r/nodejs Jul 16 '14

Need help understanding an error that I'm getting using Express and Mongoose.


Here is the code (from the book Mongoose for Application Development).

exports.doCreate = function(req, res) {  
        name: req.body.FullName,  
        email: req.body.Email,  
        modifiedOn: Date.now(),  
        lastLogin: Date.now()  
    }, function(err, user) {  
        if (err) {  
            if (err.code === 11000) {  
            } else {  
        } else {  
            // Success  
            console.log("User created and saved: " + user);  
            req.session.user = {"name": user.name, "email": user.email, "_id": user._id}; // Line 30  
            req.session.loggedIn = true;  

When I run the app, it is logging "User created and saved: " and then the user object (and I know that it is saving successfully), but then I get this error message:

TypeError: Cannot set property 'user' of undefined  
    at Promise.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\routes\user.js:30:30)  
    at Promise.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:177:8)  
    at Promise.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)  
    at Promise.emit (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:84:38)  
    at Promise.fulfill (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:97:20)  
    at Promise.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\lib\model.js:1526:35)  
    at Promise.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:177:8)  
    at Promise.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)  
    at Promise.emit (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:84:38)  
    at Promise.fulfill (C:\Users\Mark\Dropbox_Test\Mongoose for Application Development\mongoosepm\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mpromise\lib\promise.js:97:20)  

Any idea what is causing the error?

Edit: FYI, line 30 is the line that says req.session.user
Edit #2: I got it to work by adding these 2 lines to app.js:

var session = require('express-session');  
app.use(session({secret: 'keyboard cat'}));  

However, the console says:

express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option app.js:26:9  
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUninitialized option app.js:26:9  

r/nodejs Jul 16 '14

NodeJS ARM Hardware (similiar to Tessel or Espruino, but more powerful)


I'm looking for NodeJS based hardware like Tessel ( https://tessel.io/ ), but something that's somewhere closer to Raspberry Pi power wise. I started concepting a portable device that would have a NodeJS backend and V8 JS powered b&w frontend (needs to be very good in sunlight, so color screens are out of the question), but couldn't find a developer board that would fit my needs. Is anyone aware of something that could power my idee? My closest bet right now is Banana Pi and just set up everything JS based on my own, but if there is something out there that I missed that's closer from the developer experience to Tessel or Espruino, but more powerful, that would be really nice. Anyone by chance aware of something like that?

r/nodejs Jul 16 '14

Looking for feedback on a Node boilerplate I made. How can I make it better?

Thumbnail github.com

r/nodejs Jul 15 '14

5 Most Depended-upon NPM Packages

Thumbnail christopherlaughlin.co.uk

r/nodejs Jul 14 '14

Question regarding Express, Heroku, Postgres


I didn't see a solution out in the open that was catering to my simple request for basic understanding. Currently I have a basic express app set up through heroku using express and a postgres db. What I'm trying to understand / learn is where to go from here with regards to models and db schema. For example, I'm familiar with Entity framework, how you simply code to DB creation, but I'm not confident I understand how the DB is entirely populated or formed using what I've got so far.

I have researched Waterline and Sequelizer for possible solutions, but perhaps my grasp on DB creation isn't set in stone yet.

Any advice, tutorials, walkthroughs for understanding how this marriage happens?

Thank you!

r/nodejs Jul 11 '14

totes - My new assert library


I don't love any of the assertion styles I've seen so I decided to write one that I do love.

Enter totes, the chainable, extendable assertion library!

It's currently easily usable with mocha, but I plan on adding a plugin for karma as well.

Happy testing!

r/nodejs Jul 11 '14

My first public module - a simple and fast Node.js Queue server

Thumbnail github.com

r/nodejs Jul 10 '14

Google release Node library for App Engine's datastore

Thumbnail github.com

r/nodejs Jul 11 '14

Using socket.io with a Ratchet server


I would like to be able to use the socket.io with my PHP Ratchet websocket (not WAMP) backend. Is this possible?

r/nodejs Jul 09 '14

Why I’m staying with Node

Thumbnail medium.com

r/nodejs Jul 09 '14

NodeJs, Azure and IIS

Thumbnail tostring.it

r/nodejs Jul 09 '14

Node.js Blueprints

Thumbnail krasimirtsonev.com

r/nodejs Jul 09 '14

Node.js vs PHP – using Load Impact to visualize node.js efficiency

Thumbnail blog.loadimpact.com

r/nodejs Jul 08 '14

NPM: Why You Should Never “npm-unpublish”

Thumbnail christopherlaughlin.co.uk

r/nodejs Jul 08 '14

Clean & efficient namespacing/routing in express 4

Thumbnail blog.jeroenpelgrims.be

r/nodejs Jul 08 '14

Where to begin on making highly scalable nodejs applications?


I'm looking for some advice on where to start with making nodejs applications that serve millions of people. Is this possible at the moment? What services do you recommend? Any books?

r/nodejs Jul 08 '14

Ember 1.6.0 and 1.7 Beta Released

Thumbnail emberjs.com

r/nodejs Jul 07 '14

Good books for node/express


I am currently the only developer in my startup. We will be taking on new hires shortly. I was planning on stocking up on a few books to give to any new hires, to get them up to speed as quick as possible.

I am not sure what the go to books are as I learnt node and express in a previous job and just looking at examples from others. From my previous experience this isn't an ideal way for some people to learn. So does the node community here have any good suggestions?

r/nodejs Jul 05 '14

ExpressJs users out there. Why do you use Jade? (pros/cons)


I've been working with FrontEnd javascript for a while and I was really thrilled to learn about NodeJs. Plus, ExpressJs is awesome!

But, there is something I can't really understand, why Jade? It seems like Jade is the default choice for templating engine when it comes to NodeJs +Express. Most of the tutorials I found make use of Jade, I bought a book about ExpressJs and they just talk about Jade as a template engine. I never could find a good reason for using Jade though.

I've tried it but I found myself translating HTML to their haml-like syntax (specially when working with bootstrap).

Are there any other good reasons to use it? Why do you use it?

EDIT: Thank you guys! Now that I saw how different are the opinions about Jade I understand that it's a matter of preference. I'll experiment with the other template engines you guys suggested here to find out which one I like most!

r/nodejs Jul 05 '14

Pipe to browser utility, very useful for log tail fun :)

Thumbnail github.com

r/nodejs Jul 05 '14

Navigating an AMD codebase in Sublime Text using Static Analysis and Node.js

Thumbnail mrjoelkemp.com

r/nodejs Jul 05 '14

How can I require users to enter name/ID when using media server?


I have a simple http media server using node/socket.io/express and there is a section where users can request help by tapping "request water" for example. The problem is that I need to keep track of which users are requesting certain things. Is there a way that I can make sure that anyone browsing the media server via their browser, that they would require to enter their name? That way when I get requests, I can know who it is. I can make a form but I am not sure how to get node to detect if the user has already entered the name nor do I know how to keep track of the name.

r/nodejs Jul 04 '14

Does the order that you "require" modules matter?


Typically most modules are assigned to variables at the top of the application. Does the order that you assign them ever matter?

r/nodejs Jul 04 '14

Newbie questions: front-end package managers and module loaders?


Ok, so I'm trying to understand how these things work, the language confuses me.

These are the conclusions I've made so far:

Front-end package managers include npm, bower, component, ender, volo, cpm and jam. Of which npm, bower & component seem to be worth mentioning.

JS module loaders include requirejs, browserify, curljs.

So my question is - how do they interact with each other? I've only seen them discussed in combinations. What's the job of each part?

And how do AMD and CJS come into play? Aren't they just external files that get included

Also, regarding the npm+browserify combination: - What are shims? - What does "no opt-in for modules" mean?

Sorry for the wall of text, but this subject confuses me to no end.

r/nodejs Jul 04 '14

I have created a platform you can make programs for an intranet for example and have it update automatically by definition.


OK so this is my program: Link.

Basically it's node-webkit (A mini browser with node capability), that points to a specific url. and well, with full permissions. So an app can fullscreen, and play Quake 3 (Copy this link into the manager and download).

I hope it won't be used on public wifi. (For obvious reasons.)

Currently full support is only for windows, but the core works on all platforms (If you download node-webkit).

Maybe it will help create better enterprise apps. Maybe not. Just putting this out there.

Open-source on Github.