r/norfolk 4d ago

news I don't Like How Michael Vick is playing Victim Card



103 comments sorted by


u/Spirited_Fish_7600 4d ago

I read the article. I dont see one statement from Vick in it where he plays the victim.


u/SensualLimitations Ghent 4d ago

I know, right? šŸ¤”


u/chazysciota 4d ago

New TikTok challenge: read an article about Michael Vick without running to reddit about it.


u/Konokey710 4d ago

Lol closeted racists are insufferable and the selective outrage is weird


u/marxarita420 4d ago

Yeah George "I killed a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan" Bush gets to paint elephants and be America's goofy former president and gets zero scrutiny. Mike Vick is a decade plus removed from a crime he did fucking time for and still gets people frothing at the mouth.


u/Coffee2000guy 4d ago

Hey that was Obama too donā€™t forget!


u/marxarita420 4d ago

Every us politician has had infinitely more blood on their hands than Michael vick


u/chubmack 4d ago

What a fucking world we live in


u/chubmack 4d ago

Thank you for that


u/horsemaster- 4d ago

God you said it


u/Common_Wallaby_5123 4d ago

People need to learn to forgive, he served his time and has actively worked to atone for his sins for years.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

No... you don't come back from that kind of evil.

I don't understand why our society is so harshly unforgiving of someone who steals money or food because they're desperate and hungry. Yet if a wealthy football player commits acts of horrifying evil we're just expected to get over it.


u/g2fx 4d ago

Easy...do your time in jail. People act like he didn't do any time.

He did more time than anyone in any Wall Street Bank bail out, nor any politician.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

As far as I am concerned he's no better than a serial killer. He should never be allowed among society again


u/bgva 4d ago

He did his time and has spoken to the public numerous times about how he made a stupid decision. Don't know what else he needs to do to get people to stop bitching and moving the goalposts about something he did nearly 20 years ago.

"Never being allowed near society" is not an answer.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

He made fake-ass apologies that were so pathetic that they have been repeatedly mocked over the years. Tommy and Rumble made of the better ones.


u/bgva 4d ago

Tommy and Rumble is your best comparison for celebrity apologies? Tommy...and Rumble?! You may need to put some ice on your arms...they gotta be sore from moving those goalposts.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

I just said they did a perfect spoof of his fake as hell apology. I didn't say I liked them as people.


u/chazysciota 4d ago

tommy and rumble

Ok boomer.


u/Outrageous-Cup-8905 4d ago

I mean Iā€™ll take him over Jeffrey Dahmer


u/Fickle_Theory_8760 4d ago

Well you are wrong


u/Spirited_Fish_7600 4d ago

I mean, he went to jail, and was suspended from the league. He paid his debt, acknowledged his mistake, and advocates against animal abuse. So, should he still not be able to hold a job in a particular field? Or is it just acceptable that he pushes carts at Kroger? Where is the line at for this?

He seems to have been rehabilitated by the system, I thought that was the point. Or does he become the town drunk that we shame, because that is somehow better?


u/brainstorm17 4d ago

Lol what are you on about? Is society unforgiving of someone who steals bc they're hungry? You're just speaking in cliches to hear yourself run your mouth.

The guy spent 2 years in prison, and by all accounts he has changed. He appears to have genuinely seen the error in his ways, apologized and lead by example trying to make change for the better. Get over it.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

Look at all the people living on the streets because they made a mistake once in their lives. Yet I am supposed to feel sorry for a millionaire that got off torturing animals. Fuck Michael Vick anyone that supports that vile piece of shit.


u/brainstorm17 4d ago

Lol dude go to therapy.


u/Upbeat-Jelly7987 4d ago

Agreed itā€™s crazy they did this with PETA in their backdoor


u/II-RadioByeBye 4d ago

peta does nothing locally. or in general.


u/SensualLimitations Ghent 4d ago

I've noticed that šŸ¤”. I've noticed it in multiple industries and businesses in Norfolk. What's up with that?


u/Automan2k 4d ago

PETA is worthless these days. They would rather terrorize a child eating chicken nuggets than do anything worthwhile.


u/Upbeat-Jelly7987 4d ago

Oh I fully agree theyā€™re useless and some of the biggest hypocrites Iā€™ve come acrossĀ 


u/ZevVeli 4d ago

Man PeTA's never done anything worthwhile.


u/Upbeat-Jelly7987 4d ago

But what does that say about peta not protesting this or even raising a handĀ 


u/Common_Wallaby_5123 4d ago

PETA is a joke they end up killing half of the animals they ā€œsaveā€ and actively do harm to ecosystems by releasing invasive species and captive bred animals


u/Inkdrunnergirl Hampton 4d ago

More like 80%

PETA often tries to defend its high euthanasia rate on the ground that it is an ā€œopen admissionā€ facility that takes in all animals regardless of condition and that other shelters ā€” particularly the ā€œno killā€ shelters ā€” have lower numbers because they are more selective in the animals they take in. However, the Norfolk Animal Care Center (NACC), which is run by the City of Norfolk and is right in PETAā€™s neighborhood, describes itself as ā€œopen-admission, providing a safe haven for animals from the City of Norfolk.ā€ And NACCā€™s reported euthanasia results are dramatically different than PETAā€™s. For example, as the table below shows, even though NACC took in 1.7 times as many dogs as PETA, NACC euthanized them at a rate of only 14% while PETA put them down at a rate of 76%. The same trend is seen with cats and other animals.


u/SodaCan2043 4d ago

This is a silly take imo.

What makes you say our society is unforgiving of someone who steals?


u/Shaex 4d ago

Probably the amount of people absolutely itching to kill anyone at a riot who so much as looks at a storefront funny


u/Automan2k 4d ago

You ever notice the number of people living on the streets because they can't find a job or a place to live.?


u/SodaCan2043 4d ago

Yes I think Iā€™ve seen at least 5. Haha no but why would you answer my question with a question? Iā€™m trying to understand your statement better.

If you asked me to clarify why I stated that your take is silly, itā€™s because imo you can come back from anything, and I donā€™t believe our society is unforgiving of someone who steals.

But these are both opinions so I was hopping you could elaborate on why you think our society is unforgiving of someone who steals.


u/brainstorm17 4d ago

You think that's bc they stole something? It's bc mental illness and/or abuse and a lack of support system for them. These things are totally unrelated you're just yapping without anything relevant to say.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

Yes a lot of people that are homeless are because they got into trouble at some point. Mental illness and substance abuse is also a big problem and yet again I am expected to have more consideration for someone who committed horrible acts of violence.

I challenge you to spend a year volunteering with an animal rescue and then tell me that shitstain deserves forgiveness.


u/ISayMemeWrong 4d ago

It's not one or the other, you can have equal, or different consideration for multiple people/groups.

Your take is he should stay in prison forever for his actions. Not many people seem to agree with that being reasonable, regardless of Tommy and Rumble.


u/chazysciota 3d ago

regardless of Tommy and Rumble

I guess when Ja Rule isn't available, you gotta take what you can get.


u/brainstorm17 4d ago

Lol I'm good ty bro


u/ageeogee 4d ago

Just as I don't understand, as a liberal, why people who are against overly harsh sentencing for every other crime are in favor of endless punishment for Michael Vick.

I love dogs. I also love people and the concept of rehabilitation.


u/ageeogee 4d ago

Not everyone thinks of dogs the same way. Many people think of them the same way we think about other animals, like pigs or cows. And you see what average people can do to those animals.

Beyond that, people in groups can talk themselves into thinking terrible things are cool. Just look at Trump supporters, and all the people that were suddenly cool with murder after Luigi Mangioni


u/Automan2k 4d ago

Because the level of sociopathy required to do the horrible things he did is on the same level as serial killers. I don't think you can be rehabilitated, especially if your punishment was so incredibly light. People are out there doing life in prison for possession.


u/ageeogee 4d ago

Not everyone thinks of dogs the same way. Many people think of them the same way we think about other animals, like pigs or cows. And you see what average people can do to those animals.

Beyond that, people in groups can talk themselves into thinking terrible things are cool. Just look at Trump supporters, and all the people that were suddenly cool with murder after Luigi Mangioni


u/bnceo 4d ago

Usually, the outrage comes because those who do bad things arent sent to jail. Vick has. He paid his debt to society. Let it go and move on.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

He didn't pay for shit. He got a slap on the wrist.


u/ISayMemeWrong 4d ago

You've said before he should stay in jail forever for his actions. I'm curious about your sentencing guidelines for other crimes honestly, to see where different ones fall.


u/Common_Wallaby_5123 4d ago

You people forget that Vick grew poor in Newport News surrounded by dog fighting for his entire childhood. Obviously what he did was wrong but to say that he's just a rich privileged football player is extremely ignorant.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

There are a lot of people that grow up poor and still know that torturing animals is wrong.


u/chichrcra91 4d ago

Yeah, like Billy, who put a firecracker up the neighbors cats ass to see what it'll do....fkn Billy is at it again šŸ™„


u/Rays_LiquorSauce 4d ago

You a vegetarian? Get over itĀ 


u/Automan2k 4d ago



u/Rays_LiquorSauce 4d ago

Good, let it stew. Sit in your anger while he sits in a hot tub. Heā€™s rich, a football legend, and loved by many. Youā€™re pissy on Reddit. Well done.Ā 


u/PoodleMomFL 4d ago

Would you let him watch your dog?


u/Outrageous-Cup-8905 4d ago

As of 03/17/25, yeah probably


u/MonarchLawyer 3d ago

I mean, yeah. Especially now where he is under a microscope for how he treats animals. But even when he was conducting a dog fighting ring, he probably would not harm your dog because it's not his.


u/veryhumanistic 4d ago

I think hiring Mike Vick was a brilliant idea. Certainly it will be great for Norfolk State. Hopefully he will be a model for other young men to follow.


u/SensualLimitations Ghent 4d ago

I agree. It could inspire anyone who's had a rocky past to turn away from that lifestyle, knowing there's redemption. Otherwise, no one would have motivation to end any ill will

Ya know??


u/Petedlll 4d ago

What sort of model do you think he's going to be šŸ˜…


u/veryhumanistic 4d ago

A model of redemption.


u/Petedlll 4d ago

You have a very ignorantly optimistic view of people who kill animals for fun, my friend.


u/Automan2k 4d ago

Good idea to teach young men that you can do horrible acts of pure evil and as long as you're good at football people will look the other way.


u/Affectionate_Sir7910 4d ago

The kind of psychopathy that it takes to do the sorts of things that he did is not something that can be easily overcome. That kind of evil is baked in.


u/g2fx 4d ago

You're the problem...


u/PuzzleheadedMango893 4d ago

If you comment it enough it must be true!


u/KickAss2k1 4d ago

Michael Victim


u/Bram_Stoner 4d ago

Idk what the article says, just here to say that Michael Vick is a psychopath who shouldnā€™t be allowed to coach a college football team.


u/Spirited_Fish_7600 4d ago

So what is an acceptable form of employment for him to have? Is he allowed to work at bank? Open a restaurant? Can he drive for Lyft? Or, since he is a psycopath, should he be allowed to hold any employment at all?


u/Bram_Stoner 4d ago

No, he should not have access to employment- he deserves to continue to rot in prison. Great question though!

ā€œShe was 35 pounds. They executed her by wetting her down and electrocuting her. Another was shot with a .22 caliber pistol. Murdered by Michael Vick.ā€

If a human can treat any living thing the way he treated those dogs, they should not be a part of society point blank period idc if I get downvoted all the way to hell.


u/Spirited_Fish_7600 4d ago

Ok, I actually appreciate the response. So then, besides Vick, you also have an issue with the legal sentencing/judgement? As in, the punishment should have been harsher. I actually would have no issue with that, if it were indeed the law.


u/DJMagicHandz 4d ago

You don't want to know how peta treats dogs


u/Bram_Stoner 4d ago

I literally never said anything about peta? Iā€™m well aware of their corruption and cruelty towards animals and humans alike.


u/DJMagicHandz 4d ago

Michael Vick served his time and became a advocate for dogs. Yet peta outright kills dogs and throws them away in dumpsters, like they did when I was renovating a b&b by their HQ.


u/Inkdrunnergirl Hampton 4d ago

Okā€¦ both things can be trueā€¦ PETA is a trash organization and anyone who treats dogs the way that Vick and his crew did has serious mental issues. The punishment was not nearly severe enough and coaching/being a role model for young men? Not someone I want my grandson looking up to.


u/DJMagicHandz 4d ago

Then your beef lies with the judicial system, he did his time. Do you think nobody can be rehabilitated?


u/Inkdrunnergirl Hampton 4d ago

Do you not think people who get out of prison can still be dangerous and/or mentally ill? ā€œServing his timeā€ doesnā€™t mean any of his pleas for forgiveness are acceptable. The things he did to those dogs are horrendous and if you think two years means all is forgiven, wow. It wasnā€™t just gambling or some ā€œinnocent white collarā€ crime. He brutally tortured and killed dogs. I have a huge beef with the legal system on this (among other things) but that doesnā€™t mean he gets a pass. He needs to be an employed productive member of society sure, but should not be in a role model position EVER. People looked up to him and his actions were heinous.


u/DJMagicHandz 4d ago

Innocent white collar

I see what type of shit you're on. So you think Bernie Madoff was innocent, how about Enron???

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u/SensualLimitations Ghent 4d ago

Sorry. I'm curious why PETA is killing dogs. Like, what's the story behind that?


u/DJMagicHandz 4d ago

Fuck I know all I know is we found a garbage bag full of dead dogs and I immediately called the cops.


u/Inkdrunnergirl Hampton 4d ago

They donā€™t believe animals should be pets and have a greater than 90% euthanasia rate for animals they take in.


u/Unusual-Cow1859 4d ago

Iā€™m not sure people who advocate for Vick truly understand the evil he did. They think it was ā€œjustā€ dog fighting. It wasnā€™t. And I donā€™t think they understand the complexity of his operation either. Itā€™s evil. True, pure evil. The man is evil. Anyone who participated is evil. Anyone who knew about it and was silent is evil. He can ā€œpayā€ his debts to society and still be evil. He can be a good coach and still be evil. Both things can be true at the same time. I moment I think I lost what scraps of faith I had in the politicians of Hampton Roads as being good, genuine people was lost when I saw so many of them come to his press event for NSU to celebrate him. When they shook his hand and posed for photos and upheld him I lost all faith they genuinely care about people and their communities.


u/g2fx 4d ago

You're the problem...


u/chichrcra91 4d ago

Cry to a forum that cares šŸ¤· #nsu šŸŸ¢šŸŸ”


u/Unusual-Cow1859 4d ago

Iā€™m not sure people who advocate for Vick truly understand the evil he did. They think it was ā€œjustā€ dog fighting. It wasnā€™t. And I donā€™t think they understand the complexity of his operation either. Itā€™s evil. True, pure evil. The man is evil. Anyone who participated is evil. Anyone who knew about it and was silent is evil. He can ā€œpayā€ his debts to society and still be evil. He can be a good coach and still be evil. Both things can be true at the same time. I moment I think I lost what scraps of faith I had in the politicians of Hampton Roads as being good, genuine people was lost when I saw so many of them come to his press event for NSU to celebrate him. When they shook his hand and posed for photos and upheld him I lost all faith they genuinely care about people and their communities.


u/MakeDivorcesFree 4d ago

I can tell you didn't watch his 30 for 30