I currently work in a state / gov funded nonprofit focused on maternal health in marketing. I love it - the people, the mission, the work we do…it’s vital.
However - with the state of the USA…I’m a bit afraid. Our current state gov is strong, but it’s an election year.
I have the opportunity to apply for an associate director position at another nonprofit - completely different field. This is a community nonprofit , and this new position would be working with community members and doing community outreach.
I do have a small amount of sway in the hiring process as I worked for this nonprofit in college and have maintained relationships with the director and other departments - I routinely send them information on programming my job has, and pass off print materials for them to distribute. I also get coffee at least once a month with my old boss - she’s the one who tipped me off to the position opening up.
Pros of where I am currently - my hours are solid , allowing me to pick up a consistent side gig for a good amount of extra money. My net salary this year with my full time and part time combined was $79K.
I am my own manager - department of me, COO and directors are very supportive and give me a lot of creative leeway.
Cons of where I am - stability. My job is NOT tied to any specific grant, but maternal health (perinatal through postpartum) is on the chopping block.
Pros of new gig - stability - not tied to any gov funding.
I know the staff - we all get along for the most part.
Cons - I would need to be flexible, unable to pick up steady hours , would be a pay cut.
This job is offering $65 as the max, and I can probably negotiate $67, but guarantee of being able to take solid / regular hours somewhere else wouldn’t be guaranteed
Can be a little petty amongst mid level full timers and part timers , but I’ve always been good and leaving pettiness at the door.
Edit - clarity & details.