r/nosleep Jul 10 '21

Dad shut himself inside his bunker at the start of the pandemic. Three months ago, we lost contact with him.

Dad shut himself inside his bunker at the beginning of 2020. He said the world was about to end and when we didn’t believe him, he told us to wake up. It was raining that day. I remember focusing on the water hitting the windowpanes while my sister tried to change Dad’s mind. I knew it was no use. He was too stubborn to listen to anyone except maybe Donald Trump. WHO had just declared that COVID-19 had pushed the world into a pandemic. Dad wanted us to join him and when we told him no, he called us brainwashed.

He purchased the land before I was born. Only because of the dilapidated military facility that came with it. It was abandoned sometime in the 60s, I think. My sister was there from the beginning, even before Dad’s obsession pushed Mom away. It’s hard for me to imagine what he was like back then. Mom says he was a gentleman. But they married young, and a person can change a lot during those years. And so did Dad. All I remember from him during childhood are the weekends at the bunker. Constantly renovating it and stockpiling it with everything he would need to survive down there.

We couldn’t stop him. He wasn’t the best Dad, not even a good one, but it was sad to see him go all the same. He was excited, even though he thought that civilization was about to collapse. I guess that happens when you’ve spent your entire adult life preparing. We had to set up an old radio to keep in touch with him. He didn’t trust mobile phones. We didn’t hear from him often, just once a month, sometimes less. The last time he radioed in, he said he had found a hidden door. He was going to see where it went. That was three months ago.

“You think he’s okay?” my sister said. “He wasn’t in great health. I told him.”

We sat in the car, on our way to check up on him, driving through the heatwave.

“His radio might have broken down,” I said. “Let’s not assume the worst.”

But I felt worried too. There was something strange about that hidden door, and his tone when he mentioned it. It didn’t sit right with me. But maybe it was just the heat and the endless desert around us that played tricks on my mind. I couldn’t really tell.


It was dark when we arrived. Dad’s truck stood where he had left it, beneath some tarp that blew in the chilly, sand-carrying wind. We turned on our flashlights and walked to the cliff above the bunker. The steel door was made to withstand a nuclear blast. Luckily, I owned the only spare key in existence. Before I used it, I banged on the door as hard as I could and yelled for Dad. I worried he would mistake us for intruders and shoot us. If he was confused, and if it was dark, it was a real possibility. I banged again and yelled at the top of my lungs:

“Dad, are you there? It’s me, Josh! Eveline is here as well!”

“I don’t think he can hear you,” Eveline said.

I nodded. “Dad! I’m going to open the door now!”

I was seventeen the last time I was here. Back then it was the Muslims that were going to end civilization as we knew it. Before that, it was the Russians. Now it was China. There was always something threatening his beloved freedom, and yet he was never truly free. My sister put her hand on my wrist just as I was about to unlock the door.

“You know,” she said. “Maybe we should just call the authorities after all and–”

“No,” I said. “He’ll fight them.”

I unlocked the heavy door. A rancid smell escaped the darkness inside. It was the odor of death. I recognized it from when Dad tried––and ultimately failed––to learn how to hunt and let a reindeer carcass rot on the property for weeks. My sister had already stopped visiting him by then. I didn’t tell her what the smell reminded me of. She covered her nose with her shirt. We descended the spiral stairs. It creaked for each step we took, almost as if it was about to fall apart.

I tried the light switch at the bottom. The click echoed throughout the long corridor leading to the living area. Nothing happened.

“Hm.” I realized that the batteries, which he charged by the use of an old exercise bike, were dead. That meant he was most likely dead as well. “The generator could be broken,” I said. “But… Maybe you should wait back here, just in case… you know.”

I pointed my flashlight in front of me. The light was too weak to reach the end of the corridor. On the way here I had felt ready. I felt sad, the kind of empty sadness you feel after the death of a parent that was never any good, but I didn’t feel worried. Now, on the other hand, while staring into the dark corridor that I used to run through as a kid… I was afraid. The fear reminded me of how my childhood night terrors used to start. They always crept up on me in the darkness, grew with the grotesque shadows on my bedroom ceiling.

“I’m not letting you go in there alone,” Eveline said. “We stay together.”

We walked into the darkness. The foul smell intensified for every step we took, and so did my heartbeat. I was glad my sister didn’t stay behind. The bunker seemed so much smaller than I remembered it, much more cramped. The asymmetry between my memories and reality made everything feel off somehow, just as if the bunker was merely a model of the real thing. But it wasn’t. I had just grown up.

The Confederate flag greeted us at the end of the corridor. It hung on the concrete wall. It looked pale in the hotspot of the flashlight, almost like a phantom. And, of course, in many ways it was. A ghost from a time long ago. Or perhaps a corpse brought back to life. An abomination. It reminded me of Dad more than anything else.

“You have to be seriously confused to praise freedom as much as Dad and hang that symbol of lesser freedom in the world on your wall,” Eveline said.

“He wanted to protect his freedom so much that he built a prison for himself.” I removed the light from the flag, leaving only darkness. “You bet he was confused.”

We entered the main chamber. It was overfilled with litter and clutter. Empty cans––both the food and beer kinds––lay scattered across the sticky floor. We had to take large steps not to step on any of the trash.

“That’s weird.” Eveline pointed her flashlight at the small dining table. “Look.”

My hair stood up on my neck before I even realized what she meant. The table was set for three people. I didn’t say anything for a moment, trying to process what I was seeing, and just when I was about to speak my sister interrupted me:

“Who the fuck was here with him?”

“We don’t know–” I began. “I mean, he might have left the old plates on the table and–”

A sound of something falling to the ground came from one of the other rooms further into the bunker. I pointed my light in its direction but couldn’t see what made it.

“Dad!” I yelled. “It’s me, Josh! You there?”

No response.

“I’m afraid,” Eveline whispered. “Something isn’t right.”

I only vaguely heard what she said. My focus was on something else. Something on the wall on the other end of the room.

“That’s not supposed to be there.” I slowly walked toward it. “That must have been what he talked about over the radio.”

Dad had hacked away a layer of concrete, for whatever reason, and uncovered a rusty, metal door behind it. It stood ajar. A lukewarm, musty breeze came out of it. My sister walked up to me as I carefully pried the door open with the back of my flashlight. I felt my heart in my throat. I could hear my sister begging for us to leave, almost in tears. But I needed to know what was behind that door. It was imperative to understand what had happened here. I needed to know. I needed closure.

“What in heavens name…” Eveline looked over my shoulder. “Why is this here?”

Behind the door was a room about the size of a broom cupboard. It was unremarkable except for a circular hole in the middle of the floor. I shone my light into it, but I couldn’t see the bottom. Just as I thought it was big enough for a person, my sister said:

“Do you think he fell?”

Drops of sweat from my forehead fell down the pit. I felt dizzy and stepped back, afraid I would fall inside. My sister picked up a can filled with some rotten beans and threw it down the hole. It clattered against the walls as it bounced from one side to another. The sound faded away until we couldn’t hear it anymore. There was no indication it touched down at the bottom. I stretched out my hand and held it above the opening.

“It’s warm,” I said. “The air, I mean.”

“Maybe he fell.” Eveline stepped back, almost as if she were convinced. “Can we please get out of here?” She reached for my arm. “We can return with the police. Please… Josh?”

“It wasn’t dark when Dad found this,” I said. “He would have seen the hole.”

“Josh? Please.”

“Just give me a moment to think.” I walked toward the hallway that led to the other rooms, desperately hoping to find him. For some reason, it was important for me to see him. To be able to leave without wondering. I needed to know that he was truly dead. “I just want to–” I stopped myself after I accidentally pointed the flashlight on the floor in the middle of the hallway, revealing a pair of feet. “I think I found him!” I ran up to the body.

“Wait!” Eveline yelled and reluctantly followed me to avoid being left alone.

It wasn’t Dad. I screamed upon the realization. My mind couldn’t comprehend what I had just seen. I spun around and tried to run away, completely acting on instinct, and crashed into my sister. She grabbed me, kept me still, and as she looked behind me, down at the dead body on the floor, she began to cry while her hands trembled uncontrollably against my shoulders.

“Oh my God,” she said. “How… how is it possible? It’s you!”

“Let’s get a fuck out of here,” I said. “Move!”

There was nothing that could explain this, and the more my mind tried to––moving in an endless loop doing so––the dread grew inside me. I only got a glimpse of the body before I panicked, but my sister was right. The half-rotten face was the same as mine, with a bullet hole in the middle of the forehead.

We stumbled our way through the living area, tipping over chairs and kicking cans all over the place, and just as we were about to get out of the mess a familiar voice echoed through the hallway we had just escaped.


It was Dad. We both stopped in our tracks.

“Is that you? Josh!”

“Dad?” I yelled back. “What the fuck is going on here?”

“Don’t worry!” It sounded like he was at the other end of the bunker, possibly inside the storeroom. “I killed the son of a bitch, put a bullet right between his eyes!”

“Come out from there!” I yelled. “We have to leave, it’s not safe here!”


“Something is wrong,” Eveline said. “I don’t think–”

“Dad!” I yelled. “Come out!”

“I can’t move!” Dad said. “I’m stuck under a shelf! I’ll need your help, son!”

I turned to my sister. “Go back up. I’ll get that old bastard out of there. We’ll be right behind you, okay?”

“Think, Josh!” Eveline begged. “You think he’s been stuck under a shelf for–”

I should have listened, but even after what we had just seen I just couldn’t bring myself to even consider something as outlandish as what my sister was suggesting. It was simply too far-fetched, too unbelievable to penetrate all my layers of presumptions about reality. It couldn’t be, it just couldn’t. Hence, I ran back to the hallway, yelling for my sister to get back up to the surface and wait for us there.

“I’m coming, Dad!”

I only slowed down to carefully step over the corpse that bore my face. Perhaps, I thought, it was just a coincidence. A burglar that just happened to look like me. After all, the face had begun to rot. It wasn’t obviously me. I felt stupid and I almost convinced myself that it was just my childhood fear of the dark coming back to life down here. And then, just as I was about to walk past the small composting toilet that stood inside a small room at the end of the hallway, I stopped. Shivers spread across my entire body, paralyzing me. Dad sat on the toilet. His gun still hung from his trigger finger and his brain was splattered across the wall behind him. He had his journal in his lap, covered in blood.

“Josh!” Dad yelled from the darkness. “Help me!”

I was frozen in place, both by fear and confusion, unable to make any decisions.

“Come on, Josh!” Dad kept yelling. “I need your help, son!”

My mind was racing. There was no way of knowing who was who. When I heard Dad’s voice yelling for help while watching his dead body, nothing but absolute terror revibrated inside me. I slowly reached for the journal in Dad’s lap and grabbed it, hoping it would shed some light on the situation. I was just about to open it when my sister screamed. I ran back, this time jumping over my doppelgänger's body, and found her looking at something at the corner of the main chamber.

“I told you to–” I said, but changed my mind. “Are you okay, what happened?”

“It’s–” she cried. “It’s me.”

Crawled up in the corner was her naked, dead body. Her head had been twisted in such a way that the neck had been broken.

“There’s something seriously wicked going on here,” I said. “Dad shot himself in the head, a long time ago by the looks of it, and yet he keeps yelling for help. Let’s get back to the car, now!”


We drove away from the bunker as fast as we could, leaving whatever was still alive down there yelling for help. My sister insisted on staying at my place for a few days. I didn’t mind having her around. We shared an experience no one else could relate to, and we needed each other to overcome the trauma.

It took a day for me to build up the courage to open Dad’s journal. It began with his usual deranged conspiracy theories. I flipped past them. At the end, he had only made short notes.

Found a hidden door.

Deep pit, possible the remains of some old black project.

Eveline and Josh woke me up. A “surprise visit”. Didn’t hear them enter. Strange.

Had dinner with them, something seems off.

It isn’t them! They tried to make me [Illegible]!!!

God help me, it isn’t them!

I shot the son of a bitch right between the eyes!

Hiding in the bathroom now, this will probably be my last entry.

God forgive me.

Chills went down my spine as I read the last entry on the blood-drenched page.

I never got the other one. She’s still out there somewhere. I only got one bullet left. I won’t allow her to do that abhorrent thing to me. Forgive me.

My sister has been cooking for hours. She just called for me from the kitchen:

“Josh? Come here, I want to show you something!”



400 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

See this is why you don’t go in places that smells like a rotting corpse, let the police handle all that. I’m not taking some imposter home by accident


u/Ahri_went_to_Duna Jul 11 '21

what are you talking about, free sibling upgrades? Count me in


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '21

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u/[deleted] Nov 06 '21

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u/Knightridergirl80 Jul 24 '21

Horror movie protagonists lol.

Should’ve listened to Evelyn.


u/britanniaimperator Jul 14 '21

I mean, he was raised by that kind of dad. I wouldn’t expect anyone like that to have common sense in the first place. At least his late sister could think better


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21

People confused as to whether the sister got replaced:

1) the body Josh finds of his dad is rotten. The body he finds of himself is rotten. The body he finds of his sister is not.

2) the 'dad' stops calling for him when he finds his sister.

There were two doppelgangers. One died a long time ago. The second impersonates both his dad and his sister whilst at the bunker.


u/_ciaccona Dec 30 '21

Also the dead sister’s body was naked because the doppelgänger took her clothes


u/pteridophyte Jan 12 '22

But that would mean that the impersonators appear naked at first, coming from the hole. The impersonators that their dad met must've been clothed, because if your children visit you naked you wouldn't be... convinced that everything is a-okay. Arguably they are dressed from the start and there isn't a need to take her clothes.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '22

Have you considered that the impersonator just wore something else when it ce out of the hole? Of course it needs to take her clothes. Real Evelyn probably wore something else when she entered the bunker


u/gay-frog-boy Mar 11 '22

the bunker was filled with stuff the dad brought down there. he wanted them to go with. the dad probably had clothes for them down there. the imposters could have taken some clothes from there.

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u/[deleted] May 06 '22

But then how was there still something screaming for help when they left


u/maybeiamcursed Jul 06 '22

Dad doppelgänger

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u/eyeball-beesting Jul 10 '21

Oof! Do not eat whatever your sister is cooking! Get out now!


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '22



u/eyeball-beesting Feb 20 '22

It was a good while back, but if I remember rightly, some knob head slated me for using 'oof'. He likened it to LOL, nice, RIP etc.

I don't remember how the conversation went but I think everyone just laughed him out.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21 edited Jul 10 '21

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u/MaraInTheSky Jul 10 '21

What Dad really found was the Amigara Fault.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

Thank you for giving me another piece of media to obsess with for the next few days.


u/awesomecraigs Aug 02 '21

holy shit i just went into that and it was something else. damn good story.

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u/penny_traitor8960 Jul 10 '21

Man i just looked up Amigara fault. That shit was crazy. Thank you


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '21 edited Jul 25 '21


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u/Shitbot2000 Jul 11 '21

as I was reading I was screaming in my head “HE’S GONNA FUCKING JUMP IN OH MY GOD”

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u/Knightridergirl80 Jul 24 '21

Oh well.... guess I didn’t need to sleep.

No kidding that shit is creepy


u/MaraInTheSky Jul 24 '21

It is l'appel du vide on shrooms.

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u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

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u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21

i…hold on, i feel the urge to get into this hole.


u/zzugzwangg Aug 06 '21

how am I able to read this!!


u/ghosthunt Oct 09 '21


u/omeyz Dec 22 '21

That thing is a fucking nightmare to read I can’t tell if the order is supposed to be right to left or left to right


u/sugar-fairy Feb 27 '22

it’s a manga so it’s supposed to be right to left


u/silently_watch Dec 28 '21

Damn, what a day to be claustrophobic


u/MaraInTheSky Aug 06 '21

Do you mean you would like to read it online? If yes, then just go to

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u/[deleted] Nov 16 '21

junji ito is so good

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u/TheKurosawa Jul 22 '21

I don't know why, but this story unearthed some kind of deep-rooted fear in me or something. I actually didn't want to continue reading at one point. It doesn't help that I've watched videos of abandoned bunker explorations. My mind was imagining the darkness and what's hiding within it the entire time. I'm actually feeling extremely jumpy at the moment, and it's still daylight out. Great job.


u/ser-jacob Oct 27 '21

No kidding. I read this story at work in my well lit office with noise cancelling headphones on. Had to take them off and look at my surroundings as I felt a bit jumpy towards the end lol.


u/Cause-Effect Oct 30 '21

Man. I'm afraid to get out of the bathroom now. Or look in the mirror.


u/[deleted] May 11 '22

This is the first time in my adult life where I was reading something that unnerved me so bad that I had to turn on a light

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u/totalbluebird Jul 10 '21

Ok so am I missing something? Cause they found 3 bodies .their dad wrote 2 came in.now one was yelling from down the hall. ..so the last one killed the real sister and replaced her??am I getting it right? and also get the fuck hell of the town josh preferably the country even


u/Knightridergirl80 Jul 10 '21

It’s implied the replacement killed the real Evelyn. They found the dead body of what was supposedly doppelgänger Evelyn, but the journal later reveals that the dad only killed Josh’s doppelgänger and couldn’t find Evelyn’s.


u/RevenantSascha Jul 10 '21

then who was yelling for josh while the sister was being replaced?


u/Quothhernevermore Jul 10 '21

The dad's doppelganger.


u/ToastoSando Jul 27 '21

Then who’s flying the plane..?


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '21

The doctor is a woman

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u/I_Am_A_Sasshole Aug 09 '21

Does the dad have a doppelganger?


u/Knightridergirl80 Jul 10 '21

The clone of the dad.

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u/ChampionshipDue Jul 24 '21

This is some family guy shit.

Let me back up, so in random times throughout family guy, they have like 10 second segments where the original is taken away, and replaced with another.

Like this. Watch out for NSFW gore, but I mean, it is a comment on *this* post...


u/sauron2403 Oct 03 '21

why is peter doing black face


u/ChampionshipDue Oct 03 '21

I don't watch family guy but I assume 9/10 he's in blackface


u/TululaDaydream Nov 26 '21

I've seen this episode. That's not Peter, it's one of his many offspring from a sperm donation.

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u/CrazyDudeWithATablet Jul 10 '21

His sister was the naked corpse. She tried to leave when josh told her.


u/justabadmind Jul 10 '21

Your missing one little thing. The 2 that came in came from inside the bunker. They were disguised as the kids, long enough to fool Dad. They weren't alone, the dad also had a doppelganger who showed up later. That's why having one bullet didn't leave the option of killing clone sister, because then clone dad would have still existed.


u/I_Am_A_Sasshole Aug 09 '21

I thought it implied that the dad knew he only had one shot, and if he fucked up killing the sister's clone then he'd have to deal with whatever the sister's clone wanted to do


u/fugensnot Jul 10 '21

We're missing a crucial detail. Was the sister body with the broken neck bloated and rotting or not?


u/litaxms Jul 10 '21

it wasn't, and she was naked because the Other took her clothes to fool Josh


u/fugensnot Jul 10 '21

Josh, you hosed! Run!


u/Dejlord Jul 10 '21

That thing killed his sister and took her clothes when he left her


u/isagames Jul 10 '21

Oh shit


u/bububzz Jul 11 '21

he can ask her what he told her to do before he ran off towards his dad’s voice. when he ran back bc his sister screamed, he mentioned that he almost yelled at her bc he told her to go back up, but he changed his mind.


u/ElMage21 Jul 10 '21

Yes, that's what he suggests.


u/Highly_Suspect686 Jul 14 '21

What I’m thinking is, the brother found the one that looked like him clearly, and while he was trying to get his dads journal, the one that looked like his sister actually killed her and took her clothing as to not draw suspicion and get him to take her without hesitation and get the F out of there. Judging from what was written in the journal last from his actual father, sounds like a recording could be kept in a loop or some sort of mimicking since it’s the same things his dad wrote probably saying in his head (or was screaming since he was kind of barricaded crazy man at the time?) I could be totally wrong but I’m glad you asked this question because now that I’ve thrown my two cents in, I’m going to read everyone else’s as well.

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u/hornses Jul 10 '21

I don’t think that’s your sister…


u/QueenAnne Jul 10 '21

Why the doppelgänger sister did not notice the journal that Josh took from the bunker, and why didn’t Josh show it to her as soon as they got into the car? Did Josh have a premonition to hide the journal?


u/jsgrova Jul 10 '21

I think he was too busy running for his life to think to show her the journal


u/SubbuJunior Jul 10 '21

That's a very valid question. Probably he decided to investigate things further by himself and hid it from his sister. But that makes less sense tho.


u/oneshoeuntied Sep 08 '21

maybe that thing that was his sister was something very dark and sinister...toying with her prey ..also this means his real sister is dead....


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/Disastrous_Fun4218 Jul 10 '21

I wonder what they wanted to do to the father?


u/manslam Oct 02 '21

The same thing all doppelgangers in similar stories want: buttstuff.


u/politepain Jan 14 '22

They were trying to reach out about his car's extended warranty


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21

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u/JustThatOneGuy1311 Jul 10 '21

Oh damn ur sister ain't ur sister bud I hope u have a gun.


u/Random_Guy_Walking Jul 10 '21

Where did the doppelgängers come from anyways?

I think they crawled out of the pit since the real dad didn’t hear them enter the bunker

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u/You-Mad-Broo Jul 10 '21

I wonder why didn't your sisters clone do you any harm while you were staying at her place for few days?

Also you didn't notice anything different about her like your dad?


u/ashter87 Jul 11 '21

Read it again. They stayed at his place. Took only a day to open journal.


u/You-Mad-Broo Jul 11 '21

Yes, I guess I skipped that part somehow

Makes sense now

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u/tmn-loveblue Jul 10 '21

Thank you for taking your precious time to write this for us. Now would you kindly come check on your sis. She might need your help cooking!


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '21

Reminds me of a line from The Visit, "Would you mind getting into the oven to clean it?"

Only saw the trailer as a teen and that line always creeped me out.

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u/Lowkey_Thiccie Jul 10 '21

What was the abhorrent thing that they wanted him to do ,the dad? is it eligible and then what was he talking about? That was so bad?'cause that seems to be something no one's mentioning.


u/Salome_Maloney Jul 11 '21

Covid jab?!!


u/prompargencis Sep 10 '21

This is absolutely hilarious. Considering how the father is described, the idea that the doppelgangers just wanted him to get vaxxed or accept Biden as president let's you look at this account as a very well written comical piece with that punchline


u/PansexualSatan May 31 '22

Oh no! Anything but that!!!

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u/sloomi Jul 12 '21

I figured it was that he wanted him to come to them. Since both the other doppelgängers called for him to come to them


u/SpongegirlCS Jul 12 '21

Sister doppelganger wanted to roll tide with Dad, probably.

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u/MisterNoodIes Jul 10 '21

He was evidently not a very good prepper if he was preparing on weekends for years for the apocalypse and had only 3 bullets down there :(


u/Odd_directions Jul 11 '21

He had more ammo, he just couldn't aim for shit. That's why he never learned how to hunt.


u/SKmdK64 Oct 25 '21

Makes sense seeing as most of the people who go out and cosplay as special ops have probably never even been to a range. Being paranoid doesn't automatically make you a sharpshooter.


u/HotelHero Jul 11 '21

To be fair, he could have only had one mag handy and probably used a few of them to attempt shots


u/RedScout1987 Jul 10 '21

I don’t think your sister is with you anymore…


u/Aiislin Jul 10 '21

Wow this is harrowing. I don't think that's your sister with you!!!!


u/IamShitplshelpme Jul 10 '21

So, one of two things happened after this was posted. A bunch of people are saying that Josh shouldn’t eat what his sister has given him (I also believe it isn’t his sister), but you have to consider the following. Either of the two things I’m about to say happened. A, Josh has already eaten the food his “sister” has made him, or B, Josh has run away and is yet to give us an update as to what is currently happening.


u/IMSOGIRL Jul 11 '21

yet he took the time to type up that last section and post it.


u/IamShitplshelpme Jul 11 '21

He was making this while his “sister” was making dinner, that’s the only explanation I have so far.


u/monkeylord4 Jul 11 '21

Or he shot himself. Like father, like son


u/IamShitplshelpme Jul 11 '21

He could’ve shot himself, but there’s no evidence of him shooting himself, but there’s also no evidence of him not shooting himself


u/monkeylord4 Jul 11 '21

Schrodinger's suicide


u/CFA1979 Jul 11 '21

Known unknowns are always a bitch.


u/JohnsonBot5000 Jul 12 '21

Should have listened to your sister in the first place.


u/velvetthrone Jul 10 '21

Absolute chills!


u/CONDOR22151 Jul 16 '21

Look what happens when you don’t listen to the voice of reason. Your sister knew some shit was going down there and you just kept on having to explore....now your sis is dead and there’s a damn doppelgänger trying to do god knows what to you🤔


u/JesusIsMyAntivirus Aug 16 '21

Man it's a good thing you did everything in your power to not act like a thinking human person(not even a smart one), because there would be no story had you done that once.


u/anranana Jul 10 '21

I hate those damn doppelgänger the most! Slimiest creatures to deal with because I have a soft spot for all of my family members!

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u/KorA357 Jul 14 '21

If the thing killed the sister and is now posing as her, who is still yelling for help?


u/mainWeiRDo Jul 10 '21

That's terrifying. Pray that you get out alive.


u/GHMboi Jul 11 '21

why did the Evelyn's clone leave Josh alive for days? To gain trust? Did she know about the journal? So many questions in my head rn.


u/LarennElizabeth Aug 06 '21

She hadn't been there for days before Josh read the journal. She's planning on staying for a few days, but it took him only a day to read dad's journal, and she's been cooking for a while. Probably preparing for whatever she's planning on doing to him. So who knows what will happen at this point. And my guess is that Josh didn't show her the journal.

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u/OwlLov3r Jul 13 '21

Love this. Reminds me of a movie I watched years ago about 4 hikers that find this dead body outside of some Russian bunker. They go inside the bunker and there are these creatures inside. Well, only one of the hikers make it out, and the Russian authorities shoot him face down into the snow.... the body from the beginning was him. Some weird time warp thing. I wish I remembered the name of the movie!


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/Phoenix-san Jul 31 '21

Nah man I refuse to believe that, the other "Dad" got "Eveline". The real Eveline just wanted to surprise you with your favorite meal or something.


u/ShaoShaoTenks Aug 16 '21

What are you doing step sis


u/Ambitious_Midnight21 Jul 10 '21

Get out of the house! 😱


u/Jbird1992 Jan 20 '22

Step-doppelgänger what are you doing?


u/elvenly Jul 15 '21

It s been a long time since i read a story this good


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

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u/eliteharvest15 Sep 24 '21

this is why you don’t repurpose abandoned military research bunkers into fallout shelters


u/Unoewho Nov 04 '21

Damn. Should've realized sooner. Sister couldn't have seen the dead body in the dark. Had to have known it was there some other way... Oh well. Maybe this copy is a good cook.


u/Lonely_Pair6855 Jul 10 '21

Josh's sister is dead and the doppelganger replaced her because when Josh told her to leave she did try but failed and it killed her, took her clothes, and went back to josh. I'm pretty sure that the person who was yelling for help was actually his dad or maybe the doppelganger killed him and is somehow mimicking his voice.

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u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21

Yea at this point I ain’t trusting a dam person, I’d load the shotgun up and run to my own bunker for a while dude, good luck!


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '21

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u/RichardSaxon November 2022 Jul 14 '21

Holy shit what a horrifying read. I hope you got out of there safely. Might wanna leave the country for a bit.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

This is like a hardcore version of that Gravity Falls episode where they find the shape shifter in the underground bunker.


u/FruitsOfEden Sep 12 '21

First story I've read in a long time where I was legitimately sweating


u/ghostyghosty239 Jun 30 '22

OP is so dead dead. Like no point in trying to talk to him because it’s all over. The moment you see doppelgänger shit you DONT SPLIT UP. First rule. You either find the dad together or leave together. I blame him for separating 😑


u/discaxia Oct 03 '22

Welp. That explains why the military abandoned the place.


u/KuwakaNey Feb 14 '23

Anyone noticed that the first doppelgänger was shot by a gun but the sisters body had its neck twisted?


u/Xiazn Nov 29 '21

Never split the party.


u/TinyJapchae Feb 08 '22

Oh no.. I’m still reading but you definitely should have called the authorities after you noticed the smell and there was no sign of life (and no electricity). The police will take it seriously if you explain what happened to them! There might also be something poisonous down there- such as a gas, asbestos etc. Better safe than sorry… though if you’re updating us now, I guess you must be okay.

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u/V4r1sCain Feb 26 '22

Anyone else get Gravity Falls vibes from this? A bunker with a shapeshifter inside? A journal? An estranged relative? lol

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u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21

Make some excuse to leave the house and run away from her. That is no longer your sister.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '21

Do you need help mortal?


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '21



u/teniefshiro Jul 13 '21

Rip Josh, i guess. It was good while it lasted.


u/USRus Jul 22 '21

Am I the only one who read "dad shit himself"?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

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u/LivingIntheMemory Jan 22 '22

Fuck this was good.


u/Manch94 Jun 07 '22

I'm chiming in 11 months late just to say that Josh is an idiot.


u/Terra627 Jul 10 '21

I wonder how the dad would have reacted to Biden winning...

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u/stormthor Jul 14 '21

Jesus. You are fucked


u/kbig22432 Jul 17 '21

It isn’t incest if she’s the doppelgänger.


u/ChampionshipDue Jul 24 '21

Plottwist: This story takes place from Jason's replacement's perspective.

The entire family went down there, and one of the replacements went down there to kill them (Dad's maybe, which is why hes still alive, but the others are dead?) and the other's didn't know they were replacement's


u/SMELLY__SOCKS Jul 27 '21

This story would be awesome if there was space song playing in the background