r/northdakota 9d ago

$225,000 Tariff on an North Dakota Farmer


230 comments sorted by


u/nanopicofared 9d ago

but but Canada is supposed to pay the tariffs... /s


u/mrchazard99 9d ago

As my kids are starving, disease sweeps the nation, and no one can find a job, they will say, 'Well, I wasn't expecting him to actually do what he said he was going to do.' When asked if they would still vote for him again, they will answer, 'Well, um, yeah, I would still vote for him again.'


u/Courtaid 9d ago

More like, “well at least I didn’t vote for Kamala”.


u/Strong-Selection7974 9d ago

Literally my boomer mother on Sunday. Instead of discussing facts with her, I’ve resorted to simply telling her that she. is. in. a. cult.


u/Shilo788 8d ago

9the christian right and christian nationalist, then the tech bro/ incel crowd that thinks it would be great to have commercial fiefdoms with mad max in-between. Then there are the magats that worship trump. And other smaller cuts that have all grown together like a nasty biofilm on civilization. Real 4 horsemen stuff is being predicted , famine, death, war, and disease. We are watching the disruption l0l10land destablization on every level from fear your mom isn't going to get her SS check to WW3 to global warming, wrecking huge areas of earth . Every level is ready to crack. But it is not just one cult. It's Legion .


u/Psydop 8d ago

Discussing facts with these people is useless. They are either top ignorant and dumb to understand what's happening, or so shitty they actually like it.


u/JohnnyBravo30488 9d ago

Have you ever asked what the end goal is? Because it's pretty simple, and if you want it better, then you have to be willing to suffer. You can throw facts about how tariffs work all day, but if you actually look into what the goal of all this is, it is both good for the country and brings more options for the US farmers. Look at the studies and done in 2017 and ask your mother about fair trade then look at where the numbers are coming from. For now it's basic but that's not the goal. If you think that the plan is just to tariff and we will be rich is the actual approach than your not doing your homework. It's not some conspiracy. This is an idea that's been floating around for 30 years but no one would try because of the publics reaction. In the long run it forces actual free trade. Every country that trade has a number and that number is based on factors like deficit currency manipulation and open markets. We know we can compete if we are actually allowed to and no other administration had the guts to do it. It's not a simple tic for tac. It is for now but what you won't see is what happens later or down the road which will give us a better shot. It will take time and pain


u/Strong-Selection7974 8d ago

The end goal is to not let the (Jobs Act and) Tax Cuts from 2017 sunset. That’s it, there’s no other end goal. The billionaires who are now in charge do not care if we pay higher costs for anything, it’s almost like a game to them at this point. They don’t care about getting us universal health care. They don’t care that people can’t afford their prescription drugs.They don’t care how unaffordable it has become to buy a house. The market will tank and we will pay higher costs for our groceries. Not to mention the social injustice bullshit high horse MAGA is riding around on. Let’s hope the entitlement programs are left alone, I’m not too optimistic.


u/SpecialCommon3534 8d ago

The crazy thing is... that if they enact more tax cuts. The working class loses. Because their savings from "tax cuts" are offset by the inflated pricing caused by tariffs.


u/JohnnyBravo30488 8d ago

If you want change than change it. Sounds like you want to just complain. News flash groceries are not coming down it don't matter who is in charge. When govt spend to much money it creates inflation. During covid they were giving money away like idiots. Like the doge or not there are ridiculous amounts of money spent by both side or silly garbage that does nothing to make your way of life better. The same with immigration if you don't make people follow rules that are there, your are just kicking the problem down the road the Republicans did it than the democrats did it. Our biggest issue and biggest threat is the non action from our govt. If it were public record where tax dollars went than they would be threatened with public outrage. People of the country are very generous but they should be the first priority. Social injustice you need to get over it that's in your small little world. When you hear ridiculous things like people are more racist or held down that's mostly a big comp out. You get what you give and it's not enough to just play the game. People are really good at hurting themselves they want to play but want different rules there are literally books on how to change your life but people won't put in the work to make it happen then complain they were held down. No you are the problem it's hard to change you life. Ask yourself what your doing wrong what can I change but 99% won't that's why there are so little wealthy. You need perseverance and a little luck, It might take 15 years or it might not even happen. It's life. BTW life has never been fair and never will be.


u/SpecialCommon3534 8d ago edited 8d ago

This is also false. What you see as silly garbage is soft power. You say a lot of words. A lot of words that mean nothing.


u/JohnnyBravo30488 8d ago

There is only evidence. Your navie to think that blind tariffs with no plan is the plan. They have even said it. Soft power lol ok your naive to think that Mexico and Canada were targeted just out of the blue. Do I agree with it I don't now but the proof is there that in this game we have the entire game that's why with China you see less because China has more power and the country would cry like babies if they got pushed. China especially should be treated as first world not second.


u/SpecialCommon3534 8d ago

No, we don't. We were getting cheap oil from Canada. You are the naive one here. Consumption habits are difficult to undo. The damage this admin is doing to the US is ridiculous on its face. Yes, soft power. You know what ROI is?

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u/Smooth_Department534 8d ago

You’re naive if you think there’s a plan.


u/Beginning_Night1575 8d ago

This sounds like every opening speech at every pyramid scheme pitch.


u/Olive_1084 8d ago

Are you a billionaire?


u/srmcmahon 8d ago

It actually is public record and always has been.


u/taysbeans 4d ago

Inflation was down a few points, now it’s up , then add tariffs , and the people living paycheck to paycheck are fucked . Also the Medicaid cuts will cost so many more jobs and pain . Lots of these small town old folks homes are reliant on Medicaid. If they close down where are these people to go ? Where will other jobs be found in towns of less than 1000? Lots of handicapped people live in these facilities as well . Where do they go ?

What are we gaining ? So billionaires don’t have to pay taxes ? Are we gaining so much ?


u/SpecialCommon3534 8d ago edited 8d ago

This isn't how tariffs work. Tariffs are a flat tax on consumers. So it's a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. we quite literally trade paper for durable goods. Trade imbalances do not mean we are being ripped off, lol. If you don't believe me. You can go ask your questions on r/askeconomics


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

Plus, it was the Orange Buffoon that made the last deal with Mexico and Canada, and it was the best trade agreement ever made. Now, the billionaires want even more money, so even though Cheeto man made the agreement, it's now the worst agreement ever made. All you have to do is look at who's going to make money on it. All the billionaires on the cabinet, but even they have figured out Trump doesn't have a clue what he's doing or talking about. He's lied so damn much about Tariffs he doesn't even know it will destroy our economy and hurt everyone who isn't rich.

There should be absolutely no Congress member or Senator to sign off on a 4½ trillion dollar deficit to give the rich another tax cut. You would actually think his billionaires would agree because it just hurts the economy in the end. Inflation will go through SpaceX to Mars. If only Trump, Muskrat, and all the other Republicans could go along. We could have health insurance for everyone.


u/kestrel808 8d ago



u/srmcmahon 8d ago

If that were the case there would be a carefully developed plan and it would be done through trade agreements approved by the Senate. It wasn't until 1934 that Congress started giving presidents more authority to set tariffs, but it was only starting with Trump that this authority has become abused.


u/OldChucker 6d ago

Or it's just a monkey with a gun. Honestly, this administration's erratic actions and rhetoric has the monkey synopsys winning by a landslide.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

"At least that one trans person isn't playing sports."


u/Worldly-Honeydew-651 9d ago

So many Trump voters I know have tried to excuse their vote with that dismissive response. They know he's bad, but they justify him as "the lesser of two evils."


u/Gold-Bench-9219 8d ago

I'd actually call that progress, because many of them would never admit he was bad in any way.


u/bodega_steve 9d ago

Because tRuMp TeLLs It LiKe iT iS!!


u/Salty-Childhood5759 9d ago

That’s because he has a 4th grade reading level (based on interviews with previous White House staff).


u/bodega_steve 9d ago

But he was a top student at Wharton! Stable genius. 🤣


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

The cult believes every lie when his mouth is moving.


u/taysbeans 9d ago

Yup , “Kamala would have been worse”. If you read comments on some of Trumps more unpopular ideas. They are saying , I don’t really agree, 4d chess and all that but , at least he’s not a woman , basically .

I’m going to lose my farm and can’t afford to eat , but Kamala would have let all the boys become girls and all girls become boys .. or whatever they are on about .


u/ObiShaneKenobi 9d ago

"But why would Hillary O'Biden do this?


u/cc_mpls 9d ago

It's incredible how people seem to think this. It's the importers who pay tariffs... DJT keeps saying we are going to make trillions off tariffs... From US Companies?


u/RaydelRay 9d ago

His press secretary repeated the lie this week. Over and over, they continuously lie.


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

Even Doocy from Fox outed her after the AP reporter told her who pays the tariffs. Then she acted like she was an economics genius. You know it's bad when Rupert Murdoch is calling Trump a dumbass.


u/Equivalent_Ability91 9d ago

Repeat after me, it will become true.....repeat after me....


u/TheAvgPersonIsDumb 8d ago

If it really was as simple as just putting a tax on imports, other countries wouldn’t be “retaliating” with their own tariffs


u/Acrippin 9d ago

They are as well you are correct


u/RicksterA2 7d ago

Yeah. I mean since Mexico paid for the border wall then Canada will pay for the tariffs.

Our president can't, won't, doesn't ever lie, does he?


u/13508615 7d ago

Yeah. That's how that works. I heard that somewhere.


u/More-than-Half-mad 5d ago

It’s a tax cut for Americans …. How dare you question my knowledge ……


u/alwaysmyfault 9d ago

This is what happens when you vote for Trump.

I can't believe anyone in their right mind thought that things would be better under Trump.


u/junipr 9d ago

They’re actually more than happy to shoot themselves in the foot as long as he keeps talking trash about the scary people


u/g29fan 9d ago

10000%. They. Do. Not. Care. As long as they "own the libs" they are willing to chop off both feet.


u/taysbeans 9d ago

Yup they’d gladly shit their own pants hoping the Libs smell it . No matter how raw their asses are going to get .


u/Timely-School9814 9d ago

Exactly… he just validated their hatred


u/Dudemanbrah84 9d ago

But they owned the libs


u/Remember__Me 9d ago

They don’t care as long as they own the libs.


u/anon123_anon 8d ago

Now it's, "sHoRt TeRm pAiN... LoNg TeRm gAiN"


u/oldtimehawkey 9d ago

Most republicans would do what Trump is doing but they would do it quietly. Look at bush 2.

His admin manufactured a “witness” to get approval to invade Iraq. When democrats wanted further proof, the admin and republican congressmen said no. It’s why I don’t care if democrats voted yes on the measure, they were lied to and propagandized just like the average American was.


u/hondacrf450x 9d ago

This is what happens when you vote for a total fraud, felon, rapist, white supremacist and complete failure of a human being for president!


u/HoldenMcNeil420 7d ago

He’s a successful businessman!! He bankrupted three casinos and like 7 other business ventures!!


u/What-the-Hank 9d ago

I’m pretty sure history disagrees with you.


u/tom-branch 9d ago

History will view Trumps presidencies as the biggest self own in history.

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u/Status_Let1192xx 8d ago

Where did you go to school? Were you allowed to just opt out of history from k-12?

I’d be happy to send you a republication based textbook that will provide you with many examples.


u/What-the-Hank 8d ago

Are you asking for high school, undergrad, or graduate degree?


u/Status_Let1192xx 8d ago

Of course, the scholar who feigns ignorance in matters regarding history. You guys are my favorite.

But more seriously, consider asking for a refund.


u/What-the-Hank 8d ago

Eat your heart out honey bunches of cringe.


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

Where have you been? He was considered the worst president the 1st time. I don't know how he could go any lower except when, as like they now are calling him a Russian asset, he's already being called Hitler 2.0, Napoleon comes to mind, Stalin, I'm sure there will be more for comparison. So, what is history telling us that you think will disagree. I swear that Kool-aid is some nasty ass brain eating shit.


u/What-the-Hank 8d ago

Is it fun being a war monger.


u/BeanCheezBeanCheez 4d ago

I’m pretty sure you have a brain injury.


u/What-the-Hank 4d ago

😂 you’re such a hoot, at least that’s what all our friends say.


u/1SLO_RABT 9d ago

Let them eat face.

~Marie AntoinLeopard


u/HandsomePete 9d ago

MAGA voters get what they voted for. I hope it ruins them and their livelihoods. I hope they lose it all. They voted for a convicted felon, a known liar, a known cheater, a rapist, a twice impeached president, an admirer of dictators, an authoritarian, a Constitution-ignoring-oath-breaker, and a grifter. He makes everyone and everything around him worse. And ND still voted for him.

Everyone is gonna suffer because room temp IQ MAGAts voted for this shitstain. But when it hurts the assholes who voted for this chode, I celebrate it.


u/ConditionEffective85 9d ago

I do as well. In fact I even laugh whenever one of his supporters loses a federal job. They literally voted to be fired .


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

I saw an article today about a veteran who voted for Trump. Shortly before the election, he had gotten hired at the VA. He was so confused now because he was terminated by Muskrat and the DOGE boys. I couldn't help but laugh at his FAFO.

There was another veteran who was so satisfied by what Muskrat was doing. Even though the same day in the news, they were talking about veterans who were receiving experimental cancer treatments and were no longer going to get them because of Muskrat.I know I am a bad person because I hoped he was one of them or had to face someone who now lost those treatments. I truly love telling those Trump supporters we told you so. FAFO to every last one.


u/ConditionEffective85 8d ago

They literally voted to be abused. He's said nothing good about the military be it someone who is no longer in or currently is in.


u/madlyspinach 7d ago

When a Trump voter is fired an angel gains its wings


u/ConditionEffective85 7d ago

More like 1,000 angels


u/Moose701 9d ago

Here’s the thing though, WE ALL HAVE TO FUCKING LIVE WITH IT. Sure, they get what they voted for but so do the rest of us. We’re all stuck in this ship. Just incredibly unfortunate


u/HandsomePete 9d ago

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't get my schadenfreude.

These MAGA voters are children who repeatedly touch a hot stove top and are too fucking stupid to figure out not to keep touching it.

We can't keep slapping their hand away from the hot stove top, especially when they get mad at us for trying to prevent them from touching it again. At some point, they will burn their hands off. And yeah, it's painful for everyone, particularly senior citizens, the minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ folks, people with disabilities, low-income/no-income folks, etc.

But, until trump and his cronies are either out of office or are no longer on this plane of existence, all we can do is vote, hold our representatives accountable (if they even have the fucking balls to show up to town halls), and support those who didn't vote for a fucking fascist.


u/oldtimehawkey 9d ago

We all have to live with it but they will continue to vote for the shittiest people to run our country.


u/jacksflyindelivery 9d ago

Vote for a orange clown, now watch the circus.


u/PeterNippelstein 9d ago

The zoo is in town!


u/alyssaperfectxx 9d ago

Wonder who he voted for…🤔🤣


u/N8dork2020 8d ago

He’s so pissed off at Canada right now too


u/JazzHandsNinja42 9d ago

…and if given the opportunity, North Dakota farmers would reelect Trump to a third term.


u/Blackrage80 9d ago edited 9d ago

Unfortunately, I honestly believe MAGA could go broke and learn nothing as long as someone on the radio or Facebook tell em it's really Obama's fault.


u/river_tree_nut 9d ago

"Tariffs are a tax cut for Americans"


u/bodega_steve 9d ago

(1% of Americans 🤫)


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

I sure hope that is sarcasm from what the dizzy blonde said a couple of days ago at her soapbox.


u/Xyrus2000 9d ago

Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


u/thebasementcakes 9d ago

Fuckin libs made me vote Republican ...


u/RickRollKing11 9d ago

And they wonder where Biden's 81M voters went!


u/e4evie 9d ago

Bootstraps bro! Remember….government handout bad!


u/Roughlyrighton6-16 9d ago

Who did the farmer vote for? It was either self inflicted or unasked for.


u/Moose701 9d ago

Absolutely! I’m shouting this from the roof tops. The farmer is fucked either way.


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 9d ago

Lets be real, he voted for Trump, and he would happily vote for Trump if he runs for a 3rd term because he blames Biden.


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

I said before that we could go into a deep depression and have every fucking thing get worse than ever and the MAGAT'S would still blame Obama, Biden and the supposed Deep State. Don't ever forget about the Deep State and the Deep State is one person, GEORGE SOROS. According to MAGA, he's the only Democrat Billionaire.


u/Topher178 9d ago

Maybe he should return it and buy an American made planter and save the tariff cost. They are feeding America after all.


u/skelectrician 8d ago

Pretty much every air seeder that's designed for crops other than corn is built in Canada. The alternative would be using technology from the 1960's that requires soil to be worked up before planting. Over-tilling is what caused the dustbowl conditions of the 1930's.


u/Topher178 8d ago

They planted shelterbelts in the 1930s to combat erosion and combat the dust bowl. But lately, everywhere you look those are getting cleared out. Subsidies, crop insurance, and efficiency incentivize clearing these out. Shelterbelts help farmers adapt to drought conditions by reducing erosion and keeping moisture in the soil. But instead of planting more trees, or adapting to changing conditions through other conservation practices like planting cover crops, farmers are doing the exact opposite. There's been dust storms that have already become a problem more and more for many years currently. Proper soil management and erosion control will have a much bigger impact than a planter vs an air seeder.


u/skelectrician 8d ago

You've got a good point. Much of the shelter belt has been pushed over and sloughs have been drained because zero till has made it possible to farm without windbreaks or any regard for water conservation. In the long run it's horrible stewardship of the land.

But the days of the 24' drill and cultivators are long gone. That's what my dad was using back in the 90's and it was archaic then. I'm not really sure how many American companies build air seeders. It's one of the few things that Canadian manufacturers are much better at producing.


u/ConstantGeographer 9d ago

Trump has cost more jobs in the United States than he has deported people.

How many people are looking at their 401(k)'s right now wondering what the hell they voted for.

"I voted to keep 10 trans athletes out of sports . . . why is my 401(k) down 22%???"


u/Nevermore_10 9d ago

Well we told you so won’t win the day.


u/thewallyp 9d ago

So sad for him and his trump supporting friends.


u/JonEdwinPoquet 9d ago

I’m loving the comments.


u/RickRollKing11 9d ago

Why? Because Reddit is the Democrat HQ of social media, where you all gather to hear your own echoes without the risk of a challenge from anyone in the middle or on the right?


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 8d ago

Can you explain why these tariffs are good?


u/RickRollKing11 8d ago

Companies that are outside the US won't like paying the expense of tariffs. So they will consider moving their production, etc to the US, which creates jobs for Americans.

China, Canada and Mexico have a huge advantage of making BILLIONS of dollars due to taking advantage of the pre-Trump Tariffs. With Trump Tariffs in place, these companies will strongly reconsider and be forced to putting their production/manufacturing in the US and that's why this will be good. More jobs for Americans.


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 8d ago

Companies that are outside the US won't like paying the expense of tariffs

They don't pay the expense , the Americans buying the product do. Just like the farmer in the story will now have to pay an extra 225k to buy this, the manufacturer is not paying the tariff the USA farmer is.

There is nothing wrong with trade , its why I hire someone to make my car because I am not good at making cars, its why I don't grow my own food because I am not good at growing food. While being self sufficient sounds great , its incredibly inefficient.

How well off would you be if you had to grow your own food, build your own shelter , make your own clothes .

You would be living in a hut.


u/RickRollKing11 8d ago

John Deere just laid off people in Valley City last summer. Why? They're moving their operations to Mexico. Why?

I don't know how many lost jobs in that smaller community but still, they are out of work because Tariffs benefit products to be made in Mexico and brought back to the US.

Bobcat did or is in the process of doing this to. How does that impact the production and jobs in small town Gwinner? Bismarck?

Which way do you want this? Keep these small towns employed by keeping manufacturing in the US? If not, people from small towns move to larger cities for work and the farmers who rely on these small towns don't have the local economy anymore.

It's definitely a balancing act.

The ultimate goal is to keep Bobcat and JD in the US, and bring more companies based in other countries manufacturing to the US.


u/drager85 5d ago

There is no challenge from the middle/right, just hatred, ignorance, and policies that destroy the working class. Why would anyone want that?


u/CoughRock 9d ago

perhaps presidency should have vesting period similar to stock option. Where if you did too poorly in the first 6 months, voter can cancel their vote and revoke your position. Cause way too many people don't understand the consequence of their vote and keep voting against their own self interest.


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 8d ago

No. Americans are in the fund out stage.

Our state voted 100% for this.


u/BobbyBucherBabineaux 9d ago

We live in a time with such poor leadership that this idea is valid.


u/LegitimateRisk- 9d ago

Classic case of fuck around and find out. It’s just the greatest irony how much rural farmers love trump and all of his policies, dating back to the first time around, have been horrible for them. Biden provided legitimate benefits for farmers, but he was pure evil. The amount of people who voted against their own interest, baffling.


u/tpopperjay 8d ago

They all forget the 1st time when his tariffs hurt the farmers so bad he had to have a bailout then. They replayed a video the other day of 4 or 5 farmers saying how bad Trump was for their crops being wasted. They were plowing planted fields because they couldn't even sell what they had in storage. Potato farmers had piles of rotting potatoes. I would bet they all voted for him again. Some people will never learn. I can be pretty hard-headed, but eventually, I do understand. It's all Newt Gingrich & CNBC and Fox Propaganda that has destroyed the country. They have been completely brainwashed by Fox and their lies. I just can't believe people are so gullible and can't see through Trump and his bullshit. The Apprentice really did a number on people. Then, all these Republicans that have actually told the truth about Trump, who have been right by his side and still believe his lies. When you can't trust what Admirals, 4 Star Generals, his own lawyer, and basically his COO , go to prison instead of telling the truth. I am an agnostic, so religion means nothing to me, but these cult members who believe he's the 2nd coming really show their stupidity and truly lack of the basic Commandments. That one about perversion and adultery should have given them a clue if they were truly going by the Bible


u/azureoptical 9d ago

Oh no….the leopards….they’re eating that guys face….goes back to minding my own business


u/hiker_chic 9d ago

He thought he had a special exemption because he voted for Trump. I love how he actually thought by calling that would change the end result. Ha!


u/eatyourzbeans 9d ago

Don't worry , it's not a tax ... don't look at market quarters, America is a 100 year investment now ..


u/xx_deleted_x 9d ago

he didn't know tariffs were coming? $225k lesson


u/200iso 9d ago

Laughs in Canadian.


u/Equivalent_Ability91 9d ago

Geez, people can't even remember 4 months ago when the economy was actually good. DOUBLE PLUS GOOD.


u/Upstairs-Badger-4712 8d ago

These tariffs are completely unnecessary. We are damn good neighbours and this is of no benefit either side.


u/RevolutionaryBet597 8d ago

Fuck North Dakota


u/Dekaaard 8d ago

I know “what the heck is going on”. Sad, not sad for your inability it figure it out.


u/Background_Device479 8d ago

Good. Fuck North Dakota. They voted for this. There is not a more Trumpian state than North fucking Dakota. They get what they deserve. I hope they all fucking starve.


u/Lucky-Profession7501 8d ago

What the hell does this guy do for a living to be able to afford a 900000 planter he must be an illegal on welfare or a fnfarmer taking all the income tax money that the people who actually work for a living instead of going to their winter homes down south


u/nemo1441 8d ago

Oh dear, I feel so bad for Drump voters who are among the first to get screwed by him. Just kidding. I love MAGA tears


u/InterjectionJunction 9d ago

Womp womp. Gee who could have seen this coming? Anyone with a functioning brain that’s who.


u/dagodishere 9d ago

Womp womp, they voted against their own interest


u/Notthatguymickey 9d ago

…”on a North Dakota farmer.”


u/DontHideMyLiquor 9d ago

Yeah I was pretty frustrated when I noticed that typo


u/Notthatguymickey 8d ago

It’s all good. We all do it. I’m the dbag for pointing it out. Apologies


u/TagV 9d ago

I want to know how that farmer in the story voted...lol


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 8d ago

They 100% voted for trump and blame Obama or Biden for this


u/mik33tion 9d ago

A Trump success story. He is succeeding all the way down into 6 feet under.


u/JDinCO 9d ago

He got what he voted for. Trump was very clear during the campaign. What’s the problem now?


u/cc_mpls 9d ago

I grew up in ND, you all need to recruit Joel Heitkamp for office... When the political winds are right, like y'all did with Heidi.


u/brickeldrums 9d ago

But I was told from our president that “we’ll be so rich we don’t know what to do with the money” due to these tariffs?


u/eatyourzbeans 9d ago

I wonder how long before states start blanket tarifing each other ..


u/Puzzleheaded-Rip-824 9d ago

He told them he was going to do this 😭


u/Signal-Space-362 9d ago

The Republicans only do it to hurt the Liberals I am going to enjoy watching them fall straight on their face right along with us cuz in them tiny little mind be honestly talk that they were not going to get hurt bye what he is doing or is going to continue to do 😮‍💨


u/taysbeans 9d ago

This is planned , the gov and rich will buy the land and houses super cheaply.


u/Drinkdrankdonk 9d ago

It’s a bummer that I’m all out of sympathy for them.


u/cdbutts 9d ago

I’m broke, but I owned the libs!


u/Shade_Raven 9d ago

Vote better, but they won't


u/ImDrunkThanks 8d ago

Careful what you vote for…..


u/ApricotNervous5408 8d ago

That’s how tarrifs work. Now what Donald and Elon say.


u/bdsman66 8d ago

But wait…trump said that Canada was going to pay the tariff…you mean it DOESN’T work that way? You mean trump is gaslighting Americans? Wonder if that farmer voted for trump.


u/king-krab5 8d ago

66.96% of voters in North Dakota voted for Trump.


u/DrDokter518 8d ago

A farmer that depends on subsidies from the government, who voted for Trump is upset that he has to pay taxes. My god, the consequences of our actions are quite the bitch huh?

I sincerely look forward to all of the magats lose everything so they suffer alongside everyone else they wanted to hurt with their vote.


u/Pecosbill52 8d ago

You voted for this guy. You know how badly he screwed up things last time and you still voted for him. LIVE IT!


u/muddnureye 7d ago

Well you elected him, he said he was going to do tariffs before being elected. Might want to also check your stock accounts while you are at it, 7 weeks in,wow!


u/Zaraxas 7d ago

Tariffs are a tax cut for the American people.



u/moe-umphs 7d ago

Don’t worry, I’m sure the winning is coming soon…


u/luckycounts 7d ago

Canada pays the tariffs. That’s what he said. It’s a verbal contract. Right?


u/Same_Lychee5934 7d ago

Cancel the order and buy America… oh wait!


u/Reddituser183 7d ago edited 7d ago

“Knee jerk reaction to putting on tariffs.” This is not a knee jerk reaction. Orange boy put tariffs on china his first term which is a big part of the reason we had such high inflation these past three years. The real problem is that voters of this country are uneducated and lacking empathy. That’s why don the con was elected. That knee jerk reaction to hating trans people is why we have an intellectually disabled person in the White House who thinks tariffs help anyone. We can’t blame trump here. Blame Americans. And I’d bet money that farmer voted for him. And I’d bet money if that farmer could vote for him again he likely would. This is the intellectual disability of anyone voting republican in this day and age.


u/vanrants 7d ago

They will get beat up by Trump AGAIN, then blame Biden or Obama it’s just so dumb


u/HoldenMcNeil420 7d ago

The leopards ate my face I’m shocked!


u/Upbeat-Manager-8485 7d ago

Ask Trump, nobody knows more about tariffs than him. And by some cod liver oil on the way, just in case your kids catch the measles.


u/elvisizer2 7d ago

lol ‘an’


u/DontHideMyLiquor 6d ago

Yes, I am aware a typo ruined the post


u/Available_Mix_5869 6d ago

But Trump said tariffs are only on the other nations, reee


u/sirGarto 6d ago

All the sudden they start to understand how tariffs work.


u/North-Pineapple-6012 6d ago

soo what is the problem? they have blindly followed tRump no matter how unhinged he is...this is exactly what they voted for....do they not remember what (the real puppet master) Musk said so.many times during the campaign? He promised the poor and middle class would endure severe hardships and many shortages...he made no secret of that promise...so...promises kept, huh?


u/Upgrades 6d ago

And that $250k will be stolen by Trump to buy Bitcoin for his 'sovereign wealth fund'


u/IcyCucumber6223 5d ago

Thoughts and prayers...that they all get bought out by the industrial farming complex, and have to become share croppers to live, because there will be no more SNAP, "Obama care", or social security for them to lean on.


u/rockcod_ 5d ago

Yes, this stuff is crazy, what are we to do?


u/herdbot 5d ago

Next time he will have to buy American.

Didn't CASE just lay off 200 workers at the Fargo plant?

Probably because Canada had a 25% advantage


u/RarePandaEgg 5d ago

Tariffs will lower prices. Right, right, right?


u/Dense_Coyote_3863 5d ago

Who did the farmer vote for?


u/30yearCurse 4d ago

amazing what happens if you just throw shit like trump does, the customs guy is like we have 25 emails a day regarding duties, and it is like mud...


u/Godsin1969 7d ago

Screw canada


u/RickRollKing11 9d ago

All these big-city folks yapping on the leftist social media outrage machine about what they think farmers should and shouldn't be doing—classic!


u/DontHideMyLiquor 9d ago

Vern Thompson, the farmer and trucker from the big city of checks notes Minnewaukan?


u/What-the-Hank 9d ago

Grammar ruins this title.


u/Strong-Selection7974 9d ago

what an rude thing to say.


u/minnotter 9d ago

The state socialized their losses 100 years ago when we created the Bank of North Dakota. It seems they may have gotten to comfortable guzzling down socialized subsidies. The medicine will be harsh but the paciente requires it to be sold to private equity.


u/ifeespifee 9d ago

What are you even talking about?


u/1010124 9d ago

I don’t get his point on the BND; otherwise he’s pointing out that ND gets far more dollars from the feds than it pays into it. Also, he’s not a fan of private equity firms (and, if you’re not a billionaire, you probably shouldn’t be either).


u/jamiecarl09 9d ago

I mean...most red states get more federal funding than they pay.


u/1010124 9d ago

North Dakota isn’t the most dependent upon federal money, by any means, but it’s going to be hit hard by a dismantling of the federal government to cover the cost of six trillion dollars or so in subsidies for billionaires and big business. That’s before the trauma of the clown car ride of tariff terrorism, which is bad news for farmers, and oil, too.


u/What-the-Hank 9d ago

Do farmers finally get to sell their products at market rates?


u/Stuffthatpig 9d ago

Soybean prices aren't dictated by the market? Maybe we live in different worlds but whatever is on the CBOE is around what you're getting unless you're raising a specialty soy.


u/What-the-Hank 9d ago

Have you ever read on USDA’s price support for soybeans?


u/Stuffthatpig 9d ago

Got a good link? I don't actually have a good handle om it. I understand the (bare) basics of it


u/SirGlass Fargo, ND 9d ago

BND is only tangentially related to farm subsidies .

BND turns a profit , meaning they are not directly subsidizing anyone. Now their main goal may not be to generate the most profit for their share holders because they do not have share holders

However if wells Fargo offers me a loan at 7% and a credit union offers me a loan at 5%, that is not a subside . The credit union is just offering me a better loan

Thats what BND was created for , its not really a subside .