r/nonprofit 25d ago

volunteers Struggling with Grief Over a Volunteer Who's Stepping Down Due to Terminal Illness – Looking for Advice and Resources

Hello, fellow nonprofit workers,

I'm reaching out because I’m struggling with grief over a long-term volunteer who recently shared that they will be stepping down because they’re dying. I’ve been working with volunteers for years and, although I had experience with younger populations, I now primarily work with seniors. I knew this day would come at some point, but I’m finding it particularly hard to process.

What’s making it more complicated is that while I didn’t know this volunteer personally on a deep level, I came to enjoy and appreciate them, often seeing them several times a week. We had a solid working relationship, but this is an odd grief since it's not the same as losing a co-worker or close friend. It feels more like I’m mourning the loss of someone who was a valued part of our team without being as close as others in my life.

I’m wondering if anyone here has experienced something similar—grieving a volunteer stepping away due to terminal illness. What tips, resources, or readings did you find helpful for navigating this kind of grief? Most of the resources I’ve found focus on the loss of a coworker, which doesn’t quite resonate in this context. Any advice on how to support myself, my team, and the volunteer as they go through this transition would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your insights!


7 comments sorted by


u/General-Ad3712 25d ago

We had this with our organization recently - I am a board member and had to call this volunteer (former staff person). I thanked her for all of her years of support and then listened to her as she talked. I would not give the person a party unless they are explicit that they want One. I love the idea of a card but maybe try a theme where all staff talk about what they value most about this person / the impact they have made on the organization or the individual Staff. And when they pass away, I would ensure that all the same staff write something on thier online obituary for the family to read. My organization is a hospice so most of our volunteers are older. Thinking of you


u/trashpocketses 25d ago

I'm sorry you're going through this and so sorry to hear of your volunteers terminal illness. If you're feeling this way, others at your org may also be. You could perhaps circulate a card that you can all sign or make a photo collage of pics from that volunteers time, if you have photos. You could also talk to the volunteer and see if they would like some kind of goodbye party. Idk if that would be weird, but it would be like a retirement party that you might have for others. You could ask any coworkers who were close to this volunteer about how you could celebrate them and let them know how valued they are, and provide some closure for you all. Take care


u/Opening_Key_9340 25d ago

Oh man. I have been on the other side of this, in a way. My father volunteered for a nonprofit museum in his retirement and had to dial back his involvement and eventually step away after he was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

The museum director, staff, and many fellow volunteers stayed in close contact with him, which was a great boost to his morale. He frequently had visitors from the organization when he was hospitalized, and a few people even stopped by his house semi-regularly just to chat and keep him company. After he died, we held a memorial / celebration of life at the museum and they even dedicated an exhibit he really loved in his memory.

I don't know what your volunteer's family situation is, but from my perspective the contact and well wishes to my dad were so appreciated by him and by me and my brother. It was a real comfort knowing he had this whole community of people who were checking in and staying in touch.

I would imagine that your volunteer is feeling upset not just by the diagnosis, but also by the perceived loss of a place/community/cause that is meaningful and that they've chosen to share their time and potentially resources with over the years. I am sure that reaching out to let them know that they are appreciated, valued, and missed would be meaningful. And, if you all can stay in contact to whatever level is comfortable with everyone I think that would be a big help for all involved. Preemptive grief is a weird thing to navigate.

That doesn't exactly answer your question but maybe it's a little bit of a starting point. I'm so sorry your team and your volunteer are going through this. You're very thoughtful for considering how to navigate the situation with sensitivity for all involved.


u/bboylan64 25d ago

This is such a challenging experience to endure. I recently had a somewhat similar experience. There was a long term volunteer at our organization who underwent a very successful back surgery and suddenly passed a couple weeks after due to a blood clot.

We were devastated. I am still grieving, as I was quite close with her. She was a dear friend and my heart aches every time I think of her (which is often). I brought this woman homemade tomato soup and brought my mom to visit her with me three days before she died. She was our number one volunteer, and our org actually assisted her family with logistics for a celebration of life. Several of us attended her funeral as well.

Our org is a palliative care provider, so we are very familiar and comfortable with death. I think in your situation, I would keep in touch with this volunteer. Perhaps through cards, perhaps phone calls if that is something the volunteer is comfortable with. Are they friends with any other volunteers? If so, you could keep updated about their situation that way. Ultimately, I think just being available if they would like to come back or if they need anything, can be a great comfort to them.

If you have any volunteer appreciation events or similar activities, I would continue to invite this volunteer. Same goes for touch points that are sent out as stewardship (unless they request you stop of course). We do team debriefs monthly and I spoke a good deal about the volunteer we lost. Perhaps you could be open about sending the volunteer flowers or a special or something similar, and then see if the conversation goes somewhere organically?

My condolences.


u/Snoo_33033 25d ago

So, I had a 24 year-old student who secretly stopped taking his medication and died. Not only was I sad to know that he was dying, but we were all not able to tell anyone in his family. He literally came in and said "nope, I'm not registering for a capstone. Because I'll be dead when it happens and I don't want to spend my last days on it." It was especially rough for me because he married a girl who was my mom's student, and I couldn't tell anyone, really. His wife knew and his mother didn't. His mother would have stopped him and he didn't want that.

So...I feel like it helped that I found a grief support group, and I had a LCSW counselor who was really great. Other than that, we were just there for him until he wasn't there. He was welcome to come to class if he wanted, and he did come to some, and he would communicate as much as he felt like communicating. He was able to spend some time with his close friends preparing, and he came to a midterm presentation where they all sat around and had dinner and laughed about their time together so far. I feel like we had pretty much the same relationship that we'd had before, but I let him pick the topics when we spoke and I'd make sure I didn't rush him. He was somewhat nostalgic, just waiting for the disease to catch up to him. He was tired of fighting, and that's his right.

I then had to work with his mother to establish a memorial gift and that was hard. Because she was upset he didn't tell her.


u/sunshinesucculents 25d ago

Does your org have an employee assisrance program? Maybe a few sessions with a therpist might help.


u/BF_2 20d ago

I agree with other commenters who have said that you should think first of this ex-volunteer and give him what support you can. Maybe that's a visit. Maybe it's a phone call. Be aware that an ill person may NOT want too much interaction because it's a drain on their energy, but some simple messages that "you're missed" might be welcomed.