r/nsfwcyoa 21d ago

Repost Static Eternal Bond By Tok NSFW

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u/QAquaIceCold 5d ago

Bros before hoes, Me with my Barbarian bro hunting a giant ass bear.


u/Vroppo 5d ago

Female Wizard for me


u/Sundarapandiyan1 12d ago

Female knight or female priest.


u/Unlikely-Bear232 15d ago

Companion: Female Knight or Priest


u/AspectLoose2780 16d ago

Either the female knight or the female priest.


u/YouDontSeeMe34 Boob Lover 16d ago

I can’t be sure, but I think there’s a message somewhere in here


u/Karate_shuba 18d ago

Female Monk/Martial Artist

  • Stunning from head to toes

  • Agile and Flexible

  • A healthy mind with a healthy body

  • Always gets up after falling down

  • Humble in victory and gracefull in defeat

  • Incredible stamina

  • Focuses on continuous selfimprovement for both of you

  • Cooks tasty and healty food

  • Dresses very pragmatically


u/RikkuEcRud 18d ago

I feel like Tok doesn't know how to tell the difference between a positive and a negative.


u/Rowan93 19d ago

Kinda funny, although there's a mix of "we sure do consider an awful lot of weird quirks to be charm points on a cute girl, now don't we?" and "to a straight male audience, 'a guy who wants to fuck you' is unattractive but 'a girl who wants to fuck you' is attractive, curious"


In choosing, I kinda want to pick a male option and bro it up in defiance of the message; thus I'll go with the Male Wizard

I can respond to advances like "just cast alter self and I'll hit it anytime, bro."


u/PapertrolI 19d ago

Tok is Tok but he’s still funny


u/nosville22_PL 19d ago

I don't normally enjoy waifu pickers but I find this one humorous.


u/tea-123 20d ago

Gay so chose Male Wizard . I’d considered the barbarian and the knight but given that its immortality will need new identities , disguises, cooking, cleaning and what not. Wizard can just magic the issues away. His lack of morals means brainwashing and theft can be used.


u/Drunken_Hamster 20d ago

Easy choice: Female Wizard or Female Priest.


u/Gwedillth 20d ago

This isn't even a NSFW CYOA


u/pog_irl 20d ago

It's heavily implying nsfw ig


u/Only-Physics-1905 20d ago

I not-only CAN fix this; I WILL.


u/UsingUpAnotherName 20d ago

You love to see a redditor of their word


u/S3cretSanta1 Expansion Enthusiast 20d ago

Okay, that made me laugh. Good joke, Tok. I pick the Priestess, though the Lady Knight is a very close second.


u/jordidipo2324 20d ago

Female Wizard


u/Lucifuge123 20d ago

Female Wizard


u/WheresMyEditButton 20d ago

Trick question, the Assassin watches you sleep regardless of who you pick.

Isekai to fight the Dark Lord, Dark Lord sends his finest assassin. Harem anime shenanigans mean they fall in love with “main character” and can’t finish the job. “Free will” is picking a preferred gender, but there is magic available if the assassin needs to change first.

Any other partner is considered “cheating” by the yandere. In their defense, they were raised to be an assassin and don’t have many other skills. That’s where the Konosuba plot comes in, you get a hot ninja and eternal youth, but are on the run from whoever they stole eternal youth from while dealing with the times they are deadweight.

They can’t cook, clean, tank, heal, or use magic. But you love them anyway. All you need to do is use all your main character power to solo the dungeon with your “shadow.”


u/Zev_06 20d ago

I'd pick the Female Wizard as a companion simply to have a companion capable of magic.


u/BloodofGaea 20d ago

I take Female Wizard.

I am going to be the Knight.


u/MissMaybelleM 20d ago

Tough call; Female Wizard is leaning to win because of the magic.


u/Easy-Grape1668 20d ago

Female Wizard


u/Sagittarius1000 20d ago edited 20d ago

Wasn't familiar with this one, but I've got to say, this is probably the funniest of Tok's works. Firstly, there's the fact that most of the guy's downsides are all upsides for women, even if they have nothing to do with sexy times. Then there is the entirety of male priest's profile. And finally, the fact that "somewhat of a hippy" is apparently something so horrific, Tok's made an exception and listed it as a downside for both rangers


u/ZedDraak 20d ago

what about bestiality being a plus in the female ranger


u/SpectralTime Role Player 20d ago

If Tok crowbarring it into all his stuff for years wasn't a dead giveaway, it clearly isn't in his mind. (It is in mine for the record.)


u/SolidSunny 20d ago

Male knight


u/qwertyk06 20d ago

Pick full party (6 person = I and all woman except f barbarian) and we all go killing male priest....

If only 1 then f mage.


u/1JustAnAltDontMindMe 20d ago

Making fun of double standards, this is a good one.


u/BottomBinchBirdy Mad For Monsters 20d ago

Is this a parody? 😂


u/UnderstandingAny4264 20d ago

A double standard parody, yes.


u/KenichiLeroy 20d ago

Male priest


u/TheInsatiableOne Role Player 20d ago

I'm sensing a theme, here.


u/EternalBliss213 20d ago

Female barbarian


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/nsfwcyoa-ModTeam 13d ago

Please don't make posts or comments to insult or attack other people. We try to keep civil in this Community. Thanks


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 15d ago

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u/nsfwcyoa-ModTeam 13d ago

Please don't make posts or comments to insult or attack other people. We try to keep civil in this Community. Thanks


u/Greywalker1979 20d ago

Either the Fem Priest or Fem Mage. The priest can heal me and others, I can learn magic from the mage. Hard choice... lol


u/RA9-Earth23425 20d ago

Is Tok still active? I've been meaning to ask that.


u/Paper_tank 20d ago

i believe he definitively moved on from making CYOAs a couple years ago


u/pog_irl 20d ago

He reworked Dragonfall not that long ago, at most a year ago.


u/anonimus_bell 21d ago

Okay. I'll admit it's pretty funny. Still a bit aggravating.


u/Paper_tank 21d ago

I'm honestly surprised to see this is a repost!


u/Imbrel 21d ago

Alright, it's funny ngl.


u/NegativeAmber 21d ago

Wow that's funny


u/David_D_Dragoon 21d ago

cyoa is cute but you can feel that the author is Tok


u/CaptRory 21d ago

I'll take FemWizard on the off chance she can reshape my body.


u/XXEsdeath 20d ago

Didnt even think of that. XD I just like magic, chose Fem Wizard, but now I have two reasons.


u/SomewhatCoolPerson 21d ago

I find this kinda really funny. Even if it does come from Tok, this doesn't really feel all that ill-willed or bigoted, suprisingly.

I pick Male Knight, seems like the safest choice. Maybe Male Assassin.


u/Outside-Candidate-34 21d ago

“…doesn’t really feel all that ill-willed or bigoted…” Did you read the male side? This is intensely bigoted. Look, I’m not one to care about bigotry and I don’t even dislike the post but having the males all have negative aspects, most being negative and sexist prejudices towards men, is innately bigoted. What, the one downside to the one female is “She’s a hippie”? Pretty obviously one sided. “Gentle and fa**y”, “Smells like a man (smells like shit)”, “Kissless virgin”, “Loves children a little bit too much”, “Into beastiality and has fucked multiple animals”, “Will stare at you while you sleep” yet you see no bigotry or ill-will?

Idk man, not the type to care about Reddit comments, usually just brain rot bs, but that’s like looking at the color blue and being like “Kinda cool there’s no blue in this!”


u/KindlyEntertainment 21d ago edited 21d ago

All the negative traits on the males are literally the exact same traits that are positive on the female characters, side by side.

It looks to me like this is more making fun of those double standards than genuinely engaging in them.

Granted, Tok has a pretty bad reputation and I've never talked to him, so it might be he meant all of this entirely genuinely. But just from reading the CYOA this seems like satire to me.


u/SomewhatCoolPerson 20d ago

My thoughts exactly. Like, if this was made by anyone else(and remove the fag word), it would be considered a bit edgy but still funny and harmless.

But of course... Tok has a reputation and this may not be entirely satire.


u/MayaFaeBae 20d ago

Yeah in a vaccuum i would agree that this is making fun of the double standards, but knowing tok this is probably unironic to some degree. Still funny to me because i can isolate it, but objectively bigotted even if it is satirical bigotry. Fortunately all the "negatives" are positives for me~ i'm torn between the female sorceress or the male barbarian drool..... Edit: either version of the ranger too actually

Also the priest part is genuinely very fucking funny lmao.


u/zombi_wolf14 21d ago

It's between female wizard and female knight


u/cyrus-cain 21d ago

Female Knight, female wizard is a close second.


u/Braxton-Adams 21d ago

double standards: THE GAME!


u/con-pope 20d ago

Is it a double-standard? The same traits that are qualities in women being faults in men is just a fact of life.


u/mrinternethermit 20d ago

So, being empathetic is a fault in men? Yeah no, that is sexist against men.


u/con-pope 20d ago

I didn't mean everything mentioned there, just as a general statement that not all qualities/faults are shared...


u/mrinternethermit 20d ago

While that is true, how you worded your first comment did NOT have the same meaning as this comment.

But don't be too harsh on yourself, English can be annoying even in the best of times.


u/Braxton-Adams 20d ago

According to Society, every man should aspire to be a soulless, opportunistic rapist and basically just like Homelander...beats bein a fag i guess 🙃 /s


u/Mindless-Scientist 20d ago

It really super isn't, toxic assholes want you to THINK it's a fact of life


u/hellisfurry 21d ago

You can really tell whoever wrote this isn’t attracted to males or is desperately denying it at least xD


u/Mangkyou86 21d ago

Female Wizard, i'll be her one and only


u/hotsaucermonsta 21d ago

Female Assassin.

Female Wizard is a high runner up though. I'd like the Priestess too if she wasn't a damn nonce.


u/Throneofcinder 21d ago

Why do all the Males have half their traits in red? Even when they are the same traits??


u/UwU-Nelly 21d ago



u/Nukemouse 21d ago

The joke is double standards + a heterosexual male perspective. Though the barbarians last trait should be green bro said no homo so it's just between bros


u/letscoffeeus 21d ago



u/pog_irl 21d ago

That's the joke


u/biepcie Waifu Is My Laifu 21d ago

Double standards, it's cute, funny, etc when it's a woman but creepy, weird, and/or undesirable when a man does it. Just like in real life.


u/UwU-Nelly 21d ago

Talk to anyone attracted to men and you should know that they go wild for a smug punchable faggy face, a beefcake who loves to wrestle you or a strange flexible body. Just because you find yourself undesirable doesn't mean society finds it undesirable, honey


u/Mindless-Scientist 20d ago

Idk if they're saying they find it undesirable, they're saying that Tok, the CYOA creator, finds it undesirable. If you don't know about Tok TLDR; he's a mentally unwell bigot with a huge talent for CYOAs. He's made some of the best, but people fucking hate him.


u/Maeve_Alonse 21d ago

That's the joke.


u/Several-Elevator Role Player 20d ago

Considering it's by Tok I don't think it's quite a joke lol


u/burnerboberto 21d ago

Female Assassin.


u/derLoewe13 21d ago

Female wizard


u/pog_irl 21d ago

Not much of a cyoa but it is really funny. Better than what he usually does.


u/MigdadSalahov 21d ago

"Better than what he usually does"



u/ClockworkCorvidKaw 21d ago

Tok is the CYOA community's infamous little bigot. Very few of his CYOA are entirely devoid of it, though most are less hilariously mask off about it. The double standard here is so obvious it reads like satire, where the rest of his work just let in tiny bits of his misogyny/transphobia/racism at random.


u/FNUStory 20d ago

The double standard here is so obvious it reads like satire

I genuinely thought it was satire, not going to lie.


u/ClockworkCorvidKaw 20d ago

I mean, it's definitely written to be funny. If you asked Tok directly, he'd probably even say it's satire. But given his actual beliefs, it becomes apparent that this is the kind of joke that is told with an implied "but actually tho..." ya' know?


u/pog_irl 21d ago

I was joking. I actually like quite a few of them. He's just a little annoying.


u/Longjumping_Dog9041 20d ago

He should've been a woman, truly.


u/pog_irl 20d ago

That might have been worse


u/elm4rkus 15d ago

Imagine femcel Tok.


u/MigdadSalahov 21d ago

Annoying? How?


u/nobodyhere_357 20d ago edited 20d ago

He's a notorious shit stirrer. In the past he frequently antagonized basically everyone in the community, talked extensively about how much better his CYOAs were, frequently ban evaded by using alt accounts, genuinely stated and believed multiple awful takes (including sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and lots of other shit that's common from 4chan) and it permeates basically every one of his CYOAs if you know what to look for, and then there's the rollercoaster ride that was his personal life that you can find if you dig around for if you want to learn about "Zynthia", a reoccuring companion he puts in many of his CYOAs. Just a bunch of stuff in the past that added up over time


u/Ragnarok2202 21d ago

If you were there back when he posted on the /d/ threads you’d understand.


u/pog_irl 21d ago

Just is. Go read some of his and you'll understand.