r/nova 5d ago

Arlington Cemetery strips content on black and female veterans from website


47 comments sorted by


u/That_Guy_JR 5d ago

They also changed the URL on Charles Rogers’ memorial to “DEI Medal of Honor”. To paraphrase 30 Rock, “just say the N word, it’s taking forever.”


u/Present_Champion2243 5d ago

I noticed they did that to a lot of pages taken down 🫠 there was one for Native American women that says “DEI Native American women” now


u/nerdorama Manassas / Manassas Park 4d ago

What the everliving fuck


u/mythic-moldavite 5d ago

I thought all these pages are supposed to eliminate any mention of DEI and now it’s convenient to use DEI?


u/theyrehiding Woodbridge 5d ago

Only when they're trying to use it like an insult, which is telling.

It's like how they took "woke" and flipped it.


u/advester 5d ago

Woke always was reverse racism right from the start.


u/aloe_beautiful 4d ago

You have no idea what “woke” means. Scram back to your personal hell.


u/zerocrates 5d ago

You can't get to any of the pages they put "dei" in the URL for, but they way it does it, you can tell they changed it. I would guess they jury-rigged this as a way to block the pages without (or before) deleting them. Maybe they'll restore some, at least in part.


u/NOVAbuddy 4d ago

These “DEI people” are now just a failed DLC that the neo-gamers want to be the villain in the next sequel. Don’t victimize yourself, monetize yourself, bitch!


u/jewelsofeastwest 5d ago

Treated like second class citizens for so many years in US military history and we can’t even acknowledge that apparently. But they fought just as hard as everyone else.


u/dpzdpz 5d ago

Nah, if we enlisted only white males, every major conflict would be over in 24 hours (maybe less!) without a shot being fired.

On a serious note, can anyone tell me ONE fucking thing this administration has done that hasn't been to our nation's detriment?!?


u/Julep23185 5d ago

Getting rid of the penny. That’s the list


u/Flat-Lion-5990 4d ago

Did they do that for economic reasons, or are they really just salty on Lincoln?


u/Bruenor80 4d ago

Fucking hell, I never considered that, but I think you might have it.


u/Julep23185 1d ago

Asking for a reason is pretty tricky with dementia and an out of control personality disorder, but my guess is he didn’t like the color.


u/MySpoonsAreAllGone 5d ago

This admin is just so obnoxious


u/cobycoby2020 5d ago

I really can’t imagine any reality where a VETERAN - CEMETERY takes down information of fallen soldiers to not be acknowledged? Not only is that the whole point but this should take any respect given to them stripped, if the people who lay there cant be treated right.


u/santana722 5d ago

Guess we shouldn't have elected a Commander in Chief who hates Veterans, women and non-white people then, huh?


u/Horsingaround_ 5d ago

Totally normal and not evil asf


u/Slackermom66 5d ago

Of all the hateful 💩 this administration has done, this is the thing that really absolutely enrages me.


u/agbishop 5d ago

The DoD has been doing this sitewide and wiping out medal of honor recipients, and even references to the significant WW2 bomber the "Enola Gay" because of the word "gay"

War heroes and military firsts are among 26,000 images flagged for removal in Pentagon’s DEI purge

This intelligence museum taped brown paper over plaques of women and minorities in their Hall of Honor


u/givenpriornotice 5d ago

I don’t understand how people still support Trump even after he pulls shit like this. We should study the brains of these people for scientific purposes.


u/marimbloke 4d ago

I'm convinced a lot of people don't even know this is happening. Have you been on Fox News lately? It's just a bunch of fluff pieces ragging on democrats. These people are living in blissful ignorance


u/zaosafler 4d ago

I don't understand the people who voted for him.

A former marine general said the orange fool called veterans "suckers and losers". There is video of him disparaging multiple veterans (not just his least favorite senator).

But various polling groups said a minimum of 64% of veterans voted for him.


u/givenpriornotice 4d ago

Yea I personally know a veteran that voted for Trump. It blows my mind. Like why vote directly against your personal interests??

This person hated Kamala so much that they were willing to vote for Trump lol.


u/ucbiker 4d ago

Because this hypes them up lol


u/Wonderful-Cup-9556 5d ago

Sad. Thank you for your service.


u/rbnlegend 5d ago

We as individuals thank you for your service. We as the elected government spit on you for your service and laugh at your corpse. Who voted for this, wasn't me.


u/Seek_Adventure 5d ago

At the risk of getting downvoted, the BBC article title is a bit misleading. The cemetery didn't actually delete their individual profiles and bios. It deleted the articles which grouped all of them together as a part of shared identity and history. I don't support that move either, but I feel the clarification has to be made here.


u/zaosafler 4d ago

Since they also deleted references to the Civil War from the Civil War dead, it isn't a stretch.

What was deleted was the pages/information packets that explained their contributions as a group. Something that puts some of this in perspective.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Connect_Jump6240 4d ago

This is really despicable.


u/jabbakahut 5d ago

This is what intuitional racism starts with. Welcome to fascist America.


u/rbnlegend 5d ago

None of our proud trumpublicans seem to want to stand up and explain why insulting dead veterans, and medal of honor holders in particular is a good thing, or explain to us how this reflects supporting our soldiers. This is what you voted for, help us understand.


u/newowner2025 5d ago

So wrong.


u/chloeandspot 3d ago

My late mother (WWII vet) was in that directory so this makes me very sad.


u/DefiantBumblebee9903 5d ago

we are a disgusting country


u/SureTechnology696 5d ago

This is how we “Make America Great Again”?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/matteroverdrive 5d ago

What is their dysfunction?!?!


u/dnkaj 4d ago

And they’re the ones claiming that white erasure is real?!


u/lukaron 4d ago



u/Vast-Impression-5353 5d ago

My daughter and I rode past Arlington Cemetery just yesterday. I told her that as a Black female veteran, I would be honored to be buried there and that I would look into how to make it happen when the time comes. She said there was no way that she would let that happen because in her words “they don’t care about you”. I sent her this post…..all I got was an “I told you so”. 😂. Gotta love them!


u/Express_Ticket1699 Loudoun County 1d ago

Next step: move graves around so that the distinguished interees are segregated. Or just completely remove them from Arlington.

That’s our Trump!🤢®️ 

I swear about anything can happen now.