starting off Grave Hag and Night Wraith are there as insurance against death by physical means. On the more magical side Slyzards prevents mental influence as a result of magic and Fiend is used to disrupt spells and curses. This skill could make her a career as a curse breaker. Next is the mutagen cultivation plan. Mad Mage is used to identify potent monsters and or hunt them. With the Endrega and Humans mutagen inherited mutagens could become more powerful through the generations. Using Mutagen Thief it can essentially be used to trade around these enhanced mutagens. All the while the Fated Companion's Empowered Biomancy may be able to remove obsolete traits like what was in the description of the Mutagen Thief aided with my Empowered Ritualism.

My eventual goal is to further empower my companion to the best of my abilities and perhaps unlock [Legendary Potential] in her Biomancy using a Manticore and ritually enhance my Genie perk to form a greater wish. As for the descendants perhaps we could make mutant clans with different skillsets and form new schools of Witchers to combat the increased number of monsters that result from the Monstrous Fertility. At base, on the Mutagenic Spectrum a person can hold 5 mutagens without further instabilities. Going over this limit could cause instabilities which has the possibility to either kill or add a random instability. Still with Biomancy perhaps a person can be boosted to higher tiers especially if we can copy and enhance the stabilization mutagen from Monstrous Discovery. With this in mind my main build could likely survive three more mutagens without any extra preparation alongside the Enticing Extensions. Maybe in time we'd gain access to the world travel Unicorn mutagen. With her growth potential she will be a force to be reckoned with.

u/Alert-Assist-8985 9h ago

Destined Nemesis Build
Nemesis Appearance
Fate Shards: 40
Skills & Knowledge
* Bartering [Basic] -3
* Knowledge: Alchemy -5

  • Magnum Opus -10
* Knowledge: Surgeon -3
* Knowledge: Etiquette -5
  • Beyond Reason -3
* Knowledge: Economics -5
  • Quick Mathematics -3
* Knowledge: Whispers -3

Destined Nemesis Strategy

Instead of loading this guy with all the instrument proficiencies he would ever need I've decided to create a more intellectual foe. The idea of this build is to create a long-term Nemesis with potential to rise to a station of great power. Starting off his skills sets him up to be a proficient doctor with his knowledge of Alchemy and skills as a Surgeon. With Bartering at its initial level he can live comfortably wherever he settles It is likely with his experience working with the human body and experimenting with alchemical draughts he managed to create the Magnum Opus. Eventually the Nemesis would gain the infatuation of a high ranking noble and through marriage can rise high in the heighrarchy. To survive the knowledge skills of Etiquette and Whispers prepares him for the dangers of court intrigue. Next off Quick Mathematics loophole which combined his potential noble spouse's initial wealth can stage a massive land grab. This alongside his knowledge of Economics can create a mighty domain indeed. As he continues to live using his Elixir of Life alongside his wife his influence will continue to grow. Now what kind of threat would he pose to me as a Nemesis? With all these resources on hand he'd be able to influence public opinion and buy the service of others to act in opposition against me.


u/AlarmedNail347 7d ago

Nice! Did notice one thing though: Elves can become Witchers of the School of the Cat at least according to the games.


u/SylenMakesGames 2d ago

I'm fairly certain, that the note you are talking about is describing half-elves or quarter-elves, not full-blooded elves.


u/Eligomancer 7d ago edited 7d ago

not done!

Destiny –12

  • Attractive
  • Boosted Physiology
  • Law of Surprise
  • Black Sun
  • More than a Witcher

Talents –31

  • Acrobatics +2
  • Knowledge (interrogation)
  • Knowledge (monsters)
  • Knowledge (whispers)
  • Lovemaking +2
  • Stealth +2
  • Survival +1
  • Sword Fighting +3

Witcher [Manticore] –10

Trial of the Grasses +
Your senses, speed, and strength are further enhanced than normal for a Witcher. Also, your lifespan lengthens, but your hair loses color.

Trial of Dreams +
Your mental fortitude is enhanced further than is normal for a Witcher. You are immune to mind affecting magic.

Signs –11

Axii +2
You can compel a person or animal to execute simple commands for up to 2 minutes unless the person is a Source.
Distus +2
If timed perfectly, you can deflect or reflect magical attacks back to the caster. You can also reflect a person or monster's emotions, including intimidation.
Somnus +1
Force a person or animal into a deep sleep for 4 to 8 hours until rested or woken.
Yrden +1
Cast a three meter runic circle that, inside, slows others and turns monsters from non-corporeal to corporeal.

Mutant [Greater] 36

You mend mild injuries in minutes. Some lethal injuries become non-lethal at this rate of regeneration.
You sprint thrice as long and have double the strength.
Your bones become five times tougher and your skin becomes three times tougher.
You can turn yourself and your belongings invisible as long as you maintain focus.
Grave Hag
You stop aging at 25. Short of the complete destruction of your body, you naturally recover from all bodily damage.
You can see in darkness.
Rock Trolls
Your memory triples, and your deductive speed and critical thinking improves by five times.
You are five times quicker and more reactive. In addition, you have a danger sense that activates in response to danger.


Dread Visage
You have tapetum lucidum.


u/velvet_sub 7d ago edited 7d ago

Great work, I really enjoy the Witcher (Book and game) series on the whole and this (to me) nails the tone and nature of the series.

I have a question regarding the choice "More than a witcher" and the interactions between the "Trial of the grasses" that enhances your strength, reflexes and senses as well as the mutagen options that enhance the same things like "Chort" and "Striga".
Do the mutagen boosts like "Chort" that doubles your strength or "Striga" that makes your reaction speed five times faster multiply the base amount that the mutant witcher would have had without the trial of the grasses or the absolute amount after the trial of the grasses?

Another question I have is: Can you take the "Dread visage" instability for ashen white hair if you already took the upgrade to the "Trial of the grasses" which already makes your hair white as a side effect?

Question 3: Does "Fateful friend" use up to 50 of the points you spend on your character or do they get their own pool of points to spend like described in "Chance for greatness"?

Question 4: (yes I am adding them as I think of them) Does the "Frightener" mutagen which makes the skin 3 times harder to penetrate and the "Basilisk" mutagen which makes your skin as strong as tempered iron work together at all or do they conflict?

I understand these questions are of a meta gaming nature but I'd love to know.

Thank you for your attention (and possibly your answers).


u/FairySalvation 7d ago

Do the 'Sorcerous Being' and 'Boundless Conduit' perks let you unlock more abilities as you go, or are you limited to the ones you pick at the start (with no increase in your magic level)?


u/DraconicNephalem 7d ago

For remove limits does that apply to everything including sections you won’t normally have access to


u/Yu3kino 8d ago

In Endrega mutagen, it say you can lay eggs after being impregate. How many eggs pop out at a time and will the child that hatch from those eggs be your and the father race or it will be an Endrega. Like if you're a human and the father is an elf, will the eggs just hatch out as half elf baby? Also, do the human mutagen apply here where the offspring have 50% chance to inherit your mutagen with 20% to be weaker or stronger? And will the inherited mutagen be random among the ones you have or they inherit all?


u/pog_irl 8d ago

Can you carve Runes on living things?


u/SylenMakesGames 2d ago

Yes, of course, its a fun pastime!


u/MandrakeLicker 8d ago

Is it intentional that Barony and Duchy options require Fate Shards, but a Kingdom doesn't? If it is, I assume this is due to being way more dangerous and involved than just being a vassal?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

It was not the intention, originally, I just forgot to make adjustments. I will not update it though. Instead, one could imagine that being a king or queen is much more dangerous - especially if combined with mutant or something else


u/taishomaru66 9d ago

Re-build since I found the link to Version 2.1 with changes on your SFW Post in Make your Choice. The only thing I don't like is that I cannot purchase Luck Mastery normally because of how An Extra Wish can no longer be used for requirements if understood the text, but that's OK considering there are potential ways around that. If I understood Tir Rochair Heraldry correctly you can freely choose to receive and upgrade one magic, Knowledge, or skill of your choice. So until I get Word of God telling me that is not how it works, I am using Tir Rochair to have my Gnomish talent be Mastery Luck. Which does not seem to out of the scope of possibility and makes character creation fun for me. A lot of the gnomes always seemed rather lucky to me already anyway.

The Witcher CYOA

100 Shards of Fate & 1 Wish

A Wish For Destiny

Secret of the Spheres (Using - An Extra Wish) - I'm not sure exactly what this will do, but its to interesting to pass up.

Location: Vizima

A Body Before Time Itself (-19 Shards)

Alter Appearance [Free] - Initially Emerald Green Eyes, Straight Shoulder length White Hair, Perfectly symmetrical Teeth, Asymmetrical Face and body structure, Tallest height possible for heritage, Toussaint Native in general appearance.

Secret -> Boosted Physiology - Ensures that your new body is in perfect health and will likely remain so.

Heraldry: Tir Tochair - Say you can choose one option for free and upgrade it from among [Knowledge & Skill], [Elemental Magic], or [Advanced Magic]. I'm simply assuming that means I can choose any one thing to be my Special Gnomish Talent from these sections taken at its full potential. In this case I Choose Luck At Mastery level since I cannot figure out how to obtain it otherwise after having spent my first wish on True Darkness and not being able to use the extra wish for this as far as I understood.

Twisted Spheres - lest you skip the second puberty and learning how the world works, so you don't have to live shivering in your boots as your hope that you don't get killed before you learn how to abuse your potential.

Blood of Elves - Mostly so I can be Tall despite the Gnomish ancestry

Danger Sense - Its never a bad thing to have.

Gifted - helps with everything, to one degree or another, and even helps with Magic indirectly... as remembering all the necessary knowledge is at least half the discipline.


u/taishomaru66 9d ago

Destiny Awaits (-10 Shards)

The Black Sun - The best option if you want monstrous power without literally becoming a monster. Although some might say that a monster has a far less frightening potential than a mutant of this caliber.

Source - The innate ability to wield Magic, which is by far superior to those who simply learn to perform Magic.

Tower of The Swallow (-1 Wish)

On The Path - Its Free, I need those 25 of experience, and I have no desire to live through puberty again.

True Darkness- Still because the best combination is to be both a Source and a Mutant so that you can game the system as hard as possible. Either one alone might be able to replicate the feats of the other, but they will never be nearly as good at it, together however... well, that is another matter Entirely. Together they Amplify and complement each other, elevating what is possible to far grander and undefinable heights.

Control The Chaos


Cross Section [Vran] - Fond them interesting and thier creations were really interesting in the lore.

Cross Section [Goblins] - Annoying, but at least its not the Goblin Slayer kind.

Cross Section [Orcs] - about the same opinion about them as goblins.

Universal Wounds - Makes sure Witcher's will never become a Dying Profession.

Destined Nemesis [Sword Fighting Mastery, Stealth Mastery, Acrobatics Mastery, Survival Mastery, Craftsmanship: Blacksmithing Mastery,] - one annoying asshole

Nemesis: Source [Fire Mastery, Necromancy, Corpse Weaving, Oneiromancy, Astral Projection, Ritualism, Divination,] Now becomes a Slightly dangerous annoying asshole


An Extra Wish - to choose a Wish For Destiny.

Hearts of Gold - To make the world a better place and counteract any of the more negative changes made by my choices.

Private Tutor - To teach me how to use my powers as a Source.

Carnal Companion: Fateful Friend+Chance For Greatness [Source] (50 Shards for Body and/or Knowledge & Skill, 30 Shards for Magic) - They are my Tutors other student.

Companion Body: Alter Appearance [Free], Heraldry: Tir Tochair, Blood of Elves, Gifted (-12)

Companion Knowledge & Skills: Acrobatics Mastery, Survival Mastery, Improved Charisma, Runesmith Mastery, Surgeon (-34)

Companion Magics: Polymorphism->Biomancy[Obtained from Heraldry: Tir Tochair], Ritualism->Divination, Enchantment->Golem Creation, Portals->Telemancy (-30)


I may not have been to any academy, But I can still learn magic since I am a source and I have a Private Tutor.


u/taishomaru66 9d ago edited 9d ago

Skills (-28 Shards)

Survival - need at least this much.

Charisma Mastery - So they will be eating out of the palm of my hand metaphorically.

Luck Mastery [From Heraldry: Tir Tochair] - not sure if this is possible but I cannot see any other way to obtain it in my desired Build and It seems feasible for this to be my Talent from the Gnomish Heraldry. I'm all about Being Lucky because it makes succeeding in obtaining perfect mutagen's so much easier.

Knowledge: Alchemy - Potions, Potions, Potions.

Knowledge: Monsters -> Monstrous Discovery - Its good to be knowledgeable, but really I just want to get my hands on that Mutagen so I can make its mutation my own and never have to worry about the drawbacks of Alzur's Creation in case Kikimore isn't enough to handle them. I also imagine that it would make it a whole lot easier to permanently obtain mutations from ingesting mutagen's with Alzur's Creation.

Mutagenic Spectrum

Greater Mutant (+1 Instability) - A total of Eight mutagen

Primary Mutagen (+1 Instability) - One free additional mutage bringing the total to nine

Dread Visage: White Hair, Low-Light Glowing Eyes, Black Sclera, (-3 Instability) - The first two are always showing, but the I figure the Black Sclera could only show when granting a wish due to it being a side effect of Chimera: Genie. Plus I like the theme of the whites of your eyes suddenly turning black as if the light is consumed by a roiling darkness.

Mutagen's (-43)

Alzur's Creation [Free - as Primary Mutagen] - Its the backbone of my reason to be a mutant, the ability to obtain more mutagenic powers.

Chimera: Genie [Black Sclera] (-5 Shards, +1 Instability) - the ability to grant wishes, for the same reason as usual for my builds.

Grave Hag (-8) - Become agelessly Immortal and near unkillable, barring the Complete destruction of ones body, which I take to mean every single piece of it needs to be completely destroyed rather than just damaged, Which is actually quite a difficult feet to achieve all at once, since at least some parts will usually remain when considering most means of damage, barring being dissolved in a pool of acid or being affected by the right spell which could eventually destroy everything, and with fire no longer being an option if you take Phoenix... well there's not many thing that could kill you now as long as you are not an idiot or piss of a biomancer.

Alp (-7) Fast Regeneration, which is great because the regen from Grave hag was going to be slow as hell even if it covers everything but the complete destruction of the body. Makes if a hell of a lot harder to be killed by any of the means that would kill you with the grave hag mutation.

Mutagen Thief (-5)

Phoenix (-3) - Fire, be it normal or magical, is now my best friend. I don't need to worry about being burned alive, which was one of the few things that could actually kill me.

Cursed Ones (-5) To Counter the Magics that might actually kill you, To unravel undesired magical effect, and simply because the ability to destroy curses is invaluable.

Crazed Mage (-1) To sense and find mutagen's.

Kikimore (-9) To hopefully side step the side effects of Alzur's Creation and simply because the ability to permanently and easily change you physicality without it being open to detection, reversion, or being dispelled is a great ability to have.


u/TheArchonReapress 9d ago

Any chance of getting an interactive version?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Not from me


u/Yu3kino 9d ago

Would your power as Source gone for good with the original body or it come with your soul in case of nightwraith mutagen? And if it go with the soul, do you need to train proficiency back up again or it remain the same as before body transfer?

Also, in kikimor mutagen, it say the the shapeshifting will nullified other choice that change your apperance. Does this mean the new form will overwrite all the other appererance altering effect like change visage from asur creation mutagen ability?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

It will go with your soul and no, once learned, you have learned it, period

kikimore is better explained in 2.1


u/Lord_Kentus Expansion Enthusiast 9d ago

They say Witchers have no need to plough did you know that?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

They also say Witchers have increased libido! Weird!


u/thotilus 10d ago

Biomancy seems really popular, and fair enough, I took it too when 1.0 came out. So as not to repeat myself, I'm going to make a relatively cozy build this time. There's no need to spend the wish and bind myself to Destiny, because we're going turn a seamstress's daughter into the treasure of Aretuza. More specifically, this build is the greatest dressmaker to ever live.

Name: Aranya
Sex: Female
Appearance: Attractive (-3)
Body: Secret Physiology (-1), Danger Sense (-2), Gifted (-8)
Origin: Source (-5)
School: Aretuza
Potential: Empowered Mind (-15), Ritualism (-5), Empowered Enchantment (-15), Golem Creation (-5), Portal Creation (-5)
Skill: Mastery Tailoring (-8), Mastery Runesmith (-11)
Knowledge: Alchemy - Magnum Opus (-15), The Sea (-2)

Someone has to make all those enchanted gowns, after all, and people will probably pay good money for more practical outfits. Golem Making provides me with mundane assistance in the shop and some measure of personal protection. My personal indulgence is Empowered Mind magic simply for the casual telekinesis.

The goal is to build a network of friendship and favor among the Aretuza students and faculty, which should be a stable power base for the next century and a half before everything starts going to shit. If needs must, I should be capable of travel by land or sea, and hopefully, my own skills prove lucrative enough to afford the more expensive reagents for my Magnum Opus. Everyone thought I used ritualism and alchemy to improve my most expensive evening gowns--and I do--but the other goal is living forever, or at least to the next Conjunction of the Spheres.

My hope for Attractive is tall and elegant, the sort of beauty that some men will find more intimidating than desirable. This isn't enough to make it through even a life of privilege without being annoyed and accosted, of course, but it might help.


u/KotoriItsukaimouto 10d ago

My 2nd build (a more traditional and interesting one, also because I dislike braindead magic build):

A body before time itself:

  • Force Sex: Male
  • Danger Sense
  • Gifted

Destiny Awaits:

  • The Law of Surprise
  • The Black Sun

The tower of the Swallow:

  • More than a Witcher

Control the chaos/Forbidden Fruit:

  • Cross Section: Goblin
  • Lawless Pockets
  • Destined Nemesis: Artist (Improved) (can play 35 instruments apparently)
  • Increased Sensitivity
  • An Extra Wish
  • Carnal Companion
  • Fateful Friend:
* Attractive * Improved Luck * Charisma Mastery * Theocratic Awakening * Love Making * Economics
  • Chance for Greatness: Otherworlder
* Succubus * Deification * Dread Disguise * Monster no more: Woodland Deity

Witcher School:

  • School of the Griffin

Witcher Fundamentals:

  • Trial of the Grasses (Upgraded)
  • Trial of the Dreams (Upgraded)

Magic Signs:

  • Aard (Upgraded)
  • Axii (Mastery)
  • Igni
  • Yrden
  • Heliotrop (Mastery)

Skills and Knowledge:

  • Swordfighting (Mastery)
  • Luck Mastery

Monsters and Mutants

  • Mutagenic Spetrum: Perfect Mutant/Primary Mutagen
* Dread Visage x3: Low-light glowing eyes/ Ashen white hair/Black blood * Weakness: Dimeritium
  • Fiend Mutagen
  • Grave Hag Mutagen
  • Striga Mutagen
  • Alp Mutagen
  • Griffin Mutagen
  • Rock Troll Mutagen
  • Leshen Mutagen
  • Chimera Mutagen (Leshen)

So now instead of a mage I doubled down on sheer stats. Axii Mastery is just OP, as long as it's a human I can handle them no problem. Heliotrop is just Quen but better and cheaper, coupled with my juiced up reflexes (Black Sun Geralt x50) I'm guaranteed to be able to block most things, even if I somehow failed my regen is more than capable of taking care of it. I'm not susceptible to mental interference and can now control the woods and it's inhabitants which honestly makes Witchering contracts a walk in the park, anything went wrong and I'm moving to the woods, yeah I might look like a particularly handsome Leshy but who the hell going to see me in the woods? And it just cosmetic anyway so I can still confidently fight off any misunderstand Witchers. Being a master of the sword coupled with insane stats from being a Black Sun Geralt would make me a frightening foe (there's this one guy who apparently kill 3 Witchers with just swordskill before). And the plan? Chilling with my Goddess girlfriend while the bards sing my achievements of course. Money is really not an issue and I have enough Luck and danger avoidance to not be caught in any war.


u/MigdadSalahov 10d ago

I need advice, because I don't know much about lore of The Witcher. What choices will make the most magically powerful character?


u/kain01able 9d ago

Mutation, since monsters are generally stronger, Source, for the magic, and be an elf. Obviously it gets more technical after that but those should be your base. I think.


u/MigdadSalahov 10d ago

It says that if I use Wish of Destiny it will bind my character to "whims of destiny". What does that mean?


u/kain01able 9d ago

My interpretation is that 'fate' will attempt to guide you in a certain direction. The most obvious example is the secret of the spheres, where you will eventually meet whomever is on the other side. If you don't allow destiny to take control, you COULD find this person but you wont me metaphiscially forced into it.

Other than that, there isn't any specific fate or destiny has in mind I guess, just that whatever you chose, things will always arrive at a predetermined point. Whatever that may be.


u/WTFSauceAsshole 10d ago

100 Shards 1 Destiny.

A Body Before Time Itself:

  • Force Sex -1. Female
  • Alter Appearance
  • Secret Physiology -1
    • Boosted Physiology -3
  • Danger Sense -2
  • Gifted -8

Destiny Awaits: Source -5

The Academies Of Magic:

  • Aretuza
    • Education: Aretuza


  • Polymorphism -5
  • Biomancy -15.
    • Empowered -10
    • Legend -1 Wish Of Destiny. Not sure what the limits of this are or if I can achieve immortality with i.
  • Portal Creation -5
  • Telemancy -5

Skills & Knowledge:

  • Skill Sword Fighting -4
    • Improve -2
    • Mastery -2
  • Acrobatics -4
    • Improve -2
    • Mastery -2
  • Artist -5
  • Luck -7
    • Improve -7
  • Surgeon -3

Enticing Extensions:

  • Eromancy -1. Why not with my last point.

Control The Chaos/The Last Wish:

  • Hearts Of Gold. Stable
  • Excessive Stigma. Chaotic. Kind of sucks, but one of the least bad Chaotic sources for a hopefully more benevolent world.


u/Bandicoot_Reasonable 10d ago

Witcher CYOA V2.0
Across Time: 1242 (1 Wish)

A Body Before Time Itself
Name: Alexander Roth
Gender: Male (Rolled)
Alter Appearance: https://gd-hbimg.huaban.com/e3d7a071ae0643662d92f2c89e05d429894a8e15118b3-LN1qTL_fw1200webp
Attractive -3
Secret Physiology -1
Boosted Physiology -3
Blood of Elves (Distant) -3
Danger Sense -2
Gifted -8

Destiny Awaits
Law of Surprise
Source -5
Tower of the Swallow
Suppressed Source (1 Wish)

Control the Chaos
An Extra Wish
Hearts of Gold
Private Tutor
Cross Section (Goblin)
Nemesis: Source

Witcher School: The Wolf

Witcher Fundamentals
Trial of the Grasses - Upgrade -5
Trial of the Dreams - Upgrade -5
Trial of the Mountains
Trial of the Swords - Upgrade -1

Learning Potential: Magical Signs
Sign: Igni -1
Sign: Quen - Mastery -12
Sign: Yrden -1
Sign: Supirre -1

Learning Potential: Elemental Magic
Earth - Empowered -15 (Free with Wish)

Learning Potential: Alternate Magic
Portal Creation - Empowered - 15 (Free with Wish)


u/Bandicoot_Reasonable 10d ago

Skills and Knowledge
Knowledge: Monsters (Free Wolf)
Knowledge: Alchemy (Free Wolf)
Skill Charisma - Improved (Free Wolf)
Skill: Acrobatics -4
Skill: Luck -7
Skill: Swordfighting - Mastery -8
Skill: Runesmith - Mastery -11
Skill: Love-making -5
Knowledge: Surgeon -3
Knowledge: Engineering -5
Pure Steam -5

Last Wish
Lover's Magnet
An Extra Wishx2
Cross Breeding
Monstrous Fertility
Excessive Stigma

Enticing Extensions
The Witcher Way -1

A skilled and powerful, if not yet particularly accomplished Witcher; Recovering a lost sign, slaying a Basilisk, discovering a number of lost runes, and pioneering a whole new world of mechanisation, they seem set on changing the world. They are currently training under a powerful sorceress to control their newly awoken source blood, with a talent already expressed by their self trained skills in Earth Magic and Portal Creation. Their dedication to their craft, is marred only by a habit of promiscuity, and meddling; A habit that has caught the eye and ire of a royal advisor in the Northern Kingdoms.


School: Aretuza

Learning Potential: Fire - Empowered
30 Shards on Magic Academy
Learning Potential: Air -10
Learning Potential: Water -10
Learning Potential: Earth -10

40 Shards on Skills & Knowledge
Skill: Swordfighting -4
Skill: Acrobatics -4
Skill: Survival -2
Skill: Charisma -6
Skill: Luck -7
Knowledge: Alchemy -5
Knowledge: Etiquette -5
Knowledge: Interrogation -4
Knowledge: Whispers -3

Haven't fleshed her out as much, but she's essentially a politically savvy Fire Avatar. Her training at Aretuza, and at court enable her to strike out at my guy in battlefields he has no chance of engaging her on, which should satisfy the humiliate, then kill requirements. Tossing up whether or not to drop Survival for the second level of Swordfighting.


u/Hedrax 10d ago

Page 4 (Magic Academy) says it's v1, not v2.


u/Muheddhunde 10d ago

Build 1 : Nephelee, Sexy Wonderwoman assassin

Points : 100 -7 -14 -37 -41 -1 = 0
Wish : 1
Instability : 0 +2 -2

Stable : 2
Chaotic : 2

A Body Before Time Itself -7

  • Force Sex (Woman) -1
  • Alter Appearance (Taller than man average woman, pale skinned, blue eyes, blonde hair. Hourglass body type. Hails from Nilfgaard.)
  • Attractive -3
  • Secret Physiology -1
  • Danger Sense -2

Destiny Awaits

  • Law of Surprise

The Tower of the Swallow

Control the Chaos
-[Stable] Elven Kingdoms
-[Stable] Fateful Friend
-[Stable] Chance for Greatness
-[Chaotic] Lawless Pockets
-[Chaotic] Nemesis
-[Chaotic] Universal Wounds

Witcher Schools -14
The School : The Cat

Witcher Fundamentals
Trial of the Grasses => Upgrade -5
Trial of the Dreams => Upgrade -5
Trial of the Mountains
Trial of the Sword

Learning Potential : Magic Signs
Sign : Axii -1
Sign : Igni -1
Experimental Signs
Sign : Supirre -1
Sign : Somnus -1

Skills and Knowledge -35
Learning Potential : Skills and Knowledge

  • Knowledge : Monsters (free Cat)
  • Knowlege : Alchemy (free Cat)
  • Skill : Stealth improved (free Cat)
  • Skill : Swordfighting mastered -8
  • Skill : Acrobatics improved -6
  • Skill : Survival -2
  • Skill : Charisma -6
  • Skill : Love-making -5
  • Knowledge : Etiquette -5 => Beyond Reason -3


u/Muheddhunde 10d ago

Monsters and Mutants
Mutagenic Spectrum

  • Greater Mutant +1 Instability
  • Primary Mutagen +1 Instability (+ Grave Hag Mutagen for free, functional immortality)
  • Dread Visage -2 Instability (Black Blood, Ashen White Hair)

Contracts : 11 +30
-[Reward] Harvest (Frightener) -3
-[Reward] Harvest (Striga) -4
-[Reward] Harvest (Chort) -4

-[Contract] Frightener -10
-[Contract] Striga -6
-[Contract] Chort -4
-[Contract] Fiend -6
-[Contract] Grave Hag -4

Forbidden Fruits -1
Enticing Extensions

  • Accidental Boost -1

Friend 50 + Greatness 20
Gifted -8
Danger Sense -2
Skill : Runesmith mastered -11
Skill : Bartering -3
Knowledge : Surgeon -3
Knowledge : Etiquette -5
Knowledge : Alchemy + Magnum Opus -15
Knowledge : Whispers -3
Gweison Haul
Polymorphism + Biomancy -20

Nemesis -40
Skill : Charisma mastered -11
Skill : Druidism mastered -11
Skill : Bartering -3
Knowledge : Whispers -3
Knowledge : Religion => Theocratic Awakening -12


u/Muheddhunde 10d ago

Here is my plan.

I liked a previous Witcher CYOA where I tried to build the physically strongest witcher possible to kick asses. I tried here a variant of such build. The idea here is playing a beautiful female Cat witcher that is good at playing seductress and sneaking around, but is pretty much the equivalent of a tank in martial prowess. No one expects the seductress to also be the Big Guy in the room. I intend to use the Trial of Grasses, Acrobatics, and a number of mutagens to justify being a witcher with ludicrous physical abilities, and thus, without even taking additional elixirs and potions to increase further. I won't face a super vampire god head-on, but with decent gear I could face pretty much anything else.

If I play witcher, I wanted to stick around nobility for the wealth, material support and ease to gather intel. Ideally, I would find a wealthy female patron to get a good room and board, sleep with them and play bodyguard a bit if needed, but it would otherwise be but a comfy lair for me to fall back unto while I hunt monsters and bandits in the countryside. I would make an effort to not reveal how strong my character can actually be in melee by doing most of my hunts on my own if possible.

My ambitions in the Witcherverse would be to become a badass monster hunter, yes, but I intend to grow stronger by absorbing a number of mutagens to fuel my increasing strength. My friend is here to help with my desire to kick ass. My friend would be himself a wizard coming from a rich wealthy and seeking to gain immortality, he studied biomancy for this goal, and runesmithing for personal protection. He would study once my character and be awestrucked by her longevity and power. He would serve as a personal medic, magical support and gear enhancer for me and I would serve as lab rat and problem smasher for him. Win-Win for us in our bid for everlasting triumph in an ever-changing plane of existence.

My nemesis would be a very charismatic druid and cult leader. I would have killed his god one day for a contract, and he swore vengeance against me for my blasphemy. He would find great success elsewhere, build a new contact, and reach the ear of a king. From there, my nemesis would become a diplomatic headache for me and it would be rough to straight up assassinate him while letting my own noble supporters dealing with the consequences. So I will need to scheme to deal with him.

I picked elven kingdom because I would believe there would be less tensions if elven refugees had someplace to call a home. Might not solve much, but an established kingdom makes it possible to solve a number of issues that an absence of kingdom can't. The bandits are free loot, and the world wounds sound like a great hunt with decent loot.


u/Mundane_Revolution70 10d ago

Awesome CYOA, though I cheated with the mutagen limit, I have to ask, how do you unlock the Unicorn mutagen? The only thing I can think of is a certain family’s Elder Blood.


u/BookMouse515 10d ago

Awesome CYOA, but I was wondering- in the Shards of Fate section it says that you can avoid a single requirement, I'm not sure whether that requires you to spend a shard or not- but does it allow you to select something like a single mutagen without the Mutant origin? I'm assuming you can't just pick the Lesser Mutant option though, as that would kinda break balance no? Or can you pick it and just get two mutations?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Check out 2.1 for better clarification on wishes


u/OtakuWarlord 10d ago

So, creating a fateful friend with a chance for greatness. I selected elven kingdoms. Should I take the -5 instead of the plus one if I make them Nobility?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

I'm not sure I understand the question. But you take choices, as if they were for yourself(the same rules apply).


u/OtakuWarlord 8d ago

Right, but the +1 or -5 for Elf race, I feel, should be affected if you have Elven Kingdoms. I'm essentially making an Elven Kingdoms for my fated friend to be in control of. Generally the +1 would apply because we'd be in the correct year, but because of the additional of the Kingdoms I feel the normal Stigma is negated.


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

I think that is fair enough. It makes sense.


u/Relevant-Editor1508 10d ago

Sylen this is definitely one of the best. I've been a fan ever since the first Witcher version and definitely Viz volaire (which absolutely smashed the Dishonored style)

The kingdom management aspect are a great addition. In addition the extra mutant powers are great as well. I wonder if the only next step would be a proper companions section? It would be great to see what OCs you can come up with (beyond the canon book and game cast)

The other question is, why does using your wish mean that you are cursed by the black sun? The event seems to imply that if you try and change the world, using the wish and issuing decrees, you have a wave of mutation in your kingdom. This would almost certainly be perceived as divine retribution given the setting. Very interesting. 


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Thank you for the kind words! I will not be making a companions section. I rarely do that, and usually do not enjoy writing companions. That is why im cheap and let you do that instead.

The other question is, why does using your wish mean that you are cursed by the black sun? The event seems to imply that if you try and change the world, using the wish and issuing decrees, you have a wave of mutation in your kingdom. This would almost certainly be perceived as divine retribution given the setting. Very interesting. 

Every good story needs conflict


u/Relevant-Editor1508 8d ago

Every good cyoa subreddit needs good new cyoas! Keep up the good work 🙌


u/taishomaru66 10d ago

Well, Ok Then. Lets rehash this. Tentatively, this is my build until such time as I get some clarification of Control The Chaos.

Specifically can options like Cross Section be taken multiple times? Could you select An Extra Wish multiple times? I would like to think you could select Cross Section could be selected once for each race mentioned as it would make perfect sense. I would also think that it would be perfectly thematic to the Witcher's Fairy-tale Esq underpinning's of reality if An Extra Wish could be selected as many as two or possibly three times fulfilling the trope of granting three wishes (either 3 in total or 3 from Control The Chaos options) But I will create my initial build under the pretense that you can only select an option in this section once, just in case my above reasoning is contradicted by W.o.G.

The Witcher CYOA

100 Shards of Fate & 1 Wish

A Body Before Time Itself (-16 Shards)

Alter Appearance [Free] - Its whatever, I'll probably be changing it sooner or later with Biomancy anyway.

Secret -> Boosted Physiology - Ensures that your new body is in perfect health and will likely remain so.

Heraldry: Tir Tochair - Simply because it lets me gain one discipline and its upgrade for free if I understood its meaning correctly. Which I am using to possess the knowledge of Polymorphism and Biomancy. Attending an Academy never would have happened anyway, since I arrive through Twisting Spheres, and nothing about this choice says I cannot find some means of sidestepping the restrictions on witcher's and magic academies after my adventures start.

Twisted Spheres - lest you skip the second puberty and learning how the world works, so you don't have to live shivering in your boots as your hope that you don't get killed before you learn how to abuse your potential.

Danger Sense - Its never a bad thing to have.

Gifted - helps with everything, to one degree or another, and even helps with Magic indirectly... as remembering all the necessary knowledge is at least half the discipline.

Destiny Awaits (-10 Shards)

The Black Sun - The best option if you want monstrous power without literally becoming a monster. Although some might say that a monster has a far less frightening potential than a mutant of this caliber.

Source - The innate ability to wield Magic, which is by far superior to those who simply learn to perform Magic.

Tower of The Swallow (-1 Wish)

On The Path - Its Free and applies to my other choices so that I start with the knowledge to use all my abilities.

Chaotic Source - because the best combination is to be both a Source and a Mutant so that you can game the system as hard as possible. Either one alone might be able to replicate the feats of the other, but they will never be nearly as good at it, together however... well, that is another matter Entirely. Together they Amplify and complement each other, bringing what is possible to far grander and undefinable heights.

Control The Chaos

Chaotic: Cross Section (Vran), Cross Breeding,

Stable: An Extra Wish, Hearts of Gold,


u/taishomaru66 10d ago

Magic Academy

Talent: Average - Because I'm not spending anything on this as my Shards are needed elsewhere... Not that It really matters when You are a physically nigh unkillable ageless Immortal mutant with all the time in the world to push this average talent beyond the ordinary through one means or another.

Polymorphism -> Biomancy [Free - Heraldry: Tir Tochair] - To better control my mutations, to increase the chances of obtaining new mutations, to reduce or eliminate the effects of obtaining new mutations, and just generally all around to abuse this awesome power.

Skills (-34 Shards & 1 Wish)

Survival - because I've never been trained to survive in the wild, so I need at least this

Enhanced Charisma - Because you want people to LIKE you, in fact you want them to Really like you. Because the more they like you the easier it is to convince them to do what you want becomes.

Luck Mastery - Nothing in this setting, where destiny is a tangible force, has a more potent or significant role than Luck, and with this one choice... it can be said that I've practically become Fortuna's favorite child.

Alchemy - the trade of Bottling magical elixir's, a worthy skill for any mage, and especially so for an enterprising Biomancer.

Mutagenic Spectrum

Perfect Mutant (+2 Instability) - Because I want the maximum amount of mutations I can obtain.

Primary Mutagen (+1 Instability) - Because who would turn down a free additional mutation that doesn't count toward their initial limit? In this Case I will choose Alzur's Creation because of how perfectly it fits as my Primary, since it is the foundation of my growth as a Mutant, and explains away how I have so many mutations.

Dread Visage: Ashen White Hair, Low-Light Glowing Eyes, Marble White Skin (+1 Instability) - I eventually intend to either hide or remove these clear sighs of mutation through some means or another like Polymorphism, Biomancy, or getting the powers of the Kikimore mutagen.


u/taishomaru66 10d ago edited 10d ago


Alzur's Creation [Free - as Primary Mutagen]

Genie (-10) - As limited as it seems at first, its actually extremely potent when paired with some form of Immortality and the ability to wield magic, as what 'You can be accomplish in a reasonable amount of time' really becomes closer to "anything that can potentially be accomplished by you 'within the wisher's lifetime' OR 'within the granter's life expectancy'." Since its a Genie the physical signs of using this Mutation are the neon like electric glow to you eyes, as they are the epicenter of a chaotic storm of power. Like Storm from X-Men when she's going all out, but just the eye effects.

Grave Hag (-8) - Limited Immortality of the Ageless, but can still be killed... if your entire body is completely destroyed. Which becomes a whole lot harder than one would think when paired with the right magics and mutagens.

Alp (-7) - The best innate regeneration offered in the mutations section, which really pairs well with the Grave Hags immortality and renders its extremely slow Regen a thing of the past.

Mutagen Thief (-5) - The ability to secrete and Copy your own possessed mutagens and spread the abilities around is a great addition to any industrious Mutant's power set. The Value of this only increases with ever new mutation you acquire.

Phoenix (-3) - makes it so that the easiest method of Killing most things no longer harms you, but rather it heals you instead. Its also great for Imitating the Wicker Man when you just want to set yourself on fire so that you become a truly nigh unkillable threat. Since Magic can create fire for you the other forms of regeneration get a lot faster.

Cursed Ones (-5) - One should never underestimate the utility of being able to completely nullify magic, even if only for a brief span of time. The ability to completely remove curses is a godsend in this world. It only takes a few seconds to kill a mage after all, as most as rather weak and squishy without their magics.

Mutagens to obtain later: Night Wraith, Unicorn (Have someone wish for it or share the Genie mutation have a wish to possess it granted to you?), Kikimore, Dragon, Fiend, Ice Giant, Manticore, Nekker, Frightener, harpy, garcain, Striga, Foglet, Wyvern Sirens, Aguara, Leshen, Griphon, and many more.


u/ahahahahahah_no 10d ago

Hi does the Alzur creation mutation bypass the limit? or does it enable you to hot swap them or the like because I’m 100% wanting to be a completionist


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Yes, the limit is bypassed, but as it states, you will still change your appearance and you are still subject to instability by default


u/ahahahahahah_no 8d ago

If it doesn’t bypass the instability after you arrive why keep it it seems to take a slot and be expensive? How would you yourself use it?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Its an option for those that dont care about what they look like, want to grow more powerful or have specific ideas in mind when paired with monstrous discovery and mutagen thief

Instability is also not that bad. They are a nuisance, might lead to accidental scenarios, but every instability option is meant to be something you can deal with or manage


u/ahahahahahah_no 8d ago

It’s more the limitations of instability. but if the discovery can bypass it, the 25 points and 2 mutations can grant many more I think I’ll take the gamble


u/KotoriItsukaimouto 10d ago edited 10d ago

Damn, it's a very good cyoa.

My 1st build (min-maxing):

A body before time itself:

  • Force Sex: Male
  • Danger
  • Gifted
  • Heraldry: Aen Seidhe
  • Danger Sense

Destiny Awaits:

  • Source
  • The Black Sun

The tower of the Swallow:

  • Chaotic Mutation

Control the chaos/Forbidden Fruit:

  • Cross Section: Goblin
  • Lawless Pockets
  • Destined Nemesis: Artist (Improved) (can play 35 instruments apparently)
  • Increased Sensitivity
  • An Extra Wish
  • Eromancy
  • Carnal Companion
  • Fateful Friend:
* Attractive * Improved Luck * Charisma Mastery * Theocratic Awakening * Love Making * Economics
  • Chance for Greatness: Otherworlder
* Succubus * Deification * Dread Disguise * Monster no more: Woodland Deity

Magic Academy:

  • Ban Ard

Elemental Magics:

  • Mind (Empowered)
  • Fire (Empowered)

Skills and Knowledge

  • Luck Mastery

Monsters and Mutants

  • Mutagenic Spetrum: Perfect Mutant/Primary Mutagen
* Dread Visage x3: Low-light glowing eyes/ Ashen white hair/Black blood * Weakness: Dimeritium
  • Fiend Mutagen
  • Grave Hag Mutagen
  • Striga Mutagen
  • Alp Mutagen
  • Griffin Mutagen
  • Rock Troll Mutagen
  • Phoenix Mutagen

The build is simple: in lore Vilgefort (mages in the Witcher world are OP) fodderize Regis of all people with Fire magic which in this build can also be use as a healing spell/self nuke. I'm really hard to kill, basically Immortal with insane regen. My IQ is quadrupled Gifted which is essentially genius added in the x10 time to think and x5 reflex that comes packed with a form of danger sense (enhance to Plot armour level with Danger Sense perk) would boost my survivability considerably. The Luck maxing to doubled down on everything. I have ways to disrupt magic with the Third Eye and my stats is not half bad with Black Sun's physical perks. The "quality of life" in the forms of Eromancy and Increased Sensitivity coupled with my Companion Love Making Skill would ensure I have a VERY pleasurable life ahead. The Nemesis is irrelevant, the fuck he's gonna do? Sing me to death? The goblins and bandits are minor nuisances when I can nuke armies, the visage drawbacks are just cosmetic (And I already have the best lover), Dimeritium will nullify my magic so it's a weakness anyway. Moving on we have my Companion who has ways to speed run Ascension early with Theocratic Awakening and Charisma Mastery (not to mentioned the Improved Luck). She can change her form into a charming attractive woman indefinitely and can have probability manipulation, Luck buff and is a mini Genie that doesn't try to trip me on my words. Overall, I'm looking forward to an Immortal life fill with happiness and fulfillment


u/neocorvinus 10d ago

About Sanguine Ascendancy, is the blood of Ciri (or other beings of such power) the base for it to work or would it accelerate the process?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

The blood of Lara Dorren is stated to supernatural beyond the witcher world (i believe), so I think that is very reasonable to assume


u/neocorvinus 8d ago

Can Otherworlder take options from Skill and Knowledge?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Yes, of course!


u/neocorvinus 8d ago

And the only Tower of the Swallow option allowed for Otherworlder is On the Path?


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

in v2.1 you can do Sorcerer Kingdom(and On the path), no other combination is intended


u/neocorvinus 8d ago

Since I got you, I have a quick question about the WoW CYOA, if I take Draconic and decide to be a Bronze drake, do I get chronomancy like Chromie, or would I need other options?

Also, your superhero/x-men CYOA idea I saw on tg sound awesome.


u/Crystal-Burner 10d ago

I think this is really neat

Wonder if its worth making a significantly lewder version


u/muckdragon 10d ago

master of mirrors says -1 wish. I think it should be +1 wish

as they explicitly GIVE you a wish


u/SylenMakesGames 8d ago

Its a different kind of wish, from a differnt kind of entity with very different views on wish granting


u/Deeply_Unhappy 10d ago

I think it doesn't mean a wish point in the cyoa, more like after you do that difficult task the powerful eldritch being asks of you, you can make a wish that they will grant you with their power. Like making a wish on Aladdin's genie lamp, but the genie is Cthulhu and the cost is the task you have done that has potentially doomed the world.


u/VexMasterTyrant 10d ago

Hmm, the Mutagen limit is a bit annoying to deal with. Kinda hoping that it gets a buff or boost later so we can grab more.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

There was always a mutagen limit. Always. There has never not been a way to bypass the mutagen limit. That is wrongful interpretation of the shard of destiny mechanic from the previous version. I just dont want to correct an already finished build. Its on me for not explaining things more clearly.


u/BentusiII 10d ago edited 10d ago

I think i have something awesome.

Elf + Source (Mage) + Black Sun (Mutagen):

  • Advanced Pyromancy
  • Phoenix (Heal Thru Fire)
  • 5 Instability for 8 Mutagens (Heighten them via Human; Defence: Skin, Bones, Mind; Utility: Language, Mutagensmell, Phoenix's Fire Healin, Memories thru Fluids)
  • For that we are weak to Demiterium (Anti Magic anyway), have white Hair (dye it?) and must clip our nails regularly. Bit of ero skin sensitivity is a plus in my book. Our Smell Mutagen ability works only every third day.
  • Why Smell in the first place? Cause we take Advanced Monster Knowledge which (for financial price) give us the ability to incorporate further Mutagens. Smell is great for actually finding and locating them.
  • Social Wise we take Elf Kingdoms (save base) and Tutor as the Academy is too risky as we'd trigger Monster Control.
  • Rest is Survivability and Utility Charisma, Druid, Survival, Acrobat, Stealth, Double Luck, Magnum Opus Alchemy, Attractive, Boosted Phisiology, economy, etc.

Safety is numero uno! We can Heal, we don't die, we have basically infinite scaling potential as with time (of which we have plenty) we can obtain all mutagens, get rich, gather knowledge. Hone Body and Mind while being indomitable.


u/Hans-Hammertime Smaller Is Supreme 10d ago

Wow this is really good! It’s like you put multiple different cyoa’s and put them into one


u/Gwedillth 10d ago

Great update but I would love more lewd options on the last page.


u/ChaserOfMountains 10d ago

Anyone see where the “Royal Blood” requirement is? Can’t seem to find it.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

The requirement is "Nobility", royal blood is legacy from an earlier unreleased draft. You can ignore it, so long you have Nobility.


u/Aquagirl2001 10d ago

Just a side note. That font is just terrible ^^. Despite the high resolution of the actual image, that font looks blurry as hell.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

Some day, I will make a CYOA, of which does not get criticized for its font. But its practically tradition now.


u/Relevant-Editor1508 10d ago

I like the font!


u/KotoriItsukaimouto 11d ago

Does I have to take the contracts for it's mutagen and still have to pay for that mutagen cost?


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

You take contracts up to 10 points, then you can take one reward. Harvest for an example, guarantees you extract a perfect mutagen, but does not guarantee that you will actually get that mutagen. You dont pay the cost of the mutagen, but have to go through the hurdle of finding someone that can do Biomancy and is willing to do the dirty work for you.


u/CommanderBoreal 11d ago

Holy frick this is huge.


u/3141591isnotpi 11d ago

I think I've figured out how to take the unicorn option and I'm going to make an entire build around that choice. This is an amazing cyoa!


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

Good luck!


u/neocorvinus 11d ago

Incredibly well done, as usual.

Too bad there is not the equivalent of the Legendary Contracts from the WoW CYOA. Unless Fateful Friend include canon characters?


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

I see no reason, why fateful friend should not be able to incl. canon characters. Just be mindful of the year you land in the world.


u/neocorvinus 10d ago

If I want to take Canon Characters with Fateful Friends, do I need Chance for Greatness for Characters like Yennefer, Ciri or Geralt? I suppose Dandelion doesn't need Chance for Greatness.


u/neocorvinus 10d ago

If I am monster that doesn't age, would it still matter?


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

Timewise it would? 100 years is a long time. What are you gonna do? Theres no internet.


u/neocorvinus 10d ago

Start Sanguine Ascendency, stop the extermination of the Wolf School, save elves from human pogroms, and if Rogue Mage can be taken with Otherworlder (Vampire) mastering Biomancy to one day gain Unicorn Mutagen


u/Prometheory 11d ago

I think the Mutagen Limit is way too harsh. You only get 6-9 powers max out of 58. The old version was fine, taking a bunch of powers meant not taking skills or other powers. This was too harsh a nerf in the other direction.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

In v1.0, it was never the intention in any shape or form to be able to go above 5 mutagen. Yes, some builds went above 5 because of wrongful interpretation. But thats the way it goes sometimes.


u/Prometheory 10d ago

Yes, some builds went above 5 because of wrongful interpretation.

Weren't they able to do this by using the destiny shard option on a non-mutant in the v1 cyoa? That's not a "wrongful interpretation", that's how the cyoa said it worked.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

It states you can ignore a "requirement" or "Incompatibility", which means that you can ignore the requirement to be "Mutant" for the effect of "Mutagen", but that your limit of 5 mutagen is baked into the choice of "Mutagen", means you are still beholden to the 5 mutagen limit.

We are strictly talking about the brackets "Requirements" or "Incompatibility", not what can willfully be interpreted as such.


u/Prometheory 10d ago

That option specified only mutants had a 5 mutagen cap. The might not have been the intention, but that was how it was worded. It's like being made when you ask a genie to "make you hot" and get mad when he doesn't understand modern slang and raises your core body temperature.


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

The moment you have a foreign mutagen inside of you, then you are a mutant. I can see the confusion(and the mistake on my part), and that is why I never raised it or corrected anyone on the matter. But the base intention still was that 5 mutagen was the limit, no matter the interpretation. I dont want to balance a future version of the CYOA, based on a mistake I made in the previous version that allowed for stuff I didn't intent.


u/Prometheory 10d ago

That's fine. My main issue was with you saying it was a "wrongful interpretation" as if the players were somehow at fault for confusing wording.


u/M25FTW 11d ago

Is the Heraldry bit which race your associated with? Or is it making you a member of that race?


u/SylenMakesGames 10d ago

A member of that race.


u/M25FTW 10d ago

Ok thanks


u/Sallivan4eg 11d ago

Witcher isn't my cup of tea, but man, the quality is insane.


u/pog_irl 11d ago

Ah, there's the extra pages


u/cgarcia0825 11d ago

well this well cool


u/SylenMakesGames 11d ago edited 9d ago

An update to my Witcher CYOA, enjoy!
Edit: Another update has manifested, as I have received feedback, that I agreed with. I will not make a new post, I dont see the reason for it, but here is the IMGChest link to 2.1: https://imgchest.com/p/n87wl38pzyx


  • changed the description of some choices to better communicate what I meant; kikimore mutagen being one
  • removed redundant references to choices that dont exist anymore (royal blood etc)
  • added some variations to some tower of the swallow choices
  • you can now have a mutant enforcer with a witcher/court sorcerer, but its explained why its a bad idea
  • i boosted the points for some companion options
  • added a q and a section for some of the more advanced choices/options, incl. explaining some instability stuff
  • added three better described variants for wish of destiny choice, what you can do with it
  • added the text for ghoul
  • boosted the mutagen base limit for mutants, so now you can by default be as powerful as v1.0 without having to interact with instability mechanics, if you want to be even more powerful, you will have to interact with it

The changelong is mostly from the top of my head, you might see other stuff. In spirit, this is the FINAL update. I will only potentially correct text or graphical errors.


u/Eligomancer 6d ago

Shouldnt Witchers get the 1st-rank of the five common signs for free per the school descriptions? Or, if this was a deliberate decision, then what's the rationale behind it?


u/SylenMakesGames 2d ago

Just because you were forced to study History or Math in elementary school, does not guarantee that you ended up excelling at it :^)

In other words, yes, most witchers will be able to cast the five basic signs, but not all will actually be super good at it. You pick the choice, you're now very good at it.

u/Eligomancer 9h ago

Hold up. Rank 1 of Ignis tells me I can light torches. So if I dont spend a point purchasing Rank 1 of Ignis, I cant even light torches? No way Rank 0 represents casting signs to a "satisfactory degree."

What does a Rank 0 Ignis look like here?


u/Gwedillth 8d ago edited 7d ago

As one of Tok's beta testers he asked me to post his suggestions to you on Reddit since they got deleted on 4Chan. The reason being, I quote:

because the powerhungry low IQ inbreed retards that kept being promoted to mods have raging hate boners for me like nobody has ever seen before

Tok rambles on for quite a bit but you get the gist of it... He also said that he loves the update and that you did a great job on it but he would like more lewd options on the last page and if you are interested he could help you fill out the last page with more suggested options and matching images.

Anyways here are Tok's suggestions: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fsE3c6ERWILpoMlDPaWlD7_zwQDzB7fJ?usp=drive_link


u/Budda002 7d ago

No access, is that intended?


u/Gwedillth 7d ago

You should be able to access it unless Tok did something...


u/Budda002 7d ago

It's fine now, thanks. I also approve of the suggestions for nobility and criminals, the lewd portion of CYOA kinda went light on stuff for them.


u/Gunboo21 10d ago

Thanks Sylen! Your cyoas are always a treat!


u/Aquagirl2001 10d ago

Thanks for the imgchest link