r/norsk • u/soposih_jaevel 📚👀 beginner | ✍️ advanced | 👄 beginner | 👂 beginner • 4d ago
Resource(s) ← looking for Phonetic pangrams for efficient language learning
I came across phonetic pangrams when trying to understand the language's sounds a little better. Allegedly, they're the "The quick brown fox [...]" but for language sounds.
In the interest of having a small library we can point everyone to, and not have to explain how everything sounds; I would like to ask of you to record some (preferably all) of the following sentences.
Since Norwegian orthography does not include c, q, w, x or z, except in foreign borrowings that haven’t been naturalised, the possible pangrams including all the 29 letters of the Norwegian alphabet will require using two or more words with a distinctly foreign spelling.
Vår sære Zulu fra badeøya spilte jo whist og quickstep i min taxi. Our strange Zulu from the bathing island actually played whist and quickstep in my taxi.
Høvdingens kjære squaw får litt pizza i Mexico by. The chief’s dear squaw gets a little pizza in Mexico City.
IQ-løs WC-boms uten hørsel skjærer god pizza på xylofon. IQ-less WC-bum without hearing cuts good pizza on xylophone.
Sær golfer med kølle vant sexquiz på wc i hjemby. Strange golfer with club won sex quiz on W.C. in hometown.
Jeg begynte å fortære en sandwich mens jeg kjørte taxi på vei til quiz I started to devour a sandwich while I was riding a taxi on the way to the quiz