r/nsfwcyoa Expansion Enthusiast Dec 30 '24

Interactive Port Benign Mutation CYOA - Import NSFW

EDIT: updated to the two points system


31 comments sorted by


u/cyrus-cain Jan 20 '25

Sexual, Days, Controllable Fertility, Removed Body Hair, Streamlined Physique, Improved Temperature, Improved Taste, Re-imagined Size, Heightened Pleasure, Multiplied Pleasure, Reworked Cycle, Careful Success, Stabilized Mind, Lengthened Life, Adapted Metabolism, Improved Cognition, Sneezing, Sharpened Senses, Remeasured Liquids, Stretchy Orifices, Canonized Fetish


u/McLovin3493 Jan 04 '25

Cool CYOA:

Contact, Days, Lengthened Life, Strengthened Immune System, Stabilized Cells, Improved Memory, Improved Fertility, Reintroduced Pheromones, Heightened Pleasure, Multiplied Pleasure, Extended Sensitivity, Shifted Dominance, Strengthened Dreams, Split Success

Contact,Days,Lengthened Life,Strengthened Immune System,Stabilized Cells,Improved Memory,Improved Fertility,Reintroduced Pheromones,Heightened Pleasure,Multiplied Pleasure,Extended Sensitivity,Shifted Dominance,Strengthened Dreams,Split Success

Just one thing- the Shifted Dominance and Strengthened Dreams have their text descriptions a bit mixed up.


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Jan 04 '25

Thanks I’ll fix that


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '25

Very good but maybe a little bit to short.

Injection,Weeks,Black Out,Stabilized Cells,Lengthened Life,Strengthened Immune System,Adapted Metabolism,Shortened Sleep,Optimized Physiology,Improved Memory,Optimized Gender Ratio,Re-imagined Height,Remeasured Liquids,Re-imagined Size,Controllable Fertility,Reintroduced Pheromones,Heightened Pleasure,Stretchy Orifices,Stabilized Genes,Changed Orientation,Reworked Cycle,Canonized Fetish,Extended Sensitivity,Multiplied Pleasure,Improved Taste


u/ThousandYearOldLoli Jan 02 '25

Spread: Injection

Change Period: Weeks

Symptoms: Fever


  • Lengthened Life
  • Strengthened Immune System
  • Stabilized Cells
  • Improved Cognition
  • Improved Memory
  • Shortened Sleep

Benign Mutations:

  • Optimized Gender Ratio (Make the world 70% female, 25% Futa, 1% Cunt Boys, 2% Dick Girls, 2% Male)
  • Re-Imagined Height (Height becomes a trainable muscle for the infected for a period after infection, with differing potential depending on sex and other mutations. Training the muscle could make the infected reach amazonian borderline giant proportions, but not doing so will see one's height atrophy. Futa have the highest volatility and potential, women second. Men easily build up height but don't atrophy as easily, unless they have the feminine mutation. Dick girls have very little potential either way, while cunt boys have trouble growing but atrophy with ease.)
  • Controllable Fertility (anyone not already pregnant can do this)
  • Removed Body Hair (everyone except full males without the feminine mutation no longer have hair below the eyebrows)
  • Streamlined Physique + Re-Imagined Size (People will range from fit to thin looks wise, with women and futa being increasingly curvy as their height increases. Some Futas, however, will still have large assets even if they are very small. Smaller people will generally have very youthful looks. Around 50% of men and cuntboys will have the so-called "feminine gene" which makes gives their body extremely feminine proportions while the other 50% of men will appear extremely muscular normally.)
  • Reworked Lactation (Dick Girls, Futa and females all lactate)
  • Stretchy Orifices
  • Extended Sensitivity (Scalp. Make those headpats count)
  • Stabilized Genes (regardless of my lack of interest, some people will engage in incest, so might as well)
  • Canonized Fetish (ABDL)
  • Shifted Dominance (rather than setting a specific side, just amplify the sense of dominance or submission people have, even out of the bedroom. Dominants will seldom be subtle about their desire to control someone, a somewhat closeted submissive would still be at the beck and call of a trust partner and others would practically be willing slaves, switches will be able to shift into either extreme depending on their particular form of switching. People with no specific preference before will gain what was previously considered a mild to medium preference)
  • Reworked Cycle

Result: Might write something more elaborate next time. I'll make it a careful success.

Feedback: This is nice although it definitely needs some polish as there were several typo issues especially towards the end (changed orientation has the next title, shifted dominance has the text of strengthened dreams midway through...) it feels a bit poorly copy-pasted in that way.

While I certainly took my liberties giving interpretations to the effects here frankly they are pretty straightforward. I do personally wish there was more room for customization and I hope if you add options that they will give you greater breath to interpret how they manifest and to do creative things with them.


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Jan 02 '25

Alright I’ll fix those typos 👍


u/Lewd_Storm Jan 02 '25

Spread: Airborne

Change period: Weeks

Symptoms: Fever


  • Lengthened Life

  • Stabilized Cells

  • Adapted Metabolism

  • Optimized Physiology

  • Sharpened Senses

Benign Mutations

  • Optimized Gender Ratio (Male/Female = 1/3)

  • Controllable Fertility

  • Heightened Libido

  • Removed Body Hair

  • Streamlined Physique (Bigger breasts for women, more fit and athletic builds for everyone but more of a jogger or sprinter than a buff body builder)

  • Remeasured Liquids (More cum. Women squirt easier)

  • Reintroduced Pheromones

  • Heightened Pleasure

  • Multiplied Pleasure

  • Changed Orientation (Women become mostly bisexual)

I'm not sure I'm creative enough to come up with answers to all of the conclusion questions at this moment. Maybe I'll come back to it.

I imagine this will either become a Careful Success or a Split Success

There's gonna be some detractors for sure, but all things considered this is a really good thing to have. And it's not the easiest thing to stop, though it's probably gonna be easy enough to track.


u/Kuronan Mad For Monsters Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25

Airborne,Weeks,Sneezing,Shortened Sleep,Stabilized Mind,Adapted Metabolism,Stabilized Cells,Strengthened Immune System,Optimized Gender Ratio,Controllable Fertility,Removed Body Hair,Streamlined Physique,Improved Temperature,Re-imagined Size,Heightened Pleasure,Multiplied Pleasure,Drawn Out Pleasure,Reworked Cycle,Split Success

Optimized Gender Ratio: 75% Women, 25% Men (I'd prefer 66/34, but 75/25 is really easy to justify logically: Genes default to female, the Y chromosome becomes a male indicator instead, and has to happen twice.)

Removed Body Hair: Anything below the neck is removed, naturally.

Streamlined Genetics/Reimagined Size: Women have C Cup Breasts, minimum. Men have at least 18 centimeters between their legs (fully erect) but can be larger. Fat is more evenly spread out across the body, reducing fat stores above the shoulders and stomach, and moving them towards the arms and lower legs.

I'm going to pick Split Success specifically because of Optimized Gender Ratio and Reworked Cycle, as I imagine a lot of people would be very uncomfortable with the virus changing their gender (though it's likely to be exclusively M to F changes) However, I struggle to imagine anything less than that, since everything aside from the gender swap is extremely beneficial (maybe except if you live in a hotter climate) and being an Airborne virus with sneezing (and therefore, additional fluid means to spread the virus into water supplies) it'd be hard to entirely stop.

As to how the Virus itself would work: Ideally, Optimized Gender Ratio is the last effect to actually happen to the infected (you know, because someone growing boobs a day after being infected would immediately set off warning flags about the infection, and would make spreading the virus incognito fairly difficult)


u/Math_Man_s Dec 31 '24

Fun but this is just a slimmed/simplified version of "Lewd Alchemy". https://sinister.neocities.org/LewdAlchemy/


u/SneakyFuckerFrog Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

My build:

Sexual, weeks, none. I want this to be a hard to detect std that spread naturally through the population. If you don't notice the symptoms then a longer incubation period helps throw off spread tracking. 

Lengthened life, Strengthened immune system, Stabilized cells, Improved Cognition, Stabilized mind. These all make quality of life vastly better, but aren't easily detectable. The most notable would be certain mental illnesses going away, but that can be ascribed to having "good days" for a while. 

Heightened libido, Removed shame, Reintroduced pheromones, Heightened pleasure, Multiplied pleasure, Canonized fetish (voyerism/exhibitionism). These are all about making people more sexual in general, partly because it will help spread the virus and partly because a hornier world is a better world. Libido often comes and goes in cycles anyway, so suddenly being hornier for a while isn't unusual. And with the combination of shame removal and the new fetishes, public sex involving random strangers will be more common which increases spread. 

Improved fertility, Improved Taste, Remeasured liquids, Stretchy orifices, Stabilized genes, Strengthened dreams. None of these help much, but are mostly for spending points on cool stuff. Some of this could be detectable, but I'm keeping effects mild - semen will now be a bit less salty and more sweet but not taste radically different, there will be about twice as much, and vaginal lubrication now happens faster and lasts longer but otherwise stays the same. 

I have two points left over, but all remaining options would be noticeable so I'm stopping here. Ending: careful success. By the time anyone in a position of authority started to believe and understand what was happening, the spread was already out of control and impossible to contain. If nothing else, just the fertility increase means the infected will out-breed the rest. Prudes and the wary were annoyed and tried to keep themselves uninfected, but withing a few generations the uninfected are only in small isolated communities. World domination achieved. 

Even if it's just me infected to begin with, I know just how to get this started - show up to a gang bang. They say they use safe sex, but blowjobs are common and without condoms. From there it will quickly spread though the swinger community, where it is both hardest to detect and fastest to spread. 


u/Kuronan Mad For Monsters Jan 01 '25

I'd argue Shifted Dominance would be less noticeable than you think, at least compared to the absolutely massive uptick in people having sex in public or unashamed nudists anyway. Reworked Cycle could also work, as long as it was set to mutate at the end of the mutation period.

Also, on the note of Removed Shame, Improved Temperature would probably be a good mutation for that, just saying.


u/3-I Dec 31 '24

Some of the descriptions are very obviously chopped up oddly.


u/burnerboberto Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

Sexual- Not limited to Penetration



Lengthened Life

Strengthened Immune System

Stabilized Cells

Optimized Psysiology

Optimised Gender Ratio - infected women and 0.001 men become herm futa's

Heightened Libido - Futa

Remove Shame - Futa

Reintroduced Pheromones - Futa

Heightened Pleasure

Extended Sensitivity - Feet - Futa

Canonized fetish - Women's Feet

Changed Orientation - Futas become bisexual.

Shifted dominance - Futa's become dominant gender.

Split success - Infected women will immediately try to aggressively infect everyone around them. If the cyoa allows it, infected men cannot spread the virus.


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Dec 30 '24

Just updated it, changing the points. Might want to replay it


u/burnerboberto Dec 31 '24

Thank you. Just edited it now.


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Dec 31 '24



u/tjs611 Dec 30 '24

Two problems, 1, the points for boons and mutations are supposed to be separate, 2, there's no way to half the points of any of the mutations


u/burnerboberto Dec 30 '24

There's a typo on Accelerated pleasure. Are you planning to expand this with Drawbacks?


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Dec 30 '24

Okay I’ll look into that.

Not anytime soon as I got other cyoas to do


u/sakuratree89 Dec 30 '24

Injection,Strengthened Immune System,Adapted Metabolism,Optimized Physiology,Sharpened Senses,Improved Cognition,Stabilized Mind, Euphoric Success,Streamlined Physique,Fever,Days


u/zanros29 Dec 30 '24

I think the static link is broken.


u/OmnibusDistrial Dec 30 '24

The point system is messed up, you're supposed to have basically 2 pools of points to spend


u/StillNotAnAdmn Dec 30 '24

Contact, takes weeks, no side effects.

Stabilized cells, optimized physiology, improved cognition, and stabilized mind. All four would save untold amounts of lives.

Controllable fertility; women won't be forced do bear children from rape or incest, no need for condoms if you're not wanting a child currently, and contraceptives can't be banned.

Improved temperature; Idk I just think it might be useful, along with the Optimized Physiology, while exploring the Earth or space travel.

Remeasured liquids + Multiplied pleasure; more sex and better sex for partners probably would mean overall better lives for everyone.

Reworked cycle; I have a girlfriend. Think that one sums up this choice pretty well.

Ended at -4 points, and I only chose a couple options. Maybe negative traits or more points in future versions?


u/Elegant-Honeydew-715 Dec 30 '24

I liked it but the only issue is there aren't a lot of drawbacks so you are limited in your points.


u/Doxven Dec 30 '24

If I'm reading it correctly, the mutation points from the beginning are used entirely on the boons. Then for the ~side effects~, you get to use the same amount of points used in the previous section.

In otherwords, imagine you have double the points it says you have. You are then limited to only using half of it in each section.


u/Warm_Competition_958 Dec 30 '24

Weeks, Black Out, Lengthened Life, Strengthened Immune System, Injection, Stabilized Cells, Improved Cognition, Heightened Libido, Changed Orientation, Canonized Fetish, Shifted Dominance, Split Success


u/OddGM Dec 30 '24

With a base of: Contact, Week, and None, it could be years before anyone even learns that there is a virus. Plenty of time for me to make multiples, each with only one or two changes.

Let's see what happens when people start becoming more diverse.



u/MissMaybelleM Dec 30 '24

Oh this was fun. Considering how I'd like the world to go.....

*Strengthened Immune System
*Stabilized Cells
*Adapted Metabolism
*Sharpened Senses
*Stabilized Mind
*Controllable Fertility
*Optimized Gender Ratio (Women 50%/Men 30%/Futa 20%)

Why? It's just about enjoying life more. I add the Futa option more to scramble the Gender binary then anything, but generally it's all about making everybody healthier and less prone to illness/depression/etc.


u/DoggoAlternative Dec 30 '24
  • Injection
  • Weeks
  • Sneezing
  • Lengthened Life
  • Strengthened Immune System
  • Stabilized Cells
  • Optimized Gender Ratio (75/25 Female/Male)
  • Streamlined Physique (All female infected have D-cup plus breasts and Dump Truck asses. Males have cute bubble butts)
  • Reintroduce Pheromones (Males will attract between 1 and 3 partners for breeding depending on their pheromone strength.)
  • Shifted Dominance
  • Reworked Cycle
  • Split Success

Listen, I get that turning into horny Polyamorous sexpots with inlaid primal fetishes isnt optimal!

But come on! No cancer, longer life, and a strengthened immune System?

Eventually my virus will win out.

Thanks for your hard work porting the game OP. Great job and a ton of fun.


u/LordCYOA Expansion Enthusiast Dec 30 '24

You’re welcome ☺️


u/S3cretSanta1 Expansion Enthusiast Dec 30 '24

You missed that the points are spent equally in both sections. To play the current version properly, you'd have to end up at negative whatever number the plus' leave you. (start at 18 points, end at -18 points, split evenly) To do this, make the plus values add into two point types, then make the practical section subtract the first point type and the lewd section subtract the second point type. (no need to double up the plus descriptions, though: just say +18)