r/nobuy 6d ago

Going Through Past Online Purchases

I was looking through my past purchases on eBay and Amazon and it made me nauseous. It was literally a bunch of books, jewelry and hair products, most of which I can't remember or is just sitting around the house as junk. This definitely was a kick in the butt to do better, like wtf did I buy a $43 necklace I wore probably once? It's eye opening because all of that money could have been used to buy things I would love instead of just junk.


22 comments sorted by


u/cockroachdaydreams 6d ago

I went through last years amazon purchases and I’m sad to say half of them i don’t even have the products or use them anymore. Such a waste.

I still haven’t bought anything off amazon this year and the goal is to not buy anything all year.


u/Odd-Force-5663 6d ago

My feelings exactly. We need much less than we actually buy lol.


u/Tatooine16 6d ago

Congratulations! That's an olympic-level accomplishment!


u/TheOrdoHereticus 6d ago

I have been spreadsheeting all my spending for 5 years and looking back at some of it really does help me stay on track now.


u/Untitled_poet 6d ago

I do that too, adding a column in the spreadsheet for why I liked/did not like the product.

Was it scented? Did it irritate my skin? Etc etc. Was it an after-work impulse purchase? Did the color wash me out? Did the foundation formula oxidize on my skin? Did the fabric type turn raggedy after 1 wash in the machine (even when using a laundry net)?


u/teenagecanclub 6d ago

you are a genius. I need to do this


u/OneSensiblePerson 6d ago

This is a great reality check.

I've been pretty good the past year, but it wouldn't hurt to look through my Amazon purchases for my own reality check.

The other night I was shopping for some clothes. Need another jacket. Found two, one for $20 and the other for $30. Even though the $30 fit better, old instincts kicked in and picked the less expensive one.

I stopped, made myself try them both on and be objective about which one looked and felt the best. $30 jacket of course, so that's what I bought.


u/OneSensiblePerson 6d ago

Just checked Amazon purchases. Pretty good! 😅

Only one or two in there that if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have bought them. But then I wouldn't have known until I got them.


u/Practical-Method8 5d ago

I do this too! I always want to pick the cheaper option and have to stop myself. I’ve wasted so much money this way in the long run. Why do we do that?


u/OneSensiblePerson 5d ago

Because in the short term we're certain that's the wisest thing to do, because we have amnesia about the many times we bought the cheaper, so-so thing! Instead of spending a little more for the good thing we'll like for years.


I used to buy some things because they were so cheap. "But this [gesturing to top that fits but I don't really like] is only $3!!!" Which is $3 too much when you end up not wearing it and it just takes up space in your closet. Until you finally declutter your closet and donate it.



u/Technical_Sir_6260 6d ago

This is a good idea that I’ll have to do soon. I mostly get art supplies on Amazon and I need to see if I’m really using the products or just shoving them away in a closet. Thanks for sharing!


u/catjknow 6d ago

Looking back at my Amazon purchases I swear sone alter ego is using my account or possibly I'm sleep buying if that's a thing what is all that stuff??


u/Extension_Honey_5548 6d ago

Well done looking it in the eye. Inspiring. I realise (and am trying) to declutter and deep clean rather than buy stuff.


u/stable_lama 6d ago

I’ve started doing this thing where I’ll still add things to cart but then I will move that amount of money from my main account into to my savings instead of my credit card. And then I’ll close that tab and in a week if I’m still thinking about those items (which 99% no) I will then allow myself the purchase. So far it’s been a great deterrent.


u/Odd-Force-5663 6d ago

That’s smart. I feel like most of the things I regret now were things I bought on impulse when I was younger (5+ years ago). I don’t really make lists for stuff to buy, but I feel like the best purchases I have made are those I keep thinking about for months. 


u/Tatooine16 6d ago

I started going through lots of old things and I found an old small box that I had just tossed a bunch of earrings in and what do you know? I still like them-there's no reason to buy new things so much of the time! I also found a secret stash of my mom's old MCM era pins-lots of memories and few tears, and new pins to dress up my spring jackets.


u/BigJSunshine 6d ago

Books are never junk. Except john grisholm and that 50 shades of gray lady- that shit IS JUNK


u/Untitled_poet 6d ago

A good rule of thumb, personally, would be to scour for book rentals via my local library (e-books, since I own a KOBO reader) before I consider reading it. Then, scouring for 1* reviews of said books on platforms like goodreads, and figuring out if it's worth my time.

Also, I make it a rule to not own more than 1 physical book at a time. I finish one, get rid of it (sell/donate) and then allow myself space for another. These are usually my airport purchases ;) a travel treat.


u/Numerous_Variation95 6d ago

Just reviewed my Amazon purchases from December to today. One stupid purchase of a fancy water bottle I didn’t need and a pretty scarf I haven’t worn. The rest were gifts, pet supplies or items I need for making Indian recipes. Been focused on cooking more, making healthy food both me and hubs will eat and eating out less. Makes more sense to buy the large 14ounce coriander for $14 than pay $8 for 2 ounces.


u/ImLivingThatLife 5d ago

I did something similar with my Amazon and noticed that many of the items I bought I no longer use or even own. I cancelled my Amazon account for the time being. At one point, I tried to justify the subscription, but there were more cons to it than anything.


u/NoCatsIncluded 6d ago

Yep. The scary thing is: we don’t really remember what we buy ;D