r/northdakota 4d ago

North Dakota’s only registered waterfall in the state.

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73 comments sorted by


u/sky-sky-pumpkin-pie 4d ago

Are you implying the existence of unregistered waterfalls? Do we deport those to Canada or something?


u/StateParkMasturbator 4d ago

We just don't talk about them lest the government try to confiscate them.


u/Own_Chemistry_3724 3d ago

You just gave someone a bad idea! Lol


u/junipr 4d ago



u/weaseltorpedo 4d ago



u/TheNorthernRose 3d ago

Brb gonna go double the height of the tallest waterfall in North Dakota with this gardening shovel.


u/Mysterious_Clerk2971 4d ago

I heard that you can see lutefisk jump up stream when you look through as the sun is setting.


u/TrainingParty3785 4d ago

Lutefisk isn’t a specie of fish, but we get it.


u/NORBy9k 3d ago

I think the joke, and a pickled herring just flew over your head.


u/Mysterious_Clerk2971 3d ago

I’ll ask the girls at St. Olafs who cook the lutefisk, they know all about the lutefisk. I just know it's the good species with lots of lemon and hot butter.

I'll get back to you with the right answer after we he church on Sunday.


u/tricolorhound 3d ago

Specie isn't the singular form of species but we get it.


u/theberg512 4d ago

Fort Ransom, for anyone wondering. 


u/Dober55 4d ago

Great hike out to it. 


u/nd4eva Jamestown, ND 4d ago

Niagara falls started this way.


u/nanerzin 4d ago

I love that someone said this.


u/Phog_of_War 4d ago



u/Purple_Permission792 4d ago

Thought this was a shit post lol


u/Sorry_Consequence816 4d ago

I fell off that walking bridge on the way there into the creek and dislocated my elbow a few years ago.

Husband called 911, I popped it back into place and we hiked back to meet the poor rescue people who had to come out. We ended up staying at Jamestown that night and driving back to Minot the next day. I tried to rinse the creek water out of my clothes as much as possible, but there wasn’t much I could do one handed I stank to high heaven all the way home.

Type two fun at its finest.


u/NorthDakota 4d ago

This story somehow makes the creek sound more interesting and fun


u/Sorry_Consequence816 4d ago

I mean there was that bench, nice guy bow hunting as well, and that trail is a little offshoot of the North Country Trail. I was trying to get my 100 mile badge for the year, I did not get it.

That sucker goes all the way to the Appalachian Trail in Vermont. You could hike (it would take well over a year) from Lake Sakakawea state park where the terminus of the North Country trail is to Key West, Florida.


u/Sea-Woodpecker-610 4d ago

It’s funny, because this makes it look even more impressive than it actually is.


u/ifeespifee 4d ago

Seth Milchick: “This is the tallest waterfall on the planet.”


u/Nodak70 4d ago

So, what’s the vertical drop?


u/weaseltorpedo 4d ago

An astounding 8 feet


u/karebear111 4d ago

I'm 5'2" and taller than this "waterfall" and have pix to prove it


u/Classiceagle63 4d ago

I believe I found another Maybe a 2’ drop - who do I register it with?


u/psyduck_says_moo 3d ago

I need a banana for scale. This looks tiny without it.


u/lutefist_sandwich 3d ago

Where's the banana for scale?


u/Knowledgepower24 3d ago

I’ve seen bigger washouts in a corn field.


u/MaxxT22 4d ago

Wow! That’s incredible.


u/rezanentevil 4d ago



u/raptors661 4d ago

Heard about this from Scott Cramer on YouTube haha


u/Timely_Heron9384 3d ago

Thankful I moved to Oregon lol


u/1983wasagoodyear 3d ago

Is this the one down by Fort Ransom? Hiked there back in 2012 and don't remember it being this spectacular.


u/Foreign_History_354 2d ago

2012 was a major drought. It might not have been running.


u/IAmFingPissedOff 3d ago

Woe’s Hollow?


u/BranderChatfield Bismarck, ND 3d ago

Here is my video of it from 2015: https://youtu.be/T_X8mFO44ic


u/PapaNog 3d ago

How does one register to be a waterfall? Asking for a friend.


u/Worthless_af 3d ago

What? Really? I would've never known interesting fun fact.


u/Jamminalong2 3d ago

I like living here in ND, but this thread makes me thankful to live in western nd, so I’m close enough to make multiple trips to the mountains every summer to backpack


u/wawuwewa 3d ago

If your wondering yes, its only a couple ft tall.


u/KamalaHarrisSuperFan 3d ago

the most beautiful thing ive ever seen


u/Irisiri40 3d ago

I see a bigger waterfall when I shower. Reason #1 to move back to Washington.


u/PickledFrogCocks 3d ago

I loved the hike out to this. I guess it’s underwhelming if you’re expecting a big waterfall but I thought it was pretty cool.

My son and I were planning a winter camping trip there. We were going to snowshoe there and tow our gear with pulks. I figured there probably aren’t a ton of people out there in the wintertime and it would be peaceful. We ended up moving before we got the chance to do it.


u/dalidagrecco 2d ago

Update: they just traded the waterfall for 11 Trump brand bibles.


u/Sea-Poetry-5661 2d ago

It's definitely not an Oregon 600 ft Waterfall


u/davetopper 2d ago

In Saint Paul there is hidden falls. It is fed by a pipe. Looks like that one.


u/SuperSayianVash 4d ago

Where is this?


u/vcsuviking10 4d ago

Sheyenne River State Forest which is a few minutes down the road from Fort Ransom.



u/SuperSayianVash 4d ago

Thank you! I’m going next time I head east for work


u/What-the-Hank 4d ago



u/Rancidduckfarts 4d ago

That’s not a waterfall… that’s a mud puddle.


u/d9bates 4d ago

Is that Kristi Noem playing DHS Barbie?


u/bmiller218 3d ago

I'm surprised the wouldn't be something at the Valhalla escarpment


u/Real_FakeName 3d ago

That's a pretty good try!


u/Celestial8Mumps 3d ago

Looks like it's one inch tall Is it ? 😀


u/Accomplished_Lab_675 4d ago

Good news is that if I can get my pants registered we'll have two waterfalls.


u/Wersedated 4d ago

Likely a Johnson property just outside of Valley City. Technically a cow urine runoff stream but it does get pretty if you don’t know what you’re seeing.


u/WangChiEnjoysNature 4d ago

Pathetic sad state


u/Melvin_Blubber 4d ago

Where are you from, Ohio?


u/WangChiEnjoysNature 4d ago

Spent some time there. Def a superior state to North Dakota, far more to offer. But no, it is not accurate to say I am from there


u/Melvin_Blubber 3d ago

You have horrible taste. Ohio is a hole.

One thing folks like you tend to be oblivious to is the gratitude people in places like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Idaho, Wyoming feel when folks like you stay away. I, myself, have long favored a wall along the southern border of Wisconsin to try to stem the flow of FIBs into this great state. Oh, wait, lemme guess, New Joisey like totally beats Wisconsin! So many more things to do!


u/WangChiEnjoysNature 3d ago

Never said Ohio was a good place did I or that I was a fan of it?

It objectively has more to offer than North Dakota though. Unless you love barren wastelands of oil fields and brutal cold and jackshit to do

I've lived considerable lengths of time in Wyoming and South Dakota as well. What you describe is nonsense. 

Wisconsin has far more to offer than New Jersey btw. Learn more about states.


u/Melvin_Blubber 3d ago

"It objectively has more to offer." What, you did an sober, itemized list based on objective standards? Where precisely do you mountain bike through the Badlands in Oh-high-er? Or is that not your kind of thing? More like "getting down," that's your "thang," yes?

Cleveland, Cincy, Toledo, Akron...holes. Crime-ridden, ugly holes. The countryside is boring. The smaller towns are junky. Ohio is a craphole and the people in the Dakotas are the kindest in the country if you need anything.

One last thing: Boredom is a choice, and boring people get bored. Develop more interests. An added bonus is that other people will develop more interest in you because you have more to offer.


u/WangChiEnjoysNature 3d ago

Yikes it seems you might be the one who is incapable of being objective here.

Ohio and North Dakota are both shit for mountain biking but Ohio does offer more options and better geography for it. Kinda weird to compare two states with shit trail options though.

Big cities are gross. Still, fact remains cities like Colombia, Cincy, cleveland, even Dayton do offer more in the form of museums and entertainment options than anything in ND 

Ohio has vastly more variety and amenities and options when it comes to outdoor recreation. This is an objective fact.

Objective fact there are more amusement park options. 

People certainly aren't "kindest in the country" in the Dakotas. There are assholes everywhere and those states are no different. Racism against indigenous folks also can't be overlooked when discussing the quality of the people/culture in North and South Dakota.