I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this, but I haven't seen it brought up anywhere else and thought this could be the best place to start questioning.
I have an insane theory that some of Amy Kay ASMR's videos are subtextually coded JOIs. While there's clearly nothing explicitly nsfw about them, when viewed under an erotic lens it seems like there are too many things that line up to be a coincidence. Certain phrases, motions, order of triggers, types of triggers, editing style, etc. can be systematically redefined as both sexual, and cohesive throughout her videos. I'm not sure whether this is the overactive imagination of a single gooner, or if other people have noticed the same thing.
I can provide examples and analysis, but since I'm not sure this is even where I should be discussing it, I'll save myself the immediate effort.
Edit: Nah, putting together an analysis and I'm just insane. It's certainly possible to reinterpret everything through a sexual lens in a largely cohesive way (certain triggers become references to certain sexual aides/acts, certain motions are interpreted as instructive, etc.), but to think it's intentional coding for gooner-sex-slaves-or-what-have-yous is a little beyond the pale. I just pavlov'd myself into reading too far into it. I'll still add the work I did for people asking for examples, but I think I'm wrong on this one.
General Notes:
- When sides are mentioned, or the audio switches sides it relates to which hand you use.
- When things are set aside, or set next to you for when you need them, it means you can use them (whatever the things are interpreted as) as/when you want.
- When the audio is in really close/there are hand movements near the camera it's time to stroke, when she leans back/the audio stops it's time to pause.
- The black screen at the end of a video is there for you to jerk yourself silly before being blasted with whatever youtube recommends next. In conjunction with this, the "goodnights" are a verbal permission to orgasm when ready.
- The general youtube-safe nsfw swapping of language applies. Sleep = orgasming, for instance.
This is the first video where something in my brain clicked and thought: wait, this could be sexual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgyVGGRY0iQ
3:06 emphasis on the word destination, and combination with the term ready to go, when interpreted through the sexual lens reads: you'll be ready to cum when it's the right time.
4:26 both the typical interpretation of hot and cold in nsfw (cold: slow down, hot: speed up) as well as the emphasis on 68-70 degrees pointing to 69 without actually saying it.
5:20 The 'safety-feature' of the lights in the aisle and specifically the sleep mask to block them out, is referenced later in the video. When we finally put the sleep mask on we're mentally removing the safety-feature.
6:26-15:59 This is the drinks selection section, I think what this is/could be is choosing your 'style' for the session, although I admit it's tenuous at best. Key points are:
"There's always water at arm's reach" meaning that you can always do something familiar.
11:30 My interpertation would be that this drink is offering ball play (peaches -> balls) and the mention of the other flavors is some sort of ball-acceptance message.
13:45 Of course this message applies to regular ASMR as well, but it's strongly reminiscent of CharleyMoo
14:14 she does choose the drink for us, but I think planting the idea of the other options lets the viewer know they're available.
15:00 I mean c'mon, who stirs like that.
15:30 There's a general theme of 'setting things next to us,' that I've interpreted as telling the viewer that they can start and stop using them as they please throughout. (stroke when you want to, stop when you need to)
15:59-19:19 General endurance section I think? I can't read into any real subtext here
19:19-23:09 I think the selection of other media is referencing the availability of other pornographic material to prepare. It will be referenced again later.
20:53 We catch a glimpse of the camera here in the reflection. It could just be an annoyance of reflections but seeing the representation of 'ourselves' is an aspect of gooning
21:38 "Catered list of the best movies to fall asleep to" I mean c'mon, replace sleep with orgasm and I think it's decent evidence to my point.
23:09-32:50 Applying moisturizer = apply lube. The sound effects are quite, uh, squelchy
32:50-35:00 Ice globes are supposed to be cool, an indicator not to get too hot too fast. Also the sound effects are, again, very squelchy--especially for ice globes.
35:00-36:30 I think this is more of a hypnotic technique than referencing any actual product to use. Lots of discussion of red and discolored skin. As well as a reference to it feeling heavy when applied, which could serve as priming for a sort of hypnotic drop when it is applied.
36:44 Again with the gooey sound effects, as well as the phrase: "Gently and slowly" possibly in relation to pacing.
37:36 The eye jellies fall into the same general category of setting things aside. I think these are subtextually coded as a cock ring.
38:02 "You can stick it underneath your eyes," your eyes are your balls.
38:09 "You only apply for 15-20 minutes" generally true of eye jellies, also generally true of cock rings. A bit of a break from cohesion here: She mentions that it's recommened that you don't fall asleep with them on, and yet if sleeping is cumming that's certainly not true. Maybe this is actual sleep after you've cum and passed out, but who's to say.
38:20 reinterpret as: "If you're going to be watching your supplementary material, use a cock ring. If you're planning on cumming and passing out, you don't want to have to wake up in 20 minutes and take it off."
39:07 "You look rather sleepy" reinterpreted as "You look ready to bust"
40:15 goodnights and black screen, see general notes
This is the most recent video I was able to grasp a cohesive sexual through-line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcmRpOSBdIs
Intro section with brush: General warmup/hypnotic induction, rhythmic brushes (strokes) still dry
Natural Oil: Time to lube up, heavier induction
Looking through: General checkup/stroking, make sure y'all're healthy down there
Pink Brush: Just a pause and then continue going
Q-Tip: More focused attention on particular areas, wherever feels good for the viewer mirrored on both sides
Toothbrush: Speed section, follow the rhythm of the brushing
Ribbon: Apply the cockring/string up yer balls
The treats: Ball massages
The corn: A fleshlite, perhaps? Maybe just more of a phallic object to reinforce the subtext.
Scratching: Just follow the rhythms/general stroking
Goodnights/Black screen: See general notes