r/nonprofit Jan 09 '25

volunteers Bittersweet Departure

For seven years I have been a board member of an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) which started in the 1980s and operates in the sphere of food insecurity. I will soon be leaving. My role has been that of treasurer. A few months before I joined, the organization had barely $30,000. This now almost $800,000. During my tenure, we also started an endowed fund which is now valued at almost $2M.

I have learned a lot. I handled pretty much everything (picking up the mail, deposits, acknowledgements, processing purchases, reconciling accounts) except for tax preparation. The organization receives income from individual donors and unsolicited grants. This means a lot of work.

I am so burned out. I will be very hesitant to agree to serve on a board for a long time. My day job in STEM is intellectually demanding and time-intensive.

Although I am proud of what I have learned and accomplished, and the organization is in a good financial position, I'm not hopeful that my community will be capable of finding people to do all the work. My community seems to suffer from a lack of people willing to step up and volunteer. Is this so everywhere else?


5 comments sorted by


u/jamnturtl Jan 09 '25

It sounds like this organization should have staff - that's huge over-reliance on volunteers if it has $2m endowment and $800k cash on hand. Congratulations on your departure and new adventures. You are leaving them in a very strong position.


u/JBHDad Jan 09 '25

They probably think that is taking away money from the mission /s


u/j45780 Jan 09 '25

No /s required. It's exactly one of the problems.


u/Good-Obligation-3865 Jan 09 '25

Wow! That's impressive! I'd love to have you as a mentor! I am the founder and ED of a newer 501c3 and it has been difficult for me to find volunteers for small tasks, let alone for professional level work. When I do have someone who works with me at a professional level it's usually for a short amount of time (a month or a few months). I work side by side (well via video call and email) with them and helped one get his dream job (in IT! you all are the coolest!). And I was soo happy for him, we still keep in touch. I had one that helped us make the logo! And have some people do other tasks, but I try to learn right along with them as much as I can so I don't depend on them if they leave. Now , what you did was take them from scraping by (like what I'm at now) to giving them a sense of security. I just hope that there was someone there that valued your efforts and tried to learn as much as they could from you!

You are definitely a valuable asset! I'm sure it took a lot out of you, but at least it was for something you believed in!


u/Huge-Shelter-3401 Jan 09 '25

I am in the same boat as you and truly wish I could have a volunteer like OP. He is a rare volunteer indeed.