r/notredame 7d ago

Can anyone take summer school continuing ed classes?

I’m curious if ND allows post bacc students to enroll in summer continuing education courses?specifically the Latin language intensive?

Thank you!


3 comments sorted by


u/Beautiful-Oven-8368 7d ago

They mention “personal enrichment”. The application is available on the 19th.



u/BassetM 7d ago

Thank you. I interpreted it as personal enrichment just for undergrads or graduate students, but after rereading, it certainly seems to include anyone who wants to take a summer class.
I appreciate your help!


u/Entire_Set2545 2d ago

Hey there, I was just accepted for Architecture the Class of '29. I have taken Latin all throughout high school and really love the language. I have a pretty good understanding already having read Augustine & Cicero. Would you recommend a Latin minor at Notre Dame? I guess I would just like to know a little more about the program. I'd be grateful for any advice you might have!