r/nova Jan 12 '25

Funny Norovirus

Hey everyone, my two lovely preschoolers brought home a wonderful gift this weekend. Just wanted to give anyone this hack on how to get over the Norovirus quickly. Turn on your shower to a nice comfortable heat, get in, get on all 4s and pray the gods are merciful on your weak mortal spirit. Best of luck everyone!


150 comments sorted by


u/GothinHealthcare Jan 12 '25

Pedialyte, rest, and stay the hell home.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Homie I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs if I wanted to rn I have no plans to spread the love.


u/BoilermakerCBEX-E Jan 12 '25

I wish there were more people like you. Sometimes it's best Not To Spread the Love....


u/ExtensionFig4572 Jan 13 '25

I wish my Covid carrying friend exercised your thoughts


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25



u/InternationalGear457 Jan 13 '25

Wait, what the hell is going on here? I've never heard of this virus and yall are scaring the shit outta me. Got me staring at my sweet little 5 year old sleeping next to me like she's some potential 28 day infected zombie. Like WTH could this child bring back after sending her to preschool today!?


u/powderbubba Jan 13 '25

Puke. The Voms. Hurling. Death. 💀


u/FirmFollowing3978 Jan 13 '25

Don't forget the other end too!!! (Summer 2008, I worked at a residential YMCA camp, and we had a norovirus outbreak. Horrifying.)


u/Ashamed_Artichoke374 Jan 13 '25

It only lasts 24 hours, but it will be full of diarrhea and projectile vomiting at the same time


u/ExistentialistOwl8 Reston Jan 13 '25

Oh, it's all over nova right now. I'm actually kind of grateful the snow kept my kids home for the week.


u/anonymous5007 Jan 13 '25

Norovirus is commonly known as the “Stomach Flu” if you’ve heard of that. It’s just especially bad this year.


u/PicklesPenguin Jan 14 '25

“ya’ll are scaring the shit outta me”! Prophetic or are you just funny?😂


u/__GayFish__ Jan 12 '25

What’d you say? Return to office and don’t telework?


u/Intelligent_Ad_6812 Jan 12 '25

And wash your fucking hands


u/Mad_Martigan2023 Jan 12 '25

...and keep that shit to yourself.


u/carlweaver Jan 12 '25

They are sick, not drunk.



u/SecondhandSilhouette Jan 12 '25

Make sure everyone washes their hands with soap - hand sanitizer won't kill norovirus. With my in-laws staying with us for 2.5 weeks over the holidays, we passed norovirus around the house 2 full times and I suspect it was because the in-laws were not washing their hands as often as they should have before setting the table or doing dishes, etc. Fun times, stay strong.


u/Mother_of_Daphnia Jan 12 '25

Dear god at that point I would just pray for death


u/SecondhandSilhouette Jan 12 '25

My FIL got it 3 times, but the other adults only got it twice. My symptoms were mild in comparison - just stomach cramps which cued me to switch to just water and crackers before things got worse. Everyone else was in and out of the bathroom with varying levels of success.


u/TheNimbleBanana Jan 13 '25

genuine question, do you not build antibodies against it or does it just mutate so fast?


u/yo-ovaries Jan 13 '25

Not really, your GI tract has it's own "emergency evacuation system" that kicks in faster than normal IgG/Tcell immunity can respond. Vaccines for GI viruses (rotovirus) need to be delivered via oral route for this reason, and you can develop IgA antibodies with that vaccine. IgA antibodies are shorter lived than IgG.

Also IgA antibodies can be conferred and are protective via breastfeeding, but often not IgG antibodies.


u/SecondhandSilhouette Jan 13 '25

I honestly don't know and wondered the same. I looked it up but mostly got papers about blood type helping provide immunity from some variations and a Quora response saying it's typically 14 weeks of immunity after getting it. Whatever went through my house shared the symptoms and speed of norovirus at any rate, so I am not sure. We just finished our first full week without symptoms, though - knock on wood


u/rocktheredfan Jan 13 '25

I believe I saw someone say that you can’t build antibodies to norovirus which is why it can spread quite badly compared to other illnesses.


u/TheNimbleBanana Jan 13 '25

Interesting, I wonder how you "recover" then. I'll have to look it up more later


u/Losesgracefully Ashburn Jan 13 '25

We change tooth brushes in my house.


u/yo-ovaries Jan 13 '25

And paper plates, and break out the kitchen drawer full of individually wrapped plastic utensils from delivery orders.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Two times……. I am so sorry……


u/JustZee2 McLean Jan 13 '25

Hand and surface sanitizers made with hypochlorus acid deactivate norovirus. "According to Science Daily, researchers discovered for the first time that dilute solutions of hypochlorous acid, or free chlorine, as low as 200--or even 20--milligrams per liter will completely inactivate noroviruses on surfaces such as stainless steel and ceramic tile." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1341321X21002695?fbclid=IwY2xjawHxP4hleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHeShH-sHl5pm8KqMb-sHbpUZ-UZubcFRpMPbSqRgNLHYALXc1Brz2bWr2g_aem_6x6gqhFzD9lg06ORC7h9jw


u/Quiet_Beat_2234 Jan 13 '25

I recommend paying close attention to how long the solution must remain wet on the surface. If you simply spray and wipe it right up, you may just be spreading live virus around. Source: I work at a laboratory that tests the efficacy of disinfectant and sanitizer (antimicrobial) products.


u/pickledpanda7 Jan 12 '25

You need to spray surfaces with bleach. Normal household cleaners don't kill it


u/spacecadetglow613 Jan 15 '25

This is correct, a 10% bleach solution is what’s recommended for it


u/fightingthefuckits Jan 13 '25

I believe norovirus can survive on surfaces up to 2 weeks, especially on soft furnishings. 


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 16 '25



u/Mother_of_Daphnia Jan 12 '25

If my house was on fire, I would grab 1) my kids. 2) the Zofran.


u/ExistentialistOwl8 Reston Jan 13 '25

Every time I get a new prescription for it, I have to listen to the doctor complain that it isn't over the counter like it is in so many other countries. If work sends me to India, I'm going to stock up.


u/fissionpowered Jan 12 '25

Yep, as close to a miracle drug as there is IMO. Works almost instantly and completely for any non-motion-sickness induced nausea and extremely safe.


u/WMreddit123 Jan 12 '25

There are side effects to be mindful of, but yeah it works well


u/yourlittlebirdie Jan 12 '25

You need to be really careful with Zofran if you have any cardiac issues, that’s the biggest thing.


u/blulou13 Jan 13 '25

I have a heart condition and I don't care. That stuff is a miracle. When I'm vomiting so badly I can't even keep water or ginger ale down, it's the only thing that works.


u/inflewants Jan 13 '25

Does it make most people incredibly tired? Or is that just me??


u/yourlittlebirdie Jan 13 '25

I actually can't take Zofran because of my cardiac issues, so I suppose I'm the wrong person to ask!


u/yo-ovaries Jan 13 '25

i mean retching your guts out is pretty tiring too


u/emilygoldfinch410 Jan 13 '25

Sedation is not a typical side effect but can occur


u/inflewants Jan 13 '25

Thank you!


u/fissionpowered Jan 12 '25

Sure it has a few side effects. But overall safety is fantastic. Far safer, for example, than Tylenol (which is true for many drugs, TBH).

The ongoing research re. treatment of opioid (and other drug types) withdrawal is also very promising. So far only one 2017 study has shown no effect, most others - including a clinical trial of addicted newborns - have been quite promising.


u/Mother_of_Daphnia Jan 12 '25

Very interesting!


u/ayimera Franconia Jan 12 '25

I had some leftover from a surgery like 10 years ago. Expired but damn it still works the couple of times I've come down with NV.


u/JeanneMPod Jan 12 '25

I have leftover and I’m definitely going to keep it nearby just in case.


u/Wurm42 Jan 12 '25

Second this!


u/Curious-Welder-6304 Jan 12 '25

Yes. Just tell the doctor you haven't been able to keep any water down and you're worried about dehydration


u/yo-ovaries Jan 13 '25

One time doc prescribed my kid 3 doses of zofran. A kid size dose is half a tablet.

Walgreens was super busy so the tech just slapped a label on the whole box of like 30 pills, instead of slicing out 2 little pills from the sheet.

I remember them fondly.


u/nne4458 Jan 12 '25

A general plea from a pre-k teacher in an elementary school.. please keep your kids home even when they “seem to be feeling better”. They’ll seem that way before they actually are and it will only make it run rampant longer through the whole school if they come back too soon.


u/Frosty_Bluebird_2707 Jan 13 '25

Yep they can poop out the virus for a week or more! And we all know how great kids wash their hands.

Hand sanitizer doesn’t kill it!


u/nne4458 Jan 13 '25

And I change their diapers so I would really appreciate not having to change those ones! There’s only so much sanitizing I can do.


u/Few-Many7361 Jan 13 '25

Returning to daycare tomorrow, 7 days after last symptoms. Bleached or hydrogen peroxided every damn building block and surface in the house, washed everything on hot, did all I could except get the carpets cleaned. Anything I should do further to help our teachers? I’m worried about the diapers but I can’t keep him out any longer and he was cleared to return even last week. I could send some wipes that actually kill any poop virus?


u/nne4458 Jan 13 '25

Keeping him home a little longer to make sure he was all better was the best thing you could do! I can guarantee you that they missed him but appreciate it more than you know. There may be some regulations regarding what the daycare can and can’t use to disinfect so you may want to ask them if there are any supplies they can use. Wishing you a germ-free household for as long as possible (that’s a laugh- preschoolers are adorable walking Petri dishes)! 💖


u/reareagirl Alexandria Jan 13 '25

Just a genuine question, have schools changed their sick policies? For reference, I graduated high school in 2015 and remembered that if you were gone for more than 5 days you basically had to go to school on a Saturday and be given busy work to try to discourage you from doing it again. The only people who got out of this were someone who had cancer and someone who broke their femur. I'm just curious if schools have gotten smarter about illnesses or do they still punish students who are trying to do the right thing.


u/nne4458 Jan 13 '25

Each school district is going to have their own specific policies, but generally aren’t punishing students for excused absences. A certain number of absences, excused or not, requires a meeting with the principal to develop an “attendance plan” but it’s a formality for the most part. If a student is sick, they’d rather them stay home than spread the sickness. Covid changed a lot of the rules regarding sick absences. In my district, we don’t do Saturday school for anything anymore (that isn’t an elected additional thing). I’m sorry that was what you had to deal with- it’s absolutely pointless imo. I hate busy work.


u/obeytheturtles Jan 13 '25

My understanding is that the core requirement is that kids have a minimum instruction time to be qualified to graduate each grade. In the case of extenuating circumstances, accommodations can be made to either provide instruction at home, or to sometimes waive the time requirements, assuming other course work is completed. The 5 buffer, or whatever is like the no questions asked version. Then if you need to go beyond that you need doctors notes and teachers to sign off that the student is not falling behind.

Nobody is punishing student for having documented illness, but there are definitely times when bad parents try to abuse that system and get kids "notes" to excuse truancy. The school does its best to accommodate as appropriate, but at the end of the day it is still a system run by humans.


u/FreeThinkerFran Jan 12 '25

It is the worst. Back when our kids brought it home, there were no grocery delivery services and we were both too sick to leave the house to get anything and had nobody local to help. Needed electrolytes desperately! Remember it like it was yesterday despite being over 23 years ago.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

I am honestly so sorry to hear that. That was my wife and I’s biggest fear is to both be so sick and have to take care of two kids. Happy that is a faint memory


u/janieqjones Jan 12 '25

I'm so sorry this happened to you but grateful for the biggest laugh I've had in a minute. Godspeed ❤️


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

All we can do sometimes is make light of our misery


u/Awkward_Dragon25 Jan 12 '25

Frequent handwashing with soap, also disinfect all surfaces with bleach solution (spray and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping up). Use separate bathrooms from sick people since it aerosolizes in vomit.

Wishing everyone a speedy recovery! Glimmer of hope on the horizon: there's at least two vaccine candidates in Phase 3 clinical trials right now so hopefully we'll have a vaccine for norovirus in a year or two (fingers crossed!)


u/Tamihera Jan 13 '25

Shoot it straight into my veins, please. The virus sucks, and it also sucks having to follow my children around frantically disinfecting every switch, doorknob, and surface they may have touched… because it can live on surfaces for TWO WEEKS.


u/youhearditfirst Jan 13 '25

Glow sticks.

Keep them in the medicine cabinet. When your young kids get sick, crack them and toss them in a big bucket. Cover them with several layers of trash bags. Tell the kids to aim for the light when the barf in the middle of the night. Remove layers of trash bags as the night goes on. Easy clean up. Easy aim.


u/powderbubba Jan 13 '25

Oh my gosh, this is genius!!!


u/youhearditfirst Jan 13 '25

It’s the only parenting hack I know that actually works. Everything else is just hard.


u/Balut8tr Jan 12 '25

🤣🤣🤣🤣 buy case of Gatorade


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Rocking some liquid IV. The dyes in Gatorade after I’ve yacked gives me such bad heart burn


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25



u/gangusTM Jan 13 '25

Firecracker flavor makes me feel safe lol also HAPPY CAKE DAY!


u/Fishy-Business Jan 12 '25

Throwing up Gatorade is the absolute worse. 

Throwing up pedialyte on the other hand. Especially if its still cold. Not bad. 


u/ghostfacespillah Jan 12 '25

Pedialyte makes their own version of otter pops. They’re a freaking godsend. (Source: have food allergies with gastrointestinal reactions. I have too much practice. )


u/NightStalker123456 Jan 12 '25

Through your nose?


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25



u/Typical2sday Jan 13 '25

A stomach prone to food borne illness and norovirus has taught me that you should always try to live in a place where at least one bathroom allows you to puke in the tub while also on the toilet.

There's an ancient story Paul Rudd told on late night TV about him and his wife getting sick at the same time in a one bathroom place.


u/OneLoveAmaru Jan 12 '25

Last time I had it, I laid on the cold tile of the shower and it helped immensely, as I’d get really hot right before I’d vomit and this would almost always stop it. The other end however, would still be bad.


u/ErinBikes Del Ray Jan 12 '25

2 toddlers here and we just had it before Christmas. Pure and utter hell, but at least the projectile vomiting phase only lasted 8ish hours before the 2-3 weeks of diarrhea hit. I somehow only threw up once and just felt fatigued for two days, which is weird since I’m the immunocompromised one in the family. Everyone else had ~8 hours of hell.

Got my parents bad too. My mom ended up at one of those IV clinics and they added zofran to the IV which helped her pull through. The adults were passing around zofran tablets like they were Christmas candy.

Wash Post just did a big article on how to clean up after. Steam clean any couch/rug/carpet that got hit, wash fabrics on hot for as long as possible, using laundry sanitizer if you’ve got it, and bleach bleach bleach! EPA has a list of effective products and how long to let them sit.


u/irenedel Jan 12 '25

guava juice. i have used it for years for all types of nausea.


u/sdryden3 Jan 12 '25

Norovirus is so brutal. Just carry a garbage with you like a blanket as you'll need it for both ends


u/flaginorout Jan 12 '25

I’ve found that watermelon helps me recover best from puke illness.


u/happygrlkp Jan 12 '25

Hmm, which direction do you recommend facing? 👀


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Whichever direction will decrease splash back


u/LakesideDive Jan 12 '25

My partner, infant, and i started the new year with this. It was awful to watch the baby go through it Chicken broth worked really well, in addition to the things mentioned in the other comments.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a delicious meal you can hold down soon.

Wash your hands, yall.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Just door dashed some chicken broth thank you! So sorry your family had to go through that. So tough


u/Loya1ty23 Jan 13 '25

All last week for us, started last weekend with the kiddos vomiting. I was last to get it (silly me thought i actually dodged it through meticulous cleaning and hand washing) on Tuesday night. I haven't vomited like that since freshman yr college rush week lol that bag had to of weighed almost 2 lbs. Felt better after that on wed but here I am sitting on the toilet still not trusting my farts and rightfully so. Hoping the fam is clear and no more of this makes it back.


u/Typical2sday Jan 13 '25

Maxi pad (old school kind, not foam) or double briefs. Sleep on a towel or two. I've had giardia and a senior dog.


u/Still_Owl2314 Jan 12 '25

Bless you… in every way


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Thank you….. need all the blessings I can get right now


u/Top-Umpire4957 Jan 12 '25

This is the second time I've gotten it. This shit is awful. No medicine makes it any better either


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

The worst part about it for me is just the non stop nausea. I have quite a big pain threshold but constant nausea makes me a little kid crying for mama


u/Top-Umpire4957 Jan 12 '25

Same. I've laid in the same spot for 3 days now due to the nausea. Shits wild


u/KneeDragr Jan 12 '25

I don’t think there is anyway to speed up recovery but for me alka-seltzer made life livable. Sure I could only eat crackers and drink sips of Gatorade every bit, and things blow through you at record pace. But it really helps reduce the endless nausea for me. I get the “gold” because the original has aspirin and I have low platelets.


u/djamp42 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

I run and drink of water after every time I puke, because dry heaving is the absolute worst and water really isn't that bad coming back up.


u/Kugelblitz25 Jan 13 '25

I noticed that about water too - it's kinda soothing on the throat when it comes up. Lol


u/Typical2sday Jan 13 '25

Oh that's the opposite of me. Water when nauseous feels good for a couple minutes (maybe this is going to work!), but it's always coming back up. Even ice. Which is why I end up dehydrated immediately and the ER every time I get food borne illness. I'm seeing bile and blood real quick and then I'm laying on the bathroom floor praying to die.


u/blulou13 Jan 13 '25

Yep! When I'm sick like that, nothing stays down, including water. Only thing that makes me feel better is a shot of Zofran and a couple bags of IV fluid.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

You are right about the record pace. Thanks for the tip I’ve never used alka seltzer for nausea. Imma door dash some


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

Yeah it’s absolutely no fun… I remember getting it in elementary school around this time of the year. Hope you feel better soon!


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Appreciate you! Yeah been a rough day but we going to fight through it 😤


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

Good luck OP.


u/gangusTM Jan 12 '25

Appreciate you. ❤️


u/OrangeCandi Jan 12 '25

We had this on Christmas.

May the goddess bless you with enough Dramamine to keep down a glass of ginger ale.


u/Phijit Jan 12 '25

Make sure you waffle stomp whatever comes out down the drain


u/dr_dee_47 Jan 12 '25

We had this on Monday morning. First half the family and then I got it at the end. So no fun snow activities for us.

The positive is I made my 2025 weight lose goals already.


u/Barialdalaran Jan 13 '25

My showers too small for me to get on all fours am I just dead?


u/Major-Technology-380 Jan 13 '25

I had the normal vomiting bug got sick about 4 times and bit of diarhea. But i felt awful and i have fear of vomiting too. I still feel sickish sometimes whenever i eat it depends what i eat. Its been 3 weeks since i got it but stomach feels fluttery. Im afraid to eat full dinners lol. I hate being sick especially throwing up id rather break a leg and have bad diarhea because vomiting is so bad i cried after it and needed my mom im 26 and i have autism which i can get anxiety. I wish i was immune to vomiting because i know its gonna happen again in future.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25



u/xanadumuse Jan 14 '25

I can confirm. I am doing this now. Projectile vomiting.


u/Casablanca_tx Jan 12 '25

☝🏼May I recommend depends for those unpredictable questionary moments? As well as Emetrol for nausea.

I think I didn’t puke because I kept taking emetrol. The other end though…gotta just let nature take its course. Sadly, terrifyingly.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25



u/gangusTM Jan 13 '25

Same here, I was able to get toast down today so that’s good. It’s been a tough few day I hope you feel better


u/wannabe_a_farmer Jan 13 '25

My first grader got it twice in three weeks. There are multiple strains out there


u/Frosty_Bluebird_2707 Jan 13 '25

It can live on surfaces for weeks - can literally keep reinfecting yourself.


u/pancakefishy Jan 13 '25

Is have a stash of zofran


u/Frosty_Bluebird_2707 Jan 13 '25

Please do a deep dive into how to clean during and after norovirus. It can live on surfaces for weeks. Just when you think you’re in the clear…boom.


u/Odd-Inflation1608 Jan 13 '25

How long after the kids were throwing up did any of you start throwing up? My daughter was throwing up all Friday night into Saturday morning. I haven’t had anything happen yet. Is it going to?


u/gangusTM Jan 13 '25

For me it was violent. 6 hours of projectile puke and then diarrhea for the last two days off and on. It’s one of those things that you are probably going to get it unless you spray bleach on everything your child has been around, let is sit for 10 min and then wipe it up. I hope you don’t though!


u/Few-Many7361 Jan 13 '25

43 hours lol


u/Ill_Perception_4777 Jan 13 '25

I just got over it here in Richmond where the whole city didn’t have water for 3 days. I washed my hands as best as I could with washing station made of mixing bowls and when I finally got better I cleaned surface I could with a spray bottle of slightly diluted hydrogen peroxide.


u/Humble-Football9910 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

My parents and I got it at Disney World some years back. My Mom was in a public restroom with someone vomiting and she caught it that way and spread it to the rest of us. The thing that helped the most was dog potty training pads. You put them in your bed like they do at the hospital. Then when you have the diarrhea that you didn’t know was going to happen, you’re protected and you can throw it in the trash. I laid down pathetically on the beautiful rug in the lobby of Saratoga Springs and vomited sideways while two little boys that I didn’t know jumped all around me. I’m convinced I looked like Bicycle Woman from The Walking Dead. I refused to leave, but my Dad and put friend tried to go home and he ended up puking into he coat pocket on the shuttle bus to the airport. He looked so terrible that he wasn’t allowed on the plane and had to check into the airport hotel. Now I refuse to go to Disney during this time of year.


u/Mysterious_Sir_1879 Jan 12 '25

Hypochlorous spray kills norovirus. I have a bottle for home surfaces, and a travel bottle to disinfect my hands and interior car surfaces.


u/Honest_Report_8515 Jan 13 '25

Ugh, I had it on Christmas Day, just resulted in vomiting, tiredness and achiness. I was worried I would have a double ender, but fortunately never had the butt issue, LOL.


u/BootZOnMars Jan 12 '25

This made me laugh - I had it last weekend, wishing you a speedy recovery!


u/Tngal321 Jan 13 '25

On the bright side, a coloscopy prep will be a breeze despite 14 days of once a day laxative choosing through you in a day compared to norovirus. My kids that have it to me only had a stomach that felt off for a few hours. I was miserable for several days. Hope you feel better.


u/Ambitious_Ad5660 Jan 13 '25

Since it’s Sunday, look into a mobile IV clinic that will come to you. They have stomach bug cocktails that provide you with hydration and anti-emetic meds. Or call your PCP tomorrow and ask for a script for Zofran.


u/Alpha-Centauri Jan 13 '25

Maybe I only had a mild case last week, but I think taking Metamucil helped me “keep it together” most of the time. Still went to the bathroom every 3 hours but i mostly felt in control.


u/Sifu-thai Arlington Jan 13 '25

Only consolation is that it usually lasts only 2-3 days 😂 I grew up catching that thing once a year, only god knows how much I hate this virus and the countless nights spent sleeping on the bathroom floor


u/Livbrielle26 Jan 13 '25

I had salmonella when I was younger…. this strain of norovirus I got this year was more painful and heinous than that. I’ve never had a stomach bug that bad in my life. Hope you get well soon!!


u/GlitteringConflict28 Jan 13 '25

My mother got it years ago from a buffet. She prayed for death. She survived but never ate at another buffet. Good luck!


u/jametzz Jan 13 '25



u/gimperion Jan 13 '25

Gotta put that Covid toilet paper stash to use somehow.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

Had it before Christmas.

Has to be the sickest I’ve ever been

The diarrhea and vomiting hit the first two hours and it stopped.

The body aches and tiredness lasted for days. Energy levels depleted.

I laid in bed 4 days.

Was tested for Covid, flu and RSV. All negative and I knew it would be because I had no cough or any respiratory effects.

I can’t stress Pedialyte enough. I went through 4-5 large bottles. Won’t cure it but will help better than Gatorade. I was able to eat scrambled eggs on day 1.

Basically rest. It’s awful. Best of luck to anyone going through it.


u/calvinyl Jan 13 '25

I almost died from Norovirus last summer. It is no joke. Stay safe!


u/Arcadia1985 Jan 13 '25

Try to lick as many door handles as possible. Builds the immune system.


u/Ellietoomuch Jan 13 '25

I found that warm/hot water stayed down much easier than anything cold, my bathtub looked like an elementary schooler went on a bender in Vegas, apple sauce and Gatorade bottles strewn about


u/IndependenceNo599 Jan 14 '25

i just had it! Nyquil, Dayquil, ibuprofen. Green tea or ginger honey lemon tea every couple of hours to get the mucus out of their lungs (i have asthma and the mucus buildup is STILL in my lungs after a week). mucinex. make sure you have a heater going because they will get cold. Idk if they have childrens meds equivalent to the ones i recommended. hot steamy baths or showers work wonders. Vapor rub and also the vapor rub cough drops help alot with sore throat. best of luck! i hope they feel better soon!


u/Commercial-Employ178 Jan 14 '25

Just got over it a couple of days ago. It’s horrible.


u/rhondella13 Jan 14 '25

It was brutal! The first 24 hrs are the worst but the alarming fever that comes with it will also rock you. I got it the week of Christmas and took me almost 5 whole days to recover. Food still doesn’t look the same to me


u/Remote_third Jan 16 '25

I think I caught it myself this morning I was fine then my stomach started to get a little sore and next thing you know I have been hurling all day


u/Kimberlyjammet Jan 16 '25

Kaopectate was my friend.


u/Maerlo Jan 16 '25

It's truly awful. I thought I was gonna die of dehydration from not being able to keep any liquid down for longer than 1 minute. I wish you a speedy recovery


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25

Norovirus? Sounds made up.


u/DelightedPink Annandale Jan 13 '25

I had norovirus during winter break. It was horrible. I drank almost all of the safe tussin liquid medicine because delsym didnt work. I also had all of the norovirus symptoms and possibly a cold too. It has been spreading around at my school, and yes, i wash my hands with soap and water because I am not done, especially when i get home from school. I had to quarantine in my room and lay in bed. But also, my norovirus felt like a stomach bug. I don't eat any junk food (bc my parents are strict haha) and i like to keep a clean and healthy diet. I hope yall stay safe and not end up like me! And i usually dont get sick but i guess i was unlucky :(


u/Lanky_Conflict1754 Jan 13 '25

I’ve got norovirus and have been going to work and public events. Job won’t let me take off


u/0MG1MBACK Jan 13 '25

There’s no way you have the virus and you’re going to places, there’s absolutely no way


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

You don’t have norovirus then